The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 319: The three great masters


(Today’s two updates are ~7ooo words~)

As soon as she entered the house, Xiao Yueye felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. WWw. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. Although COm has a big family and a big business, it's not like he can't even see a servant clearly after walking more than ten steps, right

"That's such a strong energy over there." Xiao Yueye said softly and glanced at Rourou. The latter also felt it, supported Xiao Yueye, and rushed away using Qinggong.

At this moment, near Huzhong Pavilion, white snow replaced the original flowers and plants. It was completely white, and there was a thin layer of ice on the lake, which would break if touched. The green lake surface reflects a different kind of light under the sunlight. And the pavilions in the lake, with ice hanging upside down and covered with white snow, and the breeze blowing the snowflakes falling, make people feel like they have strayed into a fairyland.

The lakeside was completely dark. Everyone in the Xiao Mansion was surrounded by water. Their eyes were all directed to the same place, the middle of the lake.

Rourou flew up with Xiao Yueye and landed on the rockery by the lake. At this time, you don’t need to ask anyone to know what’s going on.

In the original Lotus Lake, three proud voices stood calmly on top of the thin layer of ice.

Qiu Ziyun, Murong Hui, Cheng Yue!

The three great masters!

The wind blew gently, with a hint of coolness, blowing into people's necks. Some falling snow was also carried by the wind and floated for a distance, then fell on the lake and merged into one.

Qiu Ziyun is still as cold and arrogant, wearing a long green dress that has not changed all year round. His eyes were closed, his chin was slightly raised, and there was no sadness or joy on his face. Murong Hui, on the other hand, crossed his arms and raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a hint of the Buddha statue enshrined in an ancient temple in the mountains. As for Cheng Yue, his facial expression could be said to change rapidly, and his hands kept squeezing and making noises.

"Have they been standing like this for too long?" Xiao Yueye asked casually.

A young servant who was standing on the rockery said hurriedly: "Master, it's been almost half an hour and I haven't moved yet."

These young people thought that the rockery was located high up, so they climbed over quickly. I thought I could see a shocking battle, but who knew that the three people were so motionless. These people were about to leave, but suddenly their eyes flashed and they saw the young master and young lady flying over.

Another servant asked curiously: "Master, why don't they fight?"

Xiao Yueye chuckled: "They are already taking action."

"Ah?" Several servants were surprised and looked at Xiao Yueye.

Pointing at Qiu Ziyun and the others, Xiao Yueye said calmly: "Please pay attention to the feet of the three of them. After hearing what Xiao Yueye said, several people hurriedly looked over, and after looking carefully for a while, they found something unusual.

A servant said hesitantly: "The water under their feet doesn't seem to be moving."

Xiao Yueye shook her head: "My master's feet are thin ice on the lake. But my father-in-law's feet are water. As for Uncle Cheng, there are holes in the ice under his feet."

The servants look at me and I look at you, wondering, what does this mean

Not to mention them, the other people present, who were slightly less skilled in martial arts, couldn't tell much about it. What frightens them is that these three people have been suspended on the water without any external force.

Yes, it's been almost half an hour. Even a flying bird can't stand like this in the air!

But these three people did it, and they are worthy of being masters!

Even Yansha has to lament that the gap between himself and the master is really as big as clouds and mud!

Xiao Yueye stared closely at the feet of the three people and said to herself: "Master's body skills are like floating clouds and like the breeze, so he can stand lightly in the air without breaking a trace of ice. My father-in-law, on the other hand, is calming down Seeing nature, the nature of the mind is unified, so he touches the water with his toes, but there is no ripple. As for Uncle Cheng, his murderous aura is boiling, and he goes forward in an unstoppable manner, so he breaks one hole without damaging the rest. These three people have already begun to compete in this standing. . For now, we can’t tell the outcome!”

Xiao Yueye had previously asked the servants to pay attention to the three people's feet, and their answer was that the water was not moving. What is the criterion for water not moving? That is, there is not even a trace of ripples and fluctuations.

For example, if you slap your palm against the water surface hard without touching the water, there will still be ripples in the lake water. Because in the process, the wind generated by pushing the air will affect the water surface, causing ripples.

Qiu Ziyun, to put it bluntly, is using the wind to hang in the air. However, he has mastered his strength to an incredible level, so even if he keeps pressing down on the water surface with the void and using his strength to stand, he can still avoid damaging the thin ice and causing no ripples.

As for Murong Hui, you can try to slowly put one of your fingers into the water. At this time, you will find that no matter how much you control yourself or how slowly you move, the water will still ripple. And when you try to stop your fingers in the water, you will also find that even if you feel that you are not moving, the water surface will never calm down.

Because you actually moved.

Murong Hui is like this. He controlled himself perfectly, tiptoeing into the water without causing any ripples.

As for Cheng Yue, his method is actually related to his own marksmanship. When a vortex occurs on the bottom of the sea, it is initially invisible to the sea surface. Cheng Yue was like this, his strength went straight to the bottom of the lake, forming a smiling vortex, supporting himself to float and stand. But he controlled this whirlpool very well, so there was no ripple on the lake surface at all.

Three people, three methods, just standing on the water, are already competing.

For now, it's a tie.

Many people were already impatient, but few dared to say anything. After all, this is an unprecedented battle!

Qiu Ziyun opened his eyes gently, his eyes were like a pool of autumn water, lifeless. He showed a smile that wasn't quite a smile, and with a tap of his finger, a drop of green water quietly formed under his body, fell into his palm, and rotated gently.

"Qiu gained enlightenment by the Shanshui Lake back then. Later, he understood the state of the master. Let's use this water droplet as a weapon in today's battle."

Murong Hui laughed: "What an elegant Qiu Ziyun, if I use swords and spears, wouldn't it be a great disgrace? I have been sitting in the bamboo forest monastery for more than ten years, knowing my heart and my nature, and finally realized the state of a master. I How about using a bamboo leaf as a tool?"

He turned his right hand slightly, his palm slightly arched, and after a while, a leaf from the bamboo forest in the distance flew over lightly and landed on his fingertips. Murong Hui gently pinched and turned it over, feeling like Buddha pinching flowers and smiling.

Cheng Yue is a big boss, and seeing the two of them looking so arrogant, he is really depressed. From his point of view, they are all men, and a fight with real swords and guns, blood and sweat is enough.

But he only dared to think these things in his mind, but he could not say them out loud. In this situation, even if he is a big boss, he understands that he cannot lose face.

He scratched his head: "You are all literati, but I, Old Cheng, am a rough man and cannot compare to you. Since one of you uses water and the other uses leaves, then I, Old Cheng, will take a corner of the ice and use it as a weapon."

He waved his hand casually, and a strong gust of wind flew by. The front three inches of an iceberg hanging upside down in the Huzhong Pavilion suddenly fell off, and then floated strangely into Cheng Yue's hand.

The three people looked at each other without making any movement, but the originally calm lake surface suddenly roared and rolled. After a while, there were only a few loud "boom-boom" sounds, and three water dragons rolled up between the three of them.

Several maids couldn't help but exclaimed, and then tightly covered their mouths.

These three water dragons are green, but their "bodies" are full of mud and dead leaves, making them look disgusting. These three water dragons kept rolling, trying to attack the people next to them. Some even wrapped up the people next to them, as if they wanted to squeeze them to death.

However, the three Qiu Ziyun's expressions remained unchanged and they were completely indifferent. Anyone with a sharp eye can also see that these three giant dragons look very powerful and terrifying. They are made of embroidered pillows and cannot enter the bodies of the three of them.

"Everyone controls one, and then attacks the people next to them. Are they testing, or are they just bored and having fun?" Xiao Yueye asked with a chuckle.

Rourou shrugged, but preferred the former option.

They can naturally see that the three people seem to be motionless, but they are actually controlling a water dragon to attack another person, and at the same time they have to protect themselves from being attacked by the third water dragon.

The three people form a cycle among themselves.

The water dragon roared, water splashed, and the calm lake suddenly lost its former beauty, and the silt and the like at the bottom of the lake rolled up one after another.

"Those lotus flowers are finished." Rourou sighed.

Xiao Yueye curled her lips and watched the fight between the three people intently. The so-called layman sees the excitement, while the expert sees the door. You will benefit a lot from watching the battle between masters.

The three people didn't know what kind of tacit understanding they had reached. The three water dragons suddenly returned to the bottom of the lake and disappeared. The lake, which had become ugly, was filled with ripples, and slowly returned to calm.

"You guys, come together." Qiu Ziyun raised his right hand, and in the palm of his hand, the drop of green water was shining brightly.

"Arrogant!" Cheng Yue roared angrily, his whole body filled with murderous aura. People who were close to him felt their breathing suddenly become short of breath.

Fortunately, Cheng Yue also appeared, hurriedly restrained his momentum, and looked at Qiu Ziyun coldly. He raised his right hand, and the originally three-inch piece of ice slowly became thinner and longer in his hand, growing by more than four inches.

Murong Hui pinched the bamboo leaf and suddenly laughed softly: "As expected of Qiu Ziyun, you are so courageous. I admit that fighting alone, we are not your opponent. But with one against two, aren't you too Don’t you want to give us face?”

"Face is not given by others. Stop talking nonsense and take action!" Qiu Ziyun still had the same bad temper and his face didn't move.

Cheng Yue took a deep breath and tried to suppress his urge to take action. He turned to look at Murong Hui.

Murong Hui's eyes flashed with light, and he pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, since entering the realm of the master, it is rare that we have an opponent. Today, we have to fight two against one, even if we have no choice. General Cheng, let's join forces."

"Okay, Your Majesty!" (Quanben Novel Website