The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 304: Escape hastily


(I was drunk yesterday and had a headache~)

The medicine had already taken effect, but Xiao Yueye couldn't see the mentality of the seven people in front of him. WWw、QuANbEn-XiAoShUo、CoM However, he needs time, and if the other party is willing to delay, he will naturally be happy.

Enduring the pain and picking up the ribs, Xiao Yueye smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that you could combine the power of seven people into one. The Tiangang Beidou Formation is really powerful."

The hoarse voice laughed softly, obviously very proud: "This formation was created more than five hundred years ago by Taoist Chongshan on the top of Yunding Mountain who understood the celestial phenomena. He meditated on the top of the mountain for three years and watched the stars every night. , I watched the clouds and mist disappearing under the mountain every day, and finally realized this Tiangang Beidou Formation on the night of the full moon. "

Xiao Yueye wished that this voice could talk more. He was too seriously injured. Although he took the pill, his recovery was very slow: "Then why have you never heard of this in the world?"

"Of course. Taoist Chongshan found that this formation was extremely powerful. Once deployed, it would destroy the world. So he did not spread this formation. However, after his death, a The woodcutter accidentally discovered the manual of this formation, and it later found its way into the hands of the then head of the Mo family." The hoarse voice was very calm.

Xiao Yueye nodded, secretly summoning up her inner energy and using the medicine to repair her damaged tendons and internal organs, but she kept asking: "Prime Minister Mo, why do you want to kill me? I ask myself, I have never offended you. Him!"

"Hmph, you know what you did. Why do you ask questions knowingly? Xiao Yueye, you are a talent. The prime minister has always wanted to take you for his own use. It's a pity that you don't know how to appreciate him." The owner of the voice snorted heavily, A hint of murderous intent slowly spread.

Xiao Yueye was shocked. She was currently recovering from her injuries. How could she withstand their attack? !

"By the way, which one of the seven are you? Why can't I see it?"

The anger in his voice gradually subsided, and he laughed twice and said, "Guess, I won't tell you. If you guess right, don't expect me to let you go."

Xiao Yueye was stunned.

Qi Tianlan over there felt extremely uncomfortable. It's really embarrassing that there are more than twenty people on our side, but they are tightly restrained by fifteen people. What he didn't expect was that the woman who thought she could kill him in front of Xiao Yueye, who knew that woman's kung fu didn't belong to anyone else at all, killed the two masters he sent before even a quarter of an hour. die.

And what made him feel sick the most was that these adults, who didn't know what kind of medicine they took wrongly, actually stood there chatting with Xiao Yueye!

After killing those two guys, Murong Yufeng protected Yin Caiju. She naturally knew that Cai Ju was summoning the poisonous snakes in the surrounding area to come over and help. But she could also clearly see that Yin Caiju looked very unhappy. The weather was not hot, but she was already sweating profusely and her body was shaking a little.

Murong Yufeng was anxious, but she couldn't do anything to help her. She didn't even dare to help Yin Caiju, for fear that she would affect her. The only thing she can do now is to stay by her side and not let anyone disturb her.

Yin Caiju's current condition is just like her appearance, very bad. This summoning of poisonous snakes requires no internal energy and no skills. It seems to be a very easy thing, but it is actually quite different. Yin Caiju's ability makes it easy to summon poisonous snakes in the woods. Not to mention venomous snakes, tigers and jackals are not a problem either.

But the current situation is that there are no woods near here. Yin Caiju must break through her own limits and summon poisonous snakes far away. Just like a person's voice, everyone has his own limit. If he breaks through it forcibly, the mildest condition will be a hoarse throat, and in severe cases, the vocal cords may be ruptured. Or if you are a martial arts student, you only have so much internal energy, but if you want to use more than your body can bear, the price will be to become a cripple or die.

Why Yin Caiju can summon venomous snakes and what is needed to summon venomous snakes is still a mystery. She also taught Xiao Yueye and others, but no one could learn it. But one thing is certain, that is, summoning a poisonous snake also requires some loss. It's just that this loss is not something that other people can know.

To put it more mysteriously, this loss may be a person's lifespan, or his soul.

No matter what, it is a fact that Yin Caiju's current body is in a state of intense wear and tear. Her body was far more painful than it looked. Every muscle in his body felt like it was being torn apart. She was in such great pain, but she clenched her teeth tightly to prevent herself from shouting out, let alone stopping her calling.

She always had one thought in her heart, that is, she must contribute.

Brother Xiao, Sister Rourou, Sister Yan'er, Sister Feng'er, everyone is fighting. I, myself, absolutely cannot wait for everyone to protect myself.

I have to rely on my own strength to protect everyone. Just like Brother Xiao, even if he dies, he still has to fight!

"Okay." A hoarse voice suddenly rang out. The erotic playfulness and pride contained in it made Xiao Yueye's heart tremble.

Could it be. . . . . .

"What's better?" Xiao Yueye said vigilantly, her body already prepared for defense.

The voice laughed softly: "Xiao Yueye, do you really think you are the only smart person in the world? Do you really think we are stupid, standing here chatting with you about everyday things?"

Xiao Yueye raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "Oh, really? Then why are you?"

"This work is an exclusive text version and may not be reproduced without permission. Excerpts. For more latest and fastest chapters, please visit.! Haha, idiot! I thought you, Xiao Yueye, were such a smart person, but it turns out you are nothing more than that! Do you think we are Can't you see that you are delaying your healing? Do you think we didn't see you swallowing the pill? But, if you are delaying, why are we not? Xiao Yueye, I admit that your previous move was unexpected. , It really makes us almost helpless. Unfortunately, haven't you heard that one force can reduce ten levels? Before absolute power, any skill is useless. However, how can we be in a hurry? After that move, we suffered a lot of injuries, so we are standing here chatting with you. Haha, Xiao Yueye, you have recovered one point of internal energy, and the seven of us have recovered seven points. Do you still have a chance?"

Xiao Yueye chuckled twice, he had also guessed this idea. But so what, at that time, how could I have the strength to take the initiative to attack

After scanning the surroundings, Xiao Yueye frowned. He is not in the formation now. If he insists on escaping, Xiao Yueye is at least 70% sure. But he can't escape!

If he escapes like this, the four Rourou people will definitely die here. So what's the point of just living on your own

But now, if he doesn't escape, he may die here. Could it be that I, Xiao Yueye, really cannot escape this disaster

Since there is no way to avoid it, let’s fight it coolly!

Understanding this, Xiao Yueye took a deep breath, his eyes were bright, and Biyesi appeared in his hands again. He already knows that a large-scale attack will only disperse the power and make it futile. At this moment, he made up his mind that even if he died, he would never let these seven people have an easy time.

Xiao Yueye still has one advantage, and that is the elixir. His internal energy recovered much faster than these seven people. After all, the quality and effect of his elixirs are far stronger than those of others.

"Come on!" Xiao Yueye said lightly.

Seeing Xiao Yueye like this, the seven of them were quite surprised. No wonder the Prime Minister said that this person must be killed at any cost. Considering the situation, it really makes sense. Faced with this desperate situation, he could still be so calm and his fighting spirit remained undiminished. If he had a chance to escape, it would really be a disaster.

"Set up the formation!" This time, the seven people had completely restrained their playful intentions and were prepared to do whatever it took to kill Xiao Yueye here. This man is definitely a disaster, and he must not be given a chance to escape.

Xiao Yueye took a long breath, facing the seven sword energies that surrounded her, the silk in her hand flew quietly, making a "ding-ding" sound.

As soon as he turned around, the bees all over the sky gathered together to protect him, as if the light was fleeting. Xiao Yueye spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, ignored the other six attacks, and attacked one person with all his strength.

When the man saw Xiao Yueyue's attack, he glanced at him with disdain evident in his words. Xiao Yueye was about to succeed when suddenly his eyes flashed and the figure disappeared. Facing him were seven long swords.

His mind trembled, the sky shook, and he turned around quickly. By the time I stood up, I was already sweating profusely.

"Xiao Yueye, don't you still know how powerful this Tiangang Beidou Formation is? As long as you attack anyone in the formation, you are equivalent to facing seven of us. Haha!"

Xiao Yueye sighed, it seemed that there was really no other way. This formation is really too evil. Ordinary sects and other formations, even the Eighteen Arhat Formation of the Buddhist sect, have traces to follow and methods to break. The most commonly used method is to attack one person with full force with point arrancar. As long as one person is injured, the formation will naturally be broken.

But this Tiangang Beidou Formation is so mysterious. The seven stars rotate, leaving no trace to be found and no way to break them. Moreover, between the formations, there are many figures, like clouds and dancing, so misty and difficult to distinguish.

Is there really no other way

Really, do you want to die here

At this time, Xiao Yueye suddenly twitched his ears and a smile appeared on his face. He turned to look at Yin Caiju, and saw the poisonous snakes surrounding him not far away, and his heart became excited again.

There is hope!

"Damn it, how could she summon a poisonous snake from so far away?" There was a trace of surprise and annoyance in the hoarse voice.

There were not many poisonous snakes around this time. Because it was too far away, and it was almost winter, but despite this, anyone who saw the black swarm of venomous snakes would feel numb.

There was a trace of blood at the corner of Yin Caiju's mouth, but her eyes were already open, full of smiles.

"Kill Xiao Yueye first, and leave those poisonous snakes alone!" The owner of the hoarse voice immediately gave an order,

However, seeing hope, is Xiao Yueye so easy to deal with

He was currently resorting to fighting. If he couldn't fight, wouldn't he be able to run away? What he was originally best at was Qinggong. Once this method of fighting was adopted, the seven people immediately cursed secretly.

Yin Caiju commanded the poisonous snake to split into two to help Xiao Yueye and Rourou respectively. As the distance got closer, she became more controllable, and her face looked much better.

Murong Yufeng, who was next to her, exhaled a breath and smiled. At this moment, she suddenly noticed Xiao Yueye's eyes.

After struggling in her heart, Murong Yufeng chose to believe Xiao Yueye. The worst thing is that after taking revenge, he would commit suicide to die for his love.

"Caiju, there are not many venomous snakes. You can give full command to help sister Rourou."

Yin Caiju blinked her eyes to show that she knew. After a while, the venomous snakes surrounding Xiao Yueye swam away quickly, spitting letters and other venomous snakes gathered together, and besieged the other side.

The seven people, who were originally depressed because they were stuck with Rourou Yansha, now saw a mass of black poisonous snakes surrounding them. Even if they were highly skilled in kung fu, they could not help but feel numb and devote part of their strength to kill the poisonous snakes that surrounded them.

This distraction immediately gave Yansha and Rourou a chance. Yansha mustered up her inner strength and quickly struck out hundreds of palms. And Rourou's two white practitioners intertwined together to form a giant dragon, choosing a weak point to attack with all its strength.

The two people were finally able to escape.

As soon as they came out of the formation, the two women flew to Yin Caiju's side. Why didn't they know Xiao Yueye's plan? They just hesitated for a while, took a deep look at Xiao Yueye, and fled with Murong Yufeng and Rourou.

Before leaving, Yin Caiju did not forget to give an order to let the poisonous snakes block other people's pursuit.

When Xiao Yueye saw that the four girls had escaped, she felt relieved.

As long as Rourou and the girls can escape, then there will be no burden on me. What he has to do now is to stop these people from pursuing them.

So Xiao Yueye suddenly smiled at one of the seven people: "Do you really think I don't know that you have been the one talking all this time?"

The man's expression changed, and he suddenly felt something was wrong. In this formation, there seems to be some fluctuations in the airflow. By the time he reacted, Xiao Yueye had already appeared outside.

"Haha, Xiao will bear in mind what happened today. After returning to the capital, he will find Prime Minister Mo to recover this debt." After Xiao Yueye said this coldly, he deployed the Liuyun Body Technique and felt the wind with all his strength. The waves left lightly.

"How is it possible?" The seven people were shocked. They never thought that Xiao Yueye could escape so easily.

Naturally, they didn't know that Xiao Yueye's Liuyun Movement technique originally relied on sensing the wind. A few years ago, he might still need the support of internal energy, but over the years, he has been able to grasp every gap in the wind, and use the characteristics of the wind itself to travel with the wind, which requires very little internal energy.

Therefore, even if he was seriously injured, he was very confident that he could leave. This was his real trump card. (Quanben Novel Network