The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 320: The king of destruction


It’s finally time to actually do it. Everyone's hearts suddenly jumped to their throats, the excited one!

After waiting for almost an hour, these three people were finally ready to take action.

At this moment, everyone held their breath. That girl Liu Qianqian, I'm hating right now, why didn't my camera travel through time together? Otherwise, if we record it and show it to those scientists, why don't we make them vomit blood and go crazy? !

Most people are so excited, not to mention the masters in Xiao Mansion? A master duel is rare in the world, and the benefits it brings to them are unparalleled. Which martial arts student with some talent does not regard becoming a grandmaster as his or her dream? However, a dream is a dream after all, and only one person in a million can succeed.

However, this time the competition between Qiu Ziyun and the three of them was a huge opportunity for everyone. If you can gain some insights from the competition between these three people, your chances of becoming a grandmaster will be much greater.

Xiao Yueye naturally had the same idea. Although he didn't say it, he was always worried about Qiu Ziyun's comment about himself that "it is difficult to become a master if you take the wrong approach". He also hopes that he can have the opportunity to become a master.

At this moment, the lake was in chaos, and the gentle wind, as if it was angered, kept whistling around the three people. A small lake turned out to be like a vast ocean at this moment, rolling and surging continuously. It was a spectacle. These waves tried to swallow up Qiu Ziyun and the others, but they were blocked by an invisible force a few feet away from them. Their efforts were in vain, and they had to return to the lake in the end.

There were constant screams and splashes of water all around, but among Qiu Ziyun, Murong Hui, and Cheng Yue, there was a strange tranquility.

That kind of silence makes people feel cold in their hearts.

The kind of silence seemed to stop time.

Cheng Yue's palm was always facing up, and the drop of green water was spinning so slowly. Under the sunlight, it looked crystal clear. The water droplets seemed to be changing shape, but because they were so small, they couldn't be distinguished even with all my eyesight.

Murong Hui and Cheng Yue were much closer. The former was sitting in meditation like an old monk, calm and composed, pinching leaves with his right hand and smiling at the corner of his mouth. But it could be seen from the faintly twitching corners of his eyes that his mood at the moment was definitely not as peaceful as it appeared. As for Cheng Yue, he also suppressed his playful appearance. The small iceberg became more and more slender in his hand at this moment. When the sun shone, it reflected colorful light. This magnificent color, projected into people's eyes, makes many people shudder in their hearts, as if the devil is screaming.

"What are they doing?" The servant next to Xiao Yueye whispered.

Xiao Yueye looked deeply at these three people, and all the energy in his body was unconsciously mobilized.

so amazing!

Among so many people present, perhaps only Xiao Yueye could "see" best and understand what the three of them were doing.

They are fighting!

Yes, they were fighting, but they didn't use any hands and relied entirely on Qi.

The water in Qiu Ziyun's hand represents softness, the softness that can be cut a hundred times; it also represents hardness, the hardness that can change at will. This contradictory yet unified existence is the characteristic of his Qi machine.

Murong Hui pinched the bamboo leaves with his hands, and the energy was so powerful that it seemed that Buddhism was vast and could be entered by all living beings. But once you get into it, it's hard to get out. Murong Hui was like this, using defense as offense, trying to swallow up Qiu Ziyun's energy.

As for Cheng Yue, he and Murong Hui happened to be on the defensive and the other on the offensive. Murong Hui's energy kept the two of them tightly guarded, preventing Qiu Ziyun from taking advantage of them. And Cheng Yue released his energy without leaving any trace, and locked Qiu Ziyun firmly with full of violence and murderous intent. Like a dragon in a sea of blood, staring at its prey from afar.

The three of them knew in their hearts that their qi forces were constantly fighting for one purpose, to expose each other's weaknesses. As long as a flaw is revealed, what follows will definitely be earth-shattering!

Xiao Yueye received the guidance of the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng and understood the "Qi Machine Buddha Yin" technique. At this moment, he was using this move in various ways, and he could clearly feel the changes in the energy of the three masters. The slightest contact made Xiao Yueye's heart tremble.

Is this, this, this still a human being

Although Xiao Yueye had already had too high imagination in his heart, when Xiao Yueye carefully looked at the three people with his Qi, he was still sluggish for a long time.

In the world of Qiji, there are no scenery or people in front of you, only colors.

A blue color firmly occupies the eastern camp, while the west is a mixture of gold and blood. At the junction of the two sides, the color changes like sparks flying. The green color stretched out, faintly showing the appearance of a three-foot green blade, sharp and domineering. The constantly trembling sword seemed to declare its infinite power to the heaven and earth. What was fighting against the three-foot green blade was a bloody blue dragon, roaring and rolling endlessly. However, no matter how ferocious and violent he was, he was still firmly controlled by the three-foot green blade. If it weren't for it, it would seem to be nowhere. The golden silk string that is not there has been stabbed in the vital point long ago.

Compared with these three qi machines, Xiao Yueye was like a mound under the majestic mountain, insignificant. He could tell that the three-foot green front was Qiu Ziyun's Qi, the blood dragon was Cheng Yue, and the golden silk string that seemed to be everywhere, firmly guarding the three-foot green front's attack, was Murong Hui.

Their qi machine completely connected the entire Xiao Mansion, and it seemed that the entire world was at their disposal. Qiu Ziyun uses a drop of water in his hand as a guide to move the lake under his feet, connect to the underground water veins, and use the infinite water power for his own use. Although Murong Hui only held a page of bamboo leaves, he connected all the qi mechanisms of the flowers, plants and trees in the Xiao Mansion, and used them to resist Qiu Ziyun. In comparison, Cheng Yue's was slightly weaker. He borrowed Bing Ling to find the sharp meaning and took over the power of Five Elements Gold. Although it was slightly weaker than the former two, it was not far behind due to the domineering and bloodthirsty nature of its techniques.

Xiao Yueye simply closed her eyes and concentrated her energy, using her own energy to feel the confrontation between the three of them at this moment. But suddenly there was a roar in his head, and his whole body swayed drowsily, and he actually retreated from this realization.

"Don't be greedy, our competition at this level is not something you can peek into with your level." Qiu Ziyun's faint and ethereal voice sounded from the depths of his mind. Xiao Yueye opened her eyes and took a few deep breaths before the symptoms of churning blood and energy were relieved.

Although he couldn't continue reading, what he could gain from the quick peek was enough for Xiao Yueye to comprehend for a long time. And most importantly, his understanding of the word "grandmaster" has deepened a lot.

Grandmasters in the eyes of the world are mostly described as invincible. Xiao Yueye originally thought like this, but now that she has realized it, she realizes how naive and insignificant she was before.

Judging purely by skill, why are there so few masters in the world

Grandmaster, to put it bluntly, their position is no longer in the martial arts, but in the heavenly path. To put it more mysteriously, when you fight the Grandmaster, you are actually fighting the entire world. Because of the masters, they can use subtle control and understanding of their respective ways to mobilize the power of a part of the world.

How can this kind of power be dealt with by humans

Recalling the past thought of overestimating one's own capabilities, Xiao Yueye couldn't help but feel ashamed. I had always thought that with the "Flowing Cloud Body Technique" I felt, even if I couldn't defeat the master, I would definitely be able to outrun him. Now that I think about it, it's really not that stupid.

Shaking away the random thoughts in his mind, Xiao Yueye stared at the three people in the lake.

The three popular machines have been fighting each other for so long, and they are always in a state of trial and error. But in the final analysis, Qiu Ziyun was still slightly better. He fought one against two. Although he was a little reluctant, he still firmly blocked Cheng Yue and Murong Hui.

Turning his right hand slightly, the water droplet floated gently in front of him. Qiu Ziyun made a move with his middle finger: "Okay, it's pointless to test it for so long. Let's do it."

Let’s do it! As soon as these three words rang out, a muffled sound came from the lake below, and then spread to the entire world. This feeling is like being in a night with lightning and thunder, which makes people's whole mind shake.

Many people watching the match immediately developed symptoms of chest tightness and dizziness. Xiao Yueye hurriedly ordered everyone to leave without knowing martial arts.

Is the battle between masters actually something that ordinary people can watch

At this time, the lakeside became deserted, with only a few people. Everyone stood still, motionless, for fear of missing any excitement.

Murong Hui and Cheng Yue looked at each other and saw the excitement and fighting spirit in each other's eyes. Murong Hui hummed softly, holding Ye Xu in his right hand and at the same time extending his left palm forward with his fingers wide open.

A series of rapid and sharp sounds pierced the air, just in time to compete with the muffled sound. The two sounds collided together, like a shovel hitting a cement floor, which made people feel crazy. A few of the weak ones had a trace of blood coming from the corners of their mouths, and they could only shake their heads and leave with regret.

The loud humming sound gradually suppressed the sound of breaking through the air. At this time, Cheng Yue let out a long roar, and the ice in his right hand floated in front of him. His hands moved quickly, phantoms appeared all over the sky, and he kept tapping on the ice.

Cheng Yue's kung fu is the way of killing, which he learned from the battlefield in the army. What he is best at is taking advantage of people's unpreparedness and winning in chaos. So at this time, when Qiu Ziyun and Murong Hui were fighting each other, he used his crisp percussion sound to find every opportunity to help Pokong Sheng join forces to suppress the muffled sound.

The three of them were a little reluctant to hold back at first, but by the end of the fight, they were all really fired up. Qiu Ziyun's face that had been cold for thousands of years also showed a hint of excitement. He roared and formed a sword seal with his hands on his chest. The drop of water appeared right in the middle of the sword seal, which was invisible to the naked eye. Qing's speed was shaking.

Seeing Qiu Ziyun no longer holding back, Murong Hui and Cheng Yue also showed a smile. In front of Murong Hu, strips of green light were woven into a net. These were all traces of bamboo leaves, because it was too fast. , so it disappears in a hurry. The ice in Cheng Yue's hand was no longer visible, and the sky was filled with shadows of his hands. The crisp knocking sounds suddenly seemed like the evening drums and morning bells in the temple, perfectly blending with Murong Hui's sound of breaking the sky.

This alternative competition between three people brought more than just oppressive voices.

Wherever the sound passed, it was like a sound wave. The pavilions turned into stones, all the flowers, plants and trees were cut off, and the rockeries in the distance turned into powder. Fortunately, the servants had been asked to evacuate far away, otherwise their lives would have been in danger. But despite this, everyone in the Xiao Mansion was covering their ears and feeling extremely uncomfortable. The houses a little closer to here are also full of potholes.

As for the lake at the feet of the three people, a drop of water would rise up at every turn, and then burst.

The entire Xiao Mansion was transformed from the paradise on earth into a purgatory.

Xiao Yueye and others also had to step back. If they were too close, even they would be injured.

In the sky, the blowing snowflakes were flying aimlessly. The originally white snowflakes became colorful and gray, adding a chilling atmosphere.

Xiao Yueye didn't care at all that his home was now in such a state of destruction. His entire mind was completely focused on the competition between the three of them.

It is undeniable that Qiu Ziyun is very powerful, and he did not show any signs of defeat even when fighting one against two. However, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Ziyun not only did not feel discouraged, but instead showed excitement in his eyes. He gave a long laugh: "Okay, okay, okay! I haven't met an opponent for so many years, and I finally got my wish today. You two, please pick up a move that Qiu has learned over the past few years."

Although he didn't say how powerful or powerful this move was, all fools knew that this move was absolutely terrifying.


Qiu Ziyun was only willing to use the trick at this moment, could it be bad

Cheng Yue and Murong Hui also became wary. While increasing their defense, they were also preparing to use their strongest moves.

"Okay, since Lord Qiu has nothing to hide, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you. I have been sitting in the Bamboo Leaf Jingshe for more than ten years, and I have learned the ultimate defense against the whirling bamboo leaves. I ask Mr. Qiu for advice."

Cheng Yue was not to be outdone. He crushed the ice with his right hand and suspended some ice chips beside him: "Okay, I, Cheng Yi, entered the Tao. This is the sea of blood that I realized when I entered the master. Please give me Mr. Qiu's advice."

After Murong Hui finished speaking, he opened his hands violently, and a strong and obscure air flow slowly rotated around him. The bamboo forest in the distance trembled violently, and all the participating bamboo leaves left one after another and flew in front of Murong Hui. Then follow the airflow and rotate in changing positions.

As for Cheng Yue, after he crushed the ice, all the ice shards were suspended, then quietly gathered together, and slowly reorganized, and the appearance of a spear appeared faintly. Cheng Yue made a slight stroke with his right hand, and a flash of blood flashed between his palms. The trace of blood entered the "spear", and the appearance of a blood dragon faintly emerged.

Wandering Dragon Blood Spear!

On Qiu Ziyun's side, the corner of his mouth gently raised a smile, just like a lover's smile. . . . . . (Quanben Novel Website