The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 324: The auction plan is not


This year's Spring Festival, the atmosphere in Xiao Mansion is different from previous years. WWw, QUAbEn-XIAoShUo, Com were not as extravagant as before, but the joyful atmosphere was more intense. Everyone knows that due to the snowstorm in the north this year, my master is kind-hearted and donated a large amount of money, which is why we are a little short of money this year, and the interest money and red envelopes given to everyone are also much less. But none of the servants had any complaints. Most of them came from poor families, and they were very grateful to be able to work in such a good place.

During the Chinese New Year this year, everyone knows that a happy event has happened, that is, their eldest mistress, Liu Rourou, is pregnant. Liu Rourou, who is less than two months pregnant, does not look pregnant at all. Xiao Yueye laughed for three days in a row since she learned the good news. Mrs. Xiao also urgently mobilized a group of old ladies and maids to take care of Rourou. All the things she had handled before were put aside to make way for her pregnancy.

There is a lot of free time during the New Year, and the emerging mahjong has been completely integrated into people's lives in such a short period of time. People who used to have nothing to do and chat outside their homes now gather together to play mahjong.

Almost everyone gathered in Xiao's mansion. Since the first day of the new year, Xiao Yueye's family has rarely gone out to pay New Year's greetings. There is no way, there are no relatives to worship! The only thing to consider is to meet Murong Liuyun at Hulong's place.

The only pity is that this year, neither Song Hu nor Su Jing can come back in time, so the three brothers can't get together to drink.

Listening to the sound of mahjong and laughter everywhere in the yard, Xiao Yueye couldn't help but smile. Isn't the greatest happiness in the world a harmonious family? His biggest goal has now been basically achieved.

Zai Xin in her arms was pointing her fingers, her dark eyes looking around curiously. Occasionally, when the snow on the trees blows by in the wind, this little girl will open her chubby little hands very cutely and try to catch it. When he finally caught a piece, he found that his palms were cold and he hurriedly withdrew his hands.

Xiao Yueye breathed happily into her little hand and kissed her daughter: "Baby, don't you feel cold?"

Zai Xin now knew how to call him dad. After listening to Xiao Yue Ye's words, he bent his neck, opened his little mouth slightly, and said doubtfully: "Dad, Leng?"

"It's cold!" Xiao Yueye laughed a few times, teasing her daughter interestingly. It is said that children who are just beginning to learn to speak are the most fun, and it is absolutely true. In the past, this little girl was completely taken care of by the women in her family. If she wanted to see her daughter, she had to make an appointment!

The little girl's beautiful eyes blinked and blinked, as if she didn't understand. After a while, she looked at the snow that occasionally drifted by. She called vaguely and twisted her body, trying to catch the snow again. Xiao Yueye smiled softly, and with a gesture of her hand, she sucked the snow flying in the air to the girl.

"Baby, this is snow, snow. Come and say to daddy, snow." Xiao Yueye taught patiently.

Maybe I had heard the word "snow" a lot on weekdays, so I read it out quickly in my mind. The word was correct and round, which made the pride in Xiao Yueye's heart suddenly swell, which meant that my daughter was really smart.

The little girl took the snow and didn't even look at it. The snow melted. She suddenly became anxious and looked at Xiao Yueye anxiously: "Daddy, daddy, snow, snow, no snow."

"The snow is gone, isn't it? Come, daddy will get you some more." Xiao Yueye teased her daughter, sucking some snow over as she walked.

It had been a long time since he had taken his daughter out for a walk alone, and he felt a little sorry for her. So today, while everyone was playing mahjong in Rourou's house, I finally took my daughter out with the resentful eyes of several elders.

In the heart, I can actually walk slowly now, but it's just unstable. But Xiao Yueye saw that the weather was cold and she was afraid of the slippery ground, so she just hugged her daughter. The little girl was dressed tightly and was held comfortably by her father. In addition, Xiao Yueye used her inner strength to change the shape of a ball of snow from time to time, which made her laugh all the way.

The two fathers and daughters were playing enthusiastically when suddenly, from the west, there came a cry like a howling like a ghost or a wolf. Listening to the sound, it was full of joy, but the sound of broken voices one after another made people feel creepy.

Zaixin was also startled by the cry, and his body trembled slightly. But this girl is very courageous, and everything will be fine after a while. Instead, he turned around and looked around with interest, as if looking for the source.

West? This broken voice, and the screams like a madman. When Xiao Yueye combined them, he knew who he was without even thinking about it.

He felt happy. Yang Zhi's group of "Qianji Sect" people would spend all day discussing and studying in the wing room over there for a year without even stepping out of the door. This time the collective roared with joy, could it be that the structural diagram of the brothel was finally completed

He held his daughter in his arms and said with a smile on his face: "Baby, how about daddy taking you to see her?"

I didn't know what was going on in my heart, but when I saw my father smiling, I waved my hands happily. Xiao Yueye made a slight movement, and the Liuyun Body Technique was deployed. The surrounding snow flew in the wind, surrounding Xiao Yueye, making him look like a fairy in the snow, making the eyes watching without blinking.

When we arrived at the west courtyard, this usually quiet courtyard with no one outside was filled with "savages". They were all dirty and dirty, and they were howling wolfishly. Sometimes they hugged each other, and sometimes they cried with joy. In short, in modern times, they were definitely no better than a mental hospital.

Xiao Yueye's arrival was like adding fire to the water that was about to boil. This group of people, after a year of hard work, had so many bitter tears in their hearts and no way to express their joy. When they saw Xiao Yueye, their eyes lit up, and they rushed over with snot and tears.

Xiao Yueye was shocked. There was a stench from far away. If you came closer and hugged me, you would be disabled even if you were dead. What's more, she still has a baby bump in her arms, so she can't be frightened.

So he moved his feet, waved his right hand several times, and several blizzards blocked the group of people. Xiao Yueye retreated to a "safe zone" and patted her daughter's back. She was relieved when she saw that there seemed to be nothing wrong with the little one.

"Don't get too close to me. You are no better than beggars. I am nothing. If you stun my daughter, I won't spare you. Novel.bsp; Yang Zhi and the others smiled sarcastically and suddenly looked at each other. , sniffed hard again, and all of them suddenly felt bitter. Previously, they had focused all their attention on research, so they didn't care about their own hygiene at all. Now they realized that as a person, they didn't care about their current appearance. They won't be able to bear it.

At least an hour had passed since they finished bathing and walked out dressed neatly. Fortunately, Xiao Yueye was accompanied by her own baby. The father and daughter were laughing and playing games such as riding a horse, and they didn't notice the passage of time at all.

Yang Zhi and others stood in front of Xiao Yueye again, with smiles on their faces and the ecstasy in their eyes that they could not suppress no matter how hard they did. But before Xiao Yueye could ask anything, one of the middle-aged men's eyes lit up: "Master Xiao, is this your daughter? She's so cute!"

When his daughter was praised, Xiao Yueye felt sweeter than eating honey, and he nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face.

"Yes, so beautiful!"

"Come on, give uncle a hug!"

"Oh, senior brother, do you know how to hold a baby? I'll do it. It's so beautiful. When I marry a wife in the future, I will have such a beautiful baby."

"Junior brother, you don't even look at your appearance. Be careful, oh, look at these eyelashes, how long they are!"

Xiao Yueye was surprised by the situation in front of her. Her daughter's charm was too great, right? These "old men" are holding their own daughters one by one, that one likes it!

However, even though his daughter was still young, Xiao Yueye immediately felt sour in her heart when she discovered that a group of men were "coveting" her daughter. So he coughed hard and kept coughing, finally getting these men who were conquered by Zai Xin's charm to react.

He hugged his daughter again, smiling like a crescent moon in his heart. She has not recognized life since she was a child and laughs whenever she sees people. This is the most endearing thing about her.

Yang Zhi and others scratched their heads and smiled before talking about business with Xiao Yueye. Among these people, Yang Zhi was naturally sent as the representative.

He held a thick stack of structural drawings in his hand and looked at his lover: "Master Xiao, after such a long time, we finally completed the design drawings. According to your previous request, we added a new mahjong room. This project also solves the problem of sailing on the river."

Xiao Yueye stopped hastily. Ever since he was introduced to them last time, Xiao Yueye's mind was full of knots. Anyway, he was mentally prepared in his heart. This group of "crazy men" would definitely turn his brothel into a war fortress.

So he doesn't listen much now, he just needs to see the results when the time comes.

"I think I know what's going on with this brothel. Yang Zhi, um, have you adopted the advice I gave you last time? It's my brothel. It can't be too unconventional, otherwise it will look weird." Xiao Yueye considered it. Try to be as tactful as possible in your wording.

However, his thoughts were completely in vain. Yang Zhi had no such lingering thoughts in his mind. He said straightforwardly: "The brothel adopts the shape of a twelve-petal green lotus in full bloom, which is very beautiful. However, the shape of the lotus in the middle may The common people in the world couldn't accept it for a while. After discussion among us, we had to lower our aesthetic standards and modify the appearance of the lotus pod to try to add some shadows of ordinary pavilions inside. However, Master Xiao wanted to ensure that the petals were closed. The entire brothel will form a perfect defensive shield, so we can only modify it slightly, I hope you can understand. "

Xiao Yueye nodded repeatedly. He knew that these madmen didn't care about anything else, but if others questioned their design, these people would risk their lives. From Yang Zhi's words, Xiao Yueye could also hear the pride of "Thousand Machines Sect". However, this sentence "It is difficult for ordinary people in the world to accept it for a while" made Xiao Yueye feel awkward no matter how he heard it. As for the defensive shields at the back, he ignored them for the time being. Because he was afraid that if he was attracted, he would not be able to sleep for days and nights.

"Okay, you guys will rest for a few days, and then we will discuss what to do next. Materials, prices, workers, these all need to be discussed carefully."

Yang Zhi smiled: "We know. However, my uncle, my fellow apprentices, and my fellow apprentices all have high expectations for this masterpiece. We discussed it and prepared to invite all the people from our school to design it. The picture is undergoing final proofreading and modification. Moreover, there are many required mechanical parts in the brothel that are not available outside. In the next few days, we will work with you to select the materials. "

The whole division is coming? Xiao Yueye's heart skipped a beat. Darling, then I am afraid that this brothel of mine will really be immortal. Xiao Yueye was already looking forward to the completion of the brothel. After all, the structural diagram is a structural diagram. He can't read it or understand it.

"Okay, I understand. If you have family members, please take them over as well. By the way, it's the Chinese New Year now, so you should have a good rest and get acquainted with everyone. Let's go and ask the kitchen to prepare some food. , everyone have a drink.”

This suggestion was immediately approved by everyone. A group of men have been working on the design of this brothel for almost a year, and they usually don't even pay attention to what they eat. Even the wine was gone, and now that everyone was talking, they couldn't help but lick their tongues. A few of the fresh-blooded ones were scratching their heads and prepared to go to the brothel to relieve their anger.

After discussion, the design draft of the brothel was temporarily kept by Xiao Yueye. After all, the relationship here is too great. If you are not careful, you will fall short! The killers who secretly protected Yang Zhi and others from any disturbance were finally able to rest, received a lot of money from Yansha, and went out happily to have a good time.

Zaixin went to play with Lily and the other girls. After the banquet with Yang Zhi and others dispersed, Xiao Yueye walked back to the house.

In the room, the four girls were all there, talking curiously around Rourou's belly. The girl in my heart, who was brought back at some point, is crawling around in her big vagina.

"Brother Xiao is back." Yin Caiju smiled, then wrinkled her nose: "It smells like alcohol."

Xiao Yueye pretended to take a sniff: "I didn't drink much, Caiju, your nose is really good. Today, Yang Zhi and the others finally completed the design of the brothel, so everyone had a good drink."

"Is the brothel completed?" the four girls said in unison, full of joy.

Murong Yufeng's sharp eyes saw the box in Xiao Yueye's hand and took it over: "Is it in here?"

There was no need for Xiao Yueye to answer, they would naturally know after opening it. There were more than ninety pictures in a thick stack. The complex structure and various standards on it made several women feel dizzy.

Rourou shouted, asking the waiters outside to prepare bath water.

"Brother Xiao, I can't even understand what's going on here." Yin Caiju said with some frustration.

Xiao Yueye flipped through the design drawings, searched for a while, took out two pieces of paper and said, "Here, basically what we can understand is this appearance diagram and function description diagram."

The four girls gathered around to look at each other, their mouths wide open: "This, this, this is our brothel?"

Xiao Yueye was not surprised at all by their current reactions and nodded affirmatively.

Rou Rou swallowed: "What a strange brothel."

Yan Sha squinted her eyes: "What a scary brothel."

Murong Yufeng sighed: "What an expensive brothel."

Yin Caiju wrinkled her nose: "What a complicated brothel."

Before Xiao Yueye could say anything, she quickly picked up Zai Xin beside her and snatched the paper that almost died in the little girl's mouth.

Guaiguai didn't even notice this little ancestor. At her current age, she is curious about everything and has a strong desire for destruction. Of course, with her small arms and legs, the only thing she could destroy was paper.

The four girls were all frightened and shouted that it was dangerous. If these blueprints were put into her mouth by this girl, they would really be dead bodies.

I was dissatisfied with the "toy" being taken away by my father. I curled my lips, and my face turned gloomy, and I was about to burst into thunder. Xiao Yueye hurriedly took a book to the little girl. There were many colorful things drawn on it, which immediately attracted the girl. She immediately turned from sunny to cloudy, and then she hugged the book and chewed and chewed it. She had a great time playing alone and stopped talking to her parents.

"This girl." Yansha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was slightly scared. There is no way, although this girl doesn't like crying very much, but once she starts crying, it will definitely be earth-shattering. This is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is the legion of elders behind her. As soon as this girl cries, Mrs. Xiao, Aunt Liu, Mr. and Mrs. Zhao, Aunt Ye, Yu Huai, Lily Jasmine and a dozen other girls at home, plus a group of mistresses and mistresses, will all come over nervously. condemn.

The strong pressure of public opinion has created a consensus among Xiao Yueye and his wife that this girl is a precious child and they cannot afford to offend her, especially they cannot make her cry.

Poor parents in the world, if you can do this, you can be considered extremely pitiful.

She was gentle and considerate, and the most understanding of people's hearts. She held Xiao Yueye's hand and said: "The brothel design can be completed, the young master should be happy? Why do you seem to be in a heavy mood?"

Xiao Yueye chuckled softly: "Of course I'm happy, but when I think about the silver this brothel needs, I get a headache!"

The four girls had seen the design drawings of the brothel and knew that it was definitely a money-burning thing.

"Then what should we do? This time, it seems we have to go to the ticket office to get the money, otherwise we won't be able to collect it for the time being! My husband, how much do you think we will need?" Yansha asked with a frown.

Xiao Yueye curled her lips: "The black iron required for the inner layer of the twelve-leaf petals alone costs more than ten thousand taels. The material cost is just that, and the entire brothel's mechanisms are the most expensive."

"What did they do to this brothel?" Murong Yufeng sighed with emotion. She just glanced at the function description diagram and felt dizzy. Is that still a brothel? She had never seen that kind of brothel in her life.

"Yes," Rourou continued: "The appearance is just strange, but the function inside is really..."

Yansha also nodded, pointed to the appearance picture and said: "The appearance of the lotus will definitely become the focus of attention in the future, but the most peculiar thing is the mechanism function inside it. If it is really like what is said above, wouldn't this brothel be the same as the boat? Still, it’s a ship that can defend against everything.”

Yin Caiju was relatively simple and didn't understand this aspect. After hearing Yansha talk about boats, she hurriedly asked: "Sister, how did this become a boat? I didn't even understand."

"Well, look, according to the function diagram, using the mechanism inside will cause the twelve petals to slowly close up, and then wrap the entire brothel. These petals are mixed with black iron, even if they are shot by the army's strong bows, The arrows cannot damage it at all. When the entire petals are closed, the base will appear. Caiju, do you see that the base of the entire brothel is as big as the hull of a ship? Sha explained carefully.

"Wow, that's amazing! But, the brothel is built on the ground, what's the use of turning it into a boat?" Yin Caiju asked still curiously.

Yansha didn't understand this aspect either and could only look at Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye smiled: "If you think about the location where we will build the brothel in the future, it will be on the Fengyue River. People like Yang Zhi have investigated everything. They said that the terrain on the Fengyue River is slightly higher, so as long as there is With a little help, you can slide into the river. The channel of Fengyue River is very wide and extends in all directions, reaching directly to the Yangtze River and eventually connecting to the sea. So according to their thinking, maybe one day I, Xiao Yueye, will run away with my family. You can close the brothel and escape along the waterway. With the brothel's defense, you can not be afraid of any attacks. Moreover, I don't know what propulsion device these people have designed. Anyway, the function is to use the mechanism to speed up the ship. Also, look here, there is a large open space in the backyard of the brothel, which is used for raising livestock and growing vegetables, so that it can be self-sufficient when escaping in the future. There is also a mechanism control room under the center, and several secret rooms next to it. Here to store food. Haha, I have to say, these guys have thought of everything."

The four women looked at each other and took a long breath. This is outrageous. This is not a brothel, it’s just a monster! If what is said above is true, it can be said to be the first magic weapon for escape.

But the problem is that they don't need to escape at all!

Rourou smiled bitterly: "Master, there are many functions in this brothel that we can't use at all. And as you said, these functions will cost us too much money. Do you think we should... ”

Xiao Yueye shook her head, with a flash in her eyes: "No, I think it's very good. We are not very short of money. If this brothel is really built in the future, it will definitely be a miracle in history. Moreover, even if We don’t need to escape. If we want to play in the future, we can use it. Otherwise, our descendants may need it one day!”

"Well, Xiao Lang is right. If you want to do it, do it the best. It's not like we can't afford the money. Sister, think about it, if our brothel is built, it won't be passed down through the ages?!" Murong Yufeng He held Rourou's arm and said.

Rourou was just worried about money and didn't want Xiao Yueye to suffer too much, otherwise she was actually looking forward to the completion of this brothel. Hearing what Murong Yufeng said, she nodded.

"But how did Brother Xiao get so much money?" Yin Caiju asked worriedly.

Xiao Yueye patted her head, smiled and said: "Don't worry, this brothel was not built in a day. Over at Xijunzhai, the monthly profit is fixed. I don't want to use the money from the ticket number, so I came here When I was there, I thought about selling some of our unnecessary jewelry.”

"Sell it?" the four women exclaimed in unison.

Murong Yufeng said hesitantly: "Could it be a pawn? Those pawn shops are all cannibals, and the prices are very low."

"No." Xiao Yueye shook her head, with a smile on her lips: "I'm going to hold an auction."


"Yes, there are many rich people in the capital. Those inherited aristocratic families, descendants of princes, wealthy businessmen, and nouveau riche are all wealthy owners. I plan to choose a venue to gather these people and conduct an auction. Our family There are a lot of valuable and important things inside!”

Although she didn't understand what the auction meant, the smart Rourou quickly understood the meaning behind it: "I understand what the young master means. If it is a truly good thing, it will inevitably cause other people to compete for it. In this way, , the price may be higher than the market price, Master, you are really amazing!"

"Not only that," Murong Yufeng's eyes also lit up. As a princess, she once managed the fiefdom by herself, and her economic mind is not simple: "This time we are auctioning for money, but in the future, we can hold similar activities in the name of our Xiao family. As long as we take the lead, we can guarantee After ensuring the interests and safety of everyone, they will naturally trust us. At that time, we will only need to make a provision, such as charging a certain share of the auction proceeds, and even hold such auctions regularly in our brothels. "

"Clever!" Xiao Yueye snapped his fingers: "As far as I know, there has actually been a similar auction before. However, because there was no organization and the court did not allow it, it was just a flash in the pan. Nowadays, most people in the capital are a small circle. , the auction among a small number of people is purely for fun. We can do it on a large scale. Those who have antiques in urgent need of money can go through our auction as long as we can ensure safety and make a name for themselves. I can take the lead and achieve the goal of profit, and most importantly, with my status, I don’t have to worry about the court making things difficult.”

All five people laughed. In just a few words, I unexpectedly came up with another clever way to make money. As mentioned before, there are actually a lot of valuable but meaningless things at home, which are piled up in the house and cannot be solved! There are many dilapidated aristocratic families in this world, and they must also want to have such an occasion. There are countless people who have money but can't buy things they like.

And Xiao Yueye also thought that he finally found the best way to sell the mahjong and golden mahjong made of jade.

Making money seems to have become very easy all of a sudden. (Quanben Novel Website