The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 329: Punishment establishes authority


The servants stood in the center in twos and threes, talking in low voices, wondering why their master called them over. WWw,QUanbEn-xIAoShUo,CoM I am more flexible, and I am looking at the recent rumors on the street. It is estimated that my young master is going to lecture everyone. And those who have evil intentions or ulterior motives are uneasy and sweating profusely. At first, they thought they were just calling some people over, but soon everyone discovered that all the servants of the Xiao Mansion had gathered, and even the doorman and the kitchen helpers stood on the side in confusion.

The other people in the Xiao Mansion, except for the production maniacs from Qianjimen, stood in twos and threes under the eaves, watching everything with interest. Several elders, led by Mrs. Xiao, stood under the eaves of the main hall with solemn expressions and said nothing. Among them, probably except for Mrs. Xiao, none of them knew why Xiao Yueye gathered the servants.

After standing for a while, the crowd became a little excited, and then Xiao Yueye came slowly. Behind him were naturally the four Rourou girls.

After meeting the elders, Xiao Yueye stood in front of the servants and glanced around coldly. The stern and solemn look in his eyes sent chills down the spine of those who had evil intentions in their hearts.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Yueye's mouth, seeing everyone's reaction in his eyes, he said lightly: "I have called you here today, I have something to say. Since I established my government in the capital, I, Xiao Yueye, although I cannot say that I have benefited the people, but I have been a great influence on the people. In my three acres of land, everyone can still have enough food and clothing. Compared with other capitals, the interest I give is generous enough, and anyone with a conscience knows it. I, Xiao Yueye, know it. I have always been very friendly to everyone and rarely used corporal punishment. If there was a problem at home, I would go out of my way to help.”

He said these words suddenly, which made Zhang Er confused. A servant couldn't help but said: "Young Master, we will never forget your great kindness. None of us servants were born in hardship. If it weren't for the Young Master, I'm afraid we would still be in the civilian alley without food." We are not warm enough! Master, if you ask us anything, we will definitely do it for you even if we go to the mountains of swords or frying pans."

Other servants also expressed their voices, most of them coming from their innermost thoughts. When Xiao Yueye selects his servants, he basically selects them from poor families, and then puts them to work after a few days of training. These people were in trouble, and if they needed money for anything, Xiao Yueye would help. Moreover, since they became servants of the Xiao Mansion, their social status has also increased. People outside are envious of these people's luck. So to be honest, the servants are truly grateful to Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye chuckled lightly and nodded to the servant: "Thank you all for your support. I don't have to go up the mountain of swords and go down the frying pan. It's not that exaggerated. However, I recently found out some things outside. To be honest, let me Very sad. I, Xiao Yueye, have never been the kind of person who has no choice but to give those people a chance. If you take the initiative to admit it now, I can let you live. "

After he finished speaking, he stood quietly and watched coldly. After the people below heard Xiao Yueye's words, even if they didn't understand what was going on, they could probably guess it. There was an uproar and they talked endlessly. Those who were doing evil outside lowered their heads one by one and rolled their eyes, as if the sky was falling. However, they were still holding on, hoping that Xiao Yueye would not find out what they had done. As for those "mouse droppings" in Xiao Yueye's mouth, he was hiding his figure behind others, feeling very nervous.

She was counting secretly in her heart, but the noise was still there, but no one dared to come forward and admit it, which made Xiao Yueye very disappointed. It's not terrible for a person to do something wrong. What's terrible is that he doesn't have the courage to bear it. He always thought that these people who climbed up from the bottom should know better what it means to cherish. But who knew that the result would make him so disappointed.

Liu Rourou, who was standing behind him, sighed quietly. She was originally prepared to intercede with these people, but now she was full of disappointment. She turned around, not wanting to continue reading, walked to Mrs. Xiao, held her in her heart and walked into the room. Maybe at this moment, a simple child can make her feel better. Murong Yufeng poked Yin Caiju and asked her to take care of Rourou, but also pushed her away because she knew that what happened next was not suitable for this simple girl at heart.

Madam Xiao also knew Xiao Yueye's upcoming actions. She had remembered the incident in Hui County when Xiao Yueye killed a slave with a stick. As my son, I have given these people who don't know how to cherish a chance. Unfortunately, if they don't take advantage of it, what they have to face next is to reap the consequences. The elders in the family, such as Aunt Liu, Mr. Zhao and his wife, Yin Hao, etc., are all ordinary people who have lived their lives in peace and order. What will happen next is not suitable for them to watch. So Mrs. Xiao found an excuse and left with these elders.

A lot of people left at once, and looking at Xiao Yueye's gloomy face, even a fool knew that a violent storm was about to happen. However, although most of the servants felt uneasy, they had a clear conscience, so they kept their backs straight. Some bold young people are looking forward to what their young master is about to do.

Lily glanced at Xiao Yueye from a distance, surprise and understanding flashed in her eyes. She yawned, muttered a few words, and went back to her room to sleep. The three girls of Baihua Tower and Luo Xian all know Xiao Yueye's character, especially Luo Xian. She knows how ruthless Xiao Yueye is. So I talked a few words with the other sisters, and a few left timidly. However, there were still Dong Xiaowan, Ge Ruifang, Ma Xianglan, Yang Yinglian and other people who were not very familiar with Xiao Yueye who stayed, but this time they stayed. He was left with a lifelong nightmare. From then on, he became more and more in awe of Xiao Yueye and did not dare to be disobedient. As for the idea of rebellion, he did not even dare to think about it.

Xiao Yueye sighed heavily. This breath was so long, as if the world was sighing, and it weighed on everyone's heart. Xiao Yueye asked herself that she had given those people a chance. Since they didn't cherish it, what they were going to face next would be thunderous means.

He glared, raised a sneer, and shouted softly: "Come here!"

At the moment, people were still wondering who Xiao Yueyue was calling, when suddenly silhouettes of people appeared in the empty place next to them. These people surrounded all the servants, then knelt on one knee and saluted Xiao Yueye and Yansha.

He is a killer under Yan Sha.

These killers are usually responsible for protecting Xiao Mansion. All of them are elites and have the ability to hide their traces. Let alone these ordinary people, even those with weak kung fu will not be able to detect their existence.

This time Xiao Yueye called them out, and these people no longer concealed themselves and let out their auras. Suddenly, the whole courtyard felt cold in the center. Except for a few young people in their prime of life, everyone else's teeth were shaking and their hearts were cold. Suddenly the bright spring seems to have returned to the cold winter covered with ice and snow.

The role of these killers is actually the same as those of the yamen servants who shout "mighty" in the yamen. They are to put pressure on people's hearts and act as a deterrent. Here, they are somewhat overqualified.

Xiao Yueye was willing to say so much before, but actually she mainly wanted to give people a chance. As a human being, it is inevitable to take the wrong path and make mistakes. Making mistakes is not terrible. What is terrible is knowing that you are wrong but not repenting. Instead, you try to get away with it. Maybe this trick can be escaped in the law, but in the Xiao Mansion, it is absolutely impossible.

Since you don't want to repent, there is no need to forgive. So Xiao Yueye stopped talking nonsense and shouted: "Zhang Hai, Duan Hu, Chen Side, Yan Maodong, Gu Hehua!"

When his name was called, his body trembled violently, and his face turned ashen. Their reactions were naturally seen by the people next to them, and all eyes were directed at these people.

Xiao Yueye watched coldly as these people were brought forward. He ignored their trembling bodies and begging for mercy eyes and continued: "Zhang Hai, in the name of the Xiao family, is helping others to enter the Xiao family. As a slave, I defrauded six families of their hard-earned money and got sixty taels of silver. I even used other tricks to harm their daughters on the pretext of helping. Later, I was found to have been deceived and used the name of the Xiao family to threaten me and ruin the reputation of the Xiao family. That’s true, but is it true?”

Zhang Hai immediately fell to his knees on the ground and kept knocking, begging Xiao Yueye for his life.

Xiao Yueye ignored him and looked at the next person coldly, reading out their charges one by one.

"... Gu Hehua was so proud that he wandered around the countryside. One day when he was returning to his hometown, a peasant woman played on the road and soiled your clothes. You actually beat the child seriously and injured him, and in the name of the Xiao family, you forced him to Others pay you money. Do you know that now, that girl is still lying in bed, not knowing whether she is alive or dead?" After Xiao Yueye read out the charges angrily, the five people present knelt down and begged for mercy.

Xiao Yueye folded her hands and looked down at the five people without waiting for a trace of warmth: "If I remember correctly, you were all born into poor families, so you should understand the difficulty of survival. I didn't expect that after entering my Xiao family, you turned out to be You are so cruel and tyrannical. Each of your methods is chilling. The reputation of my Xiao family has been damaged because of you. "

"Master, have mercy on me, Master, have mercy on me, Master, have mercy on me!"

Xiao Yueye ignored them and glanced at the other people in a blink of an eye. Everyone's heart felt cold when they saw it, and they all understood that this time, the young master was going to be serious. This trick is to scare the monkeys and find a few people who go too far to shock them.

"Little three and little four." Xiao Yueye said loudly.


Xiao Yueye looked at the five people kneeling on the ground coldly: "Everyone must atone for what they have done. Zhang Hai will be killed with a stick, and the other four will have one leg broken each and sent to the Yamen for justice!"

"Yes!" Xiaosan and Xiaosi have done this kind of thing a lot since they entered the world with Xiao Yueye. At some point, they had already taken two thick wooden sticks in their hands and walked toward the five people kneeling on the ground in a mighty manner.

"No, no, please spare my life, young master! Please spare my life, young master!" As soon as she heard the punishment, Gu Hehua fainted on the spot. Zhang Hai kowtowed repeatedly, feeling extremely cold in his heart.

Since Xiao Yueye had already made murderous intentions, there was absolutely no chance of going back on his words. And this time, he also wants to scare other servants who are ready to move, or who have such signs, and kill chickens to scare monkeys. How can it be effective if he is not cruel

Several killers came over and helped Xiaosan and Xiaosi catch the five people.

Xiao San dragged Na Zhang Hai to the stool, letting him yell and try to struggle to escape, but it didn't help. The hands of those killers were not as strong as iron. How could Zhang Hai break free

Zhang Hai was hit unceremoniously on the buttocks with a stick, and his shrill screams hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer. The voice quickly became low and weak, and the fleshy buttocks were so bloody that several servants couldn't help but vomit.

After a while, the mistress stopped and said to Xiao Yueye: "Master, he is already dead."

Xiao Yueye nodded: "You ruined an innocent girl and defrauded poor people of their life-saving money. You deserve to die. Next one!"

Next, the legs of each one were broken by Xiaosi, and then they were tied up and sent to the Yamen in front of everyone.

The smell of blood is not very strong, floating lightly in the air. For Xiao Yueye and others, this is simply child's play. But in the eyes of these ordinary servants, Xiao Yueye was like a devil at this moment. The scene of Zhang Hai being killed with a stick kept flashing in their minds, and the shrill screams echoed in their ears from time to time. This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Master, what should I do with Zhang Hai's body?"

Xiao Yueye thought for a while and said: "Order a coffin, send the body to his home, and tell his family exactly what happened. At the same time, I will leave a hundred taels of silver. If they have any dissatisfaction, you can ask them to come to me." Xiao Yueye."


Now all the servants looked at Xiao Yueye with a lot of fear in their eyes. The lesson of Zhang Hai being killed with a stick has been deeply imprinted in their hearts. Even if I have any evil ideas in the future, I won’t dare to think about it. This time the shock can be said to be successful.

Don't blame Xiao Yueye for being cruel, in fact, he has become much softer. After all, he was a servant who had been with him for several years, and he couldn't bear to kill them all. But what these five people did is really unforgivable. Xiao Yueye had given them a chance before, but it was a pity that they did not cherish it. In fact, there are several other servants in Rourou's information, but the crimes they committed were much smaller. This time, they were deterred, and they will probably never dare to do it again.

As for whether someone would cause trouble if he used the death penalty, Xiao Yueye didn't care. Even if he didn't do this, there would still be many people who would cause trouble for him. We are in an extraordinary period now, and the messages from outside are very detrimental to Xiao Yueye. Although he is not afraid, if people in the house are panicked, it will eventually bring many obstacles.

So that's what happened today.

Apart from taking out the sand from your home, all that's left are a few grains of mouse droppings.

"I have made it clear that the crimes of Zhang Tao and the five people are their own fault. No one else is to blame. As for the remaining people, I will give you another chance. I hope you can seize it. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel." Xiao Yueye. After a pause, he was very satisfied with the current effect: "In addition, you, you, you and you, come out."

The four people who came out were all ordinary people. They were also very low-key and low-ranking people in the Xiao Mansion. They were all trembling at the moment and walked forward with a shrunken look.

Xiao Yueye looked at them coldly: "I don't speak secretly in front of real people. I, Xiao Yueye, have achieved great success at a young age, and it is inevitable that I will be jealous of others. I also know the purpose of your coming to my Xiao family. Originally, as long as you behave and keep yourselves, I, Xiao Yueye, I can give you a bite to eat. I can feel at ease when you do business. However, we must keep in mind that we can meet each other in the future. Otherwise, our fate will be over. Tell your master these two words. The Xiao family’s small temple can’t afford a few big Buddhas like yours, so please go back!”

Having said that, if you pretend to be stupid again, you will be really stupid. These four people came from different forces. At this moment, they changed their cowardly appearance, straightened their backs, bowed their hands towards Xiao Yueye, and were ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." Xiao Yueye said softly.

The four people turned around warily and looked at Xiao Yueye. One of them called out and said, "I wonder if Master Xiao has any other instructions? If he wants to keep us here, we naturally don't dare to resist."

"You are good at talking." Xiao Yueye glanced at them disdainfully: "I, the Xiao family, are not cold-blooded people. Although you have other purposes, you still worked here. This is the profit for this month. Take it and go, lest people outside say that the Xiao family is exploiting their servants."

The man took the silver coin thrown by Xiao Yueye, was stunned for a moment, divided the money, and left quickly.

The other servants had not yet reacted to this scene. Kong Fuzi, who was standing behind Xiao Yueye, said in surprise: "Master, what is going on?"

Xiao Yueye smiled and said lightly: "The Xiao family has a great business, so naturally Xiao Xiao is secretly watching. This time, I think they will spread the word, and it can be regarded as a warning to others."

Aunt Ye fell to her knees with a plop: "Master, it's all my fault for being incompetent. I am responsible for all the work recruited by the servants in the house. It was my dereliction of duty, please punish me, Master."

Xiao Yueye sighed and helped her up: "Aunt Ye, I don't blame you for this. If someone else did it deliberately, it would be impossible to prevent it. But it is true that you have neglected your duty. For the sake of fairness, I will fine you one month's interest. You Are you convinced?"

Aunt Ye nodded and thanked her gratefully.

Xiao Yueye then turned to look at everyone: "Don't you understand yet? Those four people are spies placed by others in my Xiao family."

This made it clear, causing countless uproar.

Xiao Yueye waved her hand to silence them, and continued: "Everyone knows that there is a lot of commotion outside now, and there are countless rumors about my Xiao family. Anyone who understands can see that our Xiao family is now a boat on the rough sea. , the ship may capsize at any time. I, Xiao Yueye, am not the kind of person who wants everyone to die with me. If you are afraid, go to the accounting office to collect this month's interest and the deed of betrayal, and leave in front of everyone. I swear, I will never be embarrassed. If you stay, you will do whatever you want from now on. The disturbance from the outside world has nothing to do with you. If you fan the flames and gossip again, I will never forgive you."

Xiao Yueye snorted heavily, letting out the murderous aura from his body, and then slowly left, leaving only a group of servants looking at each other with sweat on their heads.

Kong Fuzi followed behind and hurriedly whispered: "Master, why did you let people leave? If they left, wouldn't it make the outside world think that we are guilty?"

Xiao Yueye said calmly: "Rather than letting them hesitate in their hearts and shake their hearts here, it is better to leave. Our Xiao family wants absolutely loyal servants. What is the use of those who are weak-minded?"

After he explained a few things, he went back to the room with Yansha Murong Yufeng.

In the room, Rourou seemed to have foreseen how things would unfold, so she didn't say anything. It was Yin Caiju who asked questions here and there. After Murong Yufeng briefly told her, the girl just sighed a few times, but it didn't matter. After all, saying it and seeing it with your own eyes are two different things.

"Ms. sir, you asked those servants to leave, right, to help Su Jing?" Yansha asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yueye smiled: "Clever. The fact that I dismissed and punished my servants will definitely reach the ears of Mo Zhiqi. So what would you think if you were him? Xiao Yueye, who has always been friendly to his servants, He actually got angry, openly resorted to lynching, and allowed the servants to leave freely. Doesn't this mean that his plan was effective? He would definitely think of me, Xiao Yueye, at this time. In addition to being happy, he will definitely want Su Jing to pursue the victory. Maybe the four who were sent to the Yamen and Zhang Hai, who was shot with a stick, will also get some articles from him! Yan'er, call some killers right away! "Bring the personal and material evidence of the five people's crimes to your home and keep them under strict protection. I want to see how this unpredictable person can fight against me!"

"Xiao Lang, didn't you say you would lose a few times on purpose to let Su Jing show off? Why now..." Murong Yufeng asked strangely.

"The imaginary is real, the real is imaginary. I killed the servants with the rod and sent them away. In the eyes of others, it is already a success for Su Jing. He is an 'outsider' in the unpredictable camp. You said, If he gets the credit so easily, what will other people think? I think if we use those five servants to make a fuss, they will definitely not let Su Jing handle it. At this time, as long as we fight back, we will kill them. He was so beaten. Doesn’t that make Su Jing even more powerful? If I remember correctly, the third generation of the Mo family, Mo Hangyu, is not a willing master, and he will not just sit back and let Su Jing take over!" Xiao Yueye smiled confidently.

"I see. So what should we do next?"

Xiao Yueye took a sip of tea, a smile flashed in her eyes: "Of course, I will stand still and take advantage of the situation." (Quanben Novel Website