The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 337: There are many agencies


"There are words on the stone tablet.WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COm"

Hearing Zhou Dashan's voice, Xiao Yueye and Wu Tian hurried over. This stone tablet is the same as the ones outside, and the material is not very good. So after hundreds of years, it has weathered a lot. The words on it are blurred in some places. The three people guessed and thought, and roughly understood the meaning.

The front part of this stele is a song of praise, about the majesty of the royal family, and anyone who intrudes will be killed without mercy. However, the situation changed later and I advised people not to be greedy and just give up when things get better.

"It seems that the original treasure here was just for others to take away." Wu Tian said with a smile.

Zhou Dashan sneered disdainfully: "People's hearts are greedy and naive!"

That's right, the stone tablet states that tomb trespassers are told to stop when they see fit and just take the treasure outside. Don't try to disturb the imperial tomb. But people's hearts are unpredictable and greed breeds. If a person finally got here and saw so many gold, silver and jewelry, how could he be willing to give up

What's more, Murong Liuyun has already moved away all the gold, silver and jewelry here. If someone else breaks in, how can they go back to Baoshan empty-handed because of the words on this stone tablet

Xiao Yueye smiled faintly and touched her belly. Before they came in, they had eaten some solid food. But now I feel a little hungry again, which means that at least two hours have passed. It should be night outside now.

"You two, let's rest here for the night." Xiao Yueye suggested.

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan also nodded. No one is sure of the road ahead, so rushing forward will not be beautiful. What's more, the two of them are not as powerful as Xiao Yueye, and they are old, so they also feel tired.

Because they had already prepared, the three of them had mats and thin blankets among their belongings. Xiao Yueyue waved her hand, and the wind rose from the ground and sounded in the empty hall. The dust was blown to the edge, and the three people spread the mat. Then Wu Tian took out an hourglass and said, "Every time the hourglass runs out, it is an hour. We take turns to keep watch to prevent unexpected situations. I will go first, then junior brother, Finally, it’s Master Xiao.”

Xiao Yueye and Zhou Dashan didn't say anything. After eating some solid food and drinking some water, they took the time to rest. Wu Tianze walked aside and blew out the oil lamps one by one to reduce oxygen consumption.

I was speechless all night, and there was no surprise, which was a small surprise.

The next day, the three people sat on the floor. Wu Tian placed the mechanism diagram inherited from Qianji Sect in the middle, frowned and said: "Look, this mechanism diagram is incomplete in several places. No one can Ensure safe passage. Moreover, the biggest problem before us now is how to find the mechanism to advance from this hall. On this mechanism map, the place where the exterior and interior of the imperial mausoleum meet is exactly the remaining part."

The three of them are now in an empty hall. Except for a door coming in, the other three sides are all thick stone walls. They had tried to knock on it before to see if there was any hollow part, but to no avail. Moreover, Xiao Yueye secretly estimated that even if he struck with all his strength, he might not be able to penetrate the stone wall.

Wu Tian's words made all three people quiet down. To advance or to retreat, this question suddenly appeared in front of the three of them. No one is willing to retreat, but if we move forward, no one can guarantee that we will survive.

What's more, the most realistic thing is that they haven't found the entrance yet.

Xiao Yueye frowned and stood up. He felt that the three of them must have missed something. Maybe the mechanism at the back will be scary, but it's absolutely impossible to find the entrance. Back then, Murong Liuyun sent more than a dozen groups of troops, but all of them died! How could they die if they didn't find the entrance

But where is the entrance

Zhou Dashan stood up, glanced around, and said lightly: "Look for it on your own!"

Wu Tian was stunned when he heard what he said, and then he laughed loudly: "That's right, I relied on this machine diagram wholeheartedly, but I forgot that there is no mechanism in this world that can hardly capture the people of my Qianji Sect. ?”

Xiao Yueye didn't know much about the mechanism, so she could only rely on the plots on TV in her previous life to try to move the oil lamp or see if there were any weird protruding stones on the stone wall. But alas, TV is just TV after all, and it is completely made up. How could the real mechanism be discovered so easily

He turned to look at Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan. The two of them didn't have any fancy skills. They just relied on their feelings and slowly touched, looked, and searched. The main hall is only so big in total, and there are not many things. As long as they have patience, they firmly believe that they can find it.

Since he couldn't help, Xiao Yueye simply sat down and studied the machine diagram. He believed that Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan would definitely be able to find the mechanism.

"Here." Zhou Dashan's cold voice sounded.

He stood next to the stone tablet again and touched the stone tablet thoughtfully.

Wu Tian walked over, squatted down and observed the stone tablet carefully, touching several places with his fingers from time to time: "There is indeed something strange, it should be here."

Zhou Dashan still frowned and said in a low voice: "Which ones should I choose?"

"Mr. Wu, what's the mystery behind this stone tablet?" Xiao Yueye asked curiously.

Wu Tian motioned Xiao Yueye to touch a few words: "Touch, do these words feel strange?"

Xiao Yueye nodded: "Yes, it seems to be uneven. These words mean that the mechanism is not working?"

"It should be. But we don't know which words should be chosen, or in what order should the mechanisms be triggered?"

Xiao Yueye thought for a while, looked at these dozen words carefully, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhou, look, these four words together, aren't they the entrance to the imperial mausoleum? I guess, it should be It’s these four words.”

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan looked at each other. Although it was a bit risky, it was not necessarily impossible. Besides, they currently have no other option but to give it a try.

Pressing these four words hard, the three of them stood aside and observed the changes vigilantly.

The wall in front of them made a rumbling sound, then slowly rotated, revealing a passage.

The three of them were overjoyed and without hesitation, they lit the torches and hurried in. The stone wall slowly closed again, and in front of them was a stone staircase going down. But just such a stone step made the three people dare not move.

Who knows if there is any mechanism inside these stone steps

Xiao Yueye stretched out the torch and illuminated everywhere. No body was seen wherever the fire passed, and she couldn't help but feel relieved. There are already more than a dozen groups of people clearing the way. Since there are no bodies here, there should be no problem.

However, just in case, Xiao Yueye still followed Wu Tian's instructions, took out some copper coins and beat them towards each step. After trying everything one by one and finding no abnormalities, the three of them carefully went down the steps.

There are few steps and they seem to get deeper as you go. This depressing atmosphere, the footsteps and breathing of three people echoed throughout the space, making people shudder.

"There seems to be a light ahead." Xiao Yueye said happily and quickened his pace.

Wu Tian grabbed him and said seriously: "Master Xiao, don't be impatient. You know, danger often occurs at the moment when you think everything is fine."

After being reminded by Xiao Yue, he also calmed down and couldn't help but secretly laugh that after all, he still wasn't as calm and calm as the two elders. The light in front looks very soft, and there is no flickering of firelight. According to Zhou Dashan's estimation, it should be a light body such as a luminous pearl that produces this kind of light.

The stone steps finally came to an end, but the three people did not step into the light's room, but observed the surroundings vigilantly. Xiao Yueye first checked to see if there were any corpses of previous intruders. The corpses of these people could be regarded as a guiding light. Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan relied on their experience and professional knowledge to carefully observe every detail.

"Step slowly and follow me." Wu Tian said in a deep voice, walking forward carefully.

Entering that room, the light was dazzling, gold, silver and jewels were everywhere, so bright that no one could see them. This kind of impact is profound. Even a person like Xiao Yueye, who is used to seeing wealth, can't help but become obsessed with it. What about Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan

However, the two of them woke up earlier than Xiao Yueye. Life experiences and their hobbies play the biggest role at this moment. Both of them are over fifty, and they no longer take money very seriously. What's more, they are all technological experts. Perhaps in their eyes, gold, silver and jewelry are not as important as the wooden bird they designed!

Xiao Yueye scanned for a week and didn't see the body, but for some reason, he still felt something was wrong. The atmosphere here always made him feel weird. Xiao Yueye believed in his intuition. Although he didn't know why, he became more and more cautious and told his second elder at the same time.

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan nodded and didn't say much, but they observed carefully with their eyes. Xiao Yueye glanced at the gold and silver jewelry, and then looked away. To him, the charm of these things was not as great as the charm of this expedition.

But the moment he looked away, he suddenly turned back and stared at the pile of gold: "That's not right!"

"What's wrong?" Reprinted in this book bsp; Xiao Yueye stared at the pile of gold, combining the process along the way in his mind with the vague doubts in his heart, and finally understood what was wrong!

"Look." Xiao Yueye pointed at the pile of gold.

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan also frowned suddenly. They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes: "It's blood stains!"

"That's right, and it was sprinkled in many places. Someone should have sprinkled it here." Xiao Yueye said deeply, and at the same time shifted his gaze, checking the surroundings one by one: "Sure enough, there are still many places with blood stains."

Wu Tian walked to a blood stain on the ground, looked at it carefully for a while, and then dug it with his hands: "According to my estimation, it should be more than ten years old. But..."

"Someone has been here." Zhou Dashan said coldly: "He died and was dragged away by others."

Although the blood stains were very shallow, all three people found that there were blood stains everywhere, and in some places, it was obvious that they had been dragged with something. The three people were not stupid, and they immediately figured out that some people died here, and then others dragged the bodies away one by one, which resulted in such blood stains.

The hearts of the three people suddenly became cold.

Who would be so bored as to drag away a body? There are so many institutions inside this imperial mausoleum that you have no time to take care of yourself. Who has the leisure to drag away other people's corpses

Moreover, what was the purpose of that person dragging the body away

"No wonder I have always felt strange," Xiao Yueye murmured: "There is no reason why no one has come in for so many hundreds of years! But there is not a single corpse in the aisle in front, which is really weird. But, in the end, Who is it that dragged the body away, as if it were cleaning it? "

At this time, the three people looked at the gold and silver jewelry as if they were looking at dead people. Although they didn't know what was going on, one thing was certain that the danger level of this imperial mausoleum was far higher than they expected.

"Junior brother, Master Xiao, what do you think? Should we continue?"

Zhou Dashan glanced at him lightly and said nothing, but his expression already showed his attitude.

"What about Master Xiao?"

Xiao Yueye was a little hesitant. It wasn't that he was afraid, but his family had a big business and the burden on him was really heavy, and he couldn't tolerate any harm to him. Wu Tian also understood this, so he asked him.

"Continue." Xiao Yueye thought for a long time, but still couldn't suppress the curiosity about the unknown in her heart, and said with a smile.

"Okay! Then the next step is the same as the previous hall. The entrance to the next step is still hidden. But the scary thing here is that it gathers the entrance and the murder mechanism together. Even if you are lucky enough to find the mechanism, you I don’t know whether this mechanism is for killing people or is it an entrance mechanism.

Xiao Yueye was completely incompetent in this regard, so he could only rely on Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan. The two people didn't move at the moment, they just kept observing, looking for anything wrong. Thousand Machine Sect's hundreds of years of inheritance and research on the art of mechanisms can be said to have reached its pinnacle. They are all familiar with which kind of environment and which kind of organization is suitable. The blood stains on the corpses previously revealed that the mechanism for killing people here should be sharp arrows. If a sharp arrow wants to be shot, there must be an exit. With this level of cognition, combined with the knowledge about the mechanisms they had learned in their minds, they immediately began to look at several possible locations.

At this time, Xiao Yueye understood what it means to have an elder in a family, just like having a treasure. It seemed to him that Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan had figured out the mechanism in less than half a cup of tea. Wu Tian jumped to the roof with a slight leap, and looked at the night pearls carefully. Sure enough, just as he had guessed, one of them looked shiny, but in fact it was just painted with a special kind of paint. Slowly rotating this unique bead, a hole immediately appeared on the floor of the room.

"Mr. Wu, how did you find out?" Xiao Yueye asked in surprise.

Wu Tian chuckled: "In fact, it's not difficult. My junior brother and I discovered that the luminous pearls above our heads are set according to the direction of the star map, so that the light can spread throughout the room. But you noticed that there is no one there, then There was a shadow on one piece. So I guessed that there must be something wrong with one of the night pearls. It turned out to be exactly what I thought."

"Then where are those murderous institutions?"

"If I guessed correctly, it should be under the pile of gold and silver jewels. People are greedy, and when they see so many jewels, they will definitely pounce on them uncontrollably, which just triggers the mechanism." Wu Tian sighed twice and said with a sigh. .

Zhou Dashan was not as sentimental as him. He stood at the edge of the cave entrance and lit a torch to illuminate the bottom. He picked up another gold brick and threw it down, listening to the echo to judge the depth.

"Let's go." Zhou Dashan fell first, followed closely by Xiao Yueye, and finally Wu Tian.

As soon as Xiao Yueye jumped down, he first felt wet under his feet, which should be mud. Zhou Dashan in front had already used a torch to search everywhere and warned: "Be careful, it's poisonous."

There is a very strange smell in the air here, no wonder Zhou Dashan said so. But when it comes to poison, that's Xiao Yueye's strength. He took out three pills from his body and handed them to the two of them.

"This is an antidote pill I made. It can detoxify most poisons. Even those that cannot be detoxified will still have a certain resistance."

After Wu Tian took it, he looked at the surrounding environment and said, "This seems to be a waterway."

He squatted down and touched the mud under his feet with his hands: "It's not just wet, there's also some standing water. It seems like there should be an underground spring flowing here."

"Mechanism, water ghost." Zhou Dashan suddenly said coldly.

Wu Tian's face suddenly became serious: "Water ghost? That's really dangerous."

Xiao Yueye looked at the two people asking and answering questions, and was curious: "Mr. Wu, what kind of water ghost?"

"Water ghost is a kind of mechanism of our Qianjimen. When the mechanism is touched, there will be floods, and people will drown alive in the future. This is a water ghost. If it is really like what my junior brother said, then we have to Be careful. In this case, if the mechanism is touched, there is nothing the Da Luo Immortal can do."

Xiao Yueye's heart trembled, but she felt something was wrong: "Mr. Wu, according to what you said, this place should be closed. But look, although the air smells wrong here, you can still breathe. This means that, It’s definitely not closed!”

"General water ghosts are indeed in a closed space, which is also the easiest one to work. But there is another kind of double mechanism. When touching the water ghost, it will also seal the space where it is. Here, I am afraid it is This kind of thing. We have limited firepower, so we have to be careful every step of the way."

"Yeah." Xiao Yueye asked no more questions.

"The direction of the water flow." Zhou Dashan made a gesture and said. He judged the direction of the water flow through the traces left by the impact of water on the soil below, and thus also judged which direction they should go.

The water flow will cause scouring, which must mean that there is a direction where the gate is specially opened to release water. Xiao Yueye and the other three were naturally heading in that direction.

The wet mud was very uncomfortable to walk on. The waterway was very low, so the three of them had to bend forward. When you get to a few corners, you have to walk on your stomach. So after a while, the three of them looked like mud monkeys.

In the waterway, there is the sound of water dripping from time to time. In many places, water has formed, and in some places, there is even asphalt, which makes the three people walk more carefully.

"Mr. Wu, this water ghost must have water, but where does the water here come from? Is there a special room to store water?" Xiao Yue asked as he walked.

Wu Tian looked at the road and replied with a smile: "Master Xiao, just put your ear against the wall and listen, and you will understand."

Xiao Yueye put her ear against the stone wall, and there was a faint sound of collision, vague, like the sound of water. He suddenly realized: "It turns out that the water from the underground river is quoted here. No wonder. This mechanism is really powerful. I guess this waterway must also have problems with the terrain, right?"

Wu Tian nodded appreciatively: "Master Xiao is indeed smart. The direction we are walking in is the lower end."

Zhou Dashan didn't like to talk, so he kept walking carefully in front. At the same time, use the torch to pay attention to the surrounding movements to ensure that there is no problem. However, when I heard the conversation between Xiao Yueye and Wu Tian, my ears couldn't help but twitch.

The further inside, the more water and asphalt accumulated on the ground. Even Xiao Yueye almost slipped and fell several times. The speed of the three people slowed down even more.

Zhou Dashan suddenly slipped and the torch suddenly fell into the water and was extinguished. He instinctively tried to hold on to the wall next to him, but in vain. But at this moment, everyone heard a "Crack" sound.

Zhou Dashan suddenly raised his head and looked to his right in astonishment. He had just tried to grab the stone to stabilize his body. When it was originally laid horizontally, it turned into a vertical position at this moment.


Even the breathing stopped!

The limit of silence is a roar! There was a rolling sound behind him, passing through the narrow waterway.

Xiao Yueye hurriedly helped Zhou Dashan up and shouted: "Run!"

The three of them had no time to relight the torch, and all they could think about at the moment was to speed up the pace, speed up the pace. However, the sound of water behind him became louder and clearer. The roaring and boiling sound was like a lullaby from hell.

And Xiao Yueye was running staggeringly, her eyes were pitch black, where could she see the exit

At this time, the water dragon behind him finally pounced over with its fangs and claws, and swallowed up Xiao Yueye and the others in one go. . . . . . (