The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 355: A major blow (Part 1)


Wei Tuozhou, Phoenix Tower. wWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.COm

This is the headquarters of the "Wine Meets a Bosom Friend" winery, where all the eye-catching decisions are discussed and then awarded. However, in the past two years, the business has gradually been on track, and it is rare to see everyone gathering all night to discuss. Today's gatherings are mostly focused on heart-to-heart conversations.

But this time, the Phoenix Tower closed the door, and all the girls stayed in the room, not daring to breathe.

There is a round table in the hall, with five people.

If outsiders saw this, they would all be shocked, because any one of the five people sitting here could cause a major earthquake in the business of Weituo Province and even Ling Province.

Yun Mengtian remained silent, his face was calm, but his rapid breathing and rolling eyes under his eyelids betrayed his mood at the moment. He was anxious, that was obvious. Over the past two years, Yun Mengtian has gone from a drunken young man to a tycoon who is now in charge of the business lifeline of a province. This is not only a transformation of his identity, but also a growth of his mentality. He has rarely been so impatient. "Drinking with a bosom friend" has gone through countless ups and downs to this day, but he has always been able to get through it with a smile. Not only is he confident, but also because he has a group of partners who care about each other and share life and death together.

But this time, he sat here blankly and didn't speak for a whole stick of incense. There was only one piece of paper on the table, a very thin piece of paper, but it was like a heavy weight weighing on everyone's hearts.

This depressing atmosphere made everyone breathless.

Among the five people, Yun Mengtian, Luo Mama, Lai San, and Lao Zhang were all the original old people, and there was also a boy who looked to be no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, with a fluffy beard growing on his chin.

The boy looks very young, but his solemn expression makes it easy for people to forget his age.

"Master, we can't sit still and wait for death."

Yun Mengtian opened his eyes gently, looked at the boy and smiled: "Of course we can't sit still and wait for death. But Luo Jiao, this matter cannot be solved easily. The doorway inside, haha, is quite deep."

Stopping Luo Jiao from continuing, Yun Mengtian looked at Luo Mama and the other three: "What do you think?"

Lao Zhang shrugged his shoulders at first: "Young Master Yun, I don't understand these business matters. I, Lao Zhang, am only responsible for making wine. You can take care of it."

Yun Mengtian nodded and looked at Lai San again. In the past three years, if the one who has changed the most among several people is none other than Lai San. Back then, this gangster who only knew how to fight and cause trouble, and led a group of scoundrels to roam the countryside, how could he still have the same ruffian look now? He was wearing a smart outfit, and his face had grown in shape over the years, making him look majestic. Coupled with his temperament cultivated by being in a high position for many years, I am afraid that even if Xiao Yueye saw him, he would not be able to recognize him at once.

Lai San studied under Zi Shu and suffered from his childhood experiences, so he has a very subtle murderous aura in his eyes. Just like he integrated the gangs in the entire Ling Province, he used blood to clear the way.

However, he has always been respectful to his own people.

"Young Master Yun, I, Lai San, am a rough man. I can fight. I'll leave this planning to you. However, most of the shit that those officials pooped was wiped by me, Lai San. If If you push us too hard, the odds are against us!" Those three words, which are true to one's profession, must be what he is talking about.

Mother Luo rolled her eyes at him dissatisfied: "Now that your identity is different, you still speak so vulgarly. Starting from tomorrow, you will come to my place for two hours every morning to study."

Lai San's face suddenly turned bitter. He asked himself whether he was afraid of the world or not, but those words that were as big as sesame made him feel dizzy.

"Aunt Luo..." At this time, Lai San showed the temperament he should have at this age, a little naive and a little coquettish.

Mother Luo snorted softly, expressing her attitude. Laizan could only sigh helplessly, shrinking his shoulders, looking depressed.

"Young Master Yun, even though Lai San speaks rudely, it is still a good idea. In the past three years, how many officials, large and small, in the entire Ling Province have confiscated our money? If we push too hard, it will be a dead end! Hmph!" Mother Luo slapped the table hard, causing the piece of paper to fly lightly. Yun Meng clamped it happily and held it in his hand.

"Mom Luo, Lai San's approach can only be something we have no other way to do." Yun Mengtian's voice was calm and she suppressed the emotions in her heart. He is the head of "Drinking with Friends". If he is in trouble, let alone the people below him.

"Master, what can you do?" Luo Jiao heard Yun Mengtian's voice and said hurriedly.

Yun Mengtian glanced at him, with a smile on his lips, but did not answer directly, but looked at the fluttering paper in his hand: "In the entire Ling Province, from top to bottom, 70% of the officials have united to suppress our 'wine with friends', okay It’s a big deal. Those other officials are also powerless and cannot protect themselves. I have been thinking about why we are in this situation? "

The other four people, obviously Yun Mengtian would ask such a strange question at such a critical moment.

Lai San was a little anxious: "Young Master Yun, it's not too late to wait until the matter is resolved! In just three days, we have lost a full twenty thousand taels! All the wineries, teahouses, and restaurants outside have Don’t dare to sell our wine anymore. If we continue like this for two days, the wine will be poured out when we meet our close friends!”

Yun Mengtian waved his hand: "We have been here for three years, and the entire wine industry in Ling Province has been controlled by me, 'Jiu Feng Zhiji'. The current loss is just a temporary surprise. Don't worry, in two days, no matter how tight the pressure from above is, , there are still people buying our wine! Don’t forget, some of our wines are the favorites of those officials! How long do you think those drunkards can tolerate it?”

"But even so, we still have to lose a lot of money! Didn't we also say that we want to expand the southern wine market? Now, where is the capital?"

Mother Luo looked at Yun Mengtian's expression, and then thought about the meaning of his words, her heart suddenly moved. She signaled Lai San to quiet down, and after a moment of silence she said: "Master Yun, I think the reason why we are in this situation is related to the sudden change of attitude of the officials above. Most of the Ling Province officials are in the same camp. The Prime Minister of the capital is of the same lineage, so I guess that the Prime Minister is involved here!"

"Prime Minister?" Lao Zhang exclaimed: "Why would he deliberately make things difficult for our winery when he is so superior?"

"I'm afraid, it's not us that he wants to make things difficult for, but the young master!" Mother Luo said slowly.

Master? ! These two words were like endless magic power, arousing all the emotions of those present. Lao Zhang's cloudy eyes suddenly became clear, and the excited tears in them flashed endlessly; Lai San's sluggish posture suddenly straightened up, and the words "How about I change your life" kept ringing in his ears. echoed. Even Yun Mengtian, who had always been calm and calm, his eyes suddenly shone with light, and his mouth smiled.

Luo Jiao looked at the few people in surprise. Every one of these giants in the winery was a well-known figure. But they all admired and admired the young master from the bottom of their hearts. This was not the first time Luo Jiao heard the word "young master" since he joined this small group. He could see that this young master held an incomparably high status among everyone, even the master he considered to be an amazing talent.

"Master, Aunt Luo, who is that young master?" Luo Jiao couldn't help but say.

Master? !

Yun Mengtian looked at the successor whom he had trained with his own hands, with a hint of warmth in his eyes: "Luo Jiao, the young master is the core of the entire Jiufeng Zhijian. Without him, there would be no current Jiufeng Zhijian, let alone us. I won’t tell you his name now. I will tell you when you are qualified to know it in the future.”

Luo Jiao clenched his fists and nodded fiercely.

"Okay, back to the story. Mother Luo is right. The one the prime minister wants to deal with should be the young master." Yun Mengtian nodded and said.

"But didn't the young master send someone to erase all the relationships between him and us?" Lai San frowned.

"As a prime minister, he naturally has his own abilities. It's not surprising that he can find out this."

"Think about it, the officials of Ling Province are basically like grasshoppers on the same rope as us. They all know in their hearts that if we don't have our close friends, the economy of the entire Ling Province will be in chaos. By then, let alone everyone. In these prosperous and prosperous days, it is still a question of whether we can save our lives! So although they are uniting to suppress us, they still have a chance to survive. Think about it, if the government sends people to destroy our wine jars or confiscate them. Our wine, then we really have no way to save ourselves." Yun Mengtian smiled lightly, but there was a composure in his eyes.

"But since the prime minister has intervened, the situation you mentioned may not happen. Mr. Yun, we still have to make plans early." Luo's mother frowned worriedly.

Yun Mengtian nodded: "I know. I have sent a letter to the young master about the matters here. But I think it is better for me to rush to the capital in person!"

"Yes, Mr. Yun, you are right. The winery has been hit hard now. It is best to go and report to the young master in person." Lao Zhang agreed repeatedly. (Quanben Novel Website