The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 373: A dog jumps over the wall in a hurry


Song Chuan came in a hurry, but he was also in a hurry. wWw!QuANbEn-XiAoShUo!COmBut when he left, Xiao Yinzi found that the face of the Minister of the Ministry of War, who had always been calm and unhurried, was already a little ferocious. And my mood seemed unstable, and I almost hit the wall several times.

Murong Liuyun gently opened the door, looked outside the palace wall, and suddenly laughed: "I have prepared this urn, and I am just waiting to catch your turtle."

. . . . . .

A mysterious person came to the Mo family. This is the unified feeling of the people of the Mo family. A sedan was carried directly in from the main entrance. Along the way, anyone who looked at the sedan would be scolded. This inevitably makes people even more curious, who is the mysterious person in the sedan

The sedan didn't stop until it reached the unpredictable room. Then the door opened, and the man in the sedan quickly walked in and closed the door.

I couldn't even see my back clearly.

Outside the house, there are three floors inside and three floors outside. The guards are so tight that no flies can even pass by.

But inside the room, there was the same suffocating atmosphere, the same tension. All the forces of the Mo family are concentrated here, including Su Jing.

The mysterious man finally revealed his true face in Lushan, and he turned out to be the eldest prince Murong Gong.

At this moment, with an anxious look on his face, he looked at Mu Zhiqi who was lying on the bed and said anxiously: "Grandpa, something happened, something happened."

Mo Zhiqi waved his hand: "Your Highness, calm down first and speak slowly, what happened?"

Murong Gong took the tea from Su Jing and poured it down his throat. He swallowed, took a deep breath, and after a while he calmed down and said, "Grandpa, father, are going to attack us."

"What?" Mo Zhiqi's eyes widened in surprise: "Tell me carefully, what's going on?"

Not only him, but everyone else present also looked shocked. The emperor wants to take action against the Mo family and the eldest prince? why is that

"Today, Emperor Father announced that Songchuan would come to the palace to meet him. Our people felt something strange, so they hid outside and eavesdropped. He heard Father's words intermittently: Xiao Yueye's bait finally came in handy... Haha. , I can't predict it. This time, I can avenge you. As soon as I received the news, I hurried over." Murong Gong finished speaking with fear in his eyes. He knew his father's methods. Although these words were just a few words, he made it clear that he wanted to get rid of the Mo family! How could he, the eldest prince, fight for the throne without the support of the Mo family

Unexpectedly, his fingers made a "gurgle" sound when pinching, his face was gloomy, and there was a strange sound coming from his throat, which was extremely terrifying. After a while, he exhaled loudly: "Huh... Murong Liuyun, you are so forbearing! I never thought that that woman's status in your heart is so high!"

When Su Jing heard this, his heart moved, and a smile flashed in the corner of his eyes.

"Grandpa, what woman? Is she that Ru'er?" Mo Hangyu asked hurriedly. He had a vague feeling that there was a secret in it. And this secret directly threatens the life and death of the Mo family.

Mo Zhi nodded, a hint of haze flashed in his eyes: "That woman is the late queen, Xiao Ru'er."

"What? First Queen?" Everyone said in unison.

Even Murong Gong didn't know about the past, let alone understand how the late empress could get involved with him and others? She has been dead for more than twenty years!

"Hey, the late Queen was poisoned and killed by us." Mo Zhi's lips slightly opened, revealing another secret.

Mo Hangyu thought for a moment: "Grandpa, could it be said that the emperor has known about this for a long time. But he has been hiding it for so many years just for this opportunity?"

"You're right. Haha, I thought everything was perfect, but who would have thought that every step of the way was planned by others. Murong Liuyun, he can really hold his breath. He can endure it for twenty seconds. A few years. Okay, okay, okay!”

Murong Gong said impatiently: "Grandpa, now is not the time to discuss this. What should we do?"

Unexpectedly, he lowered his eyes, and the waves flashed inside, and he was thinking rapidly.

"Su Jing, what do you think?" He actually asked Su Jing first, not knowing what his intention was.

Su Jing would not be so naive as to think that Mu Zhiqi trusted him and asked: "Prime Minister, I think we need to analyze the words the emperor said first. First, Xiao Yueye's power and background are clear. She is the emperor's wife. Unfortunately, we seem to have entered into the emperor's chess game. Secondly, the purpose of the emperor's trip is to avenge the former queen. It seems that this time. , is to fight to the death. Third, the emperor's way to eradicate our Mo family is to rebel against the generals. We used King Youxian to frame Xiao Yueye, but the emperor knew from this that we have a relationship with King Youxian. It will be his breakthrough point against us. And the fourth one, and the one that scares me the most, is the late queen’s family.”

Unexpectedly, his eyelids twitched and he stared at Su Jing: "What do you mean?"

Su Jing said lightly: "If we handle King Youxian well, the emperor may not be able to find a justifiable reason. However, I guess that he should have contacted General Xiao in the north now. This is our biggest problem." threaten."

"Old General Xiao? Hasn't he retired for more than 20 years?" When Mo Hangyu was sensible, Xiao Qian had gone to Xi Province to live in seclusion, so people of his generation did not understand the terror of the old general.

Unpredictable snorted, with a rare hint of fear in his eyes: "He is a murderer! Back then, without any evidence, he could go on a killing spree in the capital because of the pain of losing his daughter. You knew he had How terrifying. And the most important thing is that even after more than 20 years, he is still the true leader of the military. Compared with him, he is totally incompetent."

"Don't analyze and analyze, what should we do? Father has already taken action, we don't have much time." Murong Gong frowned and shouted.

Li Song thought for a while and said: "Your Highness, don't be anxious, we still have a little time. The Prime Minister is a veteran of three dynasties, and he is not someone who can be easily moved. Even if he is the emperor, he must be justified if he wants to eradicate the Prime Minister. So. The purpose of the emperor's announcement of Song Chuan's entry into the palace was to find evidence. Now, it has become our weakness. I guess that Song Chuan will be able to find enough evidence in at most three days. The one from Xi Province has probably arrived in the capital."

"What can you do with such little time? (ap.)" Shang, Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Murong Gong turned around anxiously. After a while, he looked at Mo Hangyu with a sharp look and said, "How many troops can you control in the Royal Forest Army?"

Mo Hangyu was stunned for a moment: "Back to Your Highness, more than 60%."

"Okay!" Murong Gong's whole body was filled with chills at this moment, making people feel awe-inspiring in their hearts.

"What do you want to do? Are you planning to rebel?" He shouted unexpectedly.

"Yes, it's rebellion!" Murong Gong shouted loudly, with a look of determination in his eyes: "Since my father doesn't care about the relationship between father and son, what else do I care about him? As long as we force the palace to hold my father hostage, Emperor, of course there is nothing to fear.”

"Nonsense!" Mo Zhiqi shook his head: "Even if I succeed in forcing you to conceive, so what? Don't forget, we can't control even 10% of the military power. I'm afraid, if you succeed in forcing you to conceive, you will be defeated in the back. The second prince led the troops to suppress it."

"No, it won't!" A hint of calculation flashed in Murong Gong's eyes: "If we move quickly, we can successfully force the harem without anyone noticing. When the time comes, all we have to do is force my father to make me the crown prince, and then retreat from the harem. If you recover, you can hide it from the enemy. Grandpa, don't forget, my father has been ill in recent days! As long as we bribe the imperial doctor and tell him that he is seriously ill and should not be exposed, we can stop everything. I became the crown prince according to my father's imperial decree. Even if the second emperor's brother doubts me, what can he do to me? I have more than half of the imperial army in my hands, and the good reputation I have left in the capital in the past two years is enough to deal with it. this matter."

Unexpectedly, he was still deep in thought, while Li Song and others were already shocked.

Mo Hangyu was young, energetic and conceited. As soon as Murong Gong finished speaking, he was attracted. The Royal Forest Army took another turn to defend, and he was sure that on the day of forcing the palace, all the people on duty would be his men.

"Grandpa, I think His Highness is right. The Emperor has already determined to eradicate my Mo family. Even if he doesn't succeed this time, what about next time? What about next time? Now it's either you or me who will die, so why not take a gamble? ”

The room became quiet, and after nearly an hour, Wu Zhiqi slowly raised his head and nodded in agreement under the attention of everyone.

"Very good!"

However, Li Song and Zhao Gang felt chilled and couldn't help but look at each other.

Unexpectedly, he saw the reaction of the two people in his eyes, glanced at Su Jing who was expressionless, and laughed ferociously: "Now we are all standing on the same boat, and we are all prosperous. You know what you have done before. Don’t think that you can save yourself if you step out now or go to the emperor to report. Huh, dreaming! You and I, the Mo family, are like grasshoppers. Do you think the emperor will let you go? "

Li Song and Zhao Gang lowered their heads, their faces ashen. Su Jing's mouth twitched slightly.

It is unpredictable that this person will not believe you unconditionally. If you want to break into his circle, you must do something according to his requirements. And these things, outside, are bad enough to make people boil with resentment and burn them alive. Su Jing was forced to do this kind of thing, but he had no regrets.

This is the condition for gaining trust. Only when interests are tied together will trust show its sharp corners.

Mo Zhi knew that his intimidation was successful. He understood the principle of giving a date after hitting him with a stick: "Don't worry, once it succeeds, neither His Highness nor our Mo family will treat you badly. When the time comes, You are the heroes.”

Li Song and Zhao Gang sighed softly in their hearts and nodded helplessly. As for Su Jing, his expression never changed from beginning to end. Since he married Murong Xiu, he has been tied to the Mo family.

. . . . . . (Quanben Novel Network