The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 325: Auction meeting


Now that we have decided to hold an auction, we cannot be vague. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.CoMMurong Yufeng went to the palace to find Murong Xiu. The princess and the princess jointly posted a famous invitation to invite some people to participate in the auction. With their status, even those who hesitated had to give face to participate, let alone those who were rich but had no way to enter the upper class circles. It is said that several wealthy businessmen were ecstatic after getting this post. What's more, they spend a lot of money trying to buy other people's name cards.

Those who can be invited basically come from all three religions and nine streams, ranging from nobles and nobles to merchants and common people. However, these people all have the same two characteristics. One is that they are rich, very rich. The second is that they have the money to buy, they are not the iron roosters who want nothing. Among these people, most of them this time are the princes and grandsons of hereditary titles and the descendants of aristocratic families. These people have no other abilities but spend money first-rate. Murong Yufeng may be a little unfamiliar with the capital, but Murong Xiu is very familiar with it. The two people worked together to select one by one among hundreds of names, and finally selected more than 40 people. Although the number of these people is small, they are all wealthy people. Moreover, the two of them also kept an eye on it. These people have a wide range of activities. If this event is successful, they will be the best publicity. The most important thing is that they wrote in the post that they can bring a female family member to attend. From ancient times to the present, women’s desire to buy has always been strong. Moreover, if two people like the same thing at the same time, then the one who will benefit the most from the ensuing fight between dragons and tigers will naturally be Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye thought about the venue for a long time and decided to rent a courtyard with an elegant environment. There are many unused courtyards in the capital. They are not big, but they have beautiful scenery and a unique flavor. These places are basically rented to students who like to get together to recite poems and compose poems. It's expensive, but absolutely safe. After Xiao Yueye rented it, he had already made arrangements for Yansha's killers to disguise themselves as servants and secure the entire courtyard to ensure that there would not be any problems.

Now that everything is ready and the post is out, the next step is to select the items to be auctioned.

However, I would like to add something before that, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xiao Yueye used the name of his own organization and consignment to others this time. In this way, it not only saves unnecessary trouble, but also provides a message to others that supports consignment. If it is done well, after the news spreads, those whose families are in trouble or who are in urgent need of money will definitely come to Xiao Yueye. Every time there is a first time, there will be a second time. If we continue like this, we will soon be able to increase the scale of the auction, and we will be able to continue it for a long time.

This auction can be regarded as the first shot of Xiao Mansion, and it must be launched. Therefore, the choice of items must be carefully considered and considered again. If the selected items are not satisfactory and cannot attract others to buy, then it will be a complete failure.

Everything was going smoothly at first, but when it came to selecting items, I encountered big obstacles:

"Ms. sir, this is the Jade Guanyin that was given to me when I was a full moon. It's very commemorative, so I'd better keep it." Yansha held a hand-sized Jade Guanyin statue in her hand. The color was uniform and clear, faintly glowing, and green. Green and verdant, it is the top grade of jade. The Jade Guanyin itself was carefully carved by the world's most skilled craftsmen more than a hundred years ago. It is so lifelike that it makes people feel as if they are bathed in the light of Buddha.

"Yes, I remembered it. I heard that this Jade Guanyin has been enshrined in the temple for more than seventy years. Countless eminent monks chanted sutras and recited the Buddha's name. It can be said that all evils are shunned! Young Master, we should keep such a good thing in our family. Let's go." Rourou patted her head gently, remembering the purpose of this Jade Guanyin.

The corners of Xiao Yueye's mouth twitched and she could only nod helplessly. If this Jade Guanyin had not been discovered today, no one here would have remembered it, but now they would be reluctant to part with it. As for the words consecrated by eminent monks, it is even more ironic. Their family basically had no good impressions of Buddhism, otherwise they wouldn't have just thrown such a precious Jade Guanyin into the big box under the bed.

Sighing, Xiao Yueye rummaged through the box and took out a black pearl chain: "Thirty-six South Sea black pearls, each one is plump and round, with restrained luster. I'm afraid you can't find such a big pearl necklace in the world." This is the second string. It’s a treasure. If it’s sold, it will definitely be worth a high price.”

"No!" Yin Caiju screamed and grabbed the string of pearls. Her eyes were straight and her hands kept touching: "What a beautiful pearl, really beautiful. Brother Xiao, I want this."

Xiao Yueye had no choice but to nod and continue reading. This pearl necklace and the like seem to be out of business. The girls, with quick eyes and quick hands, took a lot of strings on their arms and kept comparing them. The light in their eyes was hotter than the sun. Murong Yufeng kept muttering: "Oh, why didn't I know before that our family has so many good things? What a loss, what a loss."

The remaining jewelry and necklaces in the box were all mediocre. If such things were put up for auction, they would be thrown into the Pacific Ocean. Xiao Yueye sighed and could only continue to look for someone who could hold the scene and be willing to let his wife go.

Tianshan snow silk handkerchief

"No, this is Zai Xin's diaper. It will be passed down to her younger brothers and sisters in the future. It is of great commemorative value."

Purple Jade Ginseng King

"No, there are so many elders in the family, so of course such a good thing must be given to the elders to take care of their health."

Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Lanting Collection"

"No, in the future I will give our children a sketching class."

Thousand-year-old bronze ware

"No, how about using such a good thing as a urinal?"

A sword for generals

"No, this sword will be given to my apprentice in the future."

Fragment of Zhuge Liang’s Eight Formations

"No, this will be used to make jigsaw puzzles for our children in the future."

. . . . . .

Xiao Yueye was speechless. Women, no matter what kind of women they are, whether you need them or not, they just can't bear to take out the things at home. Xiao Yueye didn't take anything, they would definitely be useful, and they would always oppose it. When I got to the back, I couldn't find anything to choose from except the box, which was really unattractive.

wry smile!

If Xiao Yueye hadn't initiated the auction, all of these treasures, which were "incomparably precious, of great significance, and of great use" in the eyes of the girls, would have been casually packed in boxes to eat dust!

But now, when they really want to take it out, everyone is reluctant to part with it.

Seeing Xiao Yueye sighing, the four girls also understood that they seemed to have gone too far. But there was nothing they could do. Even though they didn't value these things in their hearts, their flesh ached when they thought of taking things out for auction.

Just take those pearl necklaces. Among the four wives, Rourou doesn't like to wear them, Yansha thinks it hinders her skills, Murong Yufeng occasionally wears them, and Yin Caiju thinks it's a hindrance to cooking. Normally, they rarely wear jewelry, but at this moment, they are just like ordinary women. If you don’t take it yourself, you will definitely not sell it. Even if it is left at home to eat dust, it is still good. At least I know I have these things at home.


Yin Caiju saw Xiao Yueye shaking her head with a wry smile, gritted her teeth, and handed over the South China Sea black pearl necklace: "Brother Xiao, it's better to put the necklace up for auction."

The little girl said it timidly, with a face full of reluctance, staring at the necklace and blinking, obviously looking reluctant to part with it.

Xiao Yueye smiled: "Since you like it so much, just keep it. There are so many things in the house, and there is no shortage of one or two. Forget it, there is nothing in this box. There are two or three boxes at my mother's place. I will look for it again. Is there anything suitable."

As soon as she heard that she didn't want it anymore, Yin Caiju immediately laughed and clutched the South China Sea pearl necklace tightly, feeling happy.

However, the four girls were reluctant to part with a lot of things before, it was just a psychological trick. They all know that there are many valuable things in the house, but the first auction is of great significance, and they must find something that can hold the place. For example, there are so many antiques at home, but you must choose those that are more precious and meaningful as they age. So even though they were reluctant to part with it, they still wisely handed the things to Xiao Yueye and let him choose by himself. Of course, those selected necklaces would definitely not be accepted.

Xiao Yueye has already thought about it. For the first auction, he wants to be a blockbuster. There is no requirement for the quantity of things, but the quality must be there. Everything must be a treasure. Xiao Yueye murmured whether he should get two things from inside the palace. Emperor Fangzheng also has too many treasures to use up, so why not take advantage of his own son

He was thinking openly, but he didn't make Murong Liuyun angry to death. Murong Liuyun had already been wiped out by his fair and open auction, and he was still wiping his butt. He still wanted to do a business without capital

. . . . . .

The rented courtyard is the best in the capital, and the daily rent is one hundred taels. After Xiao Yueye sent someone to arrange the interior, he pushed Confucius out to serve as the lecturer, while he sat down below and drank tea leisurely.

An ordinary house is not suitable for auction. So Xiao Yueye chose to conduct the auction in the open space next to the small bridge and flowing water in the backyard. He sent people to clean the place in advance, spread velvet carpets on the floor, and separated the open space with screens to form more than forty small private rooms. In these private rooms, there are two comfortable chairs, melon and fruit tea on the middle coffee table, and a burning stove, emitting heat to keep people warm. There were more than forty boxes arranged in a fan shape, and in the middle of the room they surrounded was a very low platform, which was used for display. On the stage, there is a square table with a small hammer on the table.

When the time was approaching, the invited people came one after another. Many of the circles in the capital had intersections. So as soon as everyone arrived, they immediately called for friends. The servants arranged by Xiao Yueye in advance wore uniform clothes, which aroused the curiosity of many people. And the ladies who came with their husbands quickly got together and talked in low voices.

Well-trained servants shuttled around, leading the guests to the prepared boxes, making tea for them in an elegant manner, and then stood behind to serve them at any time. These people are actually top-notch killers in the world. In addition to serving the guests, they also play a protective role.

I have to say that their acting skills are really good, and their behavior and movements are exactly the same as those of well-trained servants. Even some princes and nobles who paid great attention to etiquette and were picky couldn't help but nod in praise.

Elegant music sounded softly, and the people present, even if they were arty and elegant, understood a little bit. Many of them had expressions of surprise in their eyes. This piece of music was so seamless and so skillful that even they would find it difficult to hear it.

This Xiao Yueye really has some skills!

Although the post was signed with the names of the princess and the princess, but the information is a bit sensitive, who doesn't know that the real owner is Xiao Yueye

Xiao Yueye seemed to have spent a lot of money this time, but this was not the case. In addition to the rent of one hundred taels, the screen tea servants and musicians are all from the family, and it just takes a little effort. Although everyone is drinking the best Dahongpao, in fact, in the Xiao family, there is too much of this stuff to drink! And it was mainly because the Xiao family didn't like drinking this kind of tea that Xiao Yueye decided to "turn waste into treasure".

When everyone arrived, Xiao Yueye made a gesture, and the musicians changed their tone. People present were all people who had seen the world, and they knew that this unusual auction was about to begin.

Murong Yufeng took the stage first and said some words of gratitude to everyone as the princess. She wore very heavy clothes today and smiled brightly, completely expressing the nobility, peace and perfection of a princess. Among the people present, there were at most a dozen people who had seen Murong Yufeng. Many other people, although very powerful in their own circle, were not qualified to meet the emperor's relatives. For them, it was really worth it to see the princess this time.

After Murong Yufeng came down, it was naturally Xiao Yueye's turn. He came to the stage, nodded to everyone, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for participating in this auction organized by Xiao. I won't talk nonsense anymore. The main purpose of holding this auction is to give everyone a Taobao platform. What follows Many of the auction items were consigned by friends Xiao knew. Of course, there are also some treasures passed down by the ancestors of the declining nobles, which have never been seen on the market. Okay, I won’t go into details anymore, and I will prepare them next. start."

Confucius was a little nervous on this occasion for the first time. But fortunately, he has experienced a lot of big things in the past few years, so he looks normal on the outside. He waved his hand, and two servants immediately came on stage. One set the table, and the other held items covered with red cloth.

The attraction of the crowd was immediately directed towards the object.

Kong Fuzi smiled softly and said in a calm tone: "The quality of the auction items is guaranteed by the princess, the princess and my Xiao family. Everyone can feel at ease and believe in it. Before that, I would like to remind everyone. Once they are auctioned, You must pay cash on site. In addition, in order to thank everyone for your support, the winner of this auction can get a pair of golden mahjong pieces by just adding one tael of silver. Treasure. Below is auction item No. 1."

You get a pair of golden mahjong for just one tael, which is obviously a free gift. Everyone present knew the popular mahjong nowadays, and couldn't help but secretly marvel at the Xiao family's generosity.

Looking at the curious eyes of the people below, Kong Fuzi smiled slightly, lifted the red cloth, and revealed the true face of the auction items.

"What? It seems like a book."

"It's probably a unique copy."

"Don't worry, won't there be an introduction soon?"

Confucius asked everyone to be quiet, and slowly introduced: "The first auction item is a fragment of Zhuge Liang's Eight Formations during the Three Kingdoms period. This fragment is not only very old, but also contains eight pieces of Zhuge Kongming's life-long effort. The detailed description of the array is incomplete, but it is of great significance. The base price is three thousand taels, and each increase must not be less than one hundred taels. "

As soon as I heard it was Zhuge Liang's Eight Formation Diagram, the place immediately became lively. People who knew each other had already removed the screen in the middle and were whispering at this moment. Some of them doubted whether it was true or not, but when they thought about it with the guarantee of the princess and princess, they would definitely be right. If it is true, this thing is worth a lot of money!

Zhuge Liang's Eight Formations of the Three Kingdoms, this history is so far back! Many people with family backgrounds have already told the records of the Eight Formation Diagrams. However, with so many people talking, no one made an offer, as if they were all waiting for something. From the perspective of others, three thousand taels cannot be earned in a few lifetimes. But those present were a drop in the bucket. Naturally, they believed that the remaining copies of the Eight Formation Diagrams were definitely more than 3,000 taels, so they were thinking carefully about how to quote a price.

The first person to speak was a wealthy businessman from Beijing: "Four thousand taels."

Confucius said loudly: "The number six is four thousand taels."

As soon as he finished speaking, the quotation came up again: "Four thousand five hundred taels."

"Five thousand taels!"

"Six thousand taels."

The people present were all wealthy people. They were all thinking in silence at first. Now when they actually take action, it can be said that the situation is changing and the competition is fierce.

The price soon exceeded the 10,000 mark and stopped at 13,400. The person who made the final offer was a descendant of Duke Zhongyong, who had been passed down for generations and had a very strong family background. In fact, there are still people who can compete with him, but everyone has set their sights on the latter. The first auction item was so precious, so wouldn’t the next ones be as well. . . . . .

The final word was finalized, and the first piece was sold.

"The second auction item is the Jade Guanyin. This Jade Guanyin is mild in nature and green in color. In addition to its rare and precious material, the carving was also made by the world's most skilled hand a hundred years ago. This Guanyin statue is in The temple has been popular among thousands of Buddhists for more than 70 years, chanting sutras and offering incense. It is definitely a treasure that is immune to evil spirits. The base price is one thousand taels, and the quotation must not be less than three hundred taels. "

Although the material of Jade Guanyin itself is rare, it is not what attracts everyone. All of them are wealthy, and there are many that are better than this kind of jade. But what's precious is that the carver of the jade itself is so famous that all the pieces passed down are high-quality products. What's more, this jade Guanyin has been worshiped in the temple for more than seventy years, so it must have amazing power. Who among the people present has no wrongdoing? The richer they are, the more they fear death, and the more they believe in ghosts and gods.

"One thousand taels."

"Two thousand taels!"

"Two thousand three hundred taels!"

The last person jumped directly from 5,200 taels to 8,000 taels, which immediately stunned everyone. Others figured that such a high price was not worthwhile and gave up.

The third piece of deep-sea coral reef, the fourth piece of Tao Yuanming's authentic work, and the fifth piece of Millennium Poria were all sold for 6,100 taels, 13,200 taels, and 16,700 taels respectively, all at high prices. Counting five items, there were more than 57,000 taels, which made Xiao Yueye, who was sitting below, almost happy. More than 50,000 taels, plus the last thing, a brothel as big as my own, there is absolutely no need to worry about money.

The last thing is naturally the finale. Everyone in front of them, who were blushing and panting, was now looking up with burning eyes. Especially those who were not photographed secretly wish they could go slower, slower. Many of them, this time, actually came with the mentality of giving face to the princess and princess, so they did not bring many banknotes. Who would have known that after arriving, I would discover that everything is of top quality. These are the best things that you can't usually buy if you have money. If you buy just one of them and take it home, you can make yourself famous. Many of them had already sent people back to withdraw money. Some people they know well will lend money directly to those who are present.

Confucius was also full of excitement and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, let's start with the last auction item. Please take a look."

The red cloth was lifted, causing screams immediately. Those princes and nobles who claimed to be very elegant could not suppress their joy and madness.

"He's Bi? It's actually He's Bi?"

"Oh my god, this baby actually exists?"

"Old Li, did you see it? It's He's Bi. I actually saw He's Bi."

"Damn, no, I have to borrow money right away."

The scene was a bit chaotic and the atmosphere was even higher.

Confucius gave everyone a few heavy blows to silence them: "The base price is ten thousand taels, and each increase must not be less than five hundred taels."

In such a short period of time, many people have joined forces or borrowed money. The servants running in from outside were even more diligent, sweating profusely even in winter, and then handed the banknotes to their masters or young masters.

"Ten thousand taels."

"Fifteen thousand taels!"

"Thirty thousand taels!"

The auction prices were getting higher and higher, which surprised Xiao Yueye. This Heshibi is so charming.

He smiled secretly, feeling that he was really wise. He's Bi is not his, but he went to Murong Liuyun to get it. Although Murong Liuyun was full of reluctance, after learning that it was Madam Xiao who told Xiao Yueye that he had the Heshi Bi, he could only hand it over obediently. Xiao Yueye was determined to pay attention this time and make the auction he organized famous at all costs. His other five treasures can all hold up. The first fragment of the Eight Array Diagrams shocked people, but the last one will make them unforgettable forever. So I decided to use Heshi Bi.

Xiao Yueye believes that this auction will definitely become the biggest topic in the entire upper class circle of the capital.

His Xiao family's auction will definitely become famous far and wide. If it is held next time, there will definitely be more people who want to participate.

The price has already been mentioned at 110,000 taels, and it is still increasing. At this time, Yansha actually used Qinggong and hurried over, saying something with a complicated expression.

With a "clang" sound, the tea cup in Xiao Yueye's hand fell to the ground.

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What happened

Hey, I hope no one will blame me after I reveal it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter. (Quanben Novel Website