The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 349: A jade pendant


The capital city is prosperous, and if you want to find a quiet place in this land, you have to go to the remote suburbs. wWw!QunabEn!COm

In the current season, the weather is a little hot, and early summer is coming. The sun is just right, the warm sunshine shines on people, and the whole person feels refreshed. Hundreds of flowers are blooming, and the earthy smell of the roadside, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, enters through your nostrils faintly, and then spreads throughout the body.

This is a small road on the outskirts of the city. It is very narrow and cannot be passed by horse-drawn carriages. The roadside is full of wild flowers, probably because few people come here, so they grow very luxuriantly. Yin Caiju was very happy when she saw these flowers. She jumped up and down from time to time. After a while, she had picked a lot of wild flowers in her hands. She wore one on her head, which gave her a bit of a simple village girl vibe.

If it were normal times, Xiao Yueye would definitely joke a few times. But his current mood was completely opposite to the warm sunshine outside. He squatted down silently, thought for a while, and then started to pick some wild flowers.

When Rourou came, she had already guessed what Xiao Yueye meant. She quietly winked at Yin Caiju, and then followed her to pick some wild flowers.

The environment here is very quiet, which is not found in the capital. Not far away are mountains, green and endless as far as the eye can see. Although the surroundings are overgrown with weeds and there are many thorns, there is a faint path leading to the depths.

This place, strictly speaking, is remote. From here to the capital city, it is a full fifteen miles. Not to mention those dignitaries, even ordinary people are not willing to move their families here. And the deeper you go, the more thorns and rocks there are, making life here extremely inconvenient. So along the way, except for some mud houses in twos and threes in front, there were very few people around here.

But at this moment, not far away from Xiao Yueye and the others, a thin line of smoke was rising slowly, and then dispersed with the wind.

There, there was a very simple thatched hut, and you could vaguely see the fence outside the hut.

This is the destination of Xiao Yueye and the others.

Although the road was not easy to walk, it was not difficult for Xiao Yueye and the others. Walking to the house, Xiao Yueye stood quietly, looking at the hut in front of her, with unspeakable sadness in her eyes. He didn't speak, and Rourou and Yin Caiju also kept their mouths shut.

There was an unusual sound of wind around, but it quickly disappeared. Xiao Yueye knew that this was the bodyguard secretly protecting the mother and son here.

From the kitchen at hand, a woman with a slightly bulging belly came out holding a dustpan. She looked at Xiao Yueye and the others with some astonishment, then showed a faint smile: "Come in."

Xiao Yueye nodded, pushed open the fence and walked in. The woman sprinkled the rice in the dustpan on the ground, and the chickens all fought to eat it. After the woman finished her work, she smiled apologetically and led everyone into the house.

After Xiao Yueye and others sat down, he hurriedly stopped the woman from bringing tea and water: "Sister-in-law, that's no need. You are pregnant, so you'd better not work too hard."

There is only one person Xiao Yueye calls sister-in-law so far, and that is Ouyang Xiaohua's unmarried wife, Ye Shuang.

Ye Shuang didn't show any pretense, he bent down and sat down slowly. She was very calm, not as frustrated as others imagined, and looked as if nothing had happened. But from the fact that she refuses to accept help from others and insists on living here, we can know how much she misses Ouyang Xiaohua in her heart.

"Xiaoye, these two are your wives, right? They are so beautiful. Is this sister also pregnant?" Ye Shuang smiled faintly, and his eyes lit up when he saw Rourou's slightly bulging belly.

Rourou nodded: "Yes, counting the days, it has been four months."

"That's a little younger than this naughty boy in my family. The doctor said it's more than five months old." When mentioning the child, Ye Shuang's face showed the brilliance of motherhood, so soft and beautiful.

Since Xiao Yueye came here, her heart has been heavy.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to see Xiaohua, Rourou, and pick chrysanthemums. You stay here and stay with sister-in-law."

Rourou nodded, and handed the wild flowers she and Yin Caiju picked to Xiao Yueye.

Xiao Yueye walked to the back of the hut very familiarly, where a grave mound sat quietly.

This is Ouyang Xiaohua’s tomb.

Xiao Yueye gently placed the wild flowers in front of Xiaohua's tombstone and whispered: "Xiaohua, I'm here to see you."

Ouyang Xiaohua's grave is very clean, and there are many wild flowers blooming around it, which shows Ye Shuang's care. She was a woman, living with a child, and the hardships inside her were simply not accessible to outsiders. But she lived so strongly that she also survived Ouyang Xiaohua's share.

"Xiaohua, I'm sorry, I still have no clues about the murderer." Xiao Yueye sat down casually, as if chatting with a friend. But when he mentioned the murderer, the sadness on his face immediately turned into Jiuyou's anger, and that murderous aura stopped the bright sunshine.

"I don't know who the murderer is, but don't worry, Xiaohua, even if I spend my whole life, I will find him and avenge you!"

"Xiaohua, look at the huts here. Do you remember? This was a deserted place at that time. You dragged us together and came here to do hard work for you and cultivate the fields. Unfortunately, you can only look at it now, but you can't enjoy it. Everything.”

Xiao Yueye just chatted like this, lightly, as if Ouyang Xiaohua was still around. He started talking about Ouyang Xiaohua's death, and continued to talk about how he was now severely poisoned, about Su Jing's wedding, and about Ye Shuang's current strength.

He talked a lot, a lot. Even I didn't know that I was so good at talking. The wine he brought was sprinkled on the ground little by little, and the aroma was overflowing.

"This is your favorite drink, how about it? You haven't had it for a long time, are you feeling anxious?! Haha, I will give you a good drink today."

The wind is blowing gently, but what does not dissipate is the sorrow of separation. It's a pity that this separation is the separation of yin and yang.

Xiao Yueye suddenly felt that he was old, even though he was only twenty. Because of Ouyang Xiaohua's departure, he thought a lot, a lot. This is how people live their lives. They don't know how to cherish those around them. When they are lost, they don't have a chance.

What bothered Xiao Yueye the most was that despite all his efforts, he was still unable to track down Ouyang Xiaohua's murderer. This conflicting feeling of anger and powerlessness often left him exhausted.

He tried his best to help Ye Shuang within the scope of her acceptance. In fact, I just hope that I can do something for Ouyang Xiaohua. However, he couldn't do what he should do most.


Unfortunately, I don't have the slightest clue.

Sighing deeply, Xiao Yueye stood up: "Xiaohua, the next time I come to see you, it will be when I bring the murderer to pay homage to you."

He looked at the grave mound with complicated eyes and turned to leave.

In the room, Ye Shuang and Rourou are about to become mothers, so they have a lot of topics in common. Rourou understood Xiao Yueye's intention of bringing her here, so she always used the child as an excuse to let Ye Shuang live in Xiao Mansion. Unfortunately, Ye Shuang had made up her mind and refused.

Yin Caiju didn't understand these things, but after she went out for a walk, she held wild mushrooms, fresh fruits and so on in her hands. She was proficient in cooking and immediately went to the kitchen to cook some porridge for Ye Shuang.

When Xiao Yueye came in, Ye Shuang was slowly drinking porridge. It could be seen from the smile on her face that she and Rourou were having a great time talking. Moreover, Cai Ju’s porridge was irresistible to her.

The anti-fetal medicine that Rourou brought has been put aside. Ye Shuang insisted on not wanting the other gold, silver and jewelry, but left the anti-fetal medicine.

"Xiaoye," Ye Shuang put down the bowl in his hand, looking a little hesitant and hesitating to speak.

Xiao Yueye looked at her doubtfully: "Sister-in-law, if you need anything, just ask."

Ye Shuang frowned a few times and bit her lip fiercely, as if she was having trouble making up her mind about something. After a while, she turned around and walked into the back room and took out a small box.

In the box, a jade pendant was lying quietly.

"Sister-in-law, what is this?"

Ye Shuang's indifferent face revealed evil spirits for the first time. It was an indescribable smell. There is sadness, resentment, worry, and fear. All kinds of emotions are mixed together to form Ye Shuang's current expression.

She gently picked up the jade pendant and placed it in her palm: "This jade pendant was found on Xiaohua's body."

Xiao Yueye looked at the jade pendant carefully: "It's made of very good material. Such a small piece costs at least five hundred taels. Is this what Xiaohua gave to my sister-in-law? Ah, sister-in-law, don't you want to Is it for sale? Sister-in-law, if you need anything, you can tell me, don’t be polite. This jade pendant is Xiaohua’s relic and must not be sold!”

Ye Shuang raised her eyelids slightly and shook her head bitterly: "If it is his relic, how can I be willing to sell it? But, Xiaoye, do you think Xiaohua can afford this jade pendant?"

Xiao Yueye's heart suddenly thought: "Did Xiaohua steal it? Impossible! He would never do such a thing."

"Yeah, how could he steal other people's things and give them to me? So, what do you think this is?" Ye Shuang had a sad smile on his face and his hands trembled.

Xiao Yueye slammed her body on the table and stared at the jade pendant. He suddenly changed color, his eyes were red, and he was breathing deeply: "I know, I know!"

Ye Shuang gently placed the jade pendant in Xiao Yueye's hand, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. However, two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down and dripped on the clothes.

"Sister, what's wrong with Brother Xiao?" Yin Caiju was a little frightened by Xiao Yueye's current appearance, and asked nervously, pulling on Rourou's clothes.

Rourou shook her head solemnly, signaling her not to speak.

Xiao Yueye took a long time to recover. He looked at Ye Shuang in confusion: "Sister-in-law, why are you just now..." (Quanben Novel Network