The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 357: Goodbye Jingde


Zhang Dehai was sitting on a chair in the study room. The windows and doors were all closed tightly. wWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.CoMThe room seemed a little eerie. On such a hot day, the lack of air circulation made the room smell stuffy. Sweat gathered in streams and slid down from Zhang Dehai's forehead.

But Zhang Dehai didn't even wipe it, and stared blankly at the desk in front of him.

The table was empty, and everything had been swept to the floor, except for a black post, squarely placed in the center of the desk.

There was a light knocking sound outside the door, and Zhang Dehai seemed to wake up at this moment. He was stunned for a while and said, "What's the matter?"

"Master, the lady in the palace sent news that the second prince left the palace to meet Xiao Yueye."

Zhang Dehai's eyebrows jumped when he heard Xiao Yueye and the other two people. After a while, he finally felt discouraged and said lazily: "I know."

He continued to sit on the chair and looked at the name card in front of him. With his hands trembling unnaturally, Zhang Dehai gently touched the name card, then opened it with a wry smile, a little lonely, and a little nervous expression.

There are three big characters on the line, which are very conspicuous: Mrs. Xiao. . . . . .

Zhang Dehai finished scanning the name card, which contained no more than a hundred words, with an expressionless expression, but seemed to have exhausted all his strength and leaned softly on the back of the chair.

He suddenly laughed, with a sad feeling: "Hahahaha, more than twenty years of management and more than twenty years of hard work, nothing can be done about God's will! I have played chess all my life, but I can't compete with other people's wonderful hands. Hahahaha, my Zhang family doesn’t have this fate after all!”

He shouted these words in a strange tone, which made the housekeeper who was guarding outside tremble in his heart and almost couldn't help but break into the house.

After a while, Zhang Dehai sighed softly. Looking at his face, it seemed as if he had aged ten years in an instant. He lit the huozhezi, burned the famous post, then threw it into the copper basin and watched it turn into ashes.

"Forget it, our Zhang family does not have this destiny after all, and we cannot force it. God is also merciful, allowing me to discover this secret in advance, so that I can change the situation in time and prevent the Zhang family from being completely defeated! With the conduct of the old general and the empress, If I help them with all my strength now, my Zhang family may not be able to move up to the next level!" He looked at the ashes and said in a low voice, as if he had figured out a lot.

Zhang Dehai leaned on the chair and closed his eyes. After a while, he regained his usual composure and said, "Prepare the sedan and go to the residence of Mr. Song, the Minister of War."

"Yes, sir."

. . . . . .

The "Warwick Building" in the west of the city is a very fancy restaurant.

Xiao Yueye stood outside the door, staring at the guard with big eyes, and finally both gave a knowing bitter smile. In this moment, Xiao Yueye seemed to have returned to the time when she first met Murong Jingde.

"Brother, if I remember correctly, you were the one who accompanied the second prince here, right?" Xiao Yueye heard the gasps in the room seem to be getting louder and louder, so she had no choice but to stay away. Walk somewhere.

The guard nodded respectfully. He might not have taken Xiao Yueye seriously back then, but now in the entire capital, who doesn't know that Xiao Yueye is the most popular person? Who doesn't know that Xiao Yueye is powerful and has the emperor's trust? How could he, a little bodyguard, dare to show off

Xiao Yueye patted him on the shoulder: "We are destined to meet each other, and our fate is still such a coincidence!"

He pointed at the room where the screams came from, and the meaning was self-evident.

Xiao Yueye indeed felt that fate was wonderful, but it could also be said that Murong Jingde's lustful nature was hard to change. The first time was also at Warwick Building. When he arrived here, it was the same place, the same guards, the two of them were staring at each other, waiting for Murong Jingde inside to finish venting his anger.

Unexpectedly, this time, it would still be the same.

Seeing how Xiao Yueye was suppressing a smile, the guard didn't know what he was thinking. But there's no way around it, Murong Jingde is a naturally lustful person. He had stayed in the palace for so long, and because he had a "criminal record," his mother and concubine placed many spies around him to ensure that Murong Jingde behaved himself. How did this make Murong Jingde suffer? In the past, he could go out of the palace every now and then to have some fun, but recently he was in the most tense period of his fight with Murong Gong. Every word and action was watched by countless people! Those people from Murong Gong's group were looking for opportunities to catch his pigtails, so he could only endure it.

This time, in the name of coming out to see Xiao Yueye, he could finally let off steam. But it seemed that the same was true for the first time the two met. But at that time, Murong Jingde was fighting against three women, but now he has restrained himself a little and only found one.

When Xiao Yueye came, many people who were spying on him had already been discovered. He had a good impression of Murong Jingde, so he easily got rid of these people.

The movement inside slowly stopped, and it seemed that this "battle" was finally over. Xiao Yueye curled her lips and smiled: "It seems that the second prince is quite powerful. Isn't it at least half a stick of incense?"

The guard almost choked on his saliva. How could he, a small guard, dare to talk about the prince's private affairs? It was still such a secret matter. He could only turn his head away and pretend not to hear.

Xiao Yueye shrugged her shoulders, and after the woman with a springy face and disheveled clothes came out, she saw the second prince with his muscular chest exposed.

As before, the two of them changed to a private room, and the guards stood outside to keep watch.

Murong Jingde stretched and wiped the sweat off his head: "Oh, I haven't felt this good for a long time! It's just too hot in this day. I've only been moving for a while and I'm already sweating!"

Xiao Yueye laughed softly: "That's also Jingde, you are so powerful!"

"This work is an exclusive text version and may not be reproduced without consent. For more latest and fastest chapters, please visit.! That's it!" Murong Jingde didn't know why, but he just liked Xiao Yueye. From the first time he saw it, Such is the time. That's why he was so unscrupulous and unscrupulous in front of Xiao Yueye.

"By the way, what a pity!" Murong Jingde said after taking a sip of water.

"What's a pity?"

"I originally thought you would be my brother-in-law! Who knew it was that rebellious guy Su Jing! Xiaoye, don't worry, one day, I will help you out!"

Xiao Yueye raised her eyebrows and shrugged indifferently: "You should take care of yourself! I can solve it!"

"Oh, that's right." If it were anyone else, Murong Jingde would have pulled him out and beheaded him long ago, but Xiao Yueye had this attitude from the first time he saw him, which made Murong Jingde feel very relaxed: "You are the father now." The emperor’s favorite, even unpredictable people can’t deal with you, haha! How awesome, Xiaoye. My mother-in-law is nagging in my ear every day, asking me to get to know you well and try to win you to our side. I wanted to come to you, but when she said this, I was not happy. "

Xiao Yueye was moved in her heart. Murong Jingde seemed to be contradicting what he said, but in fact he regarded himself as a friend. That's why he was unwilling to add these interests to the friendship between the two of them.

He frankly said some things that he couldn't say, which was enough to show his sincerity. If it were anyone else, Xiao Yueye might still wonder whether the other party was playing the emotional card.

But Murong Jingde was different. After Xiao Yueye took over the Dragon Guard, she checked his information carefully. He is absurd, a person so absurd that he dares to invade the harem. He is also a very smart and calculating person. He knew that Murong Liuyun had been using him since he was a child, so he became even more cynical.

For a person like him, the fact that he was born in the royal family was the greatest harm to him.

He doesn't have much ambition, he likes women, he likes to have fun, and he is destined to be rich and noble. If he was given a choice, he would rather be a rich prince and live in a dream.

Unfortunately, he can't.

Xiao Yueye sighed inwardly, but the smile on his face remained: "You came out this time just to play with women, right?"

"Correct answer!" Murong Jingde snapped his fingers: "I came out just to find a woman. As you know, there are eyes everywhere in the palace. I've been holding it in for so long!"

"It's not like there aren't any outside." Xiao Yueye thought of the eyeliners she had conveniently packed away.

Murong Jingde laughed softly and said nonchalantly: "You think I'm stupid! With you here, what should I be afraid of? If I guessed correctly, you would have eliminated those informants long ago, right?"

You know that this guy is not as simple as he looks on the outside. In fact, he is thoughtful and resourceful. Xiao Yueye said angrily: "You will save trouble."

"Friends are just for sale, haha!" Murong Jingde said this as if to show off, and the small wine bottles next to him poured a glass for himself and Xiao Yueye.

"Well, good wine!" He made an intoxicated expression on his face and took a sip.

Xiao Yueye took a sip, and it was indeed good. It was sweet and delicious, not strong or spicy. Compared with the northern spirits he was used to, it had a different taste.

"It's really good."

"Come on, Xiaoye, do it!"

Xiao Yueye smiled, drank the wine in one gulp, picked up the wine bottle, and filled it with Murong Jingde. As for himself, he only filled half the glass. He was not used to such sweet wine.

Murong Jingde played with the wine glass and suddenly said: "Xiaoye, do you think it would be good to be the emperor?"

Xiao Yueye shrugged, noncommittal: "I am the only one in the world. That's good!"

"Haha, you are talking about a foolish king. In the future, someone will poke his spine, dig up his grave and whip his corpse." Murong Jingde said angrily. He looked at the wine glass in his hand and drank it all in one gulp: "What's the good thing about being an emperor? The word power has tied you tightly to the throne and you can't move. If you do well, people will praise you and say good things about you. You are a good emperor, but if you are not good at it, people will accuse you of rebelling against you. Haha. Let’s just say that my father is a wise emperor in history, right? It's never been more than two hours. If he hadn't been so powerful, he would have fallen long ago. Even if he was such a wise man, there would still be people scolding him. But if he indulged himself like the previous emperor, what's the point? **Imperial Palace" (Quanben Novel Network