The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 334: Treasures from the past


"This old fox is really good at acting. wWw、QunabEN、Com" Xiao Yueye put down the tea cup in her hand and said with a smile.

News just came back that Mo Zhiqi, an old fox, arrived at the Jiumen Admiral's Mansion with great fanfare, asked Master Yang to bring his son to the door, and then performed a child-training play, which sounded like annihilating relatives for righteousness. However, this old fox was very powerful with his words. In his words, he quickly spread the news that Mo Huai had gone crazy because of losing his beloved wife. In this way, he also had an excuse to protect his son. At the same time, it can also restore some image in front of the people.

"But it's of no use." Murong Yufeng smiled disdainfully: "After this incident, the rumors about his Mo family have taken root in people's hearts. But Xiao Lang, the case of the Yu family back then was unfounded. Without a certificate, it’s very difficult to get Mo Huai to commit suicide!”

Xiao Yueye shook her head and didn't care: "I originally didn't expect to rely on such a rumor to bring Mo Huai to justice, but this time he came to make trouble, it was a little surprise. Now that I think about it, Mu Mu must be very worried, right?! Tomorrow’s Jinluan Palace might be even more fun!”

. . . . . .

Murong Liuyun was sitting on the dragon chair, looking coldly at the ministers below, and finally landed on Mo Zhiqi's face, which shocked his heart, and he knew that what was supposed to come had come.

"Mo Qing's family, I have heard some rumors from the outside world recently..." Murong Liuyun was still unfinished, and the last word was mentioned by Lao Gao. What he said was a little vague. There have been a lot of rumors recently. Which one was he referring to

Unexpectedly, he hurriedly took a step forward and knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, my rebellious son behaved abnormally because he got mad. I have been handed over to the nine admirals to deal with it. Please give me a clear warning."

"My dear, please wake up quickly. I just mentioned it casually." Murong Liuyun said lightly, with an incomprehensible smile at the corner of his mouth. At least it was so unpredictable at this moment, it was impossible to tell what Murong Liuyun was thinking.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Murong Liuyun gently touched his chin, his eyes suddenly turned into sharp knives, and his voice became louder: "Last year's snow disaster caused people to live in dire straits. Although it has been effectively controlled, there will still be many problems when spring comes. I hope, My dear friends, please put your thoughts on the country and the country, and put aside all the unnecessary things."

The ministers quickly agreed. However, they all understood that Murong Liuyun's words were clearly meant for Mo Zhiqi. Pointless things? What are meaningless things? Isn't it just about the recent rumors in the capital

It is natural to understand even if it is unpredictable. But what he didn't understand was, why did the emperor say that? What's the purpose

Murong Liuyun stopped talking and didn't mention it any more. He suddenly laughed softly: "This year's spring hunting is about to begin, and all of you dear friends should be well prepared. I have decided that the first place for this year's spring hunting will be I will be named the deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The ministers below were suddenly moved. The deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army, although he is a deputy, is actually a high-ranking and powerful official. And everyone knows the importance of the Imperial Guard. Controlling the Imperial Guard is equivalent to controlling the harem. Therefore, not only the ministers were moved, but the two princes were also moved.

Murong Liuyun watched everyone's reactions calmly and smiled. His invisibly controlling hand pushed the situation to the point of conflict little by little. The position of deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army is just the beginning.

. . . . . .

"How is the progress of the brothel?"

Yan Sha collected her thoughts and said with a smile: "Now they have completed the assembly of some small mechanism parts and are now making the 'petals'. Yang Zhi told me that in another month, things here will be basically done. When the time comes, we will start building the building.”

Xiao Yueye nodded, quite impressed with the progress of Yang Zhi and the others. These people are truly technological experts. They are able to work day and night and only sleep for one hour a day. This is amazing!

Murong Yufeng held a stack of name cards and said with a headache: "Xiao Lang, although we used Mo Huai to disturb other people's attention, there are still a lot of people looking forward to us holding the auction. It seems that these people, It confirms that we have the treasure of the past.”

Xiao Yueye smiled softly, took a few famous cards and looked at them: "These people are all rich people who have endless money, haha. Let's do this, Yufeng, just reply and say, I'll see you later." We will organize it once the rumors about our treasure fade away in the capital, and we will hold an auction to clear our name. At the same time, you must spread the news about our consignment."

"Well," Murong Yufeng smiled softly and took out a small tips bag from her arms: "Business is coming to me now. Look!"

"What is this?" Xiao Yueye took it curiously, took out a jade pendant from it, and played with it for a while: "Although I am not very interested in this jade pendant, I can still tell that it is a good piece of jewelry. "

"That's right." Murong Yufeng introduced carefully: "This jade pendant is made of exquisite materials, with clear texture, and is engraved with a coiled dragon. It is very rare. This is second to none. The most famous thing is the history of this jade pendant. It It was worn by Emperor Qin at that time. It is said that it is surrounded by dragon energy and is immune to all evil. I think the value of this jade pendant is absolutely extraordinary. "

"Qin Shihuang's jade pendant?" Xiao Yueye shouted in surprise: "That's really valuable. And, judging by the age, it's already an antique. Yufeng, where did this come from? It can't be fake. Right?"

"No! I asked someone to test it and it was confirmed to be genuine. The person who brought it for consignment came from a poor family. According to him, his ancestor was a general under Qin Shihuang, and this was passed down from that time."

"Okay." Xiao Yueye's eyes narrowed as she smiled: "With the first one, there will be a second one. As long as we promote it well at the auction, there will naturally be more people coming to consign it in the future. By the way, have you told him about the rules of consignment? "

"Well, a profit of 10%. At the same time, we will not reveal his identity to ensure safety. I think that man is already very depressed. But as long as this jade pendant is auctioned, he will definitely reach the sky in one step. This quick jade pendant does not cost tens of thousands of taels. It can’t be taken off.”

Xiao Yueye also felt the same and nodded repeatedly. If you calculate the profit at 10%, wouldn't he just make a few thousand taels? Darling, making money is really not that easy!

While they were chatting, Liu Qianqian ran in jumping up and down, shouting: "Quick, quick, let's get two more people together at the table. Just in time, Sister Yan'er and Sister Feng'er, hurry up, Sister Rourou is already waiting!"

Yansha and Murong Yufeng rubbed their hands unconsciously, then looked at Xiao Yueye. After getting the latter's consent, they immediately pulled Liu Qianqian out with a smile.

Xiao Yueye smiled helplessly and pressed her temples. He looked at the clock and saw that the time agreed with Murong Liuyun was coming soon, so he turned around and went to protect the dragon.

Murong Liuyun came earlier this time, seemed to be in a good mood, and was drinking tea leisurely. The three old guys from Heaven, Earth and People are not here, and they don’t know where they went. Xiao Yueye strode in, bowed and saluted, and sat opposite Murong Liuyun.

Murong Liuyun poured him a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Why did you call me here today? Novel... .bsp; Xiao Yueye took a sip of tea first, then hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "I What should we do next? "

"Huh?" Murong Liuyun raised an eyebrow, not understanding what Xiao Yueye meant: "What are you referring to?"

"It's unpredictable." Xiao Yueye said lightly. He recently planned rumors and created the news of Gu Mei's death. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just a passive counterattack. It is unpredictable that he is a veteran of three dynasties and has huge power. Although Xiao Yueye has a guardian dragon in his hand, he cannot reveal it. Unless he is willing to reveal his identity as prince.

Apart from arranging Su Jing as a chess piece, to put it bluntly, Xiao Yueye had no way to make his unpredictable moves. All along, when faced with unpredictable situations, he just fought back, but didn't know how to take the initiative. That's why he came to consult Murong Liuyun.

Murong Liuyun could naturally guess Xiao Yueye's thoughts. To be honest, he felt very comfortable. Because Xiao Yueye now accepts him more and more. Although he rarely calls him dad, when he communicates with him now, he is just like any other father and son.

Taking a sip of tea, Murong Liuyun said with a faint smile: "Ye'er, you can't be too hasty when dealing with unpredictable situations. He has been in business for many years, how can it fall apart in a short time. I didn't pour cold water on you, if you can't find someone It’s a huge reason, unless you assassinate him, it’s impossible to be honest except for him, let alone destroy the entire Mo family.”

"What a big reason?" Xiao Yueye frowned.

"Yes, it's a huge reason. If you just catch him for accepting bribes and killing people, it doesn't matter at all. As soon as he raises his hand, someone will blame him. Even if it's me, if there is no reason, I will punish him for the unpredictable crime. , I’m afraid it will be criticized by thousands of people. Hey, this old fox has been running the business for three times, and has formed a huge network of interests. There are too many people to allow him to fail, do you understand?”

Xiao Yueye nodded, thoughtfully: "Then, what is the big reason?"

Murong Liuyun smiled softly, picked up the tea and took a sip: "For example, conspiracy."

"Impossible!" Xiao Yueye flatly denied it. Suddenly her face was startled, her mouth opened wide, and she pointed at Murong Liuyun: "You, you, you mean..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Murong Liuyun smiled: "I didn't say anything."

Xiao Yueye thought that he was a cruel person, but his cruelty was never used on his family. But today, listening to Murong Liuyun's tone, he finally realized the royal family's lack of family affection.

The Mo family rebelled? How can it be

No, it's possible!

Because the one behind the Mo family is the eldest prince. As long as the eldest prince rebels, the Mo family will definitely rebel too!

This is what Murong Liuyun meant! If we can force the eldest prince to rebel, are we still afraid that we won't be able to uproot the Mo family? Even if the Mo family is unwilling to rebel by then, it won't be a drag on the relationship. Implicating the nine clans is not just a joke.

However, the eldest prince is Murong Liuyun’s son! How could he be so iron-blooded and ruthless

Seeing through Xiao Yueye's thoughts, Murong Liuyun sighed faintly: "I know what you are thinking. Maybe you are thinking that if I can sacrifice Gong'er today, I can sacrifice you tomorrow, right? "

Xiao Yueye nodded unabashedly.

Murong Liuyun stood up and looked at the wall, wondering what he was thinking. After a while, he spoke hoarsely: "The royal family has no family ties, Ye'er, you must adapt to this. Back then, when I was still the prince, I witnessed my father secretly planning to provoke several of my brothers. Later, I even killed three brothers with my own hands for the sake of this Nine-Five Lord. Ye'er, maybe it's hard for you to understand how charming that dragon chair is! If Murong Gong were asked to choose between the dragon chair and me, he would kill me mercilessly and sit on that dragon chair."

He turned around sharply and looked straight at Xiao Yueye: "In my heart, only you, your mother, are my relatives. As for the others, although Jingde is absurd, he is kind-hearted. However, he is very kind to me. I have always been bitter about setting up him, so between me and him, enemies are more important than relatives. Although Xiu'er is good, it's a pity that she is a descendant of the Mo family. Think about it, in the palace. Here, I can only see my son once or twice a day, and we are wary of each other. How much affection can such a father and son have? "

"But blood is thicker than water, no matter what, he is your son." Xiao Yueye said quietly.

"If it were between him and you, I would definitely choose you. What's more," Murong Liuyun's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his voice sounded like Jiuyou: "Besides, I think you also know why your mother left back then, right?"

Xiao Yueye suddenly fell silent and clenched her fists quietly. Why doesn't he know? Back then, my mother was poisoned by Concubine Lotus Mo, and she felt the horror of the harem, so she took the opportunity to fake her death and leave. Although my mother said it very easily, how could the hatred inside be clearly expressed in a few words

In fact, Xiao Yueye was not a kind person, he was just surprised by Murong Liuyun's ruthlessness just now. Looking back now, that's all. He had met the eldest prince once before, and his arrogant attitude and willful character left a great impression on Xiao Yueye. When such a person dies, he won't even frown.

"However, it is difficult for him to rebel." Xiao Yueye said lightly.

"It all depends on the human condition." Murong Liuyun sat down and took the tea from Xiao Yueye: "For that dragon chair, as long as you push him to a certain level, he can do anything. If you are willing, I can Help you. As long as he feels that he has no chance, he will definitely jump over the wall. "

Xiao Yueye shook her head: "I hope I can resolve the unpredictable forces bit by bit by myself. For the time being, don't do this."

Murong Liuyun looked at him deeply and suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, even if I want to do this, I can't do it in a day or two."

Xiao Yueye nodded and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I met Murong Jingde back then, and I promised him that I would save him once in the future. So..."

"I owe this kid Jingde a lot. If he can really get rid of the shackles of the family, I can guarantee that he will be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life and become a happy and idle prince."

When it came to this point, Xiao Yueye naturally said no more. When I came here today, although I didn't get any specific advice from Murong Liuyun, I at least had a direction. He was indeed a little impatient about the unpredictable situation. Now think about it carefully, it is unpredictable that he can become a veteran of three dynasties, how can he be defeated in a day or two

He understood that, as Murong Liuyun said, without any great reason, the most that could be done was to let this old fox bleed. It was simply impossible to uproot him.

However, Xiao Yueye hoped that before using the "big reason", he could use his own strength to swallow up some of the Mo family's power.

Just as he was about to leave, Murong Liuyun suddenly called out to him: "Ye'er, your business is over, I still have something else to do!"

"Huh?" Xiao Yueye raised an eyebrow and sat back in confusion.

Murong Liuyun looked at him with a smile: "There is news in the capital that you possess the treasure of the previous dynasty, do you know that?"

Xiao Yueye's frown deepened, and he asked in confusion: "Don't you know where my money comes from? Why do you ask that?"

"Haha, you kid. What I want to say is that you are so unpredictable. Why are there rumors that you possess a treasure from the previous dynasty?"

Xiao Yueye shook her head.

Murong Liuyun's eyes showed a look of longing: "That's because the treasure from the previous dynasty really exists."

"What?" Xiao Yueye said in shock. He always thought that the legend of the previous treasure was simply made up. Who knew it could be true

Murong Liuyun nodded and told another explosive news: "Moreover, I have seen this treasure with my own eyes."

This time, Xiao Yueye was even more surprised. She stared blankly at Murong Liuyun and swallowed hard.

Seeing his appearance, Murong Liuyun couldn't help but laugh: "Why, are you tempted?"


"Actually, your mother also knew about the treasure in the previous dynasty. Back then, we found the location of the treasure together. This wealth also became the capital for me to succeed in the Ninth Five-Year Plan."

"Mother knows too?" Xiao Yueye asked in surprise.

Murong Liuyun nodded and sighed: "That happened decades ago. At that time, I was just a prince who was not taken seriously. Your grandma was just a palace maid at the beginning. After being favored by my father, she She was pregnant with me. It was God's blessing that your grandma went through all kinds of troubles to avoid being poisoned in the palace and gave birth to me safely. However, within two years, your grandma died of illness. After that, no one took it as a threat. Even your father probably didn't think much of my son, right? But it was precisely because of this that I avoided those battles for the throne at that time. I met your mother in the suburbs. Later, the royal struggle became more intense, and even an insignificant person like me was affected to a moderate extent. At that time, I was old enough to open a palace and become a king. The irony is that I, the prince, am confined at home and cannot leave the capital to go to my fiefdom."

"Out of boredom, I read a lot of books at home and accidentally discovered the topographic map of the treasures of the previous dynasty. At that time, I was really ecstatic. Your mother and I, according to the treasure map, carefully After searching, I finally found the location of the treasure. What happened next was very simple. Using your grandfather's power, I was able to leave the capital and go to the fiefdom, while your mother used the power of the family to help me transport the treasures to mine. The fiefdom. And those treasures became my capital for recruiting troops."

Xiao Yueye opened her mouth and blankly took the piece of paper handed over by Murong Liuyun: "This, this, is the topographic map?"

"That's right." Murong Liuyun smiled and nodded: "This topographic map is only a small part. So back then, I only passed the outer mechanism and took a small part of the treasure."

"Then you haven't sent anyone to continue after all these years?"

"Yes, how could it not be?! I even sent more than a dozen groups of troops, but they were all dead or alive. The location of the treasure of the previous dynasty was the imperial mausoleum of the previous dynasty. There are many mechanisms inside. If there is no completed topographic map, you will definitely die. So later, I also gave up this idea. If there were rumors about Mo Zhi's walk, I might have forgotten about it. Now, I will pass this topographic map to you. If you are willing, don't bother to see it. A moment. Although the treasure is gone, the momentum of the imperial mausoleum is still very good. "

Xiao Yueye nodded, looked at the terrain map in her hand carefully, and said doubtfully: "Isn't this the secret passage to protect the dragon?"

"Haha, have you discovered it? That's right, the Dragon Protecting Secret Road was originally the site of the forged imperial mausoleum of the previous dynasty. Later, I, the Murong Dynasty, found this place. After a hundred years of transformation, it has reached today's scale."

Xiao Yueye clenched the paper in her hand and nodded towards Murong Liuyun: "If nothing happens, I'll go back first."

. . . . . .

Xiao Yueye sat on the chair in the study room, holding this piece of paper tightly in her hand. He had already made up his mind to go explore this treasure from the previous dynasty. Regarding the mechanism, he naturally thought of Thousand Planes Gate first. The people and mechanisms here are all at the level of masters! Moreover, weren't there rumors that Xiao Yueye had obtained the treasure from the previous dynasty? Then he will really bring out some treasures from the front!

Mrs. Xiao walked in with a dignified manner and smiled lightly: "Ye'er, what do you want to see me for?"

"Mom, look at this." Xiao Yueye handed over the paper.

Mrs. Xiao took it and was absent-minded for a moment, as if she was reminiscing about the past. She smiled softly: "It's been a long time. He gave this to you, what are you going to do?"

"I want to take Yang Zhi and a few others to see them." Xiao Yueye said frankly.

Mrs. Xiao frowned, but didn't say anything. She just said lightly: "Be careful, the mechanism inside is very powerful."

"Don't worry, Mom, I know what's going on. As soon as something goes wrong, I'll return immediately."

"That's good." (Quanben Novel Website