The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 285: Great changes in mentality (1)


Bai Suxin's story is, to be honest, a relatively clichéd story. WWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.COmIn the Murong Dynasty, this kind of thing happened almost every day.

About six years ago, Bai Suxin's family moved to Lingrang Village at the foot of the mountain for some reasons. The Bai family is in business, so their family is quite wealthy. After arriving in the village, they started a lot of construction work and built a manor that was the envy of everyone in the village.

Bai Suxin was only five years old at that time. In that year, Bai Suxin's mother became pregnant with Bai Luojun. The Bai family, who were so happy at that time, even set up a flowing banquet and invited the whole village to celebrate together. At that time, the Bai family conquered everyone in the village with his wealth and humility.

At first, everyone got along very harmoniously, but disaster soon occurred.

When Bai Luojun was about to be born, his father was killed by bandits while doing business in another place. Shortly after he was born, his mother died of postpartum weakness. For a time, only two old people, a six-year-old girl and a newborn baby were left in the prosperous Bai family.

It was also at that time that rumors spread in the village that Bai Luojun was a disaster star sent from heaven. However, due to the power and power of the Bai family, they were all discussed in private. Although the Bai family is engaged in business, they are a scholarly family. Neither of the two old men believe in such superstitious words. Fortunately, the Bai family has a lot of savings, which is enough for the family's expenses. In this way, the two elders pulled the two children together and grew up.

When Bai Luojun was three years old, his grandfather left Hexi because of old age and illness. In the same year, his sister-in-law also lost her footing and fell into the river and drowned.

As a result, rumors spread that Bai Luojun was a disaster star sent from heaven. People in the village asked the Bai family to leave Lingrang Village. But firstly, the Bai family bought a lot of real estate in the village, and secondly, there was nothing happening in other villages. So this matter was suppressed with the intervention of the village chief and the old lady of the Bai family. Because of this incident, the Bai family also gave a lot of "shock money" to every household in the village.

In fact, it would have been a good thing if Mrs. Bai was willing to leave the village at that time. Because in the spring of this year, she finally couldn't hold on after running this family for a long time, so she resigned.

By this time, there was finally no one in the Bai family who could take charge of the family. Those servants also robbed a lot of treasures and dispersed in a hurry. At this time, Bai Suxin was only eleven years old and Bai Luojun was only five years old.

It happened that some children in the village had an accident when they went up the mountain to touch birds and broke their legs. The long-suppressed fears and nightmares in the village's heart finally burst out, and they actually gathered to bully the two poor children. Later, I don't know who spoke, but actually wanted to burn the two "evildoers" to death, otherwise the village would never have peace.

Poor Bai Suxin and Bai Luojun not only had their families destroyed, but they were also burned alive. At that time, they were put in the middle of the firewood and cried and begged each other. There were no pity faces, only disgusted and ferocious faces, shouting to burn them to death.

"...Later, the village chief grandpa came forward and said that it would be okay to drive us out. Only then did we, brother and sister, save our lives. Because there were mountains nearby, we didn't know what to do at all. So I went to this ruined temple and stayed there until now." Bai Suxin wiped her tears and finished the story while choking.

Bai Luojun had already cried loudly at this moment. Rourou looked distressed and held him in her arms.

Tears filled the eyes of the women, and their voices were choked with sobs.

Xiao Yueye did not ignore the unforgettable hatred in Bai Suxin's eyes when she told her story. An eleven-year-old girl suffered a big change and was almost burned to death. I'm afraid the hatred and murderous intention in her heart will never be reduced in the future.

The one who had the same idea as him was Yansha. To be honest, the experiences of Yansha and Bai Suxin are somewhat similar, and she understands Bai Suxin's psychological changes quite well. Because of this empathy, she gently hugged the sobbing Bai Suxin.

Bai Suxin has been hiding around the ruined temple for more than half a year, hiding every day for fear of being discovered. As an eleven-year-old girl, how could she not be afraid and not want to cry? But she had to take care of her five-year-old brother, so she forced herself to be strong. A lady from a wealthy family forced herself to learn to survive, forced herself to learn to find food in the woods, and forced herself to accept everything she was poor and sloppy about now.

However, no matter how strong she is, she is only eleven years old. So when Yansha hugged her, the little girl couldn't suppress it anymore and burst into tears.

"These villagers have gone too far!" Yin Caiju said bitterly while sobbing.

Updated, faster, all text reading allows you to understand at a glance and enjoy reading at the same time! Xiao Yueye sighed softly. In this matter, can we say that the villagers went too far? Maybe in their eyes, it's natural for them to do this. Ancient people were superstitious and were very taboo about things involving gods and ghosts. What happened to the Bai family was too coincidental and tragic. It was naturally a very strange situation for the villagers who had always lived at the foot of this mountain. People are always afraid of unknown things. Maybe some villagers can care less, but they cannot care less about their family, relatives and friends. When suspicion and fear arise in the heart, it becomes a trigger for the child to break his leg by touching a bird.

However, no matter how scared he is, burning two children to death for one reason is really incomprehensible.

For the first time, Xiao Yueyue realized her powerlessness. He has always felt that he has followed the Romans and has completely adapted to this world. But at this time, he found that he didn't. He couldn't understand this kind of feudal superstitious thought; he also couldn't understand this kind of act of burning someone to death while claiming justice.

But unfortunately, he didn't know how to describe his mood. After all, did these villagers do anything wrong? Are they the real murderers

Xiao Yueye knew that in many places, "orthodox" customs had lasted for thousands of years. These behaviors were legitimate and taken for granted.

What is wrong is not these ordinary villagers, but the customs passed down for thousands of years.

In modern society, after such a long period of reforms and revolutions, feudal superstitions are still deeply rooted. In some remote places, those bad customs already exist as a matter of course.

The story of the Bai Suxin siblings will not be the first, nor will it be the last. If the only thing they were lucky about was that the village chief was kind and spared their lives.

"Xiao Lang, what are you thinking about?" Xiao Yueye's uncertain face under the firelight aroused Murong Yufeng's curiosity.

"Oh, it's nothing." Xiao Yueye said lightly.

He glanced at the two siblings who had been comforted and gave up crying. Bai Luojun was probably tired and fell asleep in Rourou's arms. Rourou changed her position to make the little guy sleep more comfortably, and moved closer to the fire.

Looking at Bai Suxin who had calmed down, Xiao Yueye's heart moved and she asked, "Do you hate those villagers?"

"Hate!" After a slight hesitation, Bai Suxin said decisively, even gritting her teeth. Although the murderous intent revealed in her mouth was not worth showing off in front of Xiao Yueye and the others, the murderous intent at such a young age still made several people tremble: "Of course I hate it! They were there not long after grandma died." God, they bullied us. In the past, when the harvest in the village was bad, our family helped them, but what did they do to us? My home was occupied and all my belongings were taken away by these people. How could I not hate them? "

The more she spoke, the more excited she became. Under the firelight, her face turned a little ferocious. Xiao Yueye had no doubt that if she had the ability in the future, she would kill the villagers without mercy.

Xiao Yueye is not a kind-hearted person. Whatever you sow, you will reap the fruits. Although these villagers are afraid of the "disaster star", who dares to say that they have no idea of occupying other people's property

After all, the Bai family has bought nearly 30% of the real estate in the village over the years. The Bai family's wealth may have been seen by others for a long time.

Xiao Yueye thought for a while and said nothing. He winked at Yansha, who knocked Bai Suxin unconscious with a knife, and then carefully placed her on the ground.

"What do you think?" Xiao Yueye asked calmly.

"Of course I will help Su Xin and the others take back their house, and then teach the villagers a lesson!" Yin Caiju pouted and said first. She has a simple temperament and the same sense of right and wrong.

Xiao Yueye nodded, said nothing, and turned to look at Yansha who had an indifferent expression. The latter looked at Bai Suxin, who was still frowning while sleeping, and suddenly smiled at Xiao Yueye, a little cold, but with a hint of excitement: "I want to accept her as my disciple."


Xiao Yueye was not surprised. He had had such a feeling in his heart since Yansha's intimate attitude towards Bai Suxin. Yansha was raped back then, and the people in the village wanted to burn her to death, so they forced her to commit suicide by drowning herself in the river. Seeing Bai Suxin's experience, I may have a sense of being connected with each other. In addition, Yan Sha has been living in seclusion in recent years, and her skills have no one to follow her, which makes her sigh every time.

"My kung fu needs someone with hatred in his heart to pass it on. She is just right for it." Yansha said briefly, but the light in her eyes already showed her determination.

Murong Yufeng frowned: "If she learns her sister's skills, I'm afraid none of the villagers in this village will survive."

"That's what they deserve. Who told them to bully others?" Yin Caiju didn't feel anything was wrong. She pouted and shouted, her words full of anger towards the villagers.

She grew up in the mountains, and later followed Xiao Yueye and his group. Although he is older, he is still as simple as an ordinary child in terms of human relations and sophistication. There is only good and bad, nothing else.

Yan Sha curled her lips, although she knew Yin Caiju's view was wrong. But because of her childhood experience, she had the misconception that Bai Suxin was her own, and she had no good impression of those villagers at all.

Perhaps in her opinion, death would be an advantage for them.

Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly and shook her head. He looked at Rou Rou, who gave Xiao Yue Ye a sweet smile and said softly: "Su Xin is still young, and she only talks about things from her own side, and many of her words are conjectures based on her own resentment. . It is unfair for us to judge this. Besides, those villagers are guilty, but they are not afraid of harming themselves, so they take drastic measures and do not hesitate to hurt others. This kind of thing happens all over the country. visible."

She sighed softly, with indescribable depression and sigh in her tone. She was born with a kind heart, but when she saw this kind of thing, her heart became entangled, and she felt indescribably sad and uncomfortable.

Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment: "Well, let's go to that village tomorrow and buy some food, drink, clothes, etc. Sister Rourou and Yufeng go with me, Yan'er, you and Cai Ju is here to take care of them.”

His arrangement is very reasonable. Yansha and Yin Caiju don't have a good temper towards those villagers. If they go together, forget about it and find out nothing, they might beat them!

The girls nodded, it was getting late, Xiao Yueye licked some firewood, everyone found a place and fell asleep.

At midnight, the rain stopped. The bonfire in the temple burned smaller and smaller. The weather turned cold in the middle of the night, and everyone shrank involuntarily.

At this time, Rourou slowly stood up and added some firewood to the fire, which made a crackling sound. After a while, the fire became strong again. Feeling the warmth, several people around him stretched out their bodies, and their expressions became much more relaxed.

Rourou sighed softly and covered Yin Caiju, Bai Suxin and her brother with a few robes still hanging on the shelf. She glanced at the Bai Suxin siblings with a complicated expression, then sighed softly, stood up and walked towards the door.

Outside, the moon had already revealed half of its face, and the woods that originally seemed a bit gloomy were now covered in a layer of silver light, which was really beautiful. Rourou stood in the middle of the grass, looking up at the bright moon, her brows always furrowed, as if she was thinking about something.

The gentle breeze blew through the knee-length weeds around Rourou, lifting up the soft and elegant long leaves. Under the moonlight, she was dressed in white clothes, with long flowing and soft hair, letting the silver light fall on her body.

If anyone sees it, they must think that the Fairy in the Moon has descended to earth.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Yueye's cool voice sounded, and she hugged Rourou gently.

Rourou leaned into his arms: "Did I wake you up?"

Xiao Yueye smiled and shook her head: "I couldn't sleep in the first place. Why did you come out to stay? Could it be that the chirping of the birds in the woods disturbed you?"

Xiao Yueye was just joking. They grew up in Baihualou, and there was no day when they went to bed without being accompanied by noise. Among other things, he has the ability to sleep in a noisy environment. Birdsong occasionally sounds in this forest, so how could it wake up Rourou

"People have misfortunes and good fortunes, and the moon waxes and wanes." Rourou sighed softly, opened her mouth quietly, and looked at the half-moon in the sky from a distance.

After being married for many years, Xiao Yueye still doesn’t know why Rourou is acting like this? He hugged Rourou tightly and asked close to her ear: "Are you thinking about those siblings?"

"Yes." Rourou was not surprised: "I have been thinking, why did they fall to this situation? If it weren't for the village chief's momentary intolerance, I'm afraid the siblings would have been dead long ago, right? Just because of that speculation "Can they be so indifferent to human life?" (Quanben Novel Network