The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 363: All good things come hard


"Help? What's going on?" Xiao Yueye asked curiously. WWw,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,Com

Dong Xiaowan pulled Ge Ruifang and motioned for the latter to speak. Ge Ruifang was not shy and said loudly: "Actually, it is about our Aunt Jing and Mr. Gu. Master Xiao, you should also be able to see that Mr. and Aunt are actually Lang You's lover. But there seems to be a gap between the two. Something like that. Xiaowan and I are really not in a hurry. Recently, for some reason, my husband and my aunt seem to be avoiding each other. My husband drinks every day to relieve his worries, and my aunt has become much more haggard. There is no way, so I came to ask Master Xiao for help."

Xiao Yueye cried out in her heart, feeling ashamed. I should be damned if I haven't discovered anything like this these days. In fact, it's no wonder that he was there. Mr. Gu and Aunt Liu spent less time in Xiao Mansion than Dong Xiaowan. Moreover, they usually go to Mrs. Xiao or that girl in the heart, and they rarely meet Xiao Yueye. In addition, this situation happened to the two of them recently, so Xiao Yueye didn't know about it.

There is an ambiguity between Mr. Gu and Aunt Liu, which Xiao Yueye has known for a long time. But he also curiously asked Mrs. Xiao, but Xiao Yueye laughed and refused to talk. Now, listening to Ge Ruifang's tone, the problem seemed to be a bit big, and it seemed that I had to go back and ask my mother what happened.

The sky was getting cloudier and gloomier. After Xiao Yueye promised the two of them that they would find a solution, they hurried back to the house.

"Mom, what's the problem between Mr. Gu and Aunt Liu?" Xiao Yueyue asked straightforwardly as soon as she entered Mrs. Xiao's house.

There is a refreshing smell in the house, which makes people feel refreshed as soon as they smell it. The irritability caused by the hot weather also seems to disappear.

Mrs. Xiao raised her eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Yueye, then poured him a cup of Pu'er: "Why do you think of asking about this today?"

Repeating Ge Ruifang's words, Xiao Yueye took a sip of tea and suddenly felt that her internal organs were relaxed.

“Good tea!”

Mrs. Xiao smiled faintly, and then frowned: "I didn't pay attention to it. The two of them, hey, are old things in the past, and they are still entangled in each other."

"Mom, tell me what is going on," Xiao Yueye shouted.

Mrs. Xiao gave him a loving look: "You are already a father, and you still act like a spoiled child, so you don't make people laugh."

"Even if I become a father, I am still your son. Mom, tell me, what are the past events between my husband and Aunt Jing?" Xiao Yueye was really curious. What kind of past events can keep each other entangled for more than twenty years

Mrs. Xiao's eyes flashed, and she pondered for a moment before slowly speaking: "This story is quite long to tell. Before that, I will tell you about the major forces under my control back then. First, the Four Guards of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, you all Got it. In addition, although Jing'er was just a little bit, she became an ear to me in this land of fireworks. Liu Dexi, who was by the emperor's side, was also serving me. In addition, there is another person you may not have heard of. Come on, Aunt Ying.”

"Aunt Ying?" Xiao Yueye frowned and thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"Like Liu Dexi, Aunt Ying served me and was my confidant. Now in the palace, the eunuchs are under the control of Liu Dexi, and the maids are under the supervision of Aunt Ying. Although Aunt Ying is just a tutor, in fact, Even the Queen Mother can't touch her. The two of them are like another ear in my palace."

"Oh, is Mr. Jing's relationship with Aunt Jing related to that Aunt Ying?" Xiao Yueye guessed by drawing inferences.

Mrs. Xiao smiled softly: "It is indeed related to Aunt Ying, but to be precise, it should be related to Aunt Ying's sister. Back then..."

It turns out that Liu'er and Jing'er were the maids Mrs. Xiao grew up with. Jing'er met Gu Yao when they were young, and the two were childhood sweethearts. However, when Gu Yao grew up, although he also liked Jing'er, due to his young age and arrogance, he often flirted with women and lingered in places where fireworks were played. Jing'er was naturally very angry. Later, Liu'er followed Mrs. Xiao into the palace, and Jing'er was so angry that she built the "Mengying Tower" on the bank of Fengyue River. With Mrs. Xiao's power behind her and Jing'er's own abilities, the "Mengying Studio" was naturally a success.

At that time, if there were no exceptions, Gu Yao would slowly calm down the prodigal son, and the two of them would soon be together.

But at that time, Gu Yao met Aunt Ying's sister, Mei Yun'er.

Aunt Ying only has one sister, and she has been frail and sick since childhood, so she begs Jing'er to help take care of her sister. Jing'er naturally agreed and took Mei Yun'er to the "Mengying Studio" for recuperation.

At that time, Gu Yao was young, energetic and famous. His suave, handsome appearance and rich knowledge have naturally won the hearts of many girls. And Mei Yun'er is also one of them.

Mei Yun'er has been dependent on Aunt Ying since she was a child. Later, after her sister entered the palace, she could be described as "living on". If Aunt Ying hadn't had a trustworthy neighbor who really took care of Mei Yun'er, she would have died long ago.

Later, she was taken to the "Dream Photo Studio". Gu Yao also lives in the "Mengying Studio". Because of his relationship with Aunt Ying, he takes more care of this "sister". It is undeniable that Mei Yun'er's "sickly beautiful" temperament did deeply attract Gu Yao for a while.

The two of them can be considered to have feelings.

But in Jing'er's eyes, it was natural that she was heartbroken. She ran to the palace and cried. At that time, Mrs. Xiao asked Gu Yao out and told him frankly that if he wanted Jing'er, then he should restrain his flirtatious temper. If he can't guarantee that he will be devoted to Jing'er, then he should leave Jing'er as soon as possible and cut off this relationship.

Gu Yao was confused and in pain for almost a month because of this ultimatum. He didn't know what to choose. He was only sixteen years old at the time, and he was in his prime, the age to be wild and romantic!

Later, when Jing'er saw how painful his decision was, she was so sad that she even sought death. If Tan Gonghu hadn't happened to be in the "Mengying Tower" at that time, I'm afraid that when Liu'er arrived, there would be no way to save the day.

After almost losing Jing'er, Gu Yao finally woke up from his dream and understood who was most important to him.

Since then, he has changed his mind, turned back as a prodigal son, and no longer hangs around flowers and causes trouble. Of course, he treated Mei Yun'er with a little more courtesy and scruples. Mei Yun'er is a very sensitive and smart girl, she can see all this. But where love is, can it be broken off at the drop of a hat

She confessed to Gu Yao, but Gu Yao explained that Jing'er was the only one in her heart.

But who knew that Mei Yun'er would vomit blood and die that night because of her depression and her weak body.

This is a tragedy that no one could have imagined. Tan Gonghu was in the "Mengying Studio" at that time. If he had appeared in advance, he might have come back to life. However, Mei Yun'er wanted to be alone that night and beat the maid out. When she found the body the next day, her body was already cold.

Mei Yun'er's death became the biggest pain in Gu Yao and Liu'er's hearts. Both of them were blaming themselves. It was because of themselves that they killed Mei Yun'er.

Aunt Ying, who knew the news, couldn't accept it for a while and almost committed suicide. Although she was rescued, she could not forgive Gu Yao and Jing'er.

In this way, Mei Yun'er's death, after years of precipitation, became the biggest knot in the hearts of Gu Yao and Jing'er.

"...That's it. In fact, later on, Aunt Ying came to the same understanding and no longer blamed Gu Yao and Jing'er. But these two people blamed themselves for Mei Yun'er's death. So, Even though they were in love with each other for so many years, they could not forgive themselves. If this knot was not untied, the two of them would continue to be like this for the rest of their lives, and among the two, Gu Yao was the one who blamed himself the most. . Now, do you understand?" Mrs. Xiao sighed quietly, sighing for the hard work of the two of them.

"I didn't expect that there are so many inside stories here. But, why did Mr. and Aunt Jing suddenly get into such trouble recently? In the past, it was considered normal!" Xiao Yueye said doubtfully.

"This mother doesn't know. In this case, I will ask Liu'er to ask, and maybe she will know." Mrs. Xiao thought about it and said.

Xiao Yueye nodded. Novel .bsp; In the evening, Aunt Liu hurried back and told the two of them what happened some time ago.

It turned out that the three weddings in the Xiao Mansion had touched Aunt Jing's heart. After all, she is a woman, and a woman in her late forties. How much youth can a woman squander in her lifetime? What's more, she felt very tired holding the entire "Dream Photo Studio" by herself.

So she expressed her feelings after drinking.

Her confession, which was almost a proposal, was met with Gu Yao's long silence. In the end, Gu Yao just said sorry and turned around to leave.

Aunt Liu, burst into tears. She finally understood that even if she let go of Mei Yun'er's knot, Gu Yao would never be able to let it go.

This resulted in an unusual scene between the two of them recently.

"Miss, I was almost shocked when I saw Jing'er. She was so haggard. It seems that this incident had a huge impact on her." Aunt Liu said worriedly.

"Hey, these two people! Jing'er almost died back then before they could get together. But because of Mei Yun'er's incident, they finally missed it. This is really hard work! The two of them are not young anymore, and now they are in such trouble, I'm afraid There is really no other way." Mrs. Xiao also sighed and said regretfully.

Xiao Yueye's eyes lit up: "Mom, Aunt Liu, I have an idea."

"What can we do?" they all said in unison.

Xiao Yueye raised a smile confidently: "Since Mr. Gu suddenly realized it because he almost lost Aunt Liu back then, then naturally we can repeat our old tricks, like this..."

. . . . . .

It is impossible to verify whether Fengyue River was named after Fengyue Street. But one thing is certain, the scope of Fengyue River is far more than what the world says.

The lower reaches of Fengyue River gradually left the hustle and bustle of the capital and found a sense of tranquility. It's early morning, the air is fresh, both sides of the river are green and the scenery is beautiful.

Next to the woods, a painting boat was quietly leaning on the shore.

In the painting boat, two people, a bottle of wine, looked at each other in silence.

Aunt Jing smiled bitterly, stretched out her hand to pour two glasses of wine, and said, holding back her heartache, "Gu Yao, today I invite you to drink this glass of wine. From now on, I, Jing'er, will never pester you again. From now on, we are just ordinary friends.”

Gu Yao's body trembled violently. He didn't know whether it was because of the boat or because of his mood. He looked at Jing'er complicatedly, the sadness and pain in his eyes could not be concealed at all. And the expectation in Aunt Jing's eyes was also very obvious.

However, after a while, Gu Yao still reached out to pick up the wine glass and smiled bitterly: "Jing'er, I have failed you in this life."

He drank the wine in one gulp, put down the glass, and remained silent.

Tears flowed down her cheeks quietly. Aunt Jing sniffed her nose, showed a sad smile, and finished the wine.

The strange and even suffocating silence returned between the two of them.

Aunt Jing secretly wiped away her tears and turned around to walk out of the cabin. Gu Yao looked at her back and felt a wave of pain in his heart.

Jing'er, I, Gu Yao, am sorry for you in this life.


Looking dreamily at Aunt Jing's fluttering figure on the bow of the boat, Gu Yao felt so sad that it was simply indescribable.

At this moment, Gu Yao suddenly saw a stream of light flying in the direction of their ship. His eyes were about to burst, and he yelled: "No!"

The voice that fell into my dreams every night groaned and fell on the bow of the boat, turning to look at me. The lips that opened and closed seemed to want to say something. Her right hand was feebly touching something on the ground.

Gu Yao hurried to Penetration and looked at the arrow standing straight on Aunt Jing's chest. The arrow had penetrated deep into Aunt Jing's chest, and blood was flowing outward from the left hand she was covering.

"No, Jing'er, no." Gu Yao was stunned for a moment. He wanted to pull out the arrow, but he didn't dare. He hugged Aunt Jing helplessly, his clothes soaked with blood.

"Jing'er, no, Jing'er, don't leave me. Hold on, you must hold on. Let's go find Liu'er and Tan Gong. They will definitely save you." Gu Yao held Aunt Liu's hand tightly. The right hand said with unsteady breathing.

Aunt Jing shook her head, with a faint smile on her face. She stretched out her right hand full of blood to touch Gu Yao's face, and said intermittently: "I can... I can die in your arms... . . . I, I am, very, satisfied.”

"No, you won't die. I won't let you die, Jing'er, Jing'er. Just hold on, let's go back and find Liu'er to save you. You'll be fine." Gu Yao shouted crazily.

Aunt Jing coughed a few times, and a trace of blood flowed from her mouth: "I can't, I can't. Gu, Gu Yao, it's a pity, it's a pity that I can't be, can't be, your bride..."

Gu Yao hugged her tightly: "Jing'er, Jing'er, you don't want to die, please don't die. As long as you survive, we will get married immediately, and we will get married when we get back, okay? Jing'er, Jing'er!"

"Are you serious?" Aunt Jing's eyes lit up and her voice suddenly became full of anger.

Gu Yao didn't notice anything, thinking that Aunt Jing was having a flashback, and immediately burst into tears.

The man sheds tears easily because he has not reached the sad point.

Aunt Jing's half-closed eyes rolled slightly: "You, you can't lie to me."

"I swear, I swear, Jing'er, as long as you survive, we will get married right away. Please, you must hold on."

"Gu Yao, I, I, want to hear you say you love me..." Aunt Jing's voice became lower and lower, and her eyes almost closed.

Gu Yao was horrified: "No, no, open your eyes, open them! Don't sleep, don't sleep. Jing'er, I love you, I love you, wake up quickly. Please, wake up quickly Come here!”

"Say I love you again." Aunt Jing said loudly, full of smile.

"I love you, eh?" Gu Yao finally realized something was wrong. Aunt Jing, who was dying, actually sat up with a smile on her face and looked straight at him.

"You, you, Jing'er, you?" He stretched out his trembling hands and looked at Aunt Jing in disbelief.

"What am I? Tell me you love me. Also, you said that if I live, you will marry me." Aunt Jing smiled proudly.

"Did you lie to me?" Gu Yao understood immediately.

The sound of laughter came from the woods, and a group of people filed out, led by Mrs. Xiao. And the one who smiled happily was naturally Xiao Yueye.

Gu Yao sighed, dumbfounded by Aunt Jing. But what was more in his heart was a feeling of relief.

"Jing'er, you are really..." Gu Yao shook his head, his expression a little unswerving.

"What's wrong with me?" Aunt Jing pulled him tightly: "You just said it yourself, and everyone heard it. As long as I survive, you will marry me. You can't regret it."

Mrs. Xiao said lightly: "Gu Yao, how did you feel when Jing'er was about to die? You should still remember it now, right? Fortunately, this is a lie. Could it be that Jing'er is really going to die? You Have you just let go of your worries? By then, I’m afraid you’ll regret it!”

Gu Yao trembled, took a deep look at Mrs. Xiao, then looked at Jing'er who was covered in blood, and sighed softly. After a while, he laughed and hugged Aunt Jing into his arms: "I'm sorry."

Aunt Jing burst into tears of joy.

After a long time, Gu Yao stood up and looked at Xiao Yueye with a smile on his face: "My guess is right. This is all your idea, right?"

"Sir, you are smart." Xiao Yueye said with a smile.

Gu Yao touched the "blood" on his hand, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled: "Is it pig blood?"

Xiao Yueye nodded proudly: "The blood pack was placed on Aunt Jing's body. Did you see this arrow? The arrow in front has been cut off, leaving only the arrow body. I shot Aunt Jing in the chest in the woods The blood in the blood bag in front naturally flowed out, while Aunt Jing held the arrow with her left hand to prevent it from falling. "

"You calculated well. What a joke! Jing'er doesn't know martial arts. Even if she doesn't have an arrow, what if she gets hurt?" Gu Yao said dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, sir, Aunt Jing brought a breast shield beforehand!" Xiao Yueye thought of everything to make sure nothing went wrong.

Gu Yao was really helpless, but after this game, although the knot in his heart was not completely resolved, it no longer affected the relationship between him and Jing'er.

Xiao Yueye was still planning to hold a wedding for them, but who knew that the two of them didn't care about these false things at all. They chose a different day than a chance one, and they became husband and wife on the spot, with heaven and earth as the witness. (