The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 299: The art of blood collapse


Today is the last day for Daniu Zhonghua Blood Injection.

Except when they first arrived, Xiao Yueye and those outside had some lip service and showed off their hands as a sign of intimidation. After he really started to enter the state, Xiao Yueye was no longer in the mood to compete with these people.

Li Daniu's situation is really serious.

Although he had the Water Spirit Holy Pill to help him replenish his blood and regulate his body. But this also takes time to digest, and what Li Daniu lacks is time. Xiao Yueye used the power of the medicine on her front legs to combine with her own internal energy to form a protective shield around the wounds in his internal organs, preventing further bleeding and also alleviating Li Daniu's pain to a certain extent. But not long after, the strange "blood-transforming needle" broke through the protective shield and continued to destroy his body. The blood-transforming needle works along the lines of Qi and blood. Unless Xiao Yueye cuts off Li Daniu's bloodline, his protective shield will have little effect.

However, the effect is small, which does not mean that it has no effect. At least Daniel vomits a lot less blood every day, and his symptoms during seizures are also much smaller. This is a very obvious effect, and according to Rourou's inspection, with the existence of this protective shield, the damage to his internal organs has become smaller, and the injuries are not as severe as before. So Xiao Yueye simply put a "protective shield" on Li Daniu every four hours. After two days, even though I had the magical elixir to treat me, I was still very tired.

Today is the last day, and it is also a matter of life and death for Li Daniu. If the "Blood Transforming Needle" can be forced out, that would naturally be the best. If that doesn't work, everyone is mentally prepared.

It's still the same room, but there are far fewer people around. There were four people present, Dazhi, Wu Jizi, Li Liang, and Wei Qingluan, plus Xiao Yueye and his wife.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Rourou nodded towards Xiao Yueye: "Master, get ready to start."

Xiao Yueye responded, smiled at Li Daniu, and fed him a pill. Li Daniu blinked his eyelids for a while, then slowly closed them, and his breathing became slower and slower.

This elixir is just an ordinary anesthetic powder. The only special thing is that the dosage is the limit that the human body can bear. If a person falls under anesthesia, his breathing will slow down, his heartbeat will slow down, and the speed of blood flow in the body will also decrease significantly. If it slows down enough, the person can die from lack of oxygen to the brain. Therefore, it is very important to grasp the dosage.

Rourou personally prepared the medicine to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. She wanted Li Daniu to fall into anesthesia as much as possible without endangering his life, so that the blood circulation in his body could be as slow as possible.

The "blood-transforming needle" moves along with the blood vessels. If the blood flow slows down, its speed will naturally become slower and slower, and the threat will naturally become smaller and smaller. Rourou used this principle to slow down the flow of qi and blood in Li Daniu's body, and then found the right time to bleed the body. At this time, the "blood-transforming needle" will flow to the place where Qi and blood collapse, and flow out with the blood.

The plan is perfect, but it is very difficult to implement it. First of all, no matter how good the anesthesia is, the blood cannot stop flowing. Secondly, no one knows where the blood-transforming needle is, but it is now near the heart. If you put the blood on the sole of your foot, by the time it comes over, the blood will probably be gone. Thirdly, even the blood in Li Daniu's body can last until that moment.

Xiao Yueye took Li Daniu's pulse, and the light in his eyes flickered. After a while, he took back his hand and nodded to Rourou: "It has entered the full effect state, and it can start."

Rourou didn't speak, just breathed softly, staring at Li Daniu, but her mind was quickly rehearsing every step that was about to take place.

Xiao Yueye knew that she had entered a state of healing. At this time, she was just making the last adjustment. After thinking about it, Xiao Yueye said seriously to the others: "Everyone, this blood collapse technique requires absolute silence. You must hear a needle drop to the ground. No matter what happens, you must not panic, let alone open your mouth. If If you feel like you can’t do it, you can go out now.”

At the end of his words, he looked at Wei Qingluan. Among those present, she cared most about Li Daniu, but she lacked concentration. If something happens during treatment, no one can guarantee whether it will be successful.

Wei Qingluan bit his lip, stretched out his hand and touched his mute point, expressing his determination.

Xiao Yueye glanced at her with admiration, said nothing, and smiled faintly.

Murong Yufeng and Yin Caiju standing next to them were also ready for everything. On the small table next to them, copper basins, clean cloths, and gold sore medicine were all ready. A little further away, water tanks and bandages are all ready to deal with the situation at any time.

As for Yansha, she folded her hands and stood aside coldly, just in case.

Rourou took a deep breath, her eyes becoming colder and colder, almost indifferent. Xiao Yueye knew that she used special skills to keep herself completely calm.

"Let's begin." Rourou's faint words grabbed everyone's hearts.

From now on, it’s a race against time, a time when the novel and the underworld are fighting for life!

Xiao Yueye's hands turned into phantoms, and with just a few "poofs", Li Daniu had taken off all his clothes and was lying on the bed wearing only his underwear.

The moment the clothes disappeared, Rourou's hands danced like plucking strings and playing a piano. Every time the white jade-like hands flexed their fingers, a ray of silver light visible to the naked eye flew out from the fingertips and penetrated into Li Daniu's body.

What a quick technique!

Throwing the clothes aside casually, Xiao Yueye took the oil lamp next to him according to the plan he had discussed with Rourou, took out the dagger on his body, and slowly roasted it with the light.

At this moment, Rourou had already stood up, her white clothes fluttering, her index fingers trembling slightly. The tips of each of her fingers were wrapped with two silver threads, and at the other end of the silver threads were twenty gold needles inserted into different parts of Li Daniu's body.

These twenty parts are very particular. In addition to the eleven roots that are inserted into the nodes that must pass through the internal organs and blood vessels, the other nine roots are also the centers where blood gathers throughout the body.

Wujizi and Dazhi looked at each other, and both could see the surprise and admiration in each other's eyes. As expected of the master of Feixue Pavilion, this technique is so advanced and the accuracy of identifying acupoints is truly amazing. But why is she doing this

At this moment, Rourou slowly closed her eyes and felt the fluctuation of the silver thread around her fingertips with all her heart. Yan Sha, who had not made a move, slowly raised his hands and used the power of Tai Chi to form a great perfection. An aura formed entirely from internal energy quietly took shape.

Wu Jizi's eyes opened suddenly, and the horror inside was beyond words. This Yan Sha skill has become much stronger than two years ago. However, with his eyesight, he could see that Yansha formed such a shield not to be wary of the four of them, but to prevent the wind.

That’s right, it’s windproof.

Seeing through this, everyone understood what Rourou was doing. She uses a method similar to hanging silk pulse diagnosis, relying on gold needles to check the flow of qi and blood in the body. This method is so difficult that even a layman can understand it. The flow of qi and blood is not easy to detect in the first place, let alone through this silver thread? The most difficult thing is that Rourou has to analyze twenty changes at the same time!

Therefore, at this time, a little touch may lead to errors. This is also the reason why Yansha took action to form a gas shield.

The blade was a little darkened, but Xiao Yueye still looked straight at the blade without saying a word. He was waiting, waiting for Rourou to give orders.

"Start." A soft and clear voice finally sounded.

Xiao Yueye's eyes lit up, and she held the knife in her right hand and drew lightly. The movement seemed slow, but it did not cause any fluctuations in the air. His move has clearly incorporated the essence of Liu Yun's identity into it, so as not to affect Rou Rou at all.

The knife gently reached the edge of Li Daniu's heart, creating a five-inch gash, and bright red blood spurted out.

Xiao Yueye put away the knife, took the cloth from Yin Caiju's hand, wiped the blood off the knife, and continued to bake the knife with the light.

Rourou spoke once, and Xiao Yueye continued the previous actions, but in a different place.

This was repeated and continued, and soon, Li Daniu's body had eleven incisions. The blood on his body had flowed everywhere. Beside the edge of the bed, there was the sound of drops of blood falling on the ground.

Wei Qingluan had already covered his mouth deeply, completely forgetting that he had tapped the dumb point. Her tears fell down drop by drop, merging with the blood flowing to her feet.

Although Li Liang did not shed tears, the sadness deep in his eyes was obvious.

They had heard Rourou talk about the general principles of the blood collapse technique before, and now they were praying in their hearts that there was a bleeding part that could trigger the blood-transforming needle.

However, their prayers were rewarded with a soft "continue".

Xiao Yueye frowned slightly, but still made the twelfth incision accurately. His whole heart was on edge. It was already the twelfth step, and Li Daniu had already lost too much blood. If the blood-transforming needle hadn't been activated yet, Daniel might not be able to hold on any longer.

Anyone with eyes can tell that Li Daniu has lost too much blood and his face is frighteningly pale.

Rourou still had her eyes closed, and no expression could be seen. But the sweat on her head flowed down her cheeks drop by drop. The silk on the temples has stuck to his face.

Yansha couldn't support it anymore. Even she couldn't bear the consumption of internal energy for such a long time.

Dazhi moved and walked to the side of Yansha. The Buddha's awe-inspiring inner energy also formed an aura, shrouding Yansha in it. After his body was fully formed, Yansha took back his inner strength, swallowed the pills and meditated on the spot without even looking at Dazhi.


Xiao Yueye frowned deeply, but he knew that Rourou definitely knew what was going on.

The tenth bloody hole is formed!

At this moment, the blood was flowing turbulently and strangely. Blood spurts out from thirteen places on your body, but you can only watch but cannot stop it. No one will feel good in their heart.

However, there is still no news. That damn blood-transforming needle still has no clue.

Could it be that God really wants my Li family to be extinct? Li Liang was in tears.

Everyone's heart has been tightened, and they have even given up hope.

Just when everyone's hearts had sunk to the bottom and the atmosphere at the scene was getting more and more depressed, Rourou opened her eyes.

She just said one word: "Nine!"

But this word is no less than the sound of nature, no less than the blessings of the gods and Buddhas. Because of this word, everyone's eyes flashed with excitement.

The moment Murong Yufeng finished speaking, she had already taken the golden sore medicine and handed it to Xiao Yueye's hand. Xiao Yueye threw it fiercely with her right hand, and all the medicinal powder flew out of the bottle. Xiao Yueye's hands had already accelerated to the limit of his own speed, and all he could see in front of him was the phantom of his hands. He used his inner strength to wrap up the powder, and then distributed it evenly to each wound.

These golden sore medicines are unique to Taoism, and their effects are much better than those from other sects. When the white powder was evenly applied on the wound, Xiao Yueye smiled for the first time.

The ninth wound was still bleeding. However, Rourou had already waved her sleeves and withdrew her golden needle. She swayed and raised her right hand slightly. She only saw a few silver lights flashing before she saw seven silver needles surrounding the ninth wound.

After doing this, a smile appeared on Rourou's face, her body swayed, and she sat down on the bed.

The rest of the work is left to the young master.

Xiao Yueye cast a concerned look at Rourou, and the movements of her hands were not slow. Yin Caiju and Murong Yufeng had already taken bandages and bandaged Li Daniu. They have been trained these days, and they work together flawlessly, without affecting Xiao Yueye's movements at all.

There is only one last level left!

Xiao Yueyue used a dagger to make the ninth wound larger and deeper again, and the blood flowed suddenly. And Xiao Yueye's left hand connected the seven silver needles to form a cage around the blood and muscles in this place.

He stared closely at the blood coming out of the wound, not just him, but everyone else too.

"Come out!" Xiao Yueye shouted softly, making a false move with her right hand, and a ball of blood condensed and appeared in Xiao Yueye's palm. He put the blood ball in the copper basin, and at this time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The bandaging work was completed quickly and the bleeding had almost stopped, but Xiao Yueye and Rourou knew that the matter was not over yet.

Li Daniu's blood was too much. No one can guarantee whether he can survive it.

Xiao Yueye sighed softly, took out another Water Spirit Holy Pill, but split it into two, put half of the pill in the water, and carefully gave Li Daniu half a bowl to drink.

It's not that he is stingy, but Li Daniu's body simply cannot admit the power of one pill.

Li Liang and Wei Qingluan could not help but take a step forward and looked closely at Xiao Yueye.

Zen Master Dazhi's Qi mask has disappeared. He is sweating profusely and looks much sluggish. The old monk took a pill and, like Yansha, he started meditating on the spot.

After untying his acupuncture points, Wei Qingluan said tremblingly: "Master Xiao, how is he?"

Xiao Yueye washed her hands: "The blood-transforming needle has been taken out, and the bleeding on his body has stopped."

Wei Qingluan and Li Liang were about to laugh, but Xiao Yueye glanced at them, sighed and continued: "But he bled too much..."

Both of their faces suddenly sank with their hearts, and Wei Qingluan shed tears again.

"So, tonight is a test. If he can get through it, he will be fine. If he can't get through it, hey! Miss Wei, here is half a bowl of water. Feed him at night. Of course, the premise is that he is still alive at that time. Not dead." Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly and gave up his position to Wei Qingluan.

Li Liang walked up to Xiao Yueye and suddenly made a move that surprised the latter.

He fell to his knees.

Xiao Yueye hurriedly tried to help, but Li Liang quickly kowtowed.

"Master Li, what are you doing?"

Li Liang followed Xiao Yueye's hand and helped him up. He wiped away his tears and said sincerely: "Xiao Xian's nephew, please allow me to say this. You saved Daniel's life. You deserve this head." I used to hunt you two down, but I didn't expect you to retaliate with kindness. In comparison, I was really ashamed of myself when I suspected your intentions earlier!"

Xiao Yueye curled her lips and said: "Master Li, there is no need to be like this. Brother Daniu is my recognized friend, so saving him is a matter of course. As for what happened back then, it has already passed, so why bother mentioning it again?"

Although he said that, Li Liang still felt uncomfortable. He sighed, walked to the bed, silently picked up the cloth, and wiped his son's body.

Wu Jizi came over: "Brother Xiao, tell me, is Daniel really okay?"

Xiao Yueye's worry flashed away: "I hope God will bless you. Senior, I leave this place to you. We need to have a good rest when we go back."

After saying that, Xiao Yueye walked out with his four wives. Wujizi thought for a while and walked to Dazhi's side. A pure inner energy poured into his body to help him heal his injuries. When Dazhi woke up, the two quietly walked out and told the news to people outside.

This time, in order to save Li Daniu, Xiao Yueye and others spent a lot of money. Yansha has profound skills and recovers quickly. Xiao Yueyue meditated to recover and could finish it in one night. The biggest loser here is actually Rourou. During that time, she was highly focused. Now I feel exhausted all of a sudden, and my whole body feels dizzy. There is no cure for this state of mental exhaustion, and one can only recover slowly. Fortunately, Rourou's technique can clear her mind and focus her mind, otherwise she would not be able to sleep at all on the first night.

Murong Yufeng had nothing to do, so she just took a chair and sat outside the door, not letting anyone get close. As for Yin Caiju, she had already run to the kitchen to show off her skills and made several medicinal dishes that would help her body recover.

Tonight, except for Xiao Yueye's family, not many people could sleep.

There were a few people who wanted to talk to Xiao Yueye, but they were all blocked by Murong Yufeng. If there is anyone who is not wise, he will be punished with two whip marks on his body. (Quanben Novel Website