The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 328: Official declaration of war


The days passed slowly, and the earth returned to spring and became full of vitality. WWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.COmAfter experiencing the hibernation of the severe cold in winter, the lively and lively atmosphere in the capital has returned to normal. Last winter was destined to be an eventful one like no other. Even now, the people in the capital have a lot to talk about in private. Those storytellers are frothing at the mouth every day, but they are also making a lot of money. In the past, it was nothing more than a snowstorm and the murder of Ouyang Xiaohua, one of the four famous arrests in Liumen. But I don't know which day started, the trend in the capital suddenly changed, and 70% of the storytellers actually told the same story in unison, and this story quickly spread among the people, arousing greater enthusiasm. At the same time, through the people at the bottom, it slowly spread upwards, and before long, almost the entire capital knew about it.

Treasure, someone in the capital owns the treasure of the previous dynasty!

This is explosive news, whether it is true or false, it can make people's blood boil and their eyes turn red. The treasures of the previous dynasty, this is such an enviable and exciting legend. It is said that when the founding emperor of the Murong Dynasty captured the palace of the previous dynasty, the last emperor of the previous dynasty had already transferred all the gold, silver and jewelry and hid them.

This legend has been circulating for nearly a hundred years. Even though it was ethereal and insubstantial, it gradually became deeply rooted in people's hearts, and finally took root, making most people convinced.

Legends are legends after all, and they only occasionally flash in people's hearts. In their free time, the neighbors chatted for a while, imagining their life if they got the treasure from the previous dynasty, and then continued to do their own things.

However, this legend is now said to be very clear-cut, and relevant evidence is listed to point directly at one person.

Xiao Yueye!

That's right, it's Xiao Yueye. The current rumor in the capital is that Xiao Yueye has obtained the treasure of the previous dynasty and is as rich as the country. He has cited a lot of examples, which are so conclusive that it is impossible to believe it. Coupled with the hoarse performances of those storytellers and the past impression of Xiao Yueye in people's minds, this rumor suddenly became credible.

Countless pairs of eyes, filled with suspicion, envy, jealousy, greed, malice and other emotions, all shot at the Xiao family and Xiao Yueye. Underneath the calmness of the capital, there was already a turbulent situation, just like the calm before the storm.

The news came too suddenly, but captured everyone's hearts in a short period of time. It spread from the common people, and then everyone followed suit, and gradually spread to the officials, the palace, and even the emperor knew about it. And the claims that have been spread are even more malicious. For example, Xiao Yueye embezzled the treasures of the previous dynasty. He knew that his family was an enemy of the country, but he pretended to do nothing and did not help the people. Another example is that Xiao Yueye secretly used the money to plot a rebellion. Another example is that Xiao Yueye is a remnant of the previous dynasty and so on.

All kinds of rumors are flying in the sky. The people at the bottom don't know whether they are true or false, but these rumors are enough for them to believe them to be true, so that they talk about them every day. Then a few people who know a little bit about the Xiao family's affairs pretend to be mysterious, add fuel to the rumors, and add another layer to this rumor. Turn on the fire.

As for how many people are secretly adding fuel to the flames, no one knows.

From the initial doubt, to the later doubt, to the current wait-and-see, it only lasted seven days. The change in these seven days seems to be a long time, but in fact it is only a blink of an eye. In the past seven days, the sudden rumors caught everyone off guard. This is true for outsiders, and even more so for the protagonist of the story.

However, what attracted the attention and confusion of all the forces was that in the face of such rumors, Xiao Yueye remained silent and did what he should do. He didn't admit it, didn't deny it, and didn't take any action. He seemed to be calmly watching the clouds rise.

This makes people confused, and they can't see Xiao Yueye's true identity clearly. So those who were originally prepared to fish in troubled waters or even add insult to injury are all panic-stricken, forcing themselves to be patient and wait and see what happens.

In the Xiao Mansion, several core figures of Xiao Yueye's family gathered together.

Xiao Yueye took the book casually and read it leisurely, drinking tea and eating some cakes. She didn't seem to be affected by the rumors outside at all. Just because he is so relaxed doesn't mean that others are the same.

Anyone with a brain can understand the impact this rumor will have. As long as the people present think about it, their faces will turn pale and their hearts will beat fast. However, seeing how nervous and confused Xiao Yueye was, they had no choice but to relax.

However, the people present were really puzzled by the way of sitting back and watching the rumors spread more and more widely. These days, people are moving around outside the Xiao family, and many people are secretly observing with malicious intentions. All of this made people in the house excited, and private discussions could be seen everywhere.

Seeing this, some core figures in the Xiao Mansion could no longer sit still. This time they approached Xiao Yueye, hoping that he could come up with a solution.

"Master, what do you think we should do?" Xiaosi has an impatient temper and grew up with Xiao Yueye, so he can yell without any scruples.

Yansha glanced at him gently from the side and sighed. This younger brother is good at everything, but his temper is too hasty, which will hinder his future development!

Xiao Yueye put down her book, glanced at the people present, and said with a smile: "What should I do? Cold! What can I do if I talk to others?"

"Young Master, if we continue like this, there is no way out! Now, outside the Xiao Mansion, people from all walks of life are watching with eager eyes. I think it is not only these people who are interested in our family property, I am afraid that people from the official family are also preparing to take action." Confucius There have been a lot of whites in the past two days, and they are all worried about this matter. Although he believed that Xiao Yueye's calmness and composure must be a sure thing, but the severe situation day by day had to worry the old man who regarded Xiao Mansion as his home.

"Yes." Aunt Ye also frowned and nodded: "In the past few days, everyone in the family has been talking a lot and people's hearts have been floating. And as soon as we leave the house, we are basically surrounded by people looking at us. If this continues, I will Afraid......"

Xiao Yueye smiled, a little mysterious and weird. He did not answer directly. Instead, he turned to look at Yansha and said, "How's it going at the brothel?"

"Everything is going on as usual. Some merchants tried to take advantage of the current situation by raising prices to make money from us. I sent someone to teach them a lesson and they figured it out." Yansha said calmly.

"Yeah, okay." Xiao Yueye took the honey tea brought by Yin Caiju and took a sip.

"Stop being so secretive and tell the truth if you have a plan. Don't let everyone worry here." Liu Qianqian couldn't stand Xiao Yueye's mysterious appearance and said dissatisfied.

The mistress pulled her and was very dissatisfied with Liu Qianqian's attitude. However, although he had full confidence in Xiao Yueye, he was also very worried. He is a person who studies martial arts. Through observation, these people have gathered experts from various forces who are watching covetously outside. He didn't understand why Xiao Yueye didn't take the initiative to attack, but instead asked all the killers to retreat home, and at the same time, no one was allowed to take action. There are a lot of good players in the family, not to mention three masters. It would be a joke if you were afraid of these clowns.

He didn't understand very much. Although he didn't ask, the meaning was already revealed in his eyes.

Although the elders in the family were also worried, they gradually became relieved with Mrs. Xiao's comfort. After living here for so long, they don't know anything else, but they still know one thing very well. That is, Xiao Yueye is definitely not a simple person, nor can he be defeated so easily.

As for Lily, Jasmine, Peony and other future brothel pillars, they yawned, slept, played mahjong, and didn't care about it at all. In their opinion, Xiao Yueye is a devil. Can anyone defeat the devil? Moreover, even if you worry yourself, it will not help, but will only add to your worries. These women are all people with stories, and they see things much more profoundly than the average person, which is beyond Xiao Yueye's expectation.

Xiao Yueye said quietly: "Do you believe the rumors from the outside world?"

Everyone was speechless. Among them, except for the fourth daughter and the mistress, who knew the origin of Xiao Yueye's money, no one else knew. Xiao Yueye has always been very mysterious in their hearts. Especially Xiao Yueye's previous source of funds, where did he come from so many jewelry? These have always been doubts in everyone's mind. To be honest, when rumors from the outside world entered their ears, these people's first reaction was that they were true.

Only in this way can we explain the origin of Xiao Yueye's money, right

But when Xiao Yueye asked them so calmly, these people didn't know how to answer.

Kong Fuzi thought for a while and said: "Young master, to be honest, I am half true and false. But whether it is true or false, what does it have to do with me? What I am worried about is how to preserve the entire Xiao family in this turmoil."

Aunt Ye also nodded and said nothing more. But this attitude was already shown in his eyes.

Several other people thought about it and came to the same view.

Xiao Yueye smiled: "Rumors are just rumors after all. If we don't pay attention to them, they will disappear naturally over time. As for how to protect the Xiao family, don't worry, I have my own way. There may be some difficulties in the days to come. But as long as you stick to your posts and do whatever you have to do, there won’t be any big problems.”

"But..." Kong Fuzi wanted to say something else, but Xiao Yueye reached out to stop him.

"I know what you're worried about. Let's do this. You and Aunt Ye will gather all the servants in the yard. I'll have something to say later."

After listening to Xiao Yueye's words, he said that he had been a master and servant for many years. If Confucius didn't understand that Xiao Yueye already had a countermeasure, then it was really all in vain. It seems that my master is really powerful!

Kong Fuzi nodded and bowed down with Aunt Ye and others.

As soon as they left, Xiao Yueye's face darkened. Murong Yufeng said worriedly from the side: "Xiao Lang, this matter is extraordinary! In just seven days, it has been spread widely among the people. It is definitely not simple. And this rumor is really too sensational. I believe that now Not to mention the people outside, even the civil and military officials of the court are watching you! If you are not careful, you may be doomed. Unless you are willing to reveal your identity as a prince, it is really difficult to escape. !”

As the princess, Murong Yufeng naturally knows more about the officialdom than the other three women. This thing seems to be just a rumor, but the truth in it is enough to make people believe it. Xiao Yueye's property comes from the "Qian Lai Banking Account", which is very mysterious in nature and even more difficult to explain. This time, not only did Xiao Xiao covet the Xiao family and lurk day and night, but there was also constant turmoil in the court. There are so many people watching the good show, and there are even more people who want to add insult to injury, and there are countless people who benefit from it. In the past six months, Murong Liuyun has never announced Xiao Yueye's entry into the palace, nor has he given any reward. In the eyes of outsiders, it was obvious that Xiao Yueye had fallen out of favor. A few people even secretly speculated whether the emperor had long suspected the origin of Xiao Yueye's money, so he deliberately showed favor and secretly investigated the details

No matter what, Xiao Yueye's reputation as possessing the treasures of the previous dynasty seems to have been fulfilled. In addition to making their own calculations, many important officials in the court were also wondering how the emperor would deal with Xiao Yueye? How can I get some benefit from it? If only I could get my hands on this treasure. . . . . .

It was precisely for these reasons that Murong Yufeng was worried and said the above words.

Xiao Yueye smiled softly, took out a few pieces of paper from the edge of the coffee table, and read softly: "Xiao Yueye is from Huixian County, Weituo Prefecture, Yu Province. His family runs an ordinary brothel, Baihualou, and he was an ordinary child. He was born in China. After Jianghu... This person often gave out thousands of gold tickets, and all of them were rare. The consignment was a cover-up, but he didn't know that the jade belonged to the former royal family, so his identity was revealed."

Putting these pieces of paper down casually, Xiao Yueye said coldly: "These storytellers are really good at finding out everything about me. They even found out everything about me at the auction. It's amazing! If I were to tell storytellers It’s really amazing that everyone has this ability.”

"This matter clearly shows that someone is behind the scenes, young master. We have offended many enemies, but there is only one person who has this ability." Rourou said calmly from the side.

"It's unpredictable." Five people said in unison.

The corner of Xiao Yueye's mouth raised slightly: "Apart from him, I can't think of anyone else who wants to get rid of me so quickly. However, in his opinion, this is a good opportunity to deal with me, and for me, is it not an opportunity to deal with him? Do you see anything from this rumor?"

"What? Brother Xiao?" Yin Caiju asked doubtfully.

Xiao Yueye smiled softly and pressed her hand on the paper: "Unexpectedly, he started to take advantage of Su Jing. This matter was planned by Su Jing!"

"What?" The four girls were shocked. They never expected that Su Jing would do this.

Rourou, who had known Su Jing since childhood, couldn't believe it. She covered her mouth with her hands and widened her eyes.

Only then did Xiao Yueye remember that none of the four girls knew about the plan she had discussed with Su Jing, and she hurriedly explained: "...That's it. When Su Jing decided to marry Xiu'er, he already knew what would happen. I am on the opposite side, so we simply formulated a plan to deal with it.”

"So that's it." Rourou took a long breath.

"But sir, why can you tell from this rumor that Su Jing planned it?" Yansha asked strangely.

"It's very simple. Although this rumor only briefly mentions my childhood, knowing how much pocket money I had at that time cannot be known through investigation. So I knew at a glance that this was the information Su Jing revealed to me. Let me cooperate. Think about it, when Su Jing and others return to the court, will they ever come to the Xiao family? "

After Xiao Yueye said this, the four girls remembered. Su Jing has really never been here for so many days.

"He must be being watched by someone unpredictable." Murong Yufeng suddenly realized.

"It's not just that." Xiao Yueye smiled: "This kid is as slippery as a fox. Now he is unpredictable, not only to deal with me, but also to test whether he is really on which side. So this kid, every day He has to act. I think he must show his embarrassment and struggle to the people who are spying on him, so that it is real enough. But no matter how hard he struggles, he will definitely not be able to come to Xiao Mansion, let alone have contact with anyone related to Xiao Mansion. , Only in this way can Mo Zhiqi be more convinced that Su Jing is on his side for Xiu'er. I know Su Jing's methods. This time, I almost have no way out, and every step is a dangerous move. His true identity and strength, so he is not worried that something will happen to me. What he is worried about is that I cannot cooperate with him well in this play, so he deliberately left such a seemingly fabricated detail in this rumor. "

After Xiao Yueye said this, the four girls all understood. Yin Caiju raised her head and asked curiously: "Brother Xiao, how are you going to cooperate with him?"

"Of course I have to make Mo Zhi believe that Su Jing's plan has indeed hurt my vitality a lot! However, blindly retreating can easily make this old fox believe that I am difficult to deal with, and even make him suspect that Su Jing and I are... Collusion. So, I have to pretend to be forced to fight back," Xiao Yueye said confidently.

"That's why Xiao Lang, you will just wait and see what happens in the past seven days. In this way, people can't see through the reality, whether you are confident or powerless. But as long as you fight back today, unpredictable people will definitely get a message, we can't sit still In this way, he will believe in Su Jing's strategy more, and will also implicitly trust Su Jing more." Murong Yufeng understood by drawing inferences.

"That's right," Xiao Yueye snapped her fingers: "This is just the beginning. While creating damage, we must also quietly cut off a lot of unpredictable wings, so that we can help Su even more. King is on top.”

"So, sir, your first step is to serve as a servant?" Rourou also understood and nodded.

Xiao Yueye smiled softly, and murderous intent flashed in the corner of his eyes: "Yes, I have tolerated these rat droppings for a long time, and it is finally time to understand. Moreover, so many heavens and people are in panic, I think it is time to give them a shock. In case they let it go. People think that my Xiao family has no family rules. Sister Rourou, I wonder how the servants are doing with their investigation?"

Xiao Yueye took out a few pieces of paper from her arms and hesitated for a moment, wanting to say something. In the end, she just sighed: "They are all here. Hey, you can't live without your own fault. You can't blame us."

Xiao Yueye took it, turned it over casually, and showed a hint of a sinister smile: "I really don't know it until I see it, I'm shocked when I see it! In my Xiao family, there are not only rat droppings, but also so many crabs. Good, good, really OK!"

He raised his head suddenly, with a murderous look on his face: "It's unexpected that you want to fight, so I, Xiao Yueye, will give you the first counterattack!"

Those pieces of paper were turned into dust by him when he held them tightly. However, the contents inside have long been recorded in Xiao Yueye's mind. He took a few deep breaths. Now was not the time to get angry. There was still more fighting to come!

Hum, fighting against the sky is endless fun; fighting against the earth is endless fun; fighting against humans is even more fun. It is unpredictable, but I, Xiao Yueye, have received so many "great favors" from you, and I will repay them well in the future.

"Pick chrysanthemums," Xiao Yueye said with a smile after thinking for a while.

Yin Caiju came over and said, "What's the matter? Brother Xiao, do you want me to prepare something to eat for you?"

Xiao Yueye shook her head and nodded her nose in a funny way: "No. How is your father-in-law doing lately?"

The father-in-law he was talking about was naturally Yin Caiju's biological father, Yu Huai. Since the fire poison in this old man's body was expelled by Rourou, apart from practicing martial arts diligently every day, he also teaches everyone in the Xiao Mansion how to read and write. Later, Xiao Yueye felt that this method was very good. After consulting Ma Xianglan's father, Master Ma, he opened a special place where the two of them would teach everyone in the Xiao family. Many servants even brought their children to study. In this way, not only the quality of the people under the Xiao family has improved, but it has also added a lot of reputation to the Xiao family.

"Dad practices martial arts, reads, and teaches students every day."

"Well, um, do you miss your mother?" Xiao Yueye said hesitantly.

Sure enough, Yin Caiju's expression darkened a lot when she heard about her mother. However, she had been mentally prepared for a long time and quickly recovered: "Although he didn't say it, dad often read my mother's name alone in the house. But Xiao Brother, you said that my mother has remarried. If the Mo family doesn’t let her go, it will be useless for us to force her, but it will bring harm to her. "

Xiao Yueye smiled and touched her head: "That was before. From now on, I will find a way to reunite your family."

"Really?" Yin Caiju almost jumped up with joy. She didn't say it, but how could she not miss her mother? However, in the past, she could still go to Gu Mei to talk to each other about the love between mother and daughter. In the past few months, Gu Mei had not left the house at all. Even when Murong Yufeng invited her to be a guest, she was declined by the Mo family. I think she was already under house arrest. However, Xiao Yueye knew Mo Huai's feelings for Gu Mei, so he wasn't worried about anything.

Yansha said with some worry: "Mr. Sir, Gu Mei was married by Mo Huai with three letters and six appointments, and he was married in an eight-carriage sedan. If the Mo family insists on not letting her go, no matter what we do, it will not help!"

"Huh, that's not up to them. Since the Mo family has people's mouths to deal with me, I can naturally deal with him in the same way! The story of Mo Huai burning down the entire Yu family and using excuses to forcefully marry Gu Mei is very attractive. Yes. As long as we make it more attractive, that old guy will definitely not be willing to let Gu Mei stay at home when his reputation falls. , at worst, I will send someone to snatch it away, but if there is no evidence, what can he do to me?" Xiao Yueye snorted coldly and said domineeringly.

"Would that alarm the snake and make the Mo family want to kill?" Murong Yufeng said worriedly: "Unexpectedly, he is not a kind and soft-hearted bird. What if he becomes angry and kills Gu Mei? With his As a human being, I will never be soft-hearted because of Mo Huai’s obstruction.”

Xiao Yueye smiled softly: "Don't worry, he won't do this. If rumors about us spread, there will be many eyes watching every move of the Mo family. At that moment, if something happens to Gu Mei, Then the Mo family is even more confused. How could such a cunning person do such a stupid thing? Maybe he would deliberately arrange for Mo Huai to take Gu Mei out for fun, pretending to be a respectful couple. Stop the rumors! By then, as long as our plans are average, we can get Gu Mei back. If we are lucky, we might be able to force Mo Huai to divorce his wife! Moreover, the rumors will weigh on us! The pressure on the Xiao family will be much less, which can also tell Mo Zhi that the Xiao family is not something he can manipulate at will. As long as we have good control, he will naturally use Su Jing more, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. "

Amazing! He is worthy of being his own man. This was the first feeling of the four women. When they looked at Xiao Yueye, their eyes became even more hazy.

Xiao Yueye's plan not only kills two birds with one stone, but also has three birds with one stone! He is thorough, taking into account all forces and reactions, forcing the unpredictable to act according to his ideas. As for Mo Huai, although he is also a great person, it is a pity that he has deep love roots. There was one thing Xiao Yueye didn't say. If Gu Mei was gone, Mo Huai might collapse from now on. What's more, if that rumor spreads well, Liumenmen might invite Mo Huai to tea often!

There was a voice outside the door, and Confucius said respectfully: "Master, all the servants have gathered in the yard, waiting for you!"

Xiao Yueye laughed and whispered: "Back then, Su Jing and I dealt with those unruly slaves at Tiger's house. After so many years, I didn't expect that the past would happen again. Hahaha, let's go, let people see it, It’s my Xiao Yueye’s tricks!”

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I felt very comfortable writing this chapter, and it was completed in one go.

This month is coming to an end, and everything has come to an end step by step, finally breaking out.

Next month, according to the plan, is the month when the brothel ends. All stories will be understood.

It is undeniable that he is destined to die. But how will he die? What will happen to Murong Xiu who is in the middle

Who was Ouyang Xiaohua killed by

What happened to Xiao Yueye's grandmother in her previous life

When did Xiao Yueye's brothel be established, and when did Xiao Yueye's power return to Long

How can the treasure crisis be resolved

What will happen to the Meng Yuan Kingdom in the north, which is about to move

What will be the future of the Murong Dynasty

Stay tuned! (Quanben Novel Network