The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 315: Intrigue (Part 1)


"A bunch of losers!" Murong Liuyun roared angrily, waving his hand and sweeping the memorial in front of him to the ground. WWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.COm

All the ministers knelt down and did not dare to make a sound. The entire Jinluan Palace could only hear Murong Liuyun's rough breathing, indicating his bad mood now.


"Wei Chen is here."

Murong Liuyun stared coldly at the Minister of the Ministry of Finance who was kneeling below him: "Report and listen to the news you have received so far."

Luo Hai, the Minister of Revenue, swallowed hard and said bravely: "Currently, according to statistics, there are fifteen states affected by the disaster in the country, nine of which are serious, including a total of 121 counties. Among them, the northern This area has been the most severely affected. According to current statistics, 400,000 victims have been displaced, nearly 160,000 people have died, and countless houses have been damaged.”

There was a gasp in the Jinluan Palace. Although they knew that the disaster would be severe this time, they did not expect that it would reach such an extent. It had only been ten days, and there were already so many casualties. So in the future, the number of casualties will be even more terrifying.

Many people have buried their heads deeply, their hearts are shaking, and they dare not continue to think about it.

Murong Liuyun looked at the people below and couldn't help but sneer: "Before the heavy snowfall, I asked how the disaster prevention was going. Aren't you all very confident? Ah?! But how long did it take? How long did it take? There were actually casualties. So much? Where did the disaster relief food and wages that I went to go to? Why are all the three granaries in Suzhou, Canglong Prefecture, and Huhe Prefecture said that there is insufficient food? Are all these grains eaten by rats? Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, tell me, where do the millions of taels of silver go every year?”

The sound of banging on the table was like thunder, which frightened the minister and knocked him down repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, I forgive you, I am a humble minister, I am a humble minister..."

Murong Liuyun narrowed his eyes: "Come here, put this guy in the sky prison. No one is allowed to visit the prison without my order. The position of Minister of the Ministry of Finance will be held by Gu Dao, the original minister."

With the fury of the thunder, all the officials felt sad as they watched Luo Hai, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, being dragged out of the Jinluan Palace while crying for mercy. Song Chuan's face was extremely gloomy. Luo Hai was from his faction, and he was supported by the emperor. But this time, it seemed that the emperor was really angry. It doesn't matter if Luo Hai is dead, the problem is the emperor's attitude towards himself. Song Chuan knew in his heart that if the emperor was disappointed with him, his power would soon fall apart.

However, at this moment, he would not step forward to ask for trouble.

What's rare is that neither Mo Zhiqi nor Zhang Dehai added insult to injury. It's not that the two of them have changed their temper, but that they know that a large part of the disaster relief money is in their own pockets. If the emperor continues to investigate layer by layer, he will be the one who dies.

The two of them would never be like the people below, who really thought that the emperor had cultivated his moral character and become kind and kind in the past few years. They knew full well that Murong Liuyun had just put away his claws. He has seen all their struggles over the years. However, out of the way of an emperor, he is happy to see his ministers fighting. Moreover, several people were fighting in a measured manner, so he turned a blind eye.

But this time, it was really a big deal.

Unexpectedly, this year we would encounter a snowstorm that was rare in a hundred years, and those people below were so greedy that they plundered all the food and wages.

Murong Liuyun's anger did not disappear as Luo Hai was suppressed, but became more intense: "Look at these memorials, a few days ago, ah, they said that the disaster relief was good, the people had enough food and clothing, and could live a good year. As a result Well, the disaster was too great to contain, so I secretly sent a letter asking for help. These bastards, I want to kill their nine tribes! These people are all supported by you, right? Unexpectedly, the governor of Suzhou is. Your student? Why is his granary empty? Zhang Dehai, is Canglongzhou Daotai your subordinate? Why didn’t you single-handedly promote these talents now? "

"The humble minister is guilty, and I beg the emperor to forgive me."

"Speak!" Murong Liuyun said angrily.

"I don't know who I am. Please forgive me, Your Majesty." The two people spoke in unison at this moment. He also avoided the important things when speaking, and only said that he knew the person unknown, but did not say that it was basically the instigation of two people.

"Huh!" Murong Liuyun didn't know why, but although he was angry now, he couldn't move the two of them. I can only use the topic to express my anger to the two people. Especially unpredictable, when he thought that his son was almost killed by him, the murderous intention in Murong Liuyun's heart emerged uncontrollably.

"Your Majesty." In this depressing atmosphere, someone finally dared to step forward and say.

It's Murong Hui!

Murong Liuyun's expression softened a little: "What's wrong with King Zhao?"

"Your Majesty, from what I can see, this is not the time to ask questions. What we have to do now is to provide disaster relief and deal with the public anger and civil unrest in various places." Murong Hui said slowly. Among all the civil and military officials, he was the only one who dared to say this.

Murong Liuyun took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed down: "What King Zhao said makes sense. In your opinion, how should we deal with it?"

Zhao Wang Murong Hui smiled faintly, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Your Majesty, the ministers in the court, are all people with the most academic achievements of the past and present. They will definitely have a way."

This work is an exclusive text version and may not be reproduced or excerpted without permission. For more latest and fastest chapters, please visit.! He kicked the ball out easily, but the ministers who thought there was hope cursed secretly. Murong Hui didn't care either. His fiefdom was located in the south of the Yangtze River and had abundant supplies. In addition, Lihuo's 100,000 troops were stationed there, so there would be no trouble. As far as he knew, although there were cases of people freezing to death and starving to death in his fiefdom, they were only in the minority. The officials below are actively carrying out rescue work, building houses, giving soup, and delivering clothes, so there is basically no situation.

Murong Liuyun cast his gloomy eyes at the officials again, and said in a low voice: "Dear ladies, do you have any good ideas?"

Unpredictable, he hurriedly stepped forward: "Reporting to the Emperor, the first priority is to raise supplies and put them down so that the people affected by the disaster can have food and clothing, and secondly, send people to build houses for the victims to survive this winter. As for next year In spring, when the ice and snow melt, the government still needs to allocate money to help the victims cultivate in preparation for the autumn harvest. "

Although Mu Zhi is not a good person, he is really remarkable for dealing with too many things. In just a few sentences, he grasps the center of the problem. What do disaster victims need most now? Food and clothes!

As for the post-disaster situation, he could not predict the situation clearly in just a few words.

Murong Liuyun nodded and looked at the newly appointed Hubu Shang: "Hubu, according to your estimate, how much food and salary will be needed for disaster relief?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Gu Dao's face: "Reporting to the emperor, the war with the Mongolian Kingdom the year before last year left the treasury empty. Although it has been adjusted last year, it is still difficult. If it is disaster relief this time, I am afraid..."

The word "I'm afraid" weighed heavily on everyone's hearts. The disasters this year were really severe. One-third of the entire Murong Dynasty was affected by the disaster, and one-fifth of the areas were seriously affected. The money in the treasury is clearly insufficient.

When he thought of this, Murong Liuyun's face sank again. Why is there not enough silver in the treasury? If it weren't for those damn moths, would the situation be as it is now? If they could use the remaining money to prepare early, even if they were hit by this year's snowstorm, it would not be as serious as this.

Murong Liuyun held back the anger in his heart and took a deep breath: "What do you think we should do?"

"Your Majesty, I think we should ask wealthy private businessmen to make donations, which may be able to solve the urgent need." An old minister stepped forward and said.

Murong Liuyun frowned and thought for a while, but did not reply directly. Instead, he looked at Zhang Dehai and asked, "Zhang Aiqing, what do you think?"

Zhang Dehai replied: "Reporting to the emperor, during the war the year before last, our court had collected food and wages from wealthy private businessmen. This time the situation is serious, and people's hearts have already been shaken. If we collect silver coins, I am afraid it will affect the people's hearts."

That's right, because of the disaster in the north, speculations have emerged everywhere, and doubts about the capabilities of the imperial court are endless. If the emperor posted a list to collect silver coins at this time, wouldn't it be an obvious way to tell the people that the court had no money and there was nothing they could do

If people's hearts are in chaos, the world will really be in chaos.

"Well, you are right. This method of collecting silver cannot be used again. We need to find another way."

An unexpected idea flashed in his mind, and he stood up and said: "Your Majesty, considering the face of the court, it is not appropriate to collect silver coins from merchants. However, as far as Wei Chen knows, there are several officials in our court who are wealthy. If the emperor decrees , let them contribute to the country, Wei Chen thought, they would not dare to disobey. "

Murong Liuyun lowered his eyes, hiding his murderous intent deeply. It's unpredictable, it's unpredictable. At this moment, you still don't forget to intrigue and frame others? Yes, how many officials are there in the DPRK and China? You think others are fools, don't you understand that you are talking about Xiao Yueye? You didn't kill him in other places. Are you going to use the imperial court's help to kill him this time

Yes, the imperial court issued an order, and Xiao Yueye did not dare to disobey it, otherwise he would be disobeying the order and would be punished. If he obeys, all his family property will probably be confiscated, right? Maybe, the account books will be modified, and several charges of colluding with courtiers, bribery, etc. will be found, and Xiao Yueye will be killed.

At worst, it can make Xiao Yueye bankrupt.

His heart is so sinister!

Unpredictably, if you weren't so aggressive, I really wouldn't want to uproot your Mo family. Unfortunately, you are looking for the wrong person. The one you want to get rid of is my son!

Murong Liuyun's thoughts only lasted for a blink of an eye. On his face, he said calmly: "Oh? I wonder who these beloved ladies are?"

Li Song, the Minister of Rites, was an unpredictable person and said hurriedly: "Reporting to the emperor, as far as I know, Xiao Yueye, the envoy of COSCO, has a good management and a huge fortune. Mr. Xiao has always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic. Facing this great catastrophe in the world, he will definitely be willing to do so." To contribute to the country and the people. Wei Chen has a close relationship with Mr. Xiao, and Wei Chen believes that even if he has to go bankrupt, as long as he can help the people, he will definitely do it. "(Full novel website www.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo) .com)