The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 333: Crowded


For the first time in so many years, the capital was so lively. WWw,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,COm It has only been a month, and every sensational rumor has spread to everyone. After tea and dinner, the villagers gathered together in twos and threes and chatted happily. From the beginning of Xiao Yueye's digging for treasures from the previous dynasty, to the previous case of Mo Huai setting fire to seize his wife, and now the most popular case of Gu Mei going up the mountain and dying mysteriously. These rumors one after another enriched everyone's spare time.

The news of Gu Mei's death just added fuel to the fire, casting all eyes on the Mo family. And Xiao Yueye also achieved his goal and diverted the people's attention. As a result, the rumor that he owns the treasure from the previous dynasty has many fewer followers.

"You don't know, I was following Mo Huai and the others that day, and the two of them were very close. At that time, I was still thinking that this couple was so good, so the rumors must be false. Who knows, who knows, all this It was made for us to see!”

"That's right, let me tell you, I actually saw Mrs. Hengbo's death with my own eyes. At that time, Mo Huai deceived Mrs. Hengbo to the side, and immediately showed his ferocious face and pushed Mrs. Hengbo into the cliff. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pity for a generation of beauties, they just died like this." This is a typical example of bragging without drafting.

"Let me just say, the Mo family held such a grand event this time, I guessed something was going on at the time. Look, did you guess it for me?! Hey, if someone hadn't happened to see it and spread the news, we would still have I don’t know that Mrs. Hengbo is dead. Look at Mo Mansion, why are you not mourning if you don’t have a ghost in your heart?”

"Yes, yes. I was still wondering that day. Why didn't anyone see the Mo family come back? So that's what happened. Hey, let me tell you, I heard that Mo Zhiqi has been taking advantage of Gu Mei Her family’s life and death are threatened by her!”

"It's pitiful. I think Yu Huai and his daughter would be so sad if they knew that their wife and mother were dead!"

. . . . . .

Xiao family.

In a remote yard, three people held their heads in pain. When they separated, it was Yu Huai, Yin Caiju, and Gu Mei!

That's right, it's Gu Mei!

She's not dead

Xiao Yueye looked at the three of them with a smile. This time the plan was successful. Not only did he attack the old guy Mo Zhiqi, but he also took the opportunity to rescue Gu Mei. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

The family in front of them told each other about their longing for each other over the years. Xiao Yueye and Yan Sha smiled at each other, and their thoughts suddenly returned to a few days ago.

After Xiao Yueye and Su Jing discussed everything, he was thinking about how to take the opportunity to rescue Gu Mei. Originally, Xiao Yueye's plan was very simple, that is, to send people to rob it. But when I think about it carefully, it really doesn’t work. Not to mention how many experts the Mo family will send for personal protection, whether Gu Mei is willing or not is still a question. After all, Xiao Yueye also understood that Gu Mei was a filial daughter, and the lives of her parents and relatives were in the hands of the Mo family. Xiao Yueye was so open-minded, and he was not a fool. He would definitely guess that it was him, and it might be detrimental to Gu Mei's family.

This situation is what everyone wants to see.

It's also interesting to say. Although Xiao Yueye and Mo Chuqi are now incompatible, the two have always been fighting each other through a layer of veil. As the saying goes, stabbing someone with a soft knife. If there is any accident in the future, it will be easy to push it away. Looking at this back-and-forth confrontation, who would be able to see the secret inside without a discerning person

Later, Xiao Yue thought about it at night and went to Hulongli to get enlightenment from Lord Earth before he came up with such a plan. He arranged the plan, and then asked Cheng Yue to take the letter to Mo's house and hand it over to Gu Mei at the cost of ten jars of good wine. The Mo family is heavily guarded and has many masters. If you are not a master, it would be difficult not to be discovered. Xiao Yueye does not dare to take that risk. As for why he chose Cheng Yue, that is obvious. Is it possible for Qiu Ziyun? Is Murong Hui willing? The former will be cold and want to vomit blood when he sees you, while the latter will wave his sleeves and disdain to say how he, a majestic prince, would do such a thing. Therefore, Xiao Yueye could only ask Cheng Yue. Of course, there is an episode. Cheng Yue, a majestic grandmaster, is naturally unwilling to do such a thing. But when Xiao Yueye brought out ten jars of good wine, his heart was moved. In addition, he was completely on Xiao Yueye's side. When he saw that his man was resisting him, he immediately grabbed Cheng Yue's ear and gave him a political lesson. So things fell into place.

Xiao Yueye wrote all the detailed plans in the letter, including the timing and the location where Gu Mei would find an excuse to watch the scenery. Every detail must be grasped to ensure that nothing goes wrong. You know, if there is just a little mistake, the result will be Gu Mei's death! Of course, he also made several requests, such as asking Gu Mei to write down her characteristics and figure, and asking her to write down the accessories and clothes she would wear that day, etc.

After getting the reply, Xiao Yueye began to make arrangements. Gu Mei has an elegant figure and is pampered. Her skin and figure are not very imitable. Fortunately, with the national machinery of "Guardian Dragon", a matching candidate was quickly found. This woman is a brothel prostitute. Xiao Yueye promised to take care of her family. The woman hesitated for a while and then agreed. Later, Xiao Yueye sent someone to add scars, moles and birthmarks to the woman's body according to what Zhao Mei said.

When the day came for the incense offering, a dozen dead dragon guardians dressed up as the incense burners and cooperated with Gu Mei's actions. Xiao Yueye had already sent someone to bring the woman to the bottom of the cliff. As for Xiao Yueye, he and Yansha teamed up to form a large net using Biye silk, and waited nervously on the mountainside.

Fortunately, with God's blessing, the trip was uneventful and Gu Mei was successfully rescued. After that, Xiao Yueye first used incense to stun the woman, and then threw her down from a high altitude. After making sure that she couldn't be seen, she quickly left.

When her thoughts returned to the present, Gu Mei showed a rare smile in more than ten years and bowed sincerely to Xiao Yueye. Xiao Yueye quickly stepped aside and said with a wry smile: "Mother-in-law, you can't do this. Don't mess up the seniority."

Gu Mei wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "You are responsible for this bow, Xiaoye. Without you, how could our family be reunited? Novel... .bsp; Xiao Yueye smiled: "Mother-in-law, Mrs. You're welcome, Caiju is my wife, this is what I should do. You really don't need to. But I have to aggrieve my mother-in-law for a while. Before I cross the Mo family, you can't move around at will even in the Xiao family. "

"It doesn't matter." Gu Mei said softly, looking at Yu Huai and her daughter affectionately: "As long as I can see my husband and Caiju, I am very satisfied. But..."

Her face suddenly became embarrassed: "But I don't know where my parents are..."

"Mother-in-law, please rest assured. I have sent people to protect you secretly, just in case. This time, the plan is perfect and unpredictable. They already think that you have completely fallen off the cliff and will not embarrass your family."

"That's good." Gu Mei breathed out, her eyes forming crescent moons: "As long as my parents are fine, I'll feel at ease."

Xiao Yueye and Yansha went out hand in hand to give space to the family who reunited after a long absence.

When she walked outside, Yan Sha looked a little depressed. Xiao Yueye held her hand tightly and asked, "What's the matter, Yan'er?"

Yansha smiled, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just some feelings."

Xiao Yueye's heart moved: "Miss your parents?"

"Yes." Yansha's face looked a little sad: "I have always hated them before. If it weren't for their cowardice and incompetence, how could I have gotten to where I am today. Even if I knew they were dead at that time, the hatred in my heart would still be there. It has not disappeared, and I have completely suppressed my missing. But since I have been in my heart, I have realized the greatness of being a parent. My husband, I am really happy for them when I see Caiju’s family reunited. That would be great in that plague.”

Xiao Yueye held her gently in her arms and comforted her silently.

Yansha smiled self-deprecatingly: "Mr. Sir, do you think I have changed? I used to never be so sentimental like this."

"It's changed. It's getting better and better. I like you like this. You used to be too cold and suppressed all your worries, which made people feel distressed."

The sun moved westward, and the long shadows connected behind the two people, adding infinite warmth.

However, this warm scene did not last long, because Murong Yufeng ran over quickly, frowning and said: "Xiao Lang, that Mo is going crazy, leading a large number of people to make trouble at the door of the house, and they are about to rush in." ”

Xiao Yueye smiled instead of being angry: "Haha, I'm still missing a fuse. Well done, well done!"

Yansha sighed: "This Mo Huai is sincere towards Caiju's mother, it's a pity..."

At the door of the Xiao family, Zishu and others, together with the mistresses and mistresses, blocked the door and looked coldly at the clamoring people of the Mo family. They are all masters, and it is very easy to deal with these rabble. These servants of the Mo family are not fools, so they only dare to hide behind their young master and just talk.

Mo Huai looked a little crazy, his eyes were red, his beard was sloppy, and his head was a mess. He stared ahead like a wounded wolf, the veins on his forehead bulging.

Xiao Yueye came and saw this scene. Mo Huai's current appearance really shocked him.

"Young Master Mo, what do you want to do when you gather people at the gate of my Xiao family?" Xiao Yueye's leisurely voice sounded, and there was no lack of courtesy.

Mo Huai looked at Xiao Yueye fiercely and said in a low voice: "Give Meier her life!"

Xiao Yueye smiled softly and asked strangely: "Huh? What Mr. Mo said is strange. If something happens to your wife, what does it have to do with me?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Mo Huai shouted like crazy: "What does it have to do with you? Xiao Yueye, you have a grudge against my Mo family, just come over. But why, why, why do you want to harm Meier? ?”

Xiao Yueye glanced at the people around her, raised her voice and said: "Master Mo, the world is clear at the feet of the Emperor. You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. When have you ever harmed your wife? Besides, you, Mo Mansion There is no mourning. Could it be that all the rumors in the market are true? "

His words were a bit vague. He was referring to Gu Mei's death, but in other people's ears, they heard rumors that Mo Huai set fire to seize his wife and killed her to silence her.

Mo Huai's mind was indeed a little confused. He didn't seem to listen to what Xiao Yueye said, and kept muttering in a low voice: "Why, why do you want to kill Mei'er, why?"

Xiao Yueye's thoughts changed and she said with a hint: "Master Mo, I don't know how much of the rumors in the market are true and how false. However, if your wife is really dead, then what you are doing now is not She should have been making a lot of noise in front of my Xiao family, but let the deceased rest in peace, right? But it's strange, the people in the capital saw you and your wife going up the mountain to worship Buddha that day, why did you say that she was dead? And why did you run away? Are you coming to make noise in front of my Xiao’s house?”

"If it weren't for you, why would we go up the mountain? If we didn't go up the mountain, how could Mei'er die?" Mo Huai yelled and stared at Xiao Yueye: "It's all you, it's all you. You are related to our Mo family Qiu, you could have come in the open, why did you want to kill Meier? "

"Come in the open?" Xiao Yueye's heart moved: "How dare I? You, the Mo family, have come from three dynasties in the Yuan Dynasty, your uncle is the supreme uncle, and your father is the prime minister of the dynasty. How can I, a little envoy of COSCO, dare to fight with you? You sent people to hunt me down, but Xiao was lucky enough to escape with my life. You spread rumors in the capital that I had embezzled the treasures of the previous dynasty, which caused me to be accused day and night. I tolerated the attack. Xiao asked himself, "The Mo family is bullying others too much. I can't afford to offend them, so I'll just hide away. But is it really possible for the Mo family to force people to die?" Come to my place to cause trouble?"

Xiao Yueye said this with a hoarse voice and an angry look on his face, which made the people around him tremble in their hearts. At the same time, the information revealed in Xiao Yueye's mouth shocked these people even more.

What is Master Xiao talking about? The Mo family is chasing him? The news about the treasure also came from the Mo family

But why did the Mo family do this

Could it be that he covets Xiao Yueye's wealth

If Mo Huai was normal, he would definitely refute and deny it. But at this time, his mind was filled with Gu Mei's death, and he didn't even notice what Xiao Yueye said. His appearance made people think that he had a guilty conscience and acquiesced. For a time, rumors were flying everywhere.

Xiao Yueye was already laughing in her heart. She didn't expect that Mo Huai had helped her such a big favor. Xiao Yueye was still having a headache at first, how to eliminate the rumors of the treasure, but now it seems that it can be solved so easily.

It was so easy that even he himself couldn't believe it. Xiao Yueye believed that as long as he sent people to add fuel to the flames, the news that he was being hunted by the Mo family and that the Mo family spread rumors to frame him would once again arouse the capital's saliva!

Mo Huai kept exhaling through his nose, and his eyes became redder and redder. He roared, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and slashed at Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye smiled disdainfully and didn't move. He only held the sword with two fingers and knocked Mo Huai unconscious with a stroke of his foot.

The servants of the Mo family immediately panicked and were about to rush over with the knives in their hands, but Zishu and the others glanced at him and immediately hissed.

Xiao Yueye yelled: "Little three and little four."


Pointing at Mo Huai who was lying on the ground, Xiao Yueye shouted righteously: "Send Young Master Mo to the Jiumen Admiral's Mansion and ask the Admiral to deal with him strictly. If anyone obstructs him, take him with him too. Xiao doesn't believe it. , In this bright world, there are really people who can run rampant and cover the sky with one hand! Dear fellow citizens, please bear witness to Xiao Yueye. "

The people around him responded immediately, and the effect was so good that Xiao Yueye was secretly happy.

The servants of the Mo family did not dare to move, so they could only follow along the way, and at the same time sent people back to ask for help. Xiao Yueye saw everything but had no organization. He wished that Mu Zhiqi would come, if Mu Zhiqi really took Mo Huai back. Then he will wait for a good look at tomorrow's morning meeting. You know, the unpredictable enemy is far more than yourself!

Turning around to go back home, Xiao Yueye smiled softly. The capital has been really busy recently!

"Hey, this Mo Huai is quite an infatuated person." Rourou sighed and shook her head.

Xiao Yueye curled her lips: "His kind of infatuation is better than anything else in the world. For his own selfishness, he killed a whole family. If he deserves sympathy, what about those who died?"

Rourou didn't say anything, but her mood was a little low. Pregnant people always think a lot and are easily sentimental. Yansha hurriedly pulled her aside and whispered, not knowing what he said, which made Rourou laugh again.

Murong Yufeng rolled her eyes at Xiao Yueye, apparently blaming him for not paying attention to Rourou's emotions. Xiao Yueye touched her nose and smiled mockingly.

The mistresses and mistresses rushed back quickly. They said funnyly that when the nine admirals saw Mo Huai, their faces turned pale. Xiaosi estimated that the nine admirals must be worrying about how to deal with this hot potato.

. . . . . .

Mo family.

Unexpectedly, he smashed the teacup on the ground so hard that the servant who reported the news was so shocked that he didn't even dare to fart.

"You bastard, you are such a bastard!" Mo Zhiqi walked around with anger on his face, and then stopped fiercely: "You can't even persuade the young master, what's the use of you?! Come here, beat me to death with a stick. ”

"Master, have mercy on me, Master, please have mercy on me!"

Unexpectedly, he exhaled heavily and walked back and forth for a while before calming down a little: "Come here, prepare the sedan chair and go to the Jiumen Admiral's Mansion."

"Prime Minister." Su Jing called to him.

Before Mo Zhiqi could speak, Mo Hangyu said coldly: "What? You don't want grandpa to save dad?"

Su Jing didn't say anything, just looked at Mo Qiqi lightly. In these days, although Mu Zhi did not fully trust Su Jing, he did not deny that Su Jing was a thoughtful person with a very deep mind. Since he called out to himself, he must have a purpose.

"What's up?"

Su Jing smiled softly: "The prime minister is going to go, but you want to rescue people?"

Mo Zhiqi looked at him deeply and said lightly: "No."

Su Jingding nodded: "Then, I hope you will arrive at the gate of the Admiral's Mansion and ask the nine admirals to bring the eldest son outside."

Unexpectedly, he understood what Su Jing meant and nodded secretly. He didn't say much, turned around and left.

Su Jing ignored Mo Hangyu's vicious eyes and just sat down casually, with sparkles in his eyes and a slight smile on his lips. (Quanben Novel Website