The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 292: Verbal induction


(The 10,000-word update was completed today! Gaga~)

Xiao Yueyue went up the mountain to greet Yansha and the others, and after discussing for a while, everyone decided on the matter. WWw, qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo, COm Yansha and the others are going to live in the mountains. Although the temple is very dilapidated, there is still thick cowhide in the carriage, which can be made into a tent. As for the food, there's no need to worry. The wild boar Yan Sha caught was enough to last for a while. And Yin Caiju is very familiar with the mountains and forests. After walking around, there are a lot of wild fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and the like.

However, according to Yansha's wish, Murong Yufeng also stayed in the mountain. Because there is a plan to develop the killer organization here, Yansha will inevitably have to go out for a while. Yin Caiju doesn't know martial arts, so if something happens, it will be difficult to deal with it.

However, Xiao Yueye also gave them a fireworks bomb. They originally bought it during a previous trip and now it was used as a signal bomb. Looking east on the cliff is Lingrang Village. If there is really something important, Xiao Yueye will know about it as soon as the signal flare is set off.

After arranging a few more things and making sure everything was safe, Xiao Yueye left the mountain. As for the remaining matters, it is up to Murong Yufeng to handle them. Although Bai Suxin has no murderous intention, the knot in his heart is always there. In the future, she must live in the village, and then she must learn to control her emotions. Xiao Yueye had already informed Murong Yufeng about this, and with the latter's intelligence, he knew what to do.

After leaving the ruined temple, Xiao Yueye was not in a hurry to go back. There are a lot of missing medicines in Rourou's prescription. Although Yansha promised to buy them all when he comes back, it is naturally best to find them as soon as possible.

Using Qinggong to turn the entire mountain in a circle, Xiao Yueye found more than a dozen herbs.

The autumn sunshine is a bit cold. In the afternoon, the wind dropped a lot. The villagers who had been busy all morning also stopped to rest for a while. In front of the village gate, many village women gathered together to chat, while their hands were busy sewing and mending. When they saw Xiao Yueye passing by, they all kept staring at Xiao Yueye, pointing and smiling.

Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly. Although he didn't care, it was always unpleasant to be treated like a monkey. He had no choice but to speed up his pace.

Pushing open the fence, Lu gradually became more familiar with the family. Rourou is in the middle of the courtyard, helping village chief 6 move his meridians. Seeing Xiao Yueye coming back alone, Rourou asked doubtfully: "Master, where is sister Feng'er?"

"Oh, she went out to buy medicine." Xiao Yueye said casually, looking at him softly, she knew it was a lie and didn't ask any more questions.

"Village chief, how do you feel after basking in the sun?" Xiao Yueye asked with a smile.

6 The village chief kept squinting his eyes. Hearing Xiao Yueye's question, he raised his eyelids slightly and showed a smile: "I feel much more comfortable indeed."

Xiao Yueye didn't say much. She looked up and saw two unknown middle-aged women next to her. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Who are these two?"

Aunt 6 hurriedly introduced: "This is our eldest girl, and this is our second girl. They are San'er's sisters. They took the time to come over in the afternoon."

Xiao Yueye smiled and nodded. The two women seemed a little shy or introverted. They lowered their heads and saluted, and did not chatter like the young ladies from the Lu family.

"Well, Master, you have found a lot of medicine!" Rourou said in surprise as she looked at the herbs in Xiao Yueye's hand.

"I walked around the mountain but didn't look carefully. I think we should still be able to find some. The mountains here are surrounded by mountains and there are a lot of medicinal herbs in them. As long as we do a good search tomorrow, we will definitely find a lot of them." Xiao Yue Yeyang raised the herbs in her hand and showed a smile. Because of its remote location and the fact that most people in the village don't know much about medicine, the amount of herbal medicine on the mountain can be maintained at such a high level. Think about it, Xiao Yueye just used Qinggong to run around the mountain, and it was very rare to find such a big thing by searching completely with his eyes. If we search using a blanket method tomorrow, there will probably be more and more. Maybe you can also find some precious medicinal materials such as Poria cocos and ginseng!

It would be best if you have Cordyceps sinensis, it would be very gentle to nourish the elderly.

Rourou carefully distinguished the types of herbs, and after thinking for a while, she said: "Well, the medicines for the first course of treatment are all available. As for the second course of treatment, there are still three types of cassia, saposhnikovia, and aconite."

Xiao Yueye picked out a few of them: "I will use these to make medicine, and you can take the others. I will look for the missing medicine tomorrow. By the way, I think there is some moisture in the main room. "Chong, let Village Chief 6 move to the east where it's sunny, it should be better."

"Well, I've already informed Brother Lu." Rourou nodded. Once she enters the treatment phase, she will keep thinking about the disease in her mind. So I got the needed medicinal materials, immediately went to 6 pharmacies to get other medicines, and then prepared to start decoction.

As for Xiao Yueye, she secretly laughed while holding a few medicines in her hand. What he has to do is to configure what he calls "Mixin Powder". There is a medicine in that Mi Xin Powder, which is very rare and absolutely impossible to have here. So he thought about it for a long time and decided to replace it with other medicinal materials. Although the efficacy was much less, it was definitely as effective for Village Chief 6.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed in a flash. During these five days, Xiao Yueye declined the villagers' help and went up the mountain to collect medicine alone. Yansha never came back, and the four of them, Murong Yufeng, were very happy living in the ruined temple. With Murong Yufeng's whip and Yin Cai's book reprinted in Literary Network Ju's spoon, in just five days, the ruined temple was filled with hares, pheasants, wild boars and the like. As for snake soup, it is available every day. Think about it, wouldn't it be very simple to use Yin Caiju's ability to lure snakes, summon some people in, and then let Murong Yufeng kill them

In these five days, the Bai family siblings were like blowing up balloons, taking on a new look. After putting on the clothes that Rourou had changed for them, and with the moistening of the medicinal diet, they were no longer as dry as before, but looked very shiny.

As for Village Chief 6, his complexion is much better, his breathing is very comfortable, and the obstruction sound in his throat is getting smaller and smaller. The 6 village chiefs were amazed and praised Rourou's ability to use medicine.

"Sister Rourou, I checked the pulse of Village Chief 6. Now he can only take care of himself slowly, and there will basically be no major problems. But for an elderly person like him, if the knot in his heart is not removed, it will be difficult for him to take care of himself. , I’m afraid it won’t be good in my lifetime,” Xiao Yueye said in the room, taking off her outer robe.

Rourou nodded, took Xiao Yueye's robe, folded it neatly, and put it aside: "Well, external diseases are easy to cure, but internal diseases are difficult to treat. Although he is taking medicine and taking care of his illness, I can see that. He already has stagnation in his heart, which directly causes his heart and liver to be weak, so his complexion is sallow and his lips are white. I have already prescribed medicine. If he does not have this problem, he only needs to drink medicine every day and do more. With exercise, the body can be restored to its original state within three months at most. But looking at his condition now, I’m afraid it’s impossible.”

Unfolding the quilt, Xiao Yueye hugged Rourou in, then took off her shoes and went to bed: "My less effective Mixin Powder has been prepared, and its properties do not conflict with the medicine you prescribed. I think starting tomorrow, we will give it He took it. Then he found an opportunity to make some innuendo."

Rourou frowned and thought for a while: "I think it's best to do it when the whole family is gone. I can see that if there are people around, Village Chief 6 will never say a word. He has the characteristics of an ordinary old man. Stubbornness and forbearance.”

"Don't worry, we can ask Lu Jian for help on this matter." Xiao Yueye nodded with a smile.

After discussing the condition, Rourou discovered at this time that she had already gone to bed with Xiao Yueye. The moonlight was strong outside and it was silent. Feeling the warmth of Xiao Yueye's body next to her, Rourou's face suddenly turned red.

Xiao Yueye's hands touched restlessly, with a smile on her face: "Sister Rourou, there's not much time left, let's go to bed early."

While he was speaking, his hands were already skillfully touching the sensitive areas on Rourou's body. Rourou snorted softly and hurriedly shouted: "Master, you will be seen."

Xiao Yueye laughed: "What are you afraid of?" He blew out the oil lamp next to him with a wave of his hand, and at the same time, a suction force came out and closed the window.

When the leak was brewing at its peak, Xiao Yueyue picked up his gun and mounted his horse, charging away like the beautiful plain.

Rourou, who was immersed in joy, did not hear Xiao Yueye's low words as she rushed into her body: "Sister Rourou, I will definitely give you a child."

The moonlight was thick, and a few dark clouds passed by, covering it up.

In the calm night, in the depths of the human world, beautiful notes are playing.

The next day, Xiao Yueye added a small amount of the medicine she prepared to Village Chief 6's medicinal materials. This kind of Mixin Powder, which has been replaced with other medicinal materials, is not very effective and cannot be taken for a long time. Therefore, Xiao Yueye and Lu Jian discussed in advance that he could take the others away at any time based on his gestures.

After taking the mutated version of "Mixin Powder" for two days, Xiao Yueye felt that the time was almost up based on the amount accumulated in the body. So before it was time to take medicine this afternoon, he signaled Lu Jian to take everyone at home away.

The room suddenly became empty, with only the sound of wind and the sounds of animals accompanying Village Chief 6, who was not sure whether he was asleep or not. Rourou gave the cooked medicine to Village Chief 6 and took it with her own hands, then sat down with Xiao Yueye and chatted.

Basically, Village Chief Lu just said "hmm" twice and didn't answer much, until Xiao Yueye asked about the Bai family: "Village Chief Lu, I heard before that a disaster happened in the manor to the west. What happened? What's going on?"

6 The village chief's body trembled violently, his eyes widened, and he looked at Xiao Yueye closely. The emotions emerging inside were so dark. But he quickly recovered and slowly turned his head to look at the manor in the distance. (Quanben Novel Network