The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 318: Indifferent tenderness


(Two updates, 6,000 words. wWw!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!CoM So far this month, 170,000 words have been updated. Isn’t it incredible? I can’t believe that I am so strong this month. If this continues, this month 200,000 words, isn’t it a little kase? I’m proud and continue to tell you to exercise more, eat less and eat more, and don’t let the disease contaminate your body. After I get better, I will start exercising and lose weight in October. There are a lot of old classmates gathering, and there are a lot of girls in there. If you see me looking like a pig now, I’m afraid I’ll laugh crookedly~)

"Lord Tian, please send me to the palace to ask the emperor to come and see you." Xiao Yueye said calmly. He had some ideas and opinions of his own, but he needed Murong Liuyun's cooperation and consent.

Master Tian nodded and walked out.

After traveling non-stop for more than ten days, despite Rourou's careful care, Xiao Yueye's body was still unstoppably exhausted. What's more, his injury was not healed in the first place, so after giving a few instructions, he became very depressed. Master Di and Master Ren frowned and approached Xiao Yueye from left to right, sending a burst of inner energy to him through the air to help him recover.

Xiao Yueye nodded in thanks, and the two of them didn't say anything. They just glanced at Rourou and left.

Only Rourou and Xiao Yueye were left in the room. They looked at each other and smiled without saying anything. Xiao Yueyue closed her eyes to rest her mind, her breathing getting heavier and heavier. Because Rourou was by her side, she quickly fell asleep peacefully.

Rourou tightened his coat tightly, then sat next to him, casually looking through some documents on the desk, and analyzing the snow disaster in her mind.

After receiving the news, Murong Liuyun almost used Qinggong to rush over, but when he arrived, what he saw was the scene in front of him: Xiao Yueye leaned on the chair, breathing deeply, while Rourou was beside her, turning the pages of the book. , Liu eyebrows frowned slightly.

Seeing Murong Liuyun come in, Rourou hurriedly saluted. She looked at Xiao Yueye, who was sleeping soundly, and hesitated for a long time, unable to bear to wake him up. But we can't let the emperor wait for Xiao Yueye.

Murong Liuyun could see the fatigue on his son at a glance, and he could also clearly see the bandage of the wound under his clothes. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, he still couldn't help but feel heartache. In front of Xiao Yueye, he has always acted like a father, not an emperor, so his first reaction now is heartache instead of frowning.

Waving his hand to Rourou not to disturb Xiao Yueye, Murong Liuyun found a chair and sat down at random. Rourou poured a cup of tea for Murong Liuyun, and then sat down opposite Murong Liuyun in a polite manner. After all, she is a conservative woman, with a slight fear of imperial power in her nature. What's more, the emperor in front of her is still her father-in-law.

The corners of Murong Liuyun's lips raised slightly. He had seen Rourou many times, but on previous occasions, he had rarely been able to look at Rourou carefully. At this moment, I calmed down and observed carefully, and I couldn't help but applaud my son's vision.

Although Rourou cannot be called a stunning beauty, she is delicate and elegant, with a certain calmness between her eyebrows. Especially Murong Liuyun was even more satisfied when he learned about this girl's past from Mrs. Xiao. This girl was able to suck snake venom for her son without hesitation, which shows that she has deep feelings. And in order to help Xiao Yueye, she gave up her peaceful and comfortable life, accepted strict training, practiced martial arts hard, and took over Feixue Pavilion. Moreover, for such a long time, Murong Liuyun also knew that Xiao Yueye had been away from the capital for a long time, and most of his businesses and family affairs were mostly handled by Rourou.

This girl really knows how to work in the living room and the kitchen. Although she is not the smartest, she is the hardest working. Especially since she has a heart that is dedicated to Xiao Yueye, which is very rare.

Thinking of this, Murong Liuyun couldn't help but sigh. Each of the wives his other two sons chose satisfied him. They only engage in intrigues and intrigues all day long. There are many smart women in the world, but most of them just think they are smart and actually do stupid things.

Rourou is a girl who is thoughtful, organized, stable and not chaotic, which is very good.

Being looked at by Murong Liuyun without any scruples, Rourou felt uneasy in her heart. However, she had seen him on various occasions over the years, so even though her heart was pounding, her face remained calm and composed.

Murong Liuyun laughed softly: "Well, you are very good. It is his blessing that Ye'er married you."

After receiving her father-in-law's approval, Rourou immediately laughed: "Your Majesty is laughing at you. It is Rourou's blessing to be able to marry the young master!"

"You don't have to be so polite, and you don't have to be humble. In my life, I rarely praise people, especially women. Originally, I was thinking, with your family background and appearance, how could you let that girl Yufeng be willing to be put on top of you? Now it seems that it makes sense. Although you are a bit lacking in appearance, your calm and generous demeanor is rare in the world. "

"Of course it's rare in the world, otherwise how could I shamelessly marry her home?" Xiao Yueye's voice sounded softly, full of smiles.

"Ah, Master, are you awake?" Rourou stood up in a hurry and went to help Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye stood up holding her hand, bowed slightly to Murong Liuyun, and said with a smile: "Are you here? Sorry, I fell asleep."

Despite all the thoughts in his mind, Murong Liuyun still chuckled and said, "Are you awake? No need to be polite, just sit down. You are seriously injured this time. If you need any medicine, just ask."

With a faint warmth in her heart, Xiao Yueye raised her lips and said, "I understand. Don't worry, it's basically good. It just needs more care."

"Yes." Murong Liuyun nodded: "Although the snow disaster is very big this time, it can basically be controlled. You don't need to be too upset and have a good rest. By the way, call me. If you want anything, ?”

Xiao Yueye leaned back on the chair, took a breath and said, "I have a few things I want to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Murong Liuyun became interested as soon as he heard it. This precious son is not someone who easily comes up with ideas: "Tell me about it."

"First, there is the matter of the snow disaster. This time I returned to the capital. Along the way, I saw mourning all over the place. Countless people died of hunger and freezing. It was really chilling. But what is really chilling is that those state and county officials only know how to For all the superficial efforts, many yamen even closed their doors and refused to open warehouses to release grain to help the people. What's more, some wealthy gentry took out food to help the people themselves, and were deliberately made difficult by officials. "

Xiao Yueye spoke calmly, but everyone could hear the dissatisfaction and murderous intent in his tone. Murong Liuyun lowered his eyes and asked calmly: "After all, there are only a few worms in the country. Even if we kill them all, it will not help. What's more, although they are all minor officials, they play an indispensable role in the local area. Killing them, Where is the substitute?"

"Of course these things need to be solved by the state? Is it possible that because of these reasons, we just let it go?" Xiao Yueye looked directly at him and said unceremoniously.

Murong Liuyun was used to his son's attitude and didn't take it seriously: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Xiao Yueye chuckled softly: "I am not in my position, and I do not seek to govern. I, the Dragon Guard Grandmaster, only assist the royal family, collect intelligence, and monitor the world. As for how to deal with these corrupt officials, incompetent waste, it is the responsibility of the imperial court. ." Novel.bsp; Although she knew he would say this, Murong Liuyun couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had learned about this kind of information as early as a few days ago, and he was deeply disgusted. He had already thought of many strategies in private. But he still wanted to ask Xiao Yueye, because he hoped that Xiao Yueye could help him handle political affairs bit by bit. After all, Murong Liuyun still did not give up his plan to pass the throne to Xiao Yueye.

But how could Xiao Yueye fail to see his intentions? It was just that he didn't dare to be interested in the throne that people all over the world were flocking to. That’s why I refuse to provide ideas without hesitation. He believed that with Murong Liuyun's methods, there would be a solution.

However, Murong Liuyun was still a little happy, because in his opinion, Xiao Yueye seemed to have changed when he came back this time, and he was taking the initiative to worry about the people of the world. This feeling is what an emperor needs.

"Okay, I know what to do. What else?"

Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment: "The other thing is my own business. I am being hunted by the Mo family's secret guards, as you know. I have now made up my mind to not give up until the Mo family is destroyed."

He knew that Murong Liuyun had worked hard over the years to create the current stable situation. If he openly dealt with the Mo family, it would definitely cause an uproar to the entire world. Chao Gang will be in turmoil from now on. Therefore, he felt that he needed to talk to Murong Liuyun. Of course, even if Murong Liuyun stopped him, he would never change his mind.

His consistent stance is, if you want to fight, I will fight!

It can be seen that Xiao Yueye is already determined, and Murong Liuyun has been mentally prepared for a long time. He smiled and patted Xiao Yueye's shoulder: "Don't worry, this time, I support you. Ordinary people, I The child was beaten, and the father had to rush out to take revenge, not to mention the royal family? It's not a big deal if the Mo family has a right to death. Twenty years ago, I could single-handedly clean up the dilapidated Chao Gang to what it is today, so you can deal with it. I can naturally resolve the turmoil caused by the Mo family!"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Yueye felt warm in his heart. He had never felt the warmth of his father in his previous life or in this life. At this moment, a different kind of emotion surged in his heart. This kind of emotion suddenly changed the meridians in his body, and his whole person suddenly became so warm and stable that he couldn't help but blurt out: "Thank you, Dad."

Murong Liuyun was shocked and raised his head in disbelief: "You, what did you call me?"

Xiao Yueye turned away her face in embarrassment, changed the subject and said, "I originally had something else I wanted to discuss with you, but I suddenly remembered that something happened at home, so I'm leaving first."

With Rourou's support, he left in a hurry, leaving Murong Liuyun alone.

Murong Liuyun looked at the door where there was no one there anymore, and suddenly he laughed happily, and the laughter got louder and louder. At the end of the laugh, tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Haha, he finally recognized me, and Ye'er finally recognized me as his father."

. . . . . . (Quanben Novel Website