The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 364: Literacy program


Jinluan Palace. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoM

After Murong Liuyun waited for the courtiers to report everything, he took out a memorial from the table and said seriously: "Dear sirs, do you know what memorial I am holding in my hand?"

"I don't know."

Murong Liuyun smiled faintly: "Liu Dexi, please pass this memorial on to all your dear friends for a closer look."

It was said that I was passing it on to all my dear friends, but in fact, the people who passed by were just the few in front. However, after reading this, every courtier's expression changed drastically and they fell into deep thought. And some of the veterans actually had tears in their eyes and were extremely excited.

The memorial was passed around once and returned to Murong Liuyun's hands. He said seriously: "What do you think, dear friends, of what is said in the memorial?"

"Back to the emperor, if we can follow the instructions in the memorial, it will really be a blessing to the thousands of people of our Murong Dynasty!" Mo Zhiqi knelt down first and said loudly. There was nothing false in his words.

Several other ministers also stepped forward to express the same view as Mo Zhi. What was rare was that neither Zhang Dehai nor Song Chuan opposed him.

Murong Hui took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, although what the memorial says is inspiring, it lacks detailed plans and steps. It is quite difficult to implement it!"

Murong Liuyun smiled faintly and scanned the ministers. Some ministers also expressed this concern. But how could Mo Zhi and the other veterans not understand that the Emperor and Prince Zhao were in harmony? If there were no plans and steps, would the emperor show them to everyone

Seeing everyone's reactions deeply in his eyes, Murong Liuyun smiled: "King Zhao and all my dear friends, please don't worry. The Qing family who submitted this memorial have already made detailed plans. Send an order and announce that Xiao Yueyue will go to the palace. "

"The Emperor has decreed that Xiao Yueye should go to the palace!" The eunuch's unique voice was passed on one by one, and soon, Xiao Yueye, dressed in official uniform, strode forward and bowed in salute.

Regarding Xiao Yueye's appearance, Mo Zhi and others were not too surprised. When they saw the memorial for the first time, they vaguely guessed that it must be Xiao Yueye's fault.

Although except for Zhang Dehai, no one else understands Xiao Yueye's strength. But after such a long time, everyone understood why the emperor believed in Xiao Yueye so much.


The talent in Xiao Yueye's heart was simply unheard of and unseen. Today's memorial alone has impressed many adults.

Even if it is unpredictable, personal grudges aside, he will give a thumbs up.

Xiao Yueye was still wearing the official uniform of a COSCO ambassador, no matter how she looked at it, it was dazzling. If you really think that he is just a COSCO envoy with a lower official rank, you are a fool.

Zhang Dehai took the initiative and gave Xiao Yueye a friendly smile, but the latter was stunned for a moment.

"Xiao Aiqing, please give your literacy plan to all my dear friends and talk about it in detail."

"We obey the order. Dear ministers, Xiaguan's plan is actually inspired by his own thoughts. Xiaguan was born in Jianghu, and saw the suffering of the people. He couldn't even provide food and clothing for three meals, let alone read the books of saints? A person who doesn't study, Being illiterate is equivalent to being blind and illiterate. Aren't there so many cases and so many tragedies all over the country caused by the ignorance of the world? If the mind sees wisdom, wouldn't the world be more peaceful?"

"There is an elder in Xiaguan who has held volunteer schools for more than ten years, specializing in teaching poor children to read and read. The power of one person may be limited, but the effect and influence are great. So Xiaguan came up with this literacy plan."

"The literacy plan will first use the capital as a test site and then gradually spread throughout the country. The imperial court will decree to build private schools and hire teachers to give poor children who cannot afford private schools a chance to study. This plan is not to allow everyone to Everyone becomes a scholar, and everyone becomes a Confucian scholar. But I hope that ordinary people can learn more about the ways of saints, which is also very beneficial to themselves and the court. At the same time, this is also a process of selecting talents. If there are some with superior qualifications. If you have children, then we will focus on teaching them so that they can learn more and more deeply and report to the court in the future.”

"Your Majesty, ministers and ministers, you think that when these children grow up, they will definitely be grateful to the imperial court. One of them is small, but what about thousands of them? As long as our private school can continue to operate, the people of the country will be grateful to the emperor. The imperial court is full of gratitude, so why should we, the Murong Dynasty, worry about it for generations to come?"

Xiao Yueye saluted Murong Liuyun and stopped talking. He just used some language skills to mobilize the pride and longing in everyone's hearts.

Yes, if all the people in the world are grateful to the imperial court, why should they worry? Why should the Murong Dynasty worry about eternity

Everyone's eyes changed suddenly, and the eyes looking at Xiao Yueye were even more complicated.

Murong Liuyun smiled heartily: "Haha, that's good! My dear friends, what do you think of Xiao Aiqing's plan?"

How can I see it? Anyone with any sense would never raise objections on such an occasion!

If you object, does that mean you don’t want the Murong Dynasty to last forever? No matter who you are, once you are charged with such a crime, you will definitely die.

Besides, Xiao Yueye’s plan is also very good! The literacy program is truly amazing! If it really develops in the direction Xiao Yueye said, then the Murong Dynasty will reach a higher level in ten years.

"Your Majesty, what Mr. Xiao said is very polite. I am here to congratulate Your Majesty. The country of Murong Dynasty will surely be immortal for thousands of generations." Zhang Dehai said first, which made people look at him.

Murong Liuyun touched his beard and laughed happily. Although it's strange why this old guy seems to have changed his personality, but judging from the current situation, this is always a good thing.

Unexpectedly, he curled his lips secretly, but not to be outdone, he congratulated loudly.

Suddenly, the entire Jinluan Palace was filled with congratulatory sounds.

After calming down, Hubu Shangcai stepped forward with a hesitant look on his face: "Your Majesty, I have something to report to you."


"Back to the Emperor, according to Master Xiao, if such free private schools are held nationwide, it will definitely cost a huge amount of money. The national treasury will be exhausted, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

Murong Liuyun's face suddenly sank, and he sighed: "This is a problem."

"Your Majesty," Xiao Yueye stepped forward and said loudly, "Wei Chen has a good plan."

"Oh, Xiao Aiqing always speaks out." Murong Liuyun smiled happily.

Xiao Yueye raised her head and said loudly: "Back to the emperor, wealthy businessmen can be seen everywhere in the world. Many of them are dedicated to reporting to the court, but they have no chance. This time, the emperor issued an edict to announce the construction of a free private school. We can invite tenders and take a town as a unit. As long as the full name of the business name is subsidized, we will specially record it. The emperor will send people to announce it to the world and give some rewards. In this way, we can save money and mobilize the enthusiasm of businessmen across the country. Moreover, literacy is a long-term undertaking and cannot be accomplished overnight. As the saying goes, it takes ten years to cultivate trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. If you want to achieve the goal that Wei Chen said, you have to do it step by step. "

"Well, what Xiao Aiqing said makes sense. Call on all the businesses in the world to donate money to support private schools, and then I will publicly praise you and give you some rewards. It is indeed a way to kill two birds with one stone. However, the levels of business houses in the world are different, and it is inevitable that there will be people who are trying to gain fame and reputation, and hide the truth. This what can we do about it?"

"Back to the emperor, I would like to see the imperial court set up a special yamen to take charge of this matter. As long as regular inspections are carried out, there will naturally be no situation that the emperor is worried about." Murong Hui said loudly.

Murong Liuyun was overjoyed: "What the emperor said is that one or two people can be transferred from each yamen in the imperial court to form a new yamen. Well, let's call it the Ministry of Education."

"The Emperor's Holy Ming!" All fools understand that today it is the Emperor and King Zhao plus Xiao Yue who sing three reeds at night. What can they say

However, some quick-thinking people have already come up with the idea of the Ministry of Education. They are specifically responsible for the "Literacy Project". At the same time, they are also responsible for the business bidding. In other words, the oil and water here is rare and fertile among the major departments of the imperial court!

Murong Liuyun smiled softly and saw the expressions of everyone below. Since he had thought everything out, how could he not be prepared? "

"Xiao Yueye!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"From today on, I will appoint you as the Minister of Education, with a title of first rank, on the same level as the six ministers."

Xiao Yueye felt helpless. He actually had no intention of becoming the Minister of Education, but he had no choice but to agree to Murong Liuyun's insistence.

"Thank you Lord for your grace."

"Su Jing!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"You are the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and you also serve as the minister of the Ministry of Education."

"I thank you Lord for your kindness." Su Jing replied expressionlessly.

"Zhang Tao!"

"Wei Chen is here!" Zhang Tao was obviously stunned.

"From today on, I will appoint you as the Minister of Education. At the same time, you will still serve as the commander of the Gyeonggi Defense Force."

"Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty." Zhang Tao shouted happily and glanced at his father.

"As for other relevant personnel of the Ministry of Education, three provinces and six ministries, please negotiate and submit a list."

"According to the order!"

In this way, Xiao Yueye's momentary heartbeat created the seventh department of the Murong Dynasty, the Ministry of Education.

It was also from this time that the three provinces and six ministries became a thing of the past, replaced by the three provinces and seven ministries.

And Xiao Yueye was the first Minister of Education in history.

Xiao Yueye, Su Jing, and Zhang Tao, the oldest is only twenty-eight years old. The establishment of this position also means that the stage for the younger generation has begun.

And the forces behind the three people have their own ideas about today's morning court. . . . . . (Quanben Novel Website