The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 321: One against two


(Well, um, the essence of Bu Nu’s hand is left every week. If you have nothing to do, please leave a few words in the book review area. Don’t let these essences go to waste~ I will update more today, there are more than 8,000 words!)

The duel between the three great masters is about to begin. WWw、QuANbEn-XiAoShUo、Com

After several previous trials and alternative battles, Qiu Ziyun, Murong Hui and Cheng Yue all showed interest and real fire. Qiu Ziyun pitted one against two, challenging the other two and fighting in an invincible position. The fighting spirit in his heart was ignited, and he proposed to decide the outcome with one move.

Murong Hui and Cheng Yue readily agreed, but neither dared to be careless. Murong Hui was in charge of defense. He used the ultimate defense he had learned in the Bamboo Forest Abode over the past ten years as a guide, and used the bamboo leaves in the Xiao Mansion Bamboo Forest to form an invisible aura shield on his side. All the bamboo leaves slowly change around this air mask, hiding mysteries.

As for Cheng Yue, he mainly attacked, crushing the ice, reorganizing the ice shards, and condensing it into the shape of a spear. Then he used the essence and blood of his body as a medium to infuse the murderous and bloody aura of his own killing into it, forming a wandering dragon. Blood gun.

But facing the cautious and murderous two people, Qiu Ziyun, who took the initiative to propose to decide the outcome, felt a little strange.

He looked ahead, but it seemed as if he had traveled through time and space, and a lover's smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, so warm and gentle. On other people's faces, this may not be a big deal, but on Qiu Ziyun's face, which has been frozen for thousands of years, there is such a spring-like smile that makes people feel like they are bathed in the spring breeze. It is really rare in the world.

At least as far as Xiao Yueye knew in his memory, not to mention such a warm smile, even an ordinary smile could be counted on ten fingers.

Gently lowering his eyes, Qiu Ziyun moved his hands that formed the seal upward, and the drop of water stayed quietly in the middle. Qiu Ziyun looked at the water droplets as if looking at his beloved. He spread his hands and pulled the ring in the void, and something strange happened. That ordinary drop of water was actually pulled by his hands and slowly stretched.


This was Xiao Yueye's first reaction!

A drop of water is only a small amount in total. No matter how powerful your master is, you can't create something from nothing, right? Just like the human stomach is only so big, it is impossible for him to eat an elephant.

So Xiao Yueye stared at Qiu Ziyun closely. Relying on his sense of belonging to the same school, he finally discovered that the water under Qiu Ziyun's feet was gently undulating. Wisps of green water slowly flowed into his hand from hidden corners, and then merged with the drops of water.

In Qiu Ziyun's hand, the three-foot green blade formed by water condensation finally slowly took shape. However, this sword was extremely feminine. It was not held by Qiu Ziyun. Instead, it hung in front of him, trembling constantly.

"The autumn wind rustles, and the willow leaves are green." Qiu Ziyun suddenly whispered, his voice was clear, and there was an indescribable emotion in it. Those with less skill were attracted by his tone of voice, and unconsciously immersed themselves in the realm he created. For a while, they burst into tears, and then they were ecstatic again. These people were all tapped on their sleeping points by the people next to them.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yueye's heart moved. The autumn wind rustles and the willow leaves are green. This sentence is actually a portrayal of Qiu Ziyun and Aunt Liu when they fell in love. Is it possible that the new move Qiu Ziyun mentioned is related to this

Qiu Ziyun quickly answered his doubts: "Qiu was looking for a beautiful woman, and he was wandering around, and his heart was inextricable. Later, the beautiful woman he carried returned home, and by the lakeside of the mountains and rivers, he saw the clouds surging and the willow leaves flying, and he finally understood the master. Realm. This move is actually derived from the original understanding. After years of continuous improvement, it has been simplified and finally became only one sword move. "

He spoke lightly, but his tone was loud, but no one dared to call him crazy.

Because he has this qualification!

Neither Murong Hui nor Cheng Yue spoke. The three-foot green sword looked motionless, but both of them smelled a hint of danger from it. Murong Hui's index finger in his sleeve moved slightly, and the air shield made of countless bamboo leaves shrank and shrank, trapping Cheng Yue in it. At the same time, all the bamboo leaves changed their positions, forming a half-moon-shaped shield. The green bamboo leaves are spinning continuously according to the mysterious trajectory at this moment.

Cheng Yue didn't move much, but no one who looked at him could notice Cheng Yue's presence. What appeared in front of them was seemingly endless red, as well as the murderous intention that stretched out their souls. As for the Dragon Blood Spear in his hand, which was made up of ice chips and blood essence, the long bloody dragon inside had already revealed its ferocious face.

The wind suddenly stopped.

In the winter, most of the people watching the battle did not realize that they were sweating profusely.


I don't know the sound of water sounding there, soft, quiet, and crunchy. Such a small voice was heard by everyone present.

This drop is not only dropped in the lake, but also dropped in everyone's heart.

At this moment, Qiu Ziyun moved!

He smiled softly and waved his hand calmly. The three-foot green blade groaned in the wind, the water droplets rolled, the light inside flickered, and murderous intent boiled. But in this case, the sword made of water moved forward extremely gracefully and slowly, approaching Murong Hui's protective aura.

Murong Hui's pupils tightened, and the robe on his body did not rise in the wind. The spear in Cheng Yue's hand was held tightly.

The water sword and the bamboo leaf shield finally met.

Qiu Ziyun was smiling faintly, but Murong Hui's expression changed drastically, his elegant manners immediately disappeared, veins popped out on his face, his arms were stretched forward, and he opened his arms fiercely, tearing the robe to pieces without even realizing it.

What made him like this was the water sword that was still elegantly trying to get closer.

Xiao Yueye, who was watching the battle, slowly let out a breath, his mind was shaken, and his whole body was shaking. He didn't know whether it was excitement or fear. Others didn't know it, but he knew how powerful Murong Hui's defense was!

When he saw Murong Hui for the first time, no matter how Xiao Yueye attacked, Murong Hui was floating on the ground, with air currents rolling around his body. Xiao Yueye tried his best, but Murong Hui was just calm and composed. Later, Murong Hui just stretched out a finger and easily defeated Xiao Yueye.

Back then, he was just a defensive shield that he gathered at random, and it was so powerful. So what about the ultimate defense that he is now using with all his strength

However, even so, there are signs that it will be broken by Qiu Ziyun.

How could Xiao Yueye not be surprised by this? ! Novel .bsp; He lamented the power of the master and the power of Qiu Ziyun. However, whenever he thinks of Qiu Ziyun as his master, even Xiao Yueye can't help but feel ecstatic. A sense of pride instantly flowed throughout his body.

Not only him, but also the mistresses and mistresses.

"I'm here to help you." Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Cheng Yue held the gun in his right hand and made a false move, with the tip of the gun just touching the water sword.

With his help, Murong Hui's face became much calmer, but he still looked serious. Cheng Yue didn't feel happy either, his expression was gloomy, blood vessels all over his body were bursting, and he was staring at the water sword.

The water sword's blade was slowly trembling and seemed to be falling apart. But it kept swimming, always firmly forming the sword's body.

Xiao Yueye's eyes were very sharp. Every time the water in the water sword swam, the pressure on Qiu Ziyun's side seemed to be reduced a lot. Before he could realize what was going on, Murong Hui shouted: "No, he is losing his strength."

That's right, Qiu Ziyun is transforming his strength. While he was fighting, he slowly dissipated some of the combined power of Cheng Yue and Murong Hui through the water flow.

Knowing Qiu Ziyun's purpose, Cheng Yue and Murong Hui were not fools. Cheng Yue still held up the water sword, while Murong Hui moved his heart at will. The bamboo leaves in front of him quickly rotated, and the center point of the rotation was the tip of the water sword.

In this way, all the power generated by the rotation of the air shield formed by these bamboo leaves is attacked by the wind. And with the help of rotation, part of Qiu Ziyun's power can also be dissolved.

"If you can change, so can I."

Qiu Ziyun's expression was always calm, but Xiao Yueye, who knew him well, knew that he was not relaxed now either. It's just that he has always been incapable of losing his temper.

Seeing Qiu Ziyun's water sword gradually retreating, Cheng Yue couldn't help but smile. He lightly stroked the gun with his left hand, and the blood dragon in the center of the ice flakes suddenly rolled violently, and then spun quickly, forming a poisonous dragon diamond.

As a result, Qiu Ziyun's pressure became even greater.

Everyone's hearts were clenched. Could it be that Qiu Ziyun is going to lose

But even Murong Hui and Cheng Yue didn't believe that Qiu Ziyun would lose so easily.

It turns out that everyone was right.

"The autumn wind rustles, and the willow leaves are green. This move is not just that simple! The wind rises!" Qiu Ziyun said lightly, waved his hands lightly, controlled the right hand of the long sword, and gently rotated it.

The wind suddenly appeared.

These winds are even more shocking and terrifying than summer typhoons. Because it concentrated its powerful power in a small area, then surrounded the water sword and hit Murong Hui and Cheng Yue with all its strength.

Murong Hui and Cheng Yue's expressions suddenly turned ugly. Because they could feel the huge force of wind hitting the two of them firmly. Murong Hui moved his hands quickly, and the bamboo leaves changed again, facing out vertically, and rotating rapidly at the same time. On the one hand, he resisted the wind generated by himself, and on the other hand, he took advantage of the reduced contact area and rotation to resolve this force.

Fortunately, it happened suddenly. Once you get used to it and adjust your methods, there will be no pressure on this force.

Qiu Ziyun chuckled again: "Yun Yong!"

The wind force swirling around the water sword suddenly spread out, and became irregular and rampant. Although the force was reduced, it also dispersed the wind force on Murong Hui's side.

The two offset each other, and the wind force created by the rotation of Murong Hui's bamboo leaf air mask disappeared all of a sudden, and could no longer put any pressure on Qiu Ziyun. But similarly, after too much consumption, the remaining wind power on Qiu Ziyun's side will not have much effect.

However, this was what he expected, so he didn't have much regret.

After this back and forth, the two parties returned to the starting point, evenly matched.

Cheng Yue, who had not wielded much, roared, and the spear flashed, with the shadow of the spear filling the sky, and then condensed into a snow-white dragon, opened its ferocious mouth, and swallowed the water sword in one mouthful.

He had always kept a low profile before, knowing that his own strength was far behind compared to the two, so he had always been used as a supporting force. But at this moment, he seized the gap in Qiu Ziyun's strength during the competition and used all his strength.

His skill lies not in his moves, but in his momentum. If you go forward without hesitation, you will kill gods when you see them, and you will kill Buddhas when you see Buddhas. Especially the resentment and murderous aura in the moves, even Qiu Ziyun did not dare to face it head-on.

Xiao Yueye was standing aside and couldn't help but exclaimed softly: "Okay!"

Yes, it’s good! Cheng Yue, the new grandmaster, had too much involvement compared to the other two. But he is not called the number one in the army for nothing. He knows his own strength, so he has been cleverly holding back. Now is the time to seize this rare opportunity. If you don't take action, you will be shocked!

The blood dragon roared and pressed down the lake below by nearly a foot, showing its power. On Qiu Ziyun's side, there was a moment of stagnation due to the gap in strength.

For masters to compete, just this moment is enough.

The giant dragon swallowed the water sword fiercely, and then immediately became smaller, using all its strength to try to suppress the water sword split. Murong Hui's eyes lit up, and with a flick of his finger, several bamboo leaves intertwined and flew over. The blood dragon actually opened a hole and let the bamboo leaves in. Within the dragon's body, the bamboo leaves faintly formed a small formation, which shuttled back and forth at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, cutting the water sword into pieces. As for the blood dragon, he continued to increase the pressure on himself and used a two-pronged approach.

This movement was said to be very slow, but in fact it was only the moment when Xiao Yueye's strength cracked.

But in just such a moment, Xiao Yueye's water sword had been almost decomposed.

Murong Hui and Cheng Yue had smiles on their faces, and Qiu Ziyun's expression also dimmed a lot.

Everyone knows that Qiu Ziyun lost.

But Xiao Yueye didn't. He saw a hint of pride and pride in the corner of Qiu Ziyun's eyes. This man made too many decisions because of his martial arts skills, so many people ignored his wisdom.

Everyone said that Xiao Yueye's high kung fu was not scary. What was really scary was that he added his own wisdom to kung fu.

However, no one remembered who Xiao Yueye learned his kung fu from? Who influenced Xiao Yueye to fight with his head like this? !

It's Qiu Ziyun!

So Xiao Yueye knew that his master did not lose.

The water sword finally disintegrated and turned into droplets of water. Cheng Yue and Murong Hui both exhaled a breath of turbidity and just laughed when they heard Qiu Ziyun's faint voice: "The best is like water. Water can be hard or soft. Water is invisible and can change in all kinds of ways. It is in my heart. Transformation! "

The water droplets that were about to fall to the lake surface suddenly seemed to be controlled by something, and they were quickly stirred out, and then regrouped in the air. This time, what was condensed was no longer a long sword, but countless water blades.

These water blades roared as soon as they condensed, and according to a formation, easily broke through Murong Hui's defense, and then surrounded the two men.

At this time, the battle really ends.

The smiles on the faces of Murong Hui and Cheng Yue had not had time to disappear, and their eyes were filled with disbelief. They stared blankly at the countless water blades in front of them, unable to imagine that in the blink of an eye, they had lost.

Fatigue flashed across Qiu Ziyun's eyes. He waved his sleeves and all the water blades fell into the lake and returned to their origins. As for Murong Hui and Cheng Yue, because they had no control, the bamboo leaves also fell on the water, and the ice chips and blood essence naturally merged with the lake water.

Murong Hui's expression finally turned around and he revealed a wry smile: "Brother Qiu, what a skill and strategy!"

Looking at his empty hands, Cheng Yue also sighed: "I thought that if I became a grandmaster, I would not lose to you, but I didn't expect that I still lost. You are really a pervert. No wonder Xiao Yueye is so cunning."

My mind is spinning so slowly that I am a little confused. What does this mean? Why is Xiao Yueye still involved

The corner of Xiao Yueye's mouth twitched slightly. Although she was dissatisfied with Cheng Yue's statement, she couldn't help but cheer for Qiu Ziyun.

My master is truly unprecedented! His kung fu was originally very high, but his brains were extraordinary. Without making a move, he let Murong Hui and Cheng Yue fall into a trap.

He started condensing the water sword, and tried hard to maintain the sword in the middle to prevent it from being destroyed. All of this gave Murong Hui and Cheng Yue a hint, that is, as long as they break the water sword, they can win.

But in fact, water is formless, and the sword is just a form. Even if you break the sword shape, Qiu Ziyun can still form other shapes as long as the water is still there.

So he controlled the rhythm of the battle step by step, and then pretended to reveal a flaw to lure Cheng Yue to attack. When Cheng Yue and Murong Hui teamed up to restore the water sword into water droplets and thought they had won, it was also the time when their defenses were at their weakest.

And Qiu Ziyun, who was always prepared, could naturally break through their defenses easily.

In fact, it was Murong Hui and Cheng Yue who were eager to win. Otherwise, from Xiao Yueye's point of view, there was a big flaw in Qiu Ziyun's approach.

That is, even if there is a gap in Qiu Ziyun's strength, with his ability to fight one against two without being defeated, how could the water sword be so easily reduced to a drop of water? As long as you think about it carefully, you can understand that this is what he did on purpose. Shui Jian was not dispersed by Cheng Yue and the others, but Qiu Ziyun himself.

Unfortunately, by the time Murong Hui survived, Cheng Yue had already lost.

Murong Hui and Cheng Yue looked very discouraged. After all, they were defeated with one against two. They were really useless. But Xiao Yueye knew clearly that in this battle, Qiu Ziyun won with reluctance, and the trace of exhaustion in his eyes explained everything. What's more, Qiu Ziyun is an extremely proud person. In his words, if he can defeat ten levels with one effort, his absolute strength and any tricks will be useless. Therefore, he is very resourceful, but he uses it a lot. This time, he had to use a strategy to win the game. This shows how far Cheng Yue and Murong Hui have pushed him.

Afterward, Qiu Ziyun also admitted that if he had to do it again, it was still unknown whether he could win.

But then again, with one against two, even if he loses, his reputation as the best in the world is still secure. (Quanben Novel Network