The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 289: The village chief's illness


Xiao Yueye's heart moved: "Aunt 6, the village chief is sick?"

"Yeah, it's been more than half a year, and I've taken the medicine, but I just can't get better." Mother Lu's eyes turned red.

"Why don't you let me take a look? I'm a doctor." Xiao Yueye said.

Lu's mother looked at Xiao Yueye in surprise, her eyes full of suspicion: "Are you a doctor?"

No wonder she was suspicious, even though Lu’s mother had spent her whole life in this village. But her husband, who used to be a doctor, came back because something happened outside. She has followed her husband for so many years and knows a little bit about the situation outside. An ordinary doctor needs at least ten years of apprenticeship, ten years of medicine knowledge, and ten years of observation. By the time he can actually sit in court, he will be around forty at least. But judging from Xiao Yueye's appearance, he was only twenty at most. How could he be a real doctor

Xiao Yueye couldn't see the doubt in Lu's mother's eyes, and smiled lightly: "Aunt Lu, sometimes age does not mean ability. Moreover, my wife is the real doctor, and my medical skills are not as good as hers!"

Xiao Yueye pushed Rourou out. Although Aunt Lu had a very good impression of Rourou, her identity as a woman only added to Lu's mother's distrust. Is there any girl in this world who is a doctor

Rourou didn't say much, just smiled lightly. If the patient does not trust the doctor, no matter how simple the disease is, it may not be possible to cure it. She knew this truth well.

Seeing that Lu's mother was doubtful, the sister-in-law of the Lu family next to her was very free and easy, or in a big way. She poked her mother and said harshly: "Sister-in-law, why don't you just let others see it? Why, are you afraid that others will harm our eldest brother? What are they trying to do?"

Yes, they don't accept any gifts from you, but they take the initiative to help you see patients. What are you afraid of

Moreover, looking at the words and deeds of Xiao Yueye and the others, they don't look like the kind of people who talk nonsense. He comes from a rich and noble family, so he might have some family background! Don’t the old men often say that there are many disciples of famous doctors outside, and they are all very young

After running this thought through her mind, Mother Lu also turned around. The wrinkled face on her face squeezed out a smile, and she stood up hurriedly, bowing slightly: "Then I'll trouble Mr. Xiao and Madam. Come, my old man is lying in the main room."

As soon as you enter the main room, you are greeted by the smell of Chinese herbal medicine. Xiao Yueye was stunned for a moment, then felt relieved. It turned out that what appeared in front of him was not an ordinary room with a table of eight immortals or something like that, but a complete medicine cabinet. After glancing at it, I saw that the names of the medicinal materials on the cabinet were well written. But Xiao Yueye could tell from the smell that most of the herbs in this house were commonly used. I'm afraid, many drawers are empty.

The sister-in-law of the Lu family said the answer directly: "Mr. Xiao, don't look at what my eldest brother is doing here. In fact, half of the cabinets are empty. For more than half a year, my eldest brother has been lying in bed and cannot go to the ground. The eldest nephew, Lu Jian, is busy and doesn’t have much time to go to the mountains to replenish medicinal materials, so the cabinet is probably almost empty now. "

Mother Lu glared at the sister-in-law of the Lu family who didn't cover her mouth. The latter didn't care at all, which made the former sigh. Xiao Yueye nodded casually and followed Mother Lu towards the back room.

Inside, Lu Jian's wife was taking care of her father-in-law and mending clothes. Seeing Xiao Yueye and his entourage coming in, he hurriedly stood up and saluted.

The person lying on the bed is the head of the six families, the head of Lingrang Village. He had been ill for a long time and was skinny and skinny, with a sallow complexion. Hearing the sound, the village chief opened his cloudy eyes, looked around, and then looked at the novel. His old wife asked: "Who are these?"

Mother Lu hurried over to help him up and put another quilt behind him so that the village chief could sit upright.

"This is a guest brought by San'er. He is also a doctor. He heard about your condition and came here specially to have a look." Mother Lu introduced her in a nonchalant manner, and skillfully touched her husband's chest to make him feel better.

The village chief coughed twice, his eyes suddenly brightened up, and he looked at Xiao Yueye curiously. After a while, he sighed: "There are talented people from generation to generation. Haha, I didn't expect that my little brother has already become a young man at such a young age. Doctor."

To be able to become a doctor, one must have experience of sitting in a courtroom for consultation. That's why these six village chiefs sighed.

Xiao Yueye smiled slightly and cupped her hands: "The village chief is too polite. In fact, I am not the real husband, Zhuo Jing is."

"Oh?" Village Chief 6 raised his eyebrows. Looking at Rourou who took a small step forward, he inevitably raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Rourou is elegant and gentle. It is said that appearance comes from the heart. Her face is also the kind that makes people feel comfortable and warm after seeing it. These six village chiefs used to practice medicine outside and had numerous contacts. So I quickly saw the difference in Rourou. Just by her indifference, she was by no means an ordinary person. In this way, the suspicion in his heart was reduced by seven points. After looking at Rourou, he inevitably looked at Murong Yufeng again, and couldn't help but feel startled. Although Murong Yufeng behaves very normally, people who have been in a position of power for a long time will have an indescribable temperament in them. Some people call it the aura of a king, some call it the aura of nobility, etc. As a princess, Murong Yufeng used to act like a thunderbolt, so she naturally had such a temperament in her body. So when Village Chief 6 saw this, he knew that this was definitely not an ordinary person.

This discovery shocked him. These three people are not from the pool, how could they come to this remote place

This random thought in the blink of an eye made him even more suspicious of Rourou's medical skills. Who among these rich kids would spend time studying medicine? Studying medicine may seem easy in the end, but the decades of accumulation in the early stages are not only tedious, but also boring. Ordinary people can't stand it sometimes, let alone a pampered rich daughter

However, whether she has medical skills or not, what does it have to do with him

Why. . . . . .

6 The village chief rolled his eyes a few times and sighed softly: "Little brother, I appreciate your kindness. However, I know my illness well and it cannot be cured. It cannot be cured."

When Lu's mother heard what he said, her tears immediately flowed down, and she choked and said: "You old man, what are you talking about? They all come from outside and are knowledgeable, how can they be worse than you? Don't you always say that medical treatment can't be done by yourself? Can it be cured? Maybe it’s a novel. If you can’t heal yourself, someone else can!”

6 The village chief sighed again, gave his wife a complicated look, and then said softly: "Don't be like this and make others a joke. Damn it, Shan'er, go and invite the guests out. The smell is strong here, don't Rush to people’s homes.”

Shan'er's mother, Lu Jian's wife, hesitated for a moment, then sighed and prepared to invite Xiao Yueye and the others out.

The sister-in-law of the Lu family was probably afraid of her brother, so she was making noises outside, but she didn't say a word when she came in. But at this time, he stamped his feet bitterly, obviously disapproving of his brother's actions. Judging from her expression, she really hopes that Village Chief 6 will get better.

Rourou suddenly spoke calmly, her voice was vague but her words were clear: "Does Village Chief Li not want to be treated or does he think that little girls can't be cured?"

Everyone in the Lu family was startled. They didn't expect that this gentle and quiet girl would actually be accusing her? And when she reacted, the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, who was thinking fast, let out a soft sigh and looked at Rourou with a complicated look.

6 The village chief looked at Rourou closely, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes, and suddenly laughed softly. Although he coughed a few times in the middle, he kept laughing.

"Traditional Chinese medicine is very particular about looking, hearing and asking questions. Based on this hope, I will know that I am not as good as the girl."

The young lady from the Lu family was still a little confused and muttered: "What are you talking about? Why don't you want to be treated or can't be treated? What do you mean? Ah, I don't want to be treated, brother!"

She finally understood and pointed at her eldest brother, looking horrified.

And Lu's mother also understood. Her tears couldn't stop flowing, she beat her husband and muttered some slang words.

Xiao Yueye and Murong Yufeng looked at each other and secretly gave a thumbs up. sharp! This is Sister Rourou’s true face. She looks soft and weak, but in fact she sees everything, she just doesn't say anything. Xiao Yueye and Murong Yufeng hadn't seen the reason yet. From the aura and appearance of Village Chief 6 and his words, she deduced the real cause of Village Chief 6's illness. It was really serious.

The most powerful thing was her words about whether she wanted to be treated or not, which made it clear to the six family members at once.

"If Village Chief Lu doesn't want to heal, no matter how good the little girl's medical skills are, she can't heal someone who wants to die." Rourou spoke softly, with a hint of cunning and anger in her eyes: "If Village Chief Lu thinks that the little girl can't heal, then The little girl doesn’t want to ask for advice. Although the village chief has been living in this village for many years, he must not have forgotten the old traditions of the medical profession, right? "

Xiao Yueye gave a thumbs up again!


The old tradition in the medical field actually refers to the battle between doctors. Sometimes when two doctors are treating a patient, they will have a dispute. At this time, they will choose the same case and treat it separately under fair and equitable conditions to see whose method is the best. This was the original origin. Later, if a doctor wanted to challenge others, he would adopt this method. Or if a doctor is slandered by another doctor, don't use this method to maintain your own orthodoxy.

This is an unwritten rule in the medical field, and it is instilled in everyone's mind from the first day of studying medicine.

Rourou's move is beautiful. If these six village chiefs make it clear that they don't want medical treatment, they can just pat their butts and leave. However, the people from these six families must not be willing. Under the strong pressure of public opinion, the six village chiefs may have no choice but to seek medical treatment obediently. If he suspected that Rourou could not be cured, it would be even simpler. Rourou would resort to old traditions in the medical field and force him to seek medical treatment.

With these two methods, in the end, these six village chiefs were forced to seek medical treatment.

That's why Xiao Yueye said Rourou was amazing!

The reason why Rourou must heal these six village chiefs is firstly because of the kindness of the doctor, and secondly because of doubts in her heart. He didn't get sick sooner or later, but he got sick after driving away the Bai family siblings, and it was obvious that he was unwilling to be treated. Here, there is a way.

The 6th village chief looked at Rourou for a few times and smiled bitterly: "The little girl has great medical skills, and her eloquence is also great! Hey, I have my own reasons, why do you bother to push me so hard? You are also a doctor , you should also know that people who don’t want to heal can’t be healed, right?”

Rourou snorted softly and said unceremoniously: "As a doctor, you should know that the essence of a doctor is to save lives and heal the wounded. But you yourself give up your life so easily. Do you still have the ethics of a doctor? I am saving you. Out of a doctor's duty, it's not just for you, but also for your family. It's okay if you are terminally ill, but the disease that you can treat has been delayed until now, making your wife and children worry about you. As a doctor, you have lost the face of our medical community. As a man, you have no responsibility as a man. "

This merciless rebuke made Village Chief Lu turn red and white, and then he smiled bitterly. His expression was complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing him like this, Rourou simply turned around and left a message: "If you insist on dying, then I won't force you. But I would like to advise you to die quickly and don't let your family suffer."

Seeing Rourou preparing to leave, Mother Lu suddenly became anxious. Although she didn't understand much, she could hear two things from Rourou and her old man's words. One is that the old man's disease can be cured, but he is unwilling to cure it himself. The second thing is that the girl in front of me has better medical skills than my old man.

She hurriedly screamed, pulled Rourou tightly, and was about to kneel down. Rourou was just retreating in order to advance, forcing the six village chiefs to make a choice. When I saw Mother Lu, an elder, was about to kneel down, I hurriedly supported her: "Aunt Lu, what are you doing?"

"Mrs. Xiao, you must save our old man, I beg you." Mother Lu burst into tears, as if grasping at a life-saving straw.

Rourou felt a little unbearable, and Xiao Yueye, who was next to her, intervened at the right time: "Aunt Lu, it's not a question of whether we can save her or not. It's that Village Chief Lu doesn't want to treat her!"

Upon hearing these words, Lu's mother immediately reacted, threw herself to the bedside, and slapped Village Chief Lu with a bitter face: "You damn old man, why don't you want to get medical treatment? You read a lot, but I haven't. You can't do anything to yourself! What should we do if you're going to die?" After saying that, she couldn't bear it anymore and started to cry loudly, holding on to Village Chief Lu's clothes.

The sister-in-law of the Lu family couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Brother, I know you have always disliked me, but I have to say it now. What do you mean by this? Isn't this what the teacher teaches? Don't you think about it, there are only three boys in our family, and since you can't move, he has to take care of everything in the house while the whole family is living. Are you so tired? If you do this, how can you face our parents when you go underground?"

6 The village chief frowned, his face full of helplessness. (Quanben Novel Network