The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 316: Intrigue (Part 2)


So poisonous!

This is what everyone is thinking. WWw.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.COm

This is simply trying to push Xiao Yueye into a desperate situation!

If the emperor agrees to your words, Xiao Yueye will be accused of having ulterior motives if he wants to keep some assets. In this case, unless all assets are handed over, it will really be life-threatening.

It seems that Mu Zhi is going to kill Xiao Yueye!

No matter what other people present thought, Mu Zhiqi actually complained about Li Song. Although you understand my thoughts, you are too straightforward! Everyone in the court knows that the emperor is very fond of this Xiao Yueye. If you say it so clearly, aren't you slapping the emperor in the mouth

So he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is natural for ministers in the court to contribute to the country. We believe that Mr. Xiao will be happy. But to say that he is bankrupt is really too much. If it is for the sake of the country, let such a good minister bankrupt his family, isn't it? Chilling? I have a small fortune and am willing to contribute to the court. I hope the emperor will allow it."

Old fox, when he said these words, many people secretly cursed him. He said a few words about how great he was, and immediately showed his loyalty, which was indeed great.

Mo Zhiqi and Song Chuan were not far behind. They also said that they had a small income and were willing to contribute to the court.

The three giants came forward, and the soldiers behind them naturally followed suit, and most of them expressed their willingness to contribute.

Murong Liuyun smiled strangely: "I didn't expect that all of you, my darlings, would have a slightly difficult pregnancy!"

What he said seemed to be a joke, but in everyone's heart, they felt it had some profound meaning.

Murong Liuyun didn't point it out, he just looked deeply at Mo Zhiqi, Zhang Dehai and Song Chuan. The three people also understand the meaning of this: You three, don’t think that I don’t know how greedy you are. This time, spit it out for me, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.

Murong Hui looked at this farce and smiled disdainfully. He stood up proudly and said: "Your Majesty, since all the ministers are willing to contribute to the court, how can I, as a descendant of the Murong family, fall behind? The tax revenue of my fief this year is good, not to mention more than two or three hundred thousand taels. It can be saved. "

"It's very kind of you, my emperor brother. During this year's Chinese New Year, I will reduce the needs of the harem by half, and all the money saved will be used for disaster relief. We, the monarchs and ministers, should be able to survive this snow disaster by working together. As for the beginning of next year, we will allocate more funds from the treasury. If it goes down, it should be fine.”

"Your Majesty is wise."

Murong Liuyun waved his hand, perhaps because he had solved the silver problem, and his expression softened a little: "The silver problem has been solved, and then there is the housing problem. Currently, 400,000 people are displaced, and this number is increasing every day. What should we do? Also, how to solve the public anger and civil unrest in various places?”

Su Jing, who had been watching with a cold eye, took a step forward: "Reporting to the Emperor, I believe that now we should organize officers and soldiers from various states and counties, open granaries, build concentration camps, and gather all the victims. In this way, we can prevent the situation from expanding. , Secondly, these victims can be rescued in a unified way. As for the collapsed houses, states and counties should organize people to lead the people who have lost their homes to rebuild. This will give the people a sense of peace of mind and they will think that the court has not given up on them and the people's support. Naturally, they will join the emperor again. And the people who have become bandits will definitely feel grateful after hearing about it and will not dare to cause trouble again. "

Murong Liuyun nodded, looked at the officials and said, "What do the other beloved ladies mean?"

Other officials looked around and whispered, quite agreeing with Su Jing's suggestion. Although everyone has their own factions, if you can stand in the Jinluan Palace, you will definitely not be a idiot. You can still distinguish what is important.

However, the Ministry of Punishment did not agree with the handling of the matter of turning into a bandit. The Minister of Punishment was a young general in his thirties. When he was very angry, he said loudly: "Your Majesty, those unscrupulous people have no regard for heaven, gather people to make trouble, smash county offices, and kill and injure officers and soldiers. These behaviors have seriously affected What's more, as far as I know, there are bandits in several states and counties who are trying to deceive people and try to overthrow our Murong Dynasty. I think that Shilang Su's method of dealing with these bandits is too benevolent, and the court should Send troops down to suppress these unruly people and let them know what is the law. Otherwise, once a precedent is set, these unruly people may use this method to threaten the court. "

The statement made by the Ministry of Justice made many people look pensive. What he said was not unreasonable. In their view, gathering a crowd to cause trouble and burning down the county government office was a clear sign of opposition to the imperial court and a rebellion!

However, his eyes were all focused on Murong Liuyun who was in deep thought, expecting the emperor's final decision. The disaster relief plan seems to have been decided, but the emperor is obviously still considering how to deal with the bandits.

"What the Criminal Department said is not unreasonable..." Murong Liuyun raised his eyes and said softly, with infinite charm.

Su Jing's voice sounded at this moment: "Your Majesty, what Minister Xiao said is not unreasonable, but the timing is not right."

"Oh? What's wrong with the timing?"

Su Jing straightened his body and said loudly: "Since ancient times, everything always has a cause and effect. This time, it was the court's failure to provide disaster relief that led to these people gathering to make trouble. What was their purpose of gathering to make trouble? Could it be that they wanted to rebel? ? The real purpose of the people is nothing more than to express their resistance in this way. Your Majesty, if it is not possible to live in peace and prosperity, who would want to cause trouble? It is better to fight in Wei than to starve to death. In my opinion, the people who are really responsible for this matter are not the people, but the court. If everyone is well fed and warmly clothed this winter, who would want to go out and cause trouble in the dead of winter?"

"What Mr. Su said is wrong." Xiao Zongbao, the Minister of Punishment, said with disapproval: "Even if the court is at fault, it is a fact that these unruly people gathered to make trouble. If, as you said, these unruly people can be easily let go, I, the Murong Dynasty, will He Cun? If we let these unruly people go, doesn't it mean that we, the Murong Dynasty, are afraid of them? "

Su Jing turned around and looked at Xiao Zongbao with a faint smile: "Master Xiao, as you said, these people should starve to death and freeze to death? Court law? This year's disaster relief has not been effective, and the actions of those subordinate officials have made it difficult for them to do so." Our laws and regulations are gone. As for being afraid of them, don’t you know that water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it?”

He turned back to Murong Liuyun: "Your Majesty, it is better to defend the people than to defend the river. Now the people are displaced and the people's support has been lost. If we do not try our best to restore the people's support at this time, but suppress it for a while, I am afraid that a popular uprising will really happen. gave birth."

"Master Su!" Xiao Zongbao raised his voice and said dissatisfied: "Don't be alarmist and confuse people's hearts! Your Majesty, it is a fact that those unruly people smashed the county government office and gathered people to make trouble. We must not let it go. If not, I Where is the dignity of the court's laws and regulations? Where is the emperor's power? Please think again."

The two people were tit-for-tat, with completely opposite opinions, and the war of words became more and more explosive. None of the officials nearby spoke, for fear of provoking anger. And it's not like other people don't have eyes. Now it's clear that Su Jing is on the unpredictable side, and Xiao Zongbao is Zhang Dehai's man. To put it bluntly, the two of them were just the swords in the hands of Mo Zhiqi and Zhang Dehai.

Murong Liuyun looked at the dragon chair and said softly: "First Emperor, what do you think?"

The eldest prince stood aside and said nothing. He could go to court and participate in political affairs at the age of fourteen. The main reason why I said nothing today was because I was afraid of making mistakes and causing trouble. There is no way, the matter is too serious now, if you accidentally say the wrong thing, it will be serious.

However, the emperor told him to listen to his opinion, so he naturally did not dare to reserve it. Instead, he quickly sorted out his thoughts, hoping to guess the holy intention and give himself extra points: "Reporting to my father, I think that what the two ministers said is All the words are reasonable. This civil uprising was not caused by the people's malice, but was actually a desperate act under the pressure of hunger and cold. However, it was a fact that the people gathered to make trouble and openly opposed the imperial court. The imperial court was majestic and could not be ignored. We should send troops down to kill those who led them as a warning. As for other people, if they lose their leaders and see the government's relief efforts, they will definitely leave happily."

Murong Gong's statement took both inside and outside into account. It deterred the bandits without aggravating the situation.

After hearing his opinion, Murong Liuyun nodded lightly without saying anything, then looked at Murong Jingde who lowered his eyebrows: "Second Emperor, what do you think?"

Murong Jingde has rarely spoken since he joined the government. However, everyone who knows him well knows that this prince is just not paying much attention to government affairs. His acuity and ability are definitely much more powerful than Murong Gong's. It's a pity that he put all his wisdom in this area on women. Otherwise, he would not have lost his position as prince.

"Father, I think what the elder brother said is reasonable. However, I would like to add a few points. First, during this civil uprising, were there people with ulterior motives who fanned the flames and maliciously incited the people? Second, how did you know about the bandits? Who is it? When the officers and soldiers are strangled, will they make the people angry instead? Third, the people's hearts have been lost, how to restore it? Fourth, the prices in the capital have increased, but what about those disaster areas? After finishing a few sentences, he lowered his head.

However, his words made most people present cheer in their hearts. good! He spoke in an organized manner, explained things clearly, and even said some things that had been forgotten.

It is indeed much better than Murong Gong’s simple method!

Murong Gong's jealous eyes flashed past, but he lowered his head, so no one saw it. As for Mu Zhiqi, he still had that mysterious expression, but in his heart he was disappointed with the eldest prince he supported.

Normally he looks quite majestic, but when something happens, he loses control. If it weren't for the fact that he was his nephew, I really wouldn't be willing to assist him.

Murong Liuyun glanced at his two sons, comparing them in his mind, and then the shadow of Xiao Yueye appeared in his mind. He sighed softly, his eyes became clear again, and he said calmly: "What the two princes said is true. This civil uprising is indeed very complicated. What the people want is nothing more than to have food and clothing. That's all. As Su Aiqing said, there is always a cause and effect. This time, it is my fault that the court failed to provide disaster relief. The civil uprising needs to be carefully considered. The eldest prince's method of punishing the offenders is very good. It shows the majesty of the court and does not aggravate the situation. However, as the Second Emperor suggested, there are still many things that need to be paid attention to. Well, there is no limit to how much money you can collect from the officials according to my decree. Let me think about how to deal with the civil uprising and restore people's hearts. Prime Minister, General, Minister of the Sixth Ministry, Emperor's brother, and the two princes, please stay and wait in the upper study while the others withdraw from the court."

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Murong Liuyun rubbed his brow tiredly. In the past few days, he had only slept for less than two hours every day, and he was really exhausted. Liu Dexi, who was following him, hurriedly supported Murong Liuyun and whispered: "Your Majesty, be careful of the dragon body!"

Waving his hand nonchalantly, Murong Liuyun said: "I'm fine."

Liu Dexi followed closely, hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for talking too much, why don't you go to the Queen to discuss something, maybe she can help you!"

Murong Liuyun paused and smiled bitterly: "Liu Dexi, do you think I don't want to find her? But this time, she was really angry and ignored me at all."

"You mean, about the third prince?"

"Yes!" Murong Liuyun rubbed his temples, with a murderous look in his eyes: "Fortunately, Ye'er was fine, otherwise, I really don't know what kind of counterattack she would make. This time, she also hated me. Now I can only hope that Ye'er's anger will subside after she comes back safe and sound."

Liu Dexi helped Murong Liuyun move forward, and after a while he said: "Your Majesty, you said before that now is not the time to touch Prime Minister Mo, but the Queen has a strong temper, and once she makes up her mind, it may be difficult to change! "

Sighing softly, Murong Liuyun said slowly: "You are right. But unpredictable is actually too hateful. I am afraid when I think about it. If it was not by chance that I got Cheng Yue's help, I would have died. I will be separated from Ye'er Tianren forever. This old man really deserves to die. This time, even if it harms Chao Gang, I will eradicate his Mo family to vent my hatred!"

"Your Majesty, this old slave has something to say. I don't know whether to say it or not."

"You have been with me for decades, but it doesn't matter."

"Yes. Your Majesty, you have supported the rise of Songchuan for so many years, just to create a three-legged situation to stabilize the court. If you deal with Mo Zhiqi rashly at this time, it will cause a shock to the situation. Even if Mo Zhiqi is destroyed, he will The forces below are likely to attach themselves to Song Chuan. Wouldn't this create a second unpredictable situation? "

Murong Liuyun pondered for a moment: "What do you think?"

Liu Dexi hurriedly bent down and said: "What advice can I give you? It's just to try to figure out the Holy Will. I have followed the Queen for many years, and I know that the Queen is a reasonable person who can distinguish right from wrong. This time, because the Queen cares about the comfort of the third prince, she The old slave thought that as long as the emperor communicates well with the emperor, the emperor will definitely understand the emperor's difficulties. "

Murong Liuyun nodded, with a hint of joy on his eyebrows: "You really care about me! By the way, when will Ye'er come back?"

"Here comes the news. He is on the way now. In two days, he will be able to return to Beijing."

"Well, okay, I understand. Let's go to the study."

. . . . . .

The next day, when the court went to court, all the civil and military officials felt a little unsure. Yesterday, the emperor and the remaining officials discussed the matter until the evening, and it seemed that they had reached a conclusion.

After talking about the current situation for a while, Murong Liuyun went directly to the topic and expressed his decision: "Yesterday, I discussed with you all for a long time and made a decision on many matters caused by this snow disaster."

He looked around, everyone holding their breath, waiting for the final plan.

"Disaster relief is urgent. I have decided to send my future son-in-law Su Jing to personally go to the disaster area to provide relief, to show the emperor's grace and at the same time restore the people's hearts. In addition, in response to the three large-scale civil uprisings in Guizhou, Wuzhou, and Yinzhou, The general of Zhenbei is ordered to dispatch troops and follow Su Jing's command to eliminate evil and kill traitors without harming the other innocent people. "Su Jing, do you have the confidence?"

Su Jing stepped forward proudly: "Your Majesty Su Jing, take the order!"

"Well, very good. I hope you won't disappoint me. I will arrange your marriage with Xiu'er after the snowstorm."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"In addition, I will personally write an edict to punish myself, and all states and counties must post it to show my heart."

"My emperor is wise!" All the ministers hurriedly knelt on the ground. They were astonished even in the past few days. They didn't expect that the emperor would actually write an edict to punish himself!

Since ancient times, few emperors have written edicts about sin. The emperor's face is higher than the sky and thicker than the earth. Even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are not willing to write edicts to punish oneself.

"Everyone, get up. At the same time, let's pass on the message. The country is suffering from natural disasters and the people are suffering. If anyone drives up prices and disturbs the people's hearts at this time, they will be killed without mercy!"

"According to the order!"

Murong Liuyun nodded, gave a few more instructions, and asked, "By the way, how about collecting silver?"

The new Shang of the Ministry of Household Affairs: "Reporting to the Emperor, the amount of silver raised by hundreds of officials amounted to 23,526 taels. When some merchants and common people in the capital learned about this, they all donated money one after another, and the amount of silver donated amounted to 310,000 taels. There was more than enough. Among them, Mr. Xiao Yueye donated 5,000 taels in his own name, and the "Xijunzhai" under his name led hundreds of merchants to donate 10,000 taels of silver. The two items added up to a total of 15,000 taels. ”

"Yes, not bad." Murong Liuyun nodded and praised twice, but did not express any other opinions. The amount of silver donated this time was within his expectation. Although most of the DPRK and Chinese officials come from wealthy families, they accept a lot of bribes. But I definitely wouldn’t donate it in public. Wouldn’t that be a clear way of telling others that the source of the money is unknown? Therefore, they have to donate money to those companies that annex themselves. Needless to say, this must be the idea of the three of them. This was their way of telling Murong Liuyun that they had really made a difference. (Quanben Novel Website