The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 368: Officially opened


Xiao Yueye's original plan was to hold her wedding in this unique brothel, the best in the world. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. When the time comes, cOM will do a lot of things and make it known to everyone. In this way, he also lived up to the affection of several women who followed him without any regrets.

However, this idea was not recognized by the elders. Especially Mr. Zhao and his wife, as elderly people, some of their ideas are very traditional and stubborn. In their view, the brothel was, after all, a third-rate place, and it was unbearable to hold a sacred wedding.

On this point, Xiao Yueye could understand. As for the three Yansha girls, they don't really care about where the wedding is held or the size of the wedding. What they care about is being able to be with Xiao Yueye, the rest is just a ritual.

Mrs. Xiao also expressed her opinion. She actually didn't care and didn't care about these false names. But she still hopes that Xiao Yueye can obey the opinions of her elders.

Xiao Yueye thought about it for a while and finally decided to have a traditional and simple wedding at home. As long as the family is happy together, there is no need for those official articles.

Indeed, Xiao Yueye also understood. Marriage is your own business, there is no need to make it look like everyone is celebrating it. If the wedding of Su Jing and Murong Xiu turned into a high-level exchange meeting, it would really lose Xiao Yueye's original intention.

A few months ago, the mistress and the fourth had a wedding, and the things needed for the wedding were all ready-made at home.

Choosing an auspicious day, beating gongs and drums all day long, Xiao Yueye married three wives at once. Although the wedding was very low-key, the hearts of the newlyweds were filled with infinite happiness.

This wedding was held a little differently, because in my heart, this little girl always made a fuss and pestered her mother, almost making her unable to attend the ceremony, which made Xiao Yueye's teeth itch with hatred.

After the wedding, everything returned to calm. After all, the family has lived for so long, and the wedding is just a process, or a ritual.

But if there was a change, it was Xiao Yueye's heart. He now pays more attention to his family. I rarely have to worry about the chores outside. For example, at the Ministry of Education, he is happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper, as long as he has a few important links firmly in his hands.

Today's winter has come earlier than in previous years, which has made many people worried, fearing that there will be a snowstorm like last year.

However, Xiaoxue paused occasionally to let these hanging hearts return to the chest.

The capital city with falling snowflakes seemed to have a different kind of beauty. On such a beautiful night, the Fengyue River was brightly lit and full of people. The crowd blocked the road, making three circles inside and three circles outside. Some dignitaries couldn't squeeze into the sedans, so they had no choice but to get off the sedans and walk, protected by servants.

Xiao Yueye's brothel is still shrouded in that tight black cloth. But tonight, everyone knows that Xiao Yueye's brothel is about to open. In the past, even the light could not penetrate the black cloth, but tonight the outline inside was faintly visible. But it was this hazy feeling that lifted everyone's hearts to their throats.

Most of the people who gathered in front of the brothel to watch were young people. These dandy boys like to hang out in the land of fireworks, drink and have fun, and look for flowers and willows. The dozen or so brothels along Fengyue River have been visited by them for a long time. Now, the legendary Xiao Yueye actually opened a brothel, why didn't they let them hear about it

What's more, these old people have also heard more or less rumors that several brothels with Song Chuan and Zhang Dehai behind them have all closed down in the past two days, and it is said that Xiao Yueye's brothel is the owner. In other words, the power behind this brothel is incredible!

Xiao Yueye stood in front, looking at the anxious and chattering crowd, and smiled softly: "Everyone, Xiao's brothel is open today. You are welcome to come and have a drink and have fun. If you want to brag about yourself, Xiao will not say much. As long as everyone enters , you will see for yourself. However, before that, Xiao needs to explain three points.”

His whole body was full of momentum, and under the light of the fire, his figure stretched infinitely, and a menacing aura covered the entire place.

"First, anyone who enters our No. 1 brothel in the world will pay twenty taels of silver to enter the building."

"Second, anyone who enters our No. 1 brothel in the world is not allowed to cause trouble. Violators will bear the consequences."

"Third, any girl in my building who is unwilling to accept guests must not force her to do so. Anyone who violates this will be responsible for the consequences."

The pot suddenly exploded underneath. Xiao Yueye's three demands, except maybe the second one which is normal, the others are unbearable.

The entry fee is twenty taels? Is this too high

In this way, it is equivalent to at least half of the people present having to weigh their wallets and leave with regret.

Of course, this does not include those nobles, princes, grandsons, and wealthy families. For these people, there is no difference between twenty taels and one penny.

But the one about not causing trouble is understandable. Moreover, those who knew the details about Xiao Yueye were even secretly happy. When drinking and having fun, the biggest fear is that someone will cause trouble. But what Xiao Yueye said today is here. If I lend you some courage, you don’t dare to violate it!

Otherwise, do you think you are unpredictable

The third point is a bit puzzling. Since ancient times, whores have been known to smile based on the mood of their clients. Why does it seem to be the other way around here

But it is surprising that most people have remembered this. At least, it is absolutely impossible to get along in this capital without some discernment. Is Xiao Yueye someone you can offend? He said no, it just wasn’t possible. If you dare to violate it, there will be consequences, hehe.

After glancing around, Xiao Yueye saw everyone's reactions with satisfaction. He raised the corners of his mouth and clapped twice.

The fireworks "brushed" and bloomed together. The beautiful fireworks are like elves in the night sky, blooming with the greatest beauty in a limited time.

Unfortunately, few people present were willing to appreciate its beauty. Everyone's eyes were focused on the brothel that was about to reveal its true face.

Several black shadows shot together, and in the swaying firelight, several rays of silver light seemed to break through the sky. Then, the black cloth that had covered it for more than half a year finally moved to both sides.


The enlarged version of Qinglian bloomed quietly in front of everyone. Under the light of the lights, it emits a different kind of brilliance. And just when Qinglian completely appeared in front of everyone, the sound of silk strings floated softly.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. Green lotuses, silk strings, fireworks, and darkness form the most magical scene in this winter.

No one spoke loudly because they were all deeply shocked by the scene before them. Many people even think that they have reached a fairyland, fearing that their actions will destroy everything in front of them.

Xiao Yueye really didn't expect it to have such a big effect beforehand. In fact, thinking about it, he had seen the design drawings and the actual objects before, so he was mentally prepared.

But no one else does! (ap.)

Even Zhang Dehai and Song Chuan, who had seen the design drawings before, were stunned for a moment and stunned.

Xiao Yueye laughed softly, breaking the speechless atmosphere. He stood to the side, bowed slightly, and made a gesture of invitation.

At this time, everyone came to their senses and moved forward one after another, wanting to be the first to step into this mysterious "brothel".

Following the petals, walking across the small bridge and flowing water, a handsome waiter was smiling at everyone. However, his men were unambiguous. Those who forgot or deliberately forgot to pay the admission fee were all blocked by this thin and handsome man.

After paying twenty taels of silver, he crossed the gate and finally entered the interior of the brothel.

These people were shocked once again!

First of all, it’s big! The lobby, which is half the size of a football field, is enough to catch the attention of these people.

To the northeast of them, there was an arc-shaped wooden platform about two feet above the ground. On the platform were famous musicians from the capital. At this moment, these musicians were concentrating on playing a natural sound that they had never heard before.

On their right side, there was a small waterwheel. It was unknown what force was driving it. This waterwheel turned automatically. The driven water makes a soft sound, like the tinkling of a small spring, washing away the impetuousness of people's hearts.

In front of them, there was a strangely shaped lotus pond. After taking a closer look, I realized that this lotus pond was only artificially created. But these young and old people in the capital have never seen lotus flowers and lotus leaves that look so fake. But anyone with a little bit of sight can see it. This lotus pond is not just for rest and decoration. In the center of the lotus pond, there is a round platform about seven feet in diameter, which should be specially used for dancing. Around the round platform is a pool of clear water. Between the clear water, there are several water lilies, staggered and idle, but it is just right for people to walk into the center of the round platform from the outside.

These were just the landscapes that passed before our eyes. Before we had time to take a closer look, everyone's attention was attracted by the girls dressed up in gorgeous clothes on the steps of the second floor.

Led by Aunt Jing, nearly a hundred girls with their own talents stood together beautifully.

These girls are composed of talented girls from Mengyinglou, Zhang Dehai, and Songchuan brothels. Of course, there are also some girls who were poached with huge sums of money from other brothels.

Aunt Jing came in almost as soon as she saw the guests. After all the guests were seated under the guidance of the turtle slave, she gave a blessing and said with a smile: "Jing Niang is here to lead the girls from the No. 1 brothel in the world to meet all the guests. "

The girls behind all followed Yifu, Yingyingyanyan chuckled, and everyone's hearts were filled with joy, and a pool of spring water kept rippling.

However, some people are a little disappointed. After all, everyone had such high hopes for this brothel, but who knew that the girls inside were all the same things they had seen before.

Although it is much better than any other brothel, it can't help but disappoint those who had been looking forward to it for so long.

What kind of person Aunt Jing is, she naturally sees the expressions of these people. She smiled lowly, without explaining, and waved her hand, asking the girl behind to go up and wait on everyone.

Xiao Yueye, on the other hand, led some important people to the private rooms on the second and third floors.

Yes, this is another major feature of brothels. Throughout the entire capital, three-story buildings are rarely seen. But here, Xiao Yueye built three floors. Moreover, except for the large staircase where Aunt Jing and the girls were standing before, all of his stairs are revolving. This novel staircase made the dignitaries following him look full of curiosity.

Xiao Yueye's brothel has a lotus-like appearance, but inside, it has a honeycomb structure. All rooms can clearly see the center of the lobby.

After arranging for these relatively prominent dignitaries, Xiao Yueye, Zhang Dehai and Song Chuan drank and chatted in an antique box. Zhang Dehai and Song Chuan were calm on the surface, but they were happy in their hearts.

This brothel also has their share! Seeing that the brothel is so beautiful, they seem to be able to see the white money coming into their accounts. I just glanced at it casually. Good guy, the admission fee alone is nearly three thousand taels. What kind of concept is this? It’s like selling gold in the cave!

Xiao Yueye took a sip of wine and said calmly: "Two adults, the show is behind us!"

"Oh?" Zhang Dehai and Song Chuan raised their eyebrows at the same time.

At this moment, the lights in the originally bright brothel suddenly went out, causing a commotion.

But it didn't take long for the noise to turn into exclamations. On the roof of the brothel, at some point, pieces of starlight shone down, shining on everyone.

The two strings of lanterns hanging from the roof were now lit. There are no tacky pictures on these lantern papers, but instead some light blue clouds. At this time, the starlight and the shadows of the clouds and mist illuminated by the lights made the brothel seem to have become a fairyland.

The sound of the silk strings turned into a flying sound. Before everyone had time to wonder, they saw twelve strands of silk floating down under the starlight, until they reached the round platform of the lotus pond in the center of the lobby.

And everyone looked up blankly, looking at the twelve silken fairies who appeared at some unknown time.

A young master from a rich family had a nosebleed, but he did not appear. He only murmured: "Fairy, you have descended to earth."

Twelve beauties, each attached to a piece of silk, with fluttering clothes and flying ribbons. They have smiling faces and elegant postures, with a green lotus flower in bud under their feet.

Lightly descending from the roof, the twelve people still smiled, and the ribbons in their hands fluttered gently, seeming to cut through the starlight. Between the clouds of light and shadow, they were like fairies from the sky, flying down to earth.

Everyone dared to breathe loudly for fear of scaring the fairy away.

Twelve women slowly floated down on the round platform in the middle of the lotus pond. Their feet moved in vain, and as their bodies swayed, they had already taken their positions.

At this time, the sound of the silk strings changed again.

Twelve fairy-like women danced gracefully in the center of this lotus pond.

Everyone is crazy, everyone is drunk. The younger ones kept giggling with every smile and dance.

When the sound of the strings fell, the dancing stopped, and when the lights turned on again, there were still many people who had not woken up from the shock just now.

Aunt Jing walked up to the round platform with satisfaction, stepping on the water lilies in the pond: "Dear guests, these twelve are the twelve golden hairpins of our No. 1 brothel in the world! They are Lily, Jasmine, Peony, Luoxian, and Bian Sai. , Bian Min, Sha Cai, Shan Nen, Dong Xiaowan, Ge Ruifang, Yang Yinglian, Ma Xianglan! "

Everyone stared blankly at the twelve beautiful and youthful women. After a long time, there were bursts of thunderous sounds.

Twelve golden hairpins, starting tonight, they will become famous in the capital.

The No. 1 brothel in the world is even more famous and is a household name.

Xiao Yueye was in the room, clinking glasses with Zhang Dehai and Song Chuan gently and laughing. (