The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 338: Survive the danger of death


Zhou Dashan accidentally triggered the mechanism, and the water instantly flooded the walkway, swallowing Xiao Yueye and the others. wWw!QuAnBen-XIaoShuo!CoM

It was so dark that nothing could be seen in the water. Fortunately, this waterway is relatively long. Although the rushing water dragon submerged the three people, they soon emerged. However, this could only last for a while, as the water level rose quickly.

The powerful impact of the water swept them away. Fortunately, at the moment of submersion, Xiao Yueye's Biyesi shot out quickly, connecting the three people together.

Stretching out his head, Xiao Yueye said decisively: "Two elders, we use the power of water to keep moving forward. This is our only chance."

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan naturally understand this truth. They took a deep breath, shrank their bodies, and at the same time kicked off their feet, moving forward along with the force of the water.

Collisions and collisions in the middle are inevitable, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the length of this waterway is unknown. When they tried to take a breath, they found that the water was only a palm's length away from the top. In other words, they have at most one chance to breathe. If you don't find a way to escape, you will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yueye's speed in the water became even faster. He can switch to inner breathing, and there will be no problem for a while. But Zhou Dashan and Wu Tian can't do it. They don't have enough skills and can't sustain it for that long. Xiao Yueye stood behind the two people, using Biyesi to connect, pumping up all her energy, high-fiving behind her, and using the power of the collision to swim quickly.

The water has been impacting continuously, but the force has become smaller and smaller, which shows that the water in the water channel has become slower and slower. When the water becomes calm, the entire waterway is filled with water.

This process is very fast. Xiao Yueye and the others can only rely on their feelings to move forward quickly in the dark water. The water had become calm. Thinking of this, the hearts of Xiao Yueye and the others suddenly fell to the bottom.

They work hard to calm down their mentality so that they can endure longer.

Finally reaching the end, Wu Tian at the front happily touched the blocked stone wall. The position at the end is quite large, enough for three people to sit side by side. When you reach the end, you have to find the mechanism immediately. Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan tried hard to take out tools from themselves and kept banging, while Xiao Yueye was not idle either, touching every place, trying to find something.

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan's speed increased. They lacked internal energy and could not hold back much longer. But so far, they still haven't found the location of the agency, and they can't help but become anxious.

With two "Gululu" sounds, Zhou Dashan couldn't bear it anymore, spit out bubbles and fainted.

Wu Tian and Yi Jing started searching like crazy, searching everything in front, around and above their heads. Xiao Yueye tried her best to calm down and put her feet on the ground. This place is so big, if there really is a mechanism, I must have missed it and not found it. However, the three of them have touched all the I Chings!

Is there really no agency? Could it be that the three of them were really going to die here

With this distraction, Yi Jing immediately felt that his mind was a little blurred and he was groggy. At this time, he suddenly felt someone holding him tightly, and then slowly letting go. Although he couldn't see it, he knew in his heart that it was Wu Tian and he couldn't hold on anymore!


We must not let them die!

Xiao Yueye clenched her fists, used her true strength regardless, and attacked forward. It's a pity that all it got was the counterattack of the water flow. The wall in front can withstand the force of the water flow, so how can it be easily broken

Xiao Yueye, you have to calm down, calm down!

Think about it carefully. If there is anything you missed, think about it.

Xiao Yueye suppressed the impatience and grief in her heart and tried to think, tried hard to think.

By the way, the soles of the feet!

It's the soles of the feet! The three of us searched everywhere, but there was nothing but the soles of our feet!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yueye quickly sank down and slowly touched the bottom of the water. For every protrusion, he would try to rotate it and try to press it. After trying this one by one, he finally discovered that there was a small stone trough at the corner, just big enough for one finger to enter. Xiao Yueye hooked it there and mustered up all her strength to pull out.

As the stone trough was lifted upward, the stone wall in front of it finally slowly opened. Xiao Yueye felt happy and worked harder.

The water flow found its outlet, and its powerful force overwhelmed mountains and seas. Xiao Yueye couldn't bear it anymore, and followed the water flow, rushing towards the hole in front and falling to the ground.

The water rushed into the stone room. Xiao Yueye ignored the pain of falling and hurriedly helped Zhou Dashan and Wu Tian up. Both of them were temporarily out of breath. Xiao Yueye hurriedly used artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation that she had learned from Liu Qianqian.

As time passed bit by bit, more and more water accumulated in the stone chamber, submerging most of their bodies.

Wu Tian finally made some movement, vomited a lot of water, and kept coughing, but he finally came back to life. Xiao Yueye was overjoyed, but he was not slow and continued to rescue Zhou Dashan.

After Wu Tian woke up, he took stock of his surroundings and had no time to worry about whether his junior brother could survive, but instead found a way out first. Although they were saved, this stone house was very closed. If they didn't find a way out, they would probably drown here again after a while.

He held back the pain in his body and carefully looked at his surroundings. Smooth walls with no protrusions at all. I don’t know what the designer originally thought, but the roof here is actually inlaid with luminous pearls, so that Wu Tian can see everything around him clearly.

But after seeing it clearly, there was a deeper fear. There is nothing else here, it is just an ordinary and solid stone chamber.

Is it possible that, after finally escaping, he has to die here again? Was this the original designer's intention

Over there, Zhou Dashan finally woke up after Xiao Yueye's persistent rescue efforts.

The water at this moment has flooded half of the stone chamber and reached their necks. Xiao Yueye and the three of them had to swim.

"Mr. Wu, what should I do?"

Wu Tian was a little disheartened by what he had just discovered. He sighed and expressed his speculation, which made the three of them fall into silence.

After finally escaping from death, is it just a flash in the pan? Could it be that the original designer was so perverted that people thought they could survive, but it turned out to be a dead end

Never give up until the end. Xiao Yueye shook her head vigorously, throwing away those pessimistic emotions, and tried to observe, hoping to find some clues.

Although Zhou Dashan came back to life, he still spoke in the same cold voice as before: "For example, there is a road."


Faced with the question, Zhou Dashan only said: "The water of the past."

Wu Tian suddenly became excited: "Yes, how could I forget? There has been water here before, so it should appear here, but it was not mentioned here at the beginning, which means that there must be a mechanism to drain the water. Master Xiao , where did you find the agency just now?"

"A place at the corner of the ground, ah, you mean?" Xiao Yueye understood halfway through her words.

He threw his package at Wu Tian and plunged it in with a fierce thrust. Sure enough, Wu Tian's guess was correct. The institutions here were exactly the same as those outside. At the corner, there was another small stone trough. Xiao Yueye tried hard to pull it, and heard a "rattling" sound.

The water rushing down from above continues, but the water surface no longer rises. This shows that there is really a water release mechanism under the feet. When there is less and less water left above, the water surface begins to slowly drop.

At this time, Xiao Yueye and the other three finally felt relieved. After all the water disappeared, they all collapsed on the ground, breathing non-stop, feeling the joy of rebirth after the disaster.

After taking a break, the three of them suddenly felt depressed again. Many of the items in their bags were soaked and no longer usable. The only good thing is that Xiao Yueye's portion of food was wrapped in cowhide, so it didn't get wet.

Taking inventory, a lot of stuff had to be thrown away. The fire breakers were also wet, and I didn't know if the remaining flints were still useful. Although one portion of dry food was retained, the amount had been greatly reduced and could not last more than a few days.

"First use your energy to dry yourself, and then find a way out."

Wet clothes are always uncomfortable and can easily make you sick. It would be really bad if you got sick in this damn place. Many of the medicinal herbs that Xiao Yueye brought with her were ruined, and only one bottle of elixir was still intact. He chose one for Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan to take, which had some health benefits. These two people are old, and the flooding just now has more or less damaged their bodies.

After resting for a while and eating some solid food, the three of them started looking for a trap.

The stone chamber should only play the role of drainage and no other organs. However, according to Wu Tian's judgment, they were walking underground all the way, and the imperial tomb could not be buried so low. So he felt that the way out should be at the top.

The top of this stone house is composed of stones of equal size. Wu Tian slapped his thigh and thought: "So it's that simple!"

"Mr. Wu?"

Wu Tian pointed to the roof with a smile and said to Zhou Dashan: "Junior brother, do you still remember that when we were in our thirties, we went to the north to rob tombs?"

Zhou Dashan's eyes lit up, he looked up at the roof and nodded.

Wu Tian turned to look at Xiao Yueye: "Master Xiao, the rest is up to you."

"Look at me? What should I do?"

"The roof is made up of a total of twenty-five stones. If you try them one by one, there must be one that can be pushed upward. After you find it, the two of us will stack Arhats underneath to give you support." Wu Tian pointed to the roof and said .

Xiao Yueye nodded, and with a vertical movement, he was able to move in the air. He quickly judged one by one, and then jumped down happily: "Mr. Wu, that piece is a little loose. But according to my estimation, it weighs at least five hundred kilograms."

Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan quickly folded into the shape of an Arhat, and Xiao Yueye did not hesitate, jumping up the mountain, and with a little strength, all his strength was concentrated on his arms. He roared, pushed the stone up with all his strength, and then moved it to the side.

This short effort seemed easy. In fact, when Xiao Yueye fell, Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan sat on the ground without any concealment and kept panting.

Although he was fortunate to be able to find a way out, even Zhou Dashan couldn't help but laugh.

The three people sorted themselves out and flew up one after another. I don't know how this secret room was built, but it was able to prevent it from collapsing even if a stone was removed, which surprised Xiao Yueye.

Before leaving, Xiao Yueye smashed three night pearls down with a tool. Now that they don't have torches, they can only rely on this thing to make light.

On the top of the stone chamber, the road is very narrow and low at first, but becomes wider and higher as you go. When the three of them reached the end, they found that there were seven forked roads in front of them!

Wu Tian suddenly smiled, took out the machine diagram from his arms, and shouted loudly: "It's right here, it's right here, look!"

The seven forked roads are exactly the same. But in fact, there is only one way to the imperial mausoleum. Everything else is a path to death. Xiao Yueye and the others could not but say they were lucky. The mechanism map in their hands was clear for a long time starting from here.

The three of them looked at each other like this, feeling quite at ease.

However, Xiao Yueye's doubts became more and more serious. When he was digging for luminous pearls just now, he discovered that there were faint grooves in several places on the top wall. Apparently, there were luminous pearls there originally. This shows what? It means that there are others who fell into the secret room like him and others, found a way out, and had the same idea as him.

However, since some people succeed, there is no reason why no one can fail. Here's the thing, there's no body.

As before, there are no bodies.

This weirdness exuded an infinite coolness, constantly eroding Xiao Yueye's soul and making him shudder.

Where did the body go? Who did it

Wu Tian pointed to the third passage and said: "Go here. You follow my footsteps and don't make a wrong step."

With the machine diagram, everything is much easier to handle. Although the road below, according to the map, was full of traps, the poisonous snake swamp, the thousand arrows piercing the heart, and the fire dragon tongue were all easily avoided by the three of them without any injuries. But the three of them were covered in sweat. However, on the one or two mile long journey, they had to stop and go, being careful and not daring to make a wrong step.

After passing this passage, the front suddenly became bright and magnificent. Many exquisite coffins are placed at random, and some terracotta warriors and horses stand guarding them mightily. The golden hall is as jeweled as a golden palace.

"Is this the imperial mausoleum?" Xiao Yueye asked doubtfully.

Zhou Tian frowned: "No. This is just the place where the heroes are placed. We have to be careful. From now on, what we have to face is a maze. Regarding the topographic map in my hand, regarding this maze, there is a residual area in the middle. , so we have to rely on ourselves. And no one knows whether there is a mechanism in it or not. Only by passing through this maze can we reach the real imperial mausoleum."

"Yeah." (Quanben Novel Website