The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 305: Chasing relentlessly


"Chase!" The hoarse voice paused for a while, then said angrily and decisively. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. Com At the same time, he said to the seven people who were still chasing the poisonous snakes over there: "Kill all the people and snakes here."

At the same time, he said to the man in black who had been watching the battle not far away: "Remember, when the Sword Temple is uprooted, no one involved will be left alive, and no information can be leaked. Do you understand?"

When Qi Tianlan heard this order, he was shocked and shouted suddenly. Only then did he realize that he was wrong. These people were simply taking advantage of him, and they were never prepared to fulfill the promised benefits. He was really shocked when he heard that the other party wanted to uproot his sword temple.

Knowing the terror of these people, Qi Tianlan's first reaction was to run away, the faster the better.

The hoarse voice said before leaving: "After killing these people, there is no need to chase those women. Our target is Xiao Yueye."

Qi Tianlan and his men escaped quickly, but did not see the disdain in the eyes of the seven people who surrounded and killed the poisonous snake. They snorted softly, and their figures quickly changed, firmly taking over everyone present. There was almost no suspense, it just took a lot of time, and the scene was already filled with the smell of blood.

After an unknown amount of time, a large number of people from different forces rushed over. After a while, white doves were flying everywhere in the sky, and the news quickly spread all over the country.

. . . . . .

Winter is almost here, and at this time, even the maple leaves, whose leaves are as red as the February flowers due to frost, look a little dull and colorless. The maple forest blooms with fiery red light in the most beautiful season, but now few people have arrived. Pieces of dim leaves fell with the wind, some piled on the ground, and some fell on the small river next to it.

In the morning in the suburbs, there are no more elegant people reciting poems and writing poems, and the tranquility of the past is restored. The mist is lingering, and the fresh earthy smell permeates the air. As long as you take a breath, your whole body will feel refreshed. In the woods, I don't know what kind of birds were chirping in harmony with each other.

On such a beautiful morning, it would really complement each other if a charming and talented person came slowly. However, there were several strange noises coming from the woods, startling many birds to spread their wings and fly high. Then I saw a group of unknown things, and flew to the river. No matter how cold the weather was, I directly stuck my head in.

When I took a closer look, I realized it was a person. However, his appearance looked a bit miserable, with his clothes in tatters and dirt and blood stains being the most basic color. His head also looked very messy, and judging from his back, the beggar looked better than him.

The man buried his head in the water for a long time before finally raising his head. He wiped his face vigorously with his hands, spit out a water arrow from his mouth, then took out two fruits from his clothes and ate them quickly without wasting any.

When he turns around, if anyone is here, he will definitely be shocked. Such a miserable man turned out to be so handsome!

Naturally, needless to say, readers also know that this person is Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye has been living like this since she luckily escaped from the Mo family's secret guard that day. He didn't care about choosing a path with Rourou and the others, so instead he headed north first, and then prepared to make a big circle to reach Xi Province. The original seven secret guards of the Mo family were already too much for him to bear, but now there are fourteen in total!

I don’t know how these guys grow, but their noses are more sensitive than those of dogs. Xiao Yueyue was in the same place. No matter how he hid, he would be discovered within an hour. So he could only escape all the way. Even if he was resting, he could only squint his eyes and take a nap, but his nerves were so tight that he would immediately run away if there was any situation.

So now, in just two days, he has become like this.

However, Xiao Yueye's current situation is very bad. Although his Qinggong was superb, the injuries on his body became more and more serious. As a result, now, if I take a few steps, my blood will boil and my whole body will feel weak. He was seriously injured by the Mo family's secret guard that day, and all his internal organs were damaged. In the past two days, he had fought once and suffered many new injuries. Originally, with Xiao Yueye's ability, these injuries were nothing, but now he had no time to treat them. He kept running away along the way and didn't get enough rest, which caused the injuries to drag on again and again. Xiao Yueye's whole body was hot now, and his mind was a little dizzy. He knew in his heart that he would not be able to last a few days in this condition.

What he needs most now is to lie down, drink a bowl of medicine, and then have a good sleep. Unfortunately, this simple idea has turned into the greatest luxury at this time.

After burying her head in the water and regaining consciousness, Xiao Yueye moved her ears and made sure that those people were not chasing her. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and fell down on the big rock by the water. He took out the crushed herbs from his arms and smiled bitterly: "This season, many common herbs are out of season, and I can't go to the villages and towns to buy them. With a pair of medicine to treat fever, it actually cost It took me two days.”

That's right. Xiao Yueye's banknotes were all destroyed during the fight. So he had no money to buy medicine at all. Besides, he didn't dare to go to crowded places. Who knows if those secret guards of the Mo family will be so crazy that they kill everyone else

This is Xiao Yueye. If it were anyone else, he might use someone else's death as a tool for his own escape. But no matter how cold-blooded Xiao Yueye was, he couldn't do this.

So he could only escape all the way to a remote place like the mountains and forests. His Qinggong was not hindered in the mountains and forests, but the formation of the Mo family's secret guards was exactly the opposite. Of course, another reason is that there are herbs he needs in the mountains and forests.

Unfortunately, many commonly used medicines are out of season and difficult to obtain. It took Xiao Yueye two days to get everything ready. He took out the herbs, rolled them into a ball, and chewed them in his mouth. The slight bitter taste flowed down the throat and into the stomach. Suddenly, the whole body was filled with that bitter feeling. If it had been anyone else, he would have vomited it out and then kept pouring water on himself.

But Xiao Yueye's face remained as usual, and she chewed hard, trying to absorb every bit of the medicinal properties. Only in this way can he have the guarantee of continuing to survive. After chewing for a while and making sure there was no juice, Xiao Yueye thought for a moment and swallowed the herbal residue into her stomach.

He pondered for a while, then turned his right hand slightly, and Biyesi's unique green light flashed gently in his hand. With a flick of his right hand, the lines of Bisi flew in the direction behind him according to a unique trajectory. Xiao Yueye pressed her hand to the ground, and immediately all the flying green silk threads were shuttled under the soil, intertwined and shuttled at the same time, forming a huge net.

That’s right, it’s the Internet! Spider web!

Everyone knows that spiders build webs to catch their prey. As long as prey comes to the door, it can sense it through every spider silk. Xiao Yueye used this principle to bury a spider web made of Biye silk on the ground to sense messages for herself. This was one of the safeguards that allowed him to escape for several days. Because with this network, as long as the Mo family's secret guard enters his alert range, he can know in advance and escape.

Xiao Yueye stopped after seeing that several blue leaves had passed through the roots of the maple tree and connected to each branch. He waved his right hand lightly, and a gust of wind followed him. The leaves scattered nearby immediately buried all traces of Biyesi.

Xiao Yueye coughed twice, and a trace of blood came out of the corner of his mouth. He smiled bitterly and murmured: "I just waved my palm and actually vomited blood. This injury really can't be delayed for long."

After saying that, Xiao Yueye sat down cross-legged, took out a bottle of elixir from her arms, and drank it carefully. The function of this elixir that Rourou gave him was to heal injuries. Fortunately, it was not damaged during the fight. Xiao Yueye seized every opportunity to use his energy to heal injuries and exert the power of medicine.

Quietness returned to the maple forest, and the frightened birds returned to the branches, chirping.

The sun's rays have penetrated the fog and shone into the maple forest. The color of the rising sun is actually similar to the color of the maple leaves at this moment.

Unfortunately, this tranquility is destined to be broken.

Xiao Yueye's eyebrows moved, and he immediately stopped his power and adjusted his breath. At the same time, he raised his right hand slightly, and countless green leaves returned to his body in a vague way. As soon as these were completed, Xiao Yue's Liuyun Body Technique was immediately launched and floated towards the river.

"Damn it!" A roar sounded from the forest, followed by several roars, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and many big trees fell to the ground.

Fourteen people quickly appeared where Xiao Yueye was. They narrowed their eyes and scanned for a while. One of them said calmly: "He was here just now. When he knew we were coming, he ran away immediately. There is still a little smell of medicine that has not dissipated. It seems that he is healing his wounds."

He reached out and touched the big stone Xiao Yueye was sitting on just now: "There should be dew on the stone in the early morning, but this stone has some warmth and is dry. In comparison, he is sitting here."

If Xiao Yueye were here, he would be stunned. These people are really more powerful than dogs. Just by looking and touching them, they know everything.

This is where the secret guards of the Mo family are really powerful. Each of them is a genius, not just in martial arts, but in other aspects as well. Otherwise, how could the Mo family have only cultivated twenty-one secret guards for hundreds of years

"He has that strange weapon that can sense us from a distance, hey! And his Qing Gong is also incredibly powerful. It's the first time I've seen such powerful Qing Gong."

"No matter what, we must catch him. We have made a lot of noise, and there must be pressure on the Prime Minister. No one can figure out the power of Xiao Yueye. We must eradicate him as soon as possible. Chase him!"

"Yeah." (QuanBen Novel Network