The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 286: Great changes in mentality (2)


"People are like this. WWw、QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO、CoM" Xiao Yueye smiled faintly, a little coldly: "When they can't understand some things, they like to call them ghosts and gods. In this way, they can feel at ease in their hearts. A little bit. The idea of a disaster star has been around for a long time and has a strong hold on the minds of these ignorant villagers. They may not believe that Bai Luojun will be a disaster star, but the tragic situation of the Bai family makes them afraid. The child at home broke his leg, forcing them to believe that Bai Luojun was the disaster star. At this time, the idea of protecting themselves and their loved ones took over. As long as they were fine, there was no harm in burning others. But burning people to death? They always want to be famous, so they spread the rumors about the disaster star. In this way, they can comfort themselves. I am not burning people, but the disaster star. I am doing this to protect other people in the village. Rouge, this is a kind of human nature.”

"But if we were those villagers, I wouldn't do this." Rourou asked back: "Don't you remember our Erya from Hui County? Others said that she would defeat her father and marry her, and she would definitely die. At that time, too You said you wanted to burn her to death, but you and Su Jing stopped her. Now Erya is married and has four fat boys! Why do these villagers believe these nonsense and then harm innocent lives? "

Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly. How could he not remember those things? But how was he going to explain it to Rourou? He doesn't believe these nonsense, because he is a modern person educated in atheism, and his mother in this life, Mrs. Xiao, basically scorns such things. The people around Xiao Yueye such as Rourou have been influenced by him all year round, so they don't care much about these things.

But other people are different!

The ancients had always been very taboo about this kind of theory about gods and ghosts, and they believed it very closely. Because they were in such a big environment, things that had been passed down for thousands of years, even if they were false, slowly became true. Especially for many elderly people, they have been firm in these things since they were young, and they will strictly maintain these things when they grow up. In this way, it was passed down from generation to generation, slowly.

Just like the Earth-centered theory before, it has been passed down for hundreds of years and everyone believes it is right. If you say it's wrong, you'll only get burned.

"Sister Rourou, think about it, mother-in-law, don't you also believe in this kind of ghosts and gods? Putting aside this aspect, after the villagers have become afraid of the tragic situation of the Bai family in the past few years, they cannot rely on the people around them. The danger of death comes to protect the Bai siblings. Their behavior may be selfish or foolish, but to a certain extent, no one can blame them."

Rourou's body trembled, and her eyes became a little confused: "Yes, if this happened around us, maybe my mother would do the same thing. But sir, is there really no way to change this situation? Yet?"

Xiao Yueye was about to say no, but suddenly her heart moved and her brows knitted tightly. Rourou's words opened a skylight in his heart. Although it was small, it made Xiao Yueye think of more.

Seemingly not noticing Xiao Yueye's deep thoughts, Rourou had already said in a low voice: "The Bai family siblings are lucky enough to have been met by us. But there are so many similar things in this world? How much can we help? Besides, We can help the Bai family for a while, but can we help them for a lifetime? As long as they are here, the village will always believe that Bai Luojun is a disaster from heaven. "

These words, which were almost murmured to himself, touched Xiao Yueye even more.

This moment seemed like just a moment from the outside, but millions of years flashed through Xiao Yueye's mind. His previous life, the death of his grandmother, begging for food on the streets, living as a gangster, reincarnation, and great achievements, all these scenes appeared in his mind in a fast-forward manner.

Haven't I always been thinking about why I came to this world

What did I do after I came to this world

Do you think that if you live a good life, you will forget about your previous hardships

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but have you ever thought about this

Questions like lightning flashed through Xiao Yueye's mind, stirring up waves in his supposedly calm heart.

"Master, Master, what are you thinking about?" Rourou asked doubtfully.

Xiao Yueye breathed a sigh of relief. In just this moment, his mentality changed subtly. It may seem small, but a seed has already been planted.

Xiao Yueye's eyes lit up, she hugged Rourou tightly and kissed her fiercely.

Rourou blushed, but luckily she couldn't see it at night: "Master, what are you doing?"

"Sister Rourou, I'm so lucky to be able to marry you."

Rourou was a little confused, but she instinctively felt that Xiao Yueye seemed to have changed a little, but she couldn't tell what had changed. She touched Xiao Yueye's face, filled with doubts, and shook her head.

Xiao Yueye thought that he was not a good person. There was much more blood on his hands than those of the villagers. So he never thought of himself as a good person, and he never thought of doing anything good. All this time, although he has integrated into the world, he has no deep understanding of his identity.

He is now extremely wealthy and powerful, but in his heart, he still thinks that he is just a little gangster. He has not changed his mentality. Although this is a good thing, at least he will not bully others. But this is also a bad thing. He does not have the mood and mentality that his current status should have.

But what Rourou said today was like a thunderbolt, shocking him.

He is not compassionate, but he has innate sympathy for the poor. Because he also lived through those years, he can understand the happiness and sadness of living at the bottom better than anyone else.

Seeing Xiao Yueye walking along the way, although there were many lives on his hands, he did not harm the ordinary people at all.

But at the same time, he didn't do anything good to help others.

His mentality has always been to treat himself as an ordinary person. This mentality is not bad, but the problem is that he is not an ordinary person at all.

With great power comes great responsibility. Xiao Yueye had power that was difficult for others to match, but he never cared about his responsibilities.

Yes, he never thinks that he is a good person, let alone do any good deeds.

But today Rourou's simple words woke him up. If you have so much power, why can't you help others

Although I am not like the protagonists in other novels, I know everything and can do everything. But one's own power and wealth can also do many useful things.

Why have I never thought of doing these things

Is it indifference or indifference

If you are successful, you can help the world; if you are poor, you can only take care of yourself. Xiao Yueye's mentality has always been stuck in the latter, or in between. But tonight, as he thought deeply, he discovered that he could reach the former state.

Not to be a bad person, but why not do something good? Using your own strength to help others, is that what you call a bad person

As long as you are not seeking fame or gain, why should you care about anything else

No matter how you say it, no matter how much you deny it, you already have deep feelings for this world. Besides, he is still a prince. It is the heaven in the mouth of many people.

With such an identity, but only caring about himself, what is the difference between this and the people he despises in daily life

In the previous life, had I hoped to make money to help the poor, had it disappeared in my wealthy mentality

Her fists clenched involuntarily, Xiao Yueye said in a low voice with a firm smile: "I have decided."

"Master, what have you decided?" Rourou couldn't help but feel curious when she saw the change in Xiao Yueye's expression.

Xiao Yueye lowered her head and showed a bright smile: "Sister Rourou, weren't you always curious about why those villagers did this?"

Rourou nodded.

"That's because, in their minds, this approach is correct and taken for granted. If you think about it, these villagers live in a small place on weekdays. Being closed and ignorant, it is easy to cause this kind of Ideological conservatism and paranoia. It is as difficult as going to the sky to struggle with this kind of thinking.

"But you thought of a way, right?" Rourou smiled. After being married for many years, how could she not understand what Xiao Yueye was thinking.

After kissing Rourou again, Xiao Yueye said firmly: "Yes, I thought of a way."

"any solution?"



Seeing Rourou's confused expression, Xiao Yueye nodded. If you want to change people's thinking, using thunderous means can only have a temporary effect. If you want real change, you can only use subtle methods. Learning can broaden a person's horizons and can use the effect of spring breeze and rain to change people's ideas little by little. Only when a person learns more can he learn to truly think and generate his own ideas on many issues.

Didn’t the countries in previous generations also use this method

Although those backward ideas in the country still exist, after the national literacy program, the level of thinking of the Chinese people has improved a lot.

At least this kind of contempt for human life has been suppressed to a great extent.

There was no explanation to Rourou, because there was no need for explanation. The smart Rourou, after thinking for a moment, had already thought of the feasibility of Xiao Yueye's method and its future development.

Maybe it can't change in three to five years, but what about thirty or fifty years

It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. When Xiao Yueye prepares to plant a tree, future generations will always have the opportunity to enjoy the shade.

"Master, what are your plans?" Rourou's eyes lit up and she became excited.

Xiao Yueye smiled: "We will discuss this matter after we return to Beijing. What we have at hand is to deal with the matter of the siblings. Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early."

The two of them didn't appear. The dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and the white light of the world fell down.

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Today's two chapters, although very dull. But Bu Nu wants to treat it as a milestone chapter.

Because from this moment on, Xiao Yueye's mentality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, Xiao Yueye was a little gangster struggling for life in his previous life. In this life, he has become more and more powerful and powerful.

But looking at Xiao Yueye's journey, it is not difficult to see that he has been fighting for himself and his family and friends.

This kind of behavior is normal and can also be said to be selfish. But no one can say what he did was wrong.

This is human nature.

However, Mr. Jin Yong once said that a great chivalrous person serves the country and the people.

Although Xiao Yueye is destined not to reach this state, it does not mean that he himself will not improve his mentality and state.

When Xiao Yueye had too much, when he transformed from a small person to one who could control the world, he would no longer think about problems as before. He couldn't just eat and drink every day and then kill two people to live like this.

Because he is not a pure playboy. The ups and downs of his life determined that he was a person on the side of the poor. So when he is slowly maturing, not only his age, but also his thinking, he is also slowly transforming.

Accumulated over time, this transformation may not be shown in normal times, but it has already planted seeds in his heart.

Today's two chapters are about awakening the seeds in Xiao Yueye's heart through Rourou's occasional confusion, and thus sprouting. From today on, he is no longer the Xiao Yueye who only uses his power and wealth to kill, eat and drink. He will use his own power to do something for the people of the world.

Not for fame or profit, just to help our compatriots when we are able.

I don’t know if readers will like this change, but I can tell you that this is something I have thought about a long time ago. Xiao Yueye is still the same Xiao Yueye. He will not become a compassionate and good person, nor will he have the ambition to govern the world. He can do good things and still kill people.

I used to read a lot of novels in Bu Nu. After many small people struggled to the top, they would only find women to sleep with every day, or else they would show off their bastard spirit, destroy this one, kill that one, and show that they were awesome. But in fact, I personally despise it. When you reach a certain level, what you think and do may be different.

A nouveau riche will use his money and status to show that he is awesome. He can spit in your face, and he can hold a beautiful woman in his car and do things that make you bleed, but he can't stop others. disdain.

Xiao Yueye's change was, on a certain level, a transformation from a nouveau riche to a cultivated person. It will be an asset to him.

Bu Ang hopes that I can have this kind of wealth some time in the future.

I talked nonsense for a while, drank some horse urine, and thought about something. I hope everyone will like it.

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