The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 340: Imperial tomb guard


The Tiangang Beidou Formation formed by Xiao Yueye using Biye silk is a dead thing after all. Although these three mysterious people, WWw, QUanbEn-xIAoShUo, and CoM, were unable to cut off Biyesi, they quickly came up with countermeasures. They formed a three-talent formation of heaven, earth and man, and then used hidden weapons to hit Zhou Dashan inside. Although Biyesi automatically defended herself, there were too many copper coins and she was unable to defend herself. Zhou Dashan inside was not very good at martial arts. After a while, his whole body was covered with scars, and a few copper coins were even deeply embedded in his flesh.

At this critical moment, Xiao Yueye finally arrived. Without saying a word, he moved his right hand quickly, and Biyesi changed instantly. The green colors are constantly changing and transforming, blocking out the sky and the sun. Biyesi, which was originally passively defensive and exposed many flaws, immediately showed its boundless power once it was in Xiao Yueye's hands. Xiao Yueye stood in front of Zhou Dashan and Wu Tian, looking at the three mysterious people coldly, her right hand slightly opened, blue waves rippling between her fingers. He raised his right hand, and countless Biyesi seemed to straighten up and stare at the enemy like poisonous snakes spitting out long messages.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yueye did not take action for the time being, looking at the three people in confusion, but feeling very shocked in his heart. How could he not be surprised that these people could hide behind him and others silently without him noticing

The three people looked at Xiao Yueye closely and said nothing, but their eyes sparkled and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Xiao Yueye frowned, Biyesi flowed gently in the air, and wisps of murderous aura filled the air: "Why do you want to kill us? Tell me!"

The three people looked at each other and retreated at the same time, flying in three directions. This is a maze, and as soon as they enter the passage, Xiao Yueye can't do anything.

With no time to think about why these three people didn't seem to be afraid of the maze mechanism, Xiao Yueye waved her right hand lightly and said coldly: "Want to leave?"

He shouted softly, his movements were light, his left hand pointed to the sky, and his right hand touched the ground, the void rotated and suddenly became one. Biyesi, who was floating around him, let out a huge and terrifying whistling sound, like an angry flood. She turned into three and chased the three people, and her speed was actually a few minutes faster than them.

Biyesi, who was pursuing after the three men appeared, changed her expression, kicked off her foot, and went a little faster. However, Biyesi was originally a filament-like object and encountered very little resistance when moving. In addition, Xiao Yueye's sufficient internal energy supplemented her back. How could these three people escape

Biyesi's "whoosh" sound spread suddenly, and she suddenly rushed in front of the three people. The three of them were horrified, and their subordinates were not slow and struck with the sharp sword in their hands. They knew Biyesi's tenacity, and the purpose of doing this was just to buy some time. As long as they can have a chance to rush into the passage of the maze, then everything will be fine.

But will Xiao Yueye give them this opportunity

the answer is negative.

When Xiao Yueye first broke into the world, he had a nickname called "Spider Spirit". Although in recent years, few people have called him that. But you must know that Xiao Yueye and Biyesi's most proficient trick is spider coiling silk.

The Biyesi, which almost surrounded the three people, flew together with Xiao Yueye's fingers, bringing out streaks of green light. These Biyesi intertwined to form a boundless network. No matter how much the three people resisted, it would not help. These three large nets slowly contracted. At the same time, several sticks suddenly flew out and tied the limbs of the three people tightly.

This is like a spider web. If prey flies up, how can it escape? The only difference is that the spider web relies on stickiness, while Xiao Yueye relies on binding.

With a smile on her lips, Xiao Yueye raised her right hand, and Biyesi immediately flew to him with the three people in her arms.

These three people now had horrified expressions on their faces. Judging from their age, they were all about forty years old, which was extremely ordinary. But the strange thing was that even under such circumstances, they still said nothing.

Wu Tian treated Zhou Dashan's wounds. Although there were many injuries on his body, they were all superficial injuries and did not hurt his vital organs. However, the copper coins handed over by Wu Tian surprised Xiao Yueye.

This turned out to be not a copper coin circulating in the Murong Dynasty, but from the previous dynasty. This discovery made Xiao Yueye think of something in her heart, but she couldn't grasp it.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill us?" Xiao Yueye said with a frown.

These three people looked at their noses with their eyes, and their noses looked at their hearts, without even looking at Xiao Yueye. This kind of action made the latter really unhappy. A flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he moved his right hand. The net that bound the three people suddenly contracted violently, causing blood to flow from all three of them. The facial muscles of the three people twitched painfully for a while, but they still said nothing.

"You have backbone." Xiao Yueye smiled instead of being angry, turning over her hand and taking out a few silver needles: "I want to see if you can still have this backbone after being hit by my Five Elements Soul Chasing Needle?"

The Five Elements Soul Chasing Needle was extremely powerful, and Xiao Yueye seldom used it. The only time he used it was when he first came out of the world and met Murong Liuyun in the forest. At that time, Murong Liuyun was chased by killers. In order to find out who the killers were taking orders from, Xiao Yueye used the Five Elements Soul Chasing Needle. The main function of the Five Elements Soul Chasing Acupuncture is to destroy people's sanity, making them completely understand the words of the person who applied the acupuncture, and answer whatever they ask. But the sequelae is that even if he doesn't die, he will still be an idiot from now on.

The three people still did not speak, their expressions were indifferent, and they even closed their eyes, looking like they were begging for death.

Xiao Yueye sneered, flipped her right hand slightly, reborn as a phantom, and was about to stab the acupuncture points of the three people. At this moment, he heard a piercing sound in his ears. He was frightened and hurriedly dodged away.

Three copper coins were embedded deeply into the stone wall.

"Hey, Lord, please spare them." The ethereal voice kept echoing in the empty hall.

Xiao Yueye's heart moved, her face could no longer remain calm, and she stared at the visitor blankly.

"How could it be you?"

The people who came were all with crane-like faces, fluttering white beards, and simple robes printed with Bagua patterns. The three old men looked at Xiao Yueye with complicated eyes, and finally sighed, bent down and said: "Elders of the three halls of heaven, earth, people, pay homage to your lord."

That's right, the person who came turned out to be the three elders who protect the dragon, people from heaven and earth!

Xiao Yueye didn't react for a moment. His mind was in a mess, and his ears seemed to be ringing. What exactly is going on? Why do the three elders of heaven, earth and people come here? How did they know the way? What is their relationship with these three people

Seeing Xiao Yueye's uncertain expression, Master Tian couldn't guess what he was thinking. He sighed and said, "Your Majesty, it's not convenient to talk here. Let's go inside."

Xiao Yueye looked at him in a daze, bit the tip of her tongue to cheer herself up, and then nodded.

Master Tian looked at the three people still in the net and glanced at Xiao Yueye. The latter nodded, waved his right hand, and all the Biyesi rushed to the palm of his hand and disappeared.

After the three people came together, they bowed respectfully to the three elders of Heaven, Earth, Humanity, and then looked at Xiao Yueye complicatedly and stood behind the three elders.

Xiao Yueye didn't know what he was feeling now. The only thing he knew was that he was supporting Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan and following behind the three people of heaven and earth. Then he passed through the maze easily without even touching the trap.

Facing this scene, Xiao Yueye no longer wanted to think too much. He believed that the three elders would give him a satisfactory answer.

After the maze, there is a Qingyun Road. Wu Tian exclaimed from behind: "Are they all made of lapis lazuli?"

People say that white jade is the order. But in fact, the stairs made of lapis lazuli are infinitely more precious than white jade. Moreover, the color of lapis lazuli is bright and light green, which is quite consistent with the color advocated by Taoist Qinglian. The blue clouds reach the ninth heaven. This is what Qingyun Road means. A long staircase leads to the palace above. Even from a distance, the palace's splendor and magnificence are enough to shock people's hearts.

Normally, Xiao Yueye would have reacted the same way as Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan. But at this moment, what he cared about was the problems of heaven, earth and people.

The elders who have been with each other for so many years and have always thought they knew everything, unexpectedly appear here, and seem to have untold secrets

Why doesn't this scare Xiao Yueye

With such complicated feelings, Xiao Yueye passed the Qingyun Road step by step and entered the main hall. Arriving at the entrance of the main hall, Xiao Yueye noticed that there was a Nine Dragon Pillar here after being reminded by Wu Tian. Needless to say, Xiao Yueye also knew where this place was.

This is the imperial mausoleum, the real imperial mausoleum. Novel .bsp; Nine is the Supreme, Dragon is the Son of Heaven. The Nine Dragon Pillar can only be used in the emperor's palace. Here, on every pillar, there is a Nine-Heaven Golden Dragon hovering, baring its teeth and claws, extremely threatening. In today's world, apart from Murong Liuyun in the imperial palace, there is only the imperial mausoleum that can be used.

Naturally, this cannot be the imperial mausoleum of the Murong Dynasty, so the answer is self-evident.

Master Tian turned around and looked at Xiao Yueye, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, welcome to the former imperial mausoleum!"

His voice was deep, and there was no hint of joy at all. Instead, there was an indescribable depression in it. In Xiao Yueye's impression, among the three elders of heaven, earth and people, elder Tian actually doesn't like to talk very much. Usually it is the local elders and human elders who talk more. But along the way, both the earth elders and the human elders lowered their heads with complicated expressions. Occasionally, after his eyes are entangled with Xiao Yueye, he will look away instantly.

Xiao Yueye took everything into consideration, and an unknown feeling came over her.

He took a deep look at Master Tian, smiled faintly, and nodded as if he understood.

Striding into the imperial mausoleum, the atmosphere inside is so majestic, spectacular, and dazzling that it is simply not enough to describe it in words. The entire hall, from the roof to the soles of the feet, is made of white jade. On the roof, there is a base plate made of white jade, with emeralds, sapphires, agates, pearls, etc., all cleverly embedded in the middle. There is even a giant dragon made of gold, hovering above the nine heavens, seeming to break through the sky and fly away.

In front of Xiao Yueye, rows of coffins were arranged in sequence. Every day there is a stone tablet in front of the coffin. Xiao Yueyue looked over one by one. Not a single one of the previous emperors was buried here.

Xiao Yueye still understands the principle that the dead are the most important. So he bowed respectfully to these coffins, and then looked straight at the three elders of Heaven, Earth, and People.

"I need an explanation."

Lord Di sighed: "Brother, let me do the talking."

Master Tian nodded.

Looking at Xiao Yueye, who had a cold look on his face, Mr. Di sorted out his thoughts, and slowly revealed a century-old secret with complicated emotions: "In the previous imperial tomb, there were three guards for each generation. We are three brothers. , is the previous guard..."

The guards of the imperial tombs of the previous dynasties were passed down from generation to generation. The previous guard was not only responsible for protecting the imperial tombs, but also responsible for cultivating successors. Even after the previous dynasty was shattered, this rule remained unchanged. The master of the three people of heaven, earth and people discovered the three of them from outside and brought them back to the imperial mausoleum. At that time, the Murong Dynasty had been established for more than ten years. Their master trained them carefully, just like a father. Later, the three elders of Heaven, Earth and People grew up and were unwilling to stay here until they died of old age. Their master loved them so much that he agreed to let them go out and explore. But there is one requirement, that is, the secret of the imperial mausoleum cannot be leaked.

The guards of the imperial tomb are only responsible for guarding the imperial tomb. Even if the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, it has nothing to do with them. After receiving the master's consent, the three elders of Heaven and Earth left the imperial mausoleum with great joy and full of ambition.

Later, they met the then monarch of the Murong Dynasty and assisted him to found Dragon Guard! In this way, more than thirty years passed. Their master went to Hexi and left a will, allowing them to officially become the guards of the imperial mausoleum, and at the same time be responsible for training the next guard.

In this way, the three people of heaven, earth and people became the new guards of the imperial mausoleum, and they were also the elders who protected the dragon. There is actually not much conflict between these two identities. The three people caught by Xiao Yueye before were the new guards of the imperial mausoleum.

They had been living in peace and harmony at first, but who would have thought that Xiao Yueye could break in. Even Murong Liuyun back then only broke into the outside of the imperial mausoleum.

That's the thing. On the one hand, it's the duty of the imperial mausoleum guards. Any intruders will be shot without mercy. On the one hand, he is an elder who protects the dragon. How can he kill the leader? Under the contradiction between the two, the three elders of Heaven, Earth and Human seemed to be worried.

After hearing all this, Xiao Yueye thought for a while and then said calmly: "With the skills of the three elders, if they want to kill me, it is useless for Xiao Yueye to resist. Now, my life lies in the hands of the three elders." On."

Hearing what he said, the misery on the faces of the three people of heaven, earth and people became even more serious. If they had made up their minds, they wouldn't have been sitting on the sidelines and refusing to show up. In fact, after Xiao Yueye and the others came in, the three of them had been praying, praying that Xiao Yueye would retreat despite the difficulties. Unfortunately, it backfired.

Xiao Yue stood tall at night, neither sad nor happy, looking calm. He has never faced such a dilemma since he was a child. Life is completely in the hands of others. Life or death is just a matter of other people's thoughts.

Although I felt very unhappy, I felt calm after facing it. What's more, from the words, deeds and expressions of the three elders of Heaven, Earth and Man, Xiao Yueye could tell that they were engaged in a dispute between Heaven and Man, and the balance seemed to be tilting in his direction.

Time passed bit by bit, and the depressing atmosphere made people's breathing become faster. Elder Tian's face changed all the time, and finally he lowered his fist bitterly: "That's all, that's all. Lord, as long as you promise not to move the imperial mausoleum at all and not to spread anything about what happened here, let's give up on this matter!"

Xiao Yueye took a breath and nodded.

"Bold!" A sudden roar resounded throughout the entire hall.

The three people in the world were startled and turned around quickly to look at the old man on crutches.

"Meet Uncle Master!"

Master uncle? Xiao Yueye looked at the old man who was hunched over and angry at the moment in confusion. Are they the uncles of the three elders

When he was confused, he heard a message from Master Di: "Uncle is my master's younger brother. He is more than one hundred and twenty years old this year. In total, he is probably the last subject of the former dynasty. Your Majesty , Uncle Master is very stubborn, so if you can’t, just take the opportunity to escape.”

The uncle glanced at Xiao Yueye and the others with a gloomy look, and then looked at the three people of Heaven and Earth coldly: "Back then, I persuaded my senior brother to let you out. You will surely become ambitious and forget your duty as guards of the imperial mausoleum. . It’s a pity that my brother is kind-hearted and doesn’t listen to my advice. Now look, it’s true! Do you still remember the first rule of guarding the imperial mausoleum?”

Master Tian frowned: "Remember!"

"Then read it out loud!" The uncle stamped his cane fiercely.

"Anyone who breaks into the imperial mausoleum will be killed without mercy."

"Okay, okay, okay! Fortunately you still remember, then why not kill these three intruders?" Uncle Master shouted sharply, pointing his cane at Xiao Yueye from afar.

The three of them were silent.

"Now, I give you one last chance to kill them!"

The three elders of Heaven and Earth clenched their fists tightly, looked at their uncle, then at Xiao Yueye, and finally shook their heads. Although they didn't speak, their actions said it all.

The uncle's eyes were blazing with anger, and his chest was breathing deeply: "Senior brother has made a good disciple, a good disciple! You bullied me for being old, and my kung fu is not as good as yours, right? Good, really good, very good!"

He used crutches and walked back angrily, but after a few steps, his body couldn't bear it anymore, so he could only hold on to the coffin next to him.

Taking a deep breath, the uncle looked at the people of heaven and earth: "I want to ask you one last question, are you really not going to kill?"

"Uncle, please forgive me!"

The uncle laughed strangely. The person who laughed was creepy all over, and his back was cold.

"Okay, since you won't kill, then let me do it. Let's all die here!" The uncle screamed strangely, held the hand of the coffin, and quickly rotated an ordinary wood carving pattern on it.

"Boom!" With a sound, the door of the main hall was closed. Not only that, many small holes suddenly appeared on the walls around the hall, and green gas flew and spread.

The others suddenly changed color.

The senior uncle kept laughing strangely here: "Haha, you were always wandering outside back then, and you didn't even see senior brother for the last time. Of course you don't know this biggest secret. Senior brother asked me to tell you, but fortunately I left a I can't believe that it has been used today! All the agencies have been moved, you all stay here to be buried with the late emperors!"

He laughed a few times, and poisonous smoke entered his nose and mouth, and he soon bled to death from his orifices. But after he died, the strange and cold expression on his face remained, making people shiver when they saw it.

"I thought things would turn around and things would turn out well, but I didn't expect that I would still die!" Wu Tian sighed, but he didn't feel too sad. At his age, it's time to know his destiny. Life and death are not that scary.

Xiao Yueye quickly took out a porcelain bottle from her arms and distributed the pills inside to the people present: "Although it cannot detoxify, it can at least delay the effects of the poison. Lord Tian, is there really nothing we can do?"

Master Tian did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at the three disciples and shouted sternly: "Why don't you take the pills?"

One of them showed a faint smile: "Master, we have spent our whole lives in the Imperial Tomb. For us, the Imperial Tomb is like home. Now that the main office of the Imperial Tomb is turned on, no one can break in in the future. Come, our mission is over. Master, you two disciples are unfilial!"

The three of them showed miserable yet relieved smiles, twitched twice, and finally died.

Huge pain appeared on the faces of the three people in heaven and earth. They have no children and have always treated their three apprentices as their own sons. Who knew, who knew this would happen!

But this is not the time for them to be sad. I don’t know what kind of poisonous gas it is here, it’s very poisonous. Even with Xiao Yueye's pills, she still felt paralyzed in her body.

Master Tian shouted decisively: "Follow me!"

There is actually a secret passage from the imperial mausoleum to the guardian dragon. Over the years, the three people of heaven, earth, and people have been able to come and go freely through this secret passage. Otherwise, even if they know all the mechanisms, it will still take a long time to follow the original path.

Master Tian skillfully pushed open one of the coffin lids, stretched out his hand to spin a mechanism, and took the lead to jump in. The people came to the back of the hall and closed the coffin lid, and at the same time closed the mechanism to prevent the poisonous gas from spreading in.

Walking on the road, Xiao Yueye asked in a low voice: "What will happen to the imperial mausoleum in the future?"

Master Tian paused for a while, then said solemnly: "All the mechanisms are activated, and no one will intrude on the imperial mausoleum anymore."

Xiao Yueye stopped talking.

The group of people quickly passed through this secret passage, and the last place they appeared was Master Tian's dormitory. After everyone came out, a roaring sound came from the entrance of the secret passage. The last Lord Earth jumped up and said complicatedly: "The Dragon-breaking Stone has been cast. From now on, there will be no more imperial mausoleums."

Master Tian nodded.

Xiao Yueye supported Wu Tian and Zhou Dashan. The two were the weakest in skills and could no longer contain their toxicity.

"Quickly, go to my house!" Xiao Yueye said hurriedly.

He himself was poisoned, and now his only hope is Sister Rourou and Aunt Liu. (Quanben Novel Website