The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 302: The secret guard of the Mo family


As expected by the man in black, Xiao Yueye really wasn't interested in the Lao Shizi conference. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoM Yansha has mobilized all the nearby killers, and Rourou's spirit has recovered, so Xiao Yueye decided to evade them overnight.

Although there are many disciples in Poseidon Sect, Xiao Yueye and others can still enter and exit freely. Of course, such a good carriage cannot be obtained, which is the only regret.

At night, in the woods not far from Poseidon Gate, there are dark shadows. The dense branches blocked a lot of the moonlight in the sky.

Xiao Yueye walked to the middle with the four girls and said in a deep voice: "Come out, everyone."

The originally silent woods suddenly moved. To be precise, the people hiding inside moved. A total of fifteen figures appeared quickly around Xiao Yueye and the other five, and they all knelt on the ground.

There are eleven Jianghu killers and four dragon-guarding and helming masters. Although there are not many in number, they are all first-rate masters.

Xiao Yueye nodded and observed from Qi Ji that he was very satisfied with these people. Nowadays, masters from various sects gather in Poseidon Sect, but they are able to hide here without anyone noticing. This skill alone is already very powerful.

"Scatter around and stay no closer than ten feet away from us."

None of these people spoke, and they disappeared quickly like ghosts.

Rourou said with admiration: "These people, placed in any sect, are at least in the position of elders."

"So," Murong Yufeng looked at Xiao Yueye: "Where should we go next? Back to Lingrang Village?"

Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment: "Since someone wants to kill us, going back may bring disaster to those villagers. Let's go all the way south to Xi Province."

"That's great, Xisheng. You can see the sea." Yin Caiju raised her hands in approval first, and the other women also nodded. The four of them have never been to the beach yet!

"Okay, let's go on our way right away. I remember that there is a small town going out from here. Let's go stay there first."

. . . . . .

"Mr. Liu is really a man of heaven. Xiao Yueye and his party really went south." Qi Tianlan complimented.

The man in black laughed triumphantly: "Of course. Their route these days has been heading south! Follow the plan."

"Yes, I know."

. . . . . .

Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly and said: "Why do some people want to kill me every time I set foot in the Jianghu? And they all like to find places like this."

Murong Yufeng's face turned red and she didn't know how to answer. Xiao Yueye set foot in Jianghu for the first time, and the one who wanted his life was Murong Yufeng!

Fifteen temporary guards were already vigilantly protecting Xiao Yueye and his party. And Xiao Yueye and the five others also got out of the car. Xiao Yueye came forward with Yansha Rourou, while Murong Yufeng protected Yin Caiju from behind.

Xiao Yueye stepped forward slowly, looked at the familiar arrogant face in front of her, and sighed softly: "It is indeed you."

"Haha, Xiao Yueye, today is the day you die." Qi Tianlan was in a great mood and couldn't help laughing loudly.

Xiao Yueye snorted with her nose, not bothering him at all.

The wind howled, and the sound was particularly loud in this open grassland. The peaks on both sides can reflect the sound and overlap it.

Rourou glanced around: "The other party seems to have been prepared and knows our route well. Moreover, this place is not suitable for us."

This is a very open grassland, overgrown with weeds, but many of them are dead. In her free time, Xiao Yueye raised her riding whip and listened to the sound of horse hooves stepping on the grass, which would be quite interesting.

But at this time, he was not in such a mood at all, but instead felt heavy.

I guessed wrong.

The person joining forces with Qi Tianlan will definitely not be from the Seven Star Sword Sect.

The enemy obviously knows his ability to use poison, so the place is overgrown with weeds and very empty. No matter how powerful Xiao Yueye's poison is, the effect will be greatly reduced if the space is too large. What made Xiao Yueye's heart sink even more was that there were no woods or anything near here, and it was almost impossible for Yin Caiju to summon poisonous snakes.

What does this mean? It shows that the other party knows you very well. However, not many people in the world know about Yin Caiju's ability to summon poisonous snakes!

Xiao Yueye already had a vague suspicion in her mind.

Qi Tianlan was still laughing wildly, which seemed particularly unpleasant in this area. The twenty-three people behind him also looked arrogant, as if Xiao Yueye and the others were already dead.

But Xiao Yueye didn't look at them at all. What he noticed was that there were fourteen ordinary-looking men in front of them, wearing yellow costumes. These men look different, but their expressions are exactly the same, that is, indifferent.

This kind of indifference is not pretended, but an indifference that is cold to the bone and indifferent to everything.

A flash of light flashed in Xiao Yueye's mind, and his pupils shrank unconsciously. He stared at the fourteen men closely and suddenly laughed softly: "Fourteen, Prime Minister Mo really thinks highly of me. The Mo family's secret guards sent out fourteen at once."

These fourteen people finally changed their colors. They never thought that Xiao Yueye would know about the secret guard of the Mo family. And from the tone of his voice, he seemed to know a lot. The secret guard is the last force of the Mo family. It has always been used only to protect important members of the Mo family and deal with opponents. This power, not to mention the outside world, even the Mo family, no one knows more than five fingers. How did Xiao Yueye know this

Rourou asked in a low voice: "Master, what does the secret guard of the Mo family do?"

Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly, her face a little ugly: "The secret guard of the Mo family is the old fox who has the most secret power. There are twenty-one of them in total, and all of them are first-rate masters. The most terrifying thing is, They seem to be capable of everything, including astronomy, geography, medicine, and astrology. But at this moment, what worries me the most is the formation of these people."


"Yes, formation. It is said that they know a formation, where seven people form a formation, called the Tiangang Beidou Formation. This formation can integrate the power of seven people into one. Even if the Grandmaster is surrounded by them, It’s impossible to get out safely. This time, in order to deal with us, Mu Zhi actually sent two groups of people out, which really gave me face.”

The secret guard of the Mo family couldn't help but narrowed his eyes after hearing Xiao Yueye's words. One of them said gloomily: "No wonder the prime minister said he would kill you at all costs, but you actually know so much about us. Xiao Yueye, I admire you a little. It's just a pity, a pity!"

After hearing his words, Xiao Yueye suddenly felt something in her heart. He glanced at Qi Tianlan next to him, and after pondering for a while, a hint of enlightenment emerged in his mind.

"Yan'er, how many can you deal with?" Xiao Yueyue gathered her voices and asked.

Yan Sha frowned, with a serious face: "Although they didn't take action, the faint position and posture they stood in made me feel very scared. My husband, if nothing happens, I'm afraid I won't be their opponent. Even if Plus Rourou can only protect herself."

Xiao Yueye looked at Rourou, who hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"Yan'er, Rourou, Yufeng, listen carefully. It's me who Mu Zhi wants to kill. I will lure them away later. If you find an opportunity, just run away. Do you understand?" Xiao Yueye said in a deep and serious voice. said.

The women shook their heads instinctively: "No, we can't leave you behind."

Xiao Yueye said hurriedly: "Listen, this is our only chance. With my Qinggong, if I insist on escaping, it will not be difficult. Their target is me, and if I escape, they will definitely chase me. . After you find a chance to escape, head south to Xi Province to find my grandpa to rescue me."

Although they are unwilling to do so, the women all know that this is the best way.

Rourou suppressed her sadness and said, "Master, are you sure?"

Xiao Yueye nodded: "My Liuyun body technique can control the wind, so it is not difficult to escape. Remember, after you find an opportunity, you have to rush all night and be sure not to contact other people. This Mo family's secret guard, Seven My personal formation is enough to destroy any sect. Only by finding my grandfather and letting him use the army can he save me."

The secret guard of the Mo family who spoke just now said coldly: "I have finished my last words. Don't worry, we will let you get together in the underworld. Do it!"

At this time, they themselves did not move, but Qi Tianlan moved with his men. And Xiao Yueye's fifteen temporary guards were not willing to be outdone and surrounded him.

Twenty-four, against fifteen, it was a tie.

But the secret guards of the Mo family didn't care. These people were originally used to consume the killers next to Xiao Yueye. If it weren't for the fear that Xiao Yueye would find an opportunity to escape, the Mo family's secret guard would never contact a "waste" like Qi Tianlan.

"Xiao Yueye, it's our turn next. Set up the formation!" The man snorted and his body shape suddenly changed. The fourteen people were quickly divided into two groups, and they moved around quickly, creating endless phantoms.

Xiao Yueye's hands shone with green light, and her hands quickly swept over her body. At the same time, an invisible layer of black light fell on Bisi. He is poisoning. At this time, it is always good to have a chance.

Two soft pieces of white silk were already flying, up and down, left and right, like dragons in the sky, and the sound of breaking through the air was like the roar of a dragon.

However, Yansha did not move, but the momentum around him became more and more powerful. The fallen leaves and weeds on the ground seemed to be lifted up by some force and kept suspended around her.

"Rourou, Yan'er, you two, work together to deal with the group on the left. Leave the group on the right to me."


At this time, any nonsense is already superfluous. Xiao Yueye's foot lightly moved, and her body turned into a blue shadow, attacking erratically. And as soon as he took action, the sky was filled with green shadows, and countless green silk threads fell from the sky, like nine-day mysterious thunder, and like the kiss of a poisonous python.

The battle begins and the wind gets louder! (Quanben Novel Website