The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 307: Lao Cheng stopped the enemy


After a while, the hot water came up and poured into the barrel. WWw、QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO、CoMThis is the water boiled by the house next door! The stove in Lao Cheng's house was out of service, and it would take a lot of effort to boil the water. Fortunately, many people in the village heard that Lao Cheng's family needed water to save people, so they all helped boil water.

The smoke in the barrel suddenly filled up, and Lao Cheng put the naked man, Xiao Yueye, into the barrel. In the scalding water, the sound of scalding pig hair could be heard in the old Cheng's house next to it.

Zi. . . . . .

Although Xiao Yueye fell into a coma, she still couldn't help but moan and frowned tightly. Lao Cheng didn't say anything. He took a quick cloth and quickly wiped Xiao Yueye's body. After the stains and blood stains disappeared, what was left were numerous scars. Especially the one on the back, from the shoulder blades to the hips, is deep and long. And it seemed to be a new injury, and the blood was still flowing. The flesh on the outside has been turned out, and the old Cheng family next to him almost vomited it out.

She and Lao Cheng have been married for more than two years, and she has also seen the large and small scars on Lao Cheng's body. But those wounds were healed after all and were not as direct as the bloody sword wounds.

After washing Xiao Yueye, Lao Cheng casually picked up the dry cloth next to him and wiped the water off Xiao Yueye's body. Frowning, Lao Cheng threw the quilt that had been stained by Xiao Yueye to the ground, picked up another quilt and put it on the ground, and then carefully placed Xiao Yueye on it.

After all, the old Cheng family member was a woman. When she saw Xiao Yueye's naked body, she quickly turned around.

"I say, mother-in-law, don't be embarrassed. Aren't all men's bottoms the same? His is not bigger than mine. Why are you shy? Go and get the jar of wine from home."

The old man from the Cheng family spat and went away with a red face because he was afraid of the old man.

The rescue was quickly obtained. Lao Cheng tore open the cover, picked up a clean cloth, put it in the wine jar, waited until it was full, then took it out, and then wrung it dry.

He took a breath and said in a low voice: "Master Xiao, you have to endure it!"

He knew clearly that Xiao Yueye was now in a coma, but he still couldn't help but say such a sentence. Because what he has to do is use this strong wine to wash the wounds.

Xiao Yueye had a lot of old and new injuries, big and small, and the most serious one was naturally a long gash in his back. Lao Cheng wiped it carefully with a cloth, and at the same time fixed Xiao Yueye with one hand to prevent him from moving. Xiao Yueye's wounds were mostly covered with scraps of clothing, stones, bamboo thorns and other messy things. And because it had not been treated for a long time, many places had become ulcerated and pus-filled, which was quite disgusting.

What Lao Cheng has to do now is to use strong alcohol to disinfect Xiao Yueye. Otherwise, once medical "evil winds enter the body", which is equivalent to bacterial infection, it will be very troublesome to save the patient.

Xiao Yueye's body kept trembling, and even in a coma, the muscles on his entire face were in a state of trembling. If Lao Cheng hadn't suppressed her tightly, he might have struggled away unconsciously.

He moved a little, and the scarred wound on his body opened. But Lao Cheng didn't care. Originally, he had to open these holes again, because the outside looked scarred, but in fact, many of the people inside were rotten.

This time, it took nearly half an hour to wipe the body. Wiping is easy, but it is very troublesome to pick out the thorns and the like inside. Moreover, Lao Cheng had to use a knife to cut off Xiao Yueye's rotten flesh.

In the middle of this, his wife couldn't hold it in any longer and ran to the door and vomited.

Lao Cheng simply beat him and went out to ask the villagers for some fever-reducing herbs and some bandages. When Lao Cheng finished his work, his man slowly walked in from outside, not even daring to look at Xiao Yueye.

Lao Cheng wiped his hands with a cloth nonchalantly and said to his mother-in-law: "No, take medicine from the mountains to stop his bleeding, and then use what I taught you to sew up the hole on his back with thread. Remember, it's in the drawer." That kind of fishing line.”

"I, I know. But, we have never sewn anyone before, I, I'm afraid..."

Lao Cheng laughed: "What are you afraid of? That method was originally used to sew people. Don't worry, this perverted method of sewing wounds with threads was originally invented by this kid."

"Ah?" The old man from the Cheng family opened his mouth and stared at the unconscious man lying on the bed. I couldn't believe that this boy had figured out my family's miraculous life-saving method of using a thread.

Lao Cheng looked outside, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes. He then laughed again: "Okay, I have something to do when I go out. You hurry up and bandage him, or he will bleed to death."

"Oh, oh, oh, I know, come back quickly!"

"Yeah!" Lao Cheng nodded.

He walked out of the house, thought for a while, then went to the kitchen in the backyard, took out something from a pile of long bamboo sticks, wiped it with his hands, and then walked out with a smile.

This work is an exclusive text version and may not be reproduced or excerpted without permission. For more latest and fastest chapters, please visit.! There was no one on the riverside at Xiao Yueyue, except for a faint trace of blood wandering in the river. The women who were doing laundry stopped and went home. Moreover, when Xiao Yueye's incident happened, everyone went back to discuss it out of curiosity.

Fourteen figures suddenly appeared by the river, like ghosts. A man walked a few steps and stopped. He knelt down, dipped a stone in his hand, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it.

"It's blood. He should have followed the river to here, and may have been saved by someone here."

Another secret guard said: "I didn't expect that Xiao Yueye's life was worse than that of a cockroach. He was so seriously injured and yet he was not dead yet."

"Humph, he can only survive. We understand him now!"

Suddenly, fourteen people frowned one after another, and the one who seemed to be the leader shouted fiercely to the right: "Who is it?"

While speaking, he shot three times in the air with his right hand. There was just a bang, and the huge stone shattered.

After the stone turned into powder, it was gradually blown away by the wind, revealing a lame man.

The cripple, holding something like a gun in his right hand, was looking at them with a smile.

I say it looks like a gun, because this thing can really only be said to look like a gun. Maybe it is a gun in itself, but who has ever seen a gun with a rusty tip, paint off the barrel, and tiny cracks

Rather than a gun, more people would think of this as a cripple's crutch.

Of course it’s Lao Cheng!

Lao Cheng held on to the gun, indeed using it as a crutch, and limped toward the secret guards.

The fourteen secret guards suddenly became nervous. They would never underestimate the enemy, let alone feel the murderous aura and intimidation of the cripple in front of them.

This person is a tough guy to deal with!

If it were normal times, how could the Mo family's secret guard take others so seriously? Don't say you are just a tough guy, even if you are a grandmaster, we will not tolerate you.

But things are different now. Their target is that boy Xiao Yueye. Although Xiao Yueye hated Xiao Yue with a itch in his heart, the secret guard of the Mo family had to admit that this boy's lightness kung fu and escape ability were truly the best in the world.

Just like this time, he was able to escape despite being so seriously injured.

So, what if this cripple delayed Xiao Yueye's escape? You know, it is really difficult to catch this kid! Especially when he was seriously injured!

The leader winked, took a step forward, and said calmly: "We are here to arrest people, don't block the way, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

This is the secret guard of the Mo family! Even though he didn't want to fight with others, his tone of voice was still extremely arrogant. Maybe for them, they are afraid of trouble, so they give you, a cripple, a chance to survive!

It's a pity that Lao Cheng doesn't need charity from others. He has his own pride and backbone, just like the spear in his hand.

Lao Cheng's face was pale, half smiling but not angry, half angry but not angry. He coughed twice and said, "What do you want to do? Kill someone?"

The leader snorted softly as an answer.

Lao Cheng smiled, took out a gourd from somewhere, took a sip, and threw it aside: "Unfortunately, I don't want to be the best with you, but if my guess is right, the person you want to kill, Exactly what I have to save.”

The leader's face darkened, and a murderous aura filled the air. A flash of sword light flashed in his hand, and he said coldly: "Cripple, if you are looking for death, we will help you. Set up an formation, and another pair will go to kill Xiao Yueye. Any Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy!”

"Yes!" The six people quickly united with the leader and stepped out of the formation, while the other seven people jumped and prepared to leave from the edge.

At this moment, the fourteen people were shaken violently, and those who were about to leave also stopped.

Because at this moment, they felt a very domineering murderous aura coming towards them. The smell of blood goes straight to my mind. The originally fresh air turned thick and seemed to be filled with blood.

But it's not terrible.

The scary thing is that the lame man who looked obscene and useless changed his right hand to a spear, and the void moved. Only a few rays of silver light were seen flashing away, but in front of the fourteen people, a spear immediately appeared.

They had to stop!

The faces of the fourteen people fell, and their hearts tightened. This cripple is so powerful!

One shot, just one shot, actually blocked fourteen of his own people!


Lao Cheng stood up straight, with a cheerful smile on his unruly face. He waved his spear and pointed it at the fourteen people: "Your opponent is me! If you want to kill him, walk over my body."

He spoke very lightly, but a very powerful, indescribable energy emerged from his body.

The leader's face was gloomy. He looked at Lao Cheng deeply for a few times and suddenly snorted and said, "Okay, since you want to die, we will grant your wish! Liangyi Tiangang Beidou Formation!"

Others are not talking nonsense, although using this formation to deal with the old cripple definitely feels like overkill. However, they quickly formed a formation and surrounded Lao Cheng. (Quanben Novel Website