The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 376: A Dream of Yellow Liang (Finale)


"Dad, why? The Mo family has fallen, and the throne is our Jingde's. Why do you want him to publicly announce that he will not inherit the throne?" Zhang shouted urgently. WWw,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,CoMShe was unwilling to give up. She had been fighting for her whole life, and when she saw that she was about to succeed, she actually wanted to give up.

Zhang Dehai glared at her: "Look at what happened to the Mo family, this is the reason! You hear me clearly, I won't stop you if you want to die, but you are not allowed to destroy our entire Zhang family!"

Murong Jingde remained silent, but his mood was not heavy. He is just curious now. If he does not inherit the throne, who will the throne be passed to

But he knew that his grandfather was a man of great wisdom and would never talk nonsense.

Maybe there is a secret that no one knows about

But it's none of his business. Murong Jingde laughed. Finally, I can feel free to be a wealthy prince.

. . . . . .

"The war is finally over." Xiao Yueye murmured as she fiddled with the unknown flower on the window sill.

"Brother Xiao, why did you give Meng Yuanguo 1.5 million taels!" Yin Caiju asked doubtfully.

Xiao Yueye turned around and smiled: "Only by helping Yelu Changying stabilize his position, can he contribute his own strength to the quelling of the war between the two countries."

"My husband, aren't you afraid that he is lying to you?" Yansha asked.

Xiao Yueye came over and gently held her hand: "I choose to believe in him, just as he believes in me. A good opponent is hard to find!"

"The Meng Yuan Kingdom is not a country that can be settled. Even if Yelu Changying hopes for peace, what about his descendants?" Rourou said worriedly as she gently touched the sleeping Xiao Yeqing.

"Haha, live in sorrow and die in happiness. A country without threats will soon be destroyed. If the Murong Dynasty wants to pass on for several more generations, it must keep the Meng Yuan Kingdom. What's more, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. We take care of them. What are you doing with so much?" Xiao Yueye laughed loudly, which made Ye Qing turn over in surprise and fell into a deep sleep again.

Outside, the sky was getting dark. Yin Caiju raised her eyes and said, "It's going to rain."

Xiao Yueye hurriedly walked to the window sill and brought the unknown flower into the room. Looking at his precious look, Yan Sha teased: "Mr., I've never seen you be so careful with us? Haha."

Xiao Yueye rolled her eyes angrily: "You know how to talk nonsense."

He paused and then said with some curiosity: "It's strange to say that I have liked this potted flower very much since I first saw it. This is a very strange feeling. It seems that as long as this potted flower is by my side, my whole body will feel like it." It will feel very safe and comfortable.”

"Maybe it's fate." Rourou chuckled.

Thunderstorms in summer come very quickly. After a while, electric snakes danced wildly and thunder shook the sky. The loud rumbling sound made the tiles on the roof tremble. Xiao Yeqing, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the thunder and hid in Rourou's arms.

Looking at the dark sky and the silver snake cutting through the darkness, Xiao Yueye couldn't help but feel a little palpitated. The power of heaven and earth is really shocking!

He yawned. He had been worried about the war recently, and he hadn't had much rest for a long time.

Yansha and Yin Caiju hurriedly came over to undress Xiao Yueye and let him have a good rest.

She was so tired that Xiao Yueye fell into a deep sleep after a while.

No one could be seen in the electric light. The unknown flower was shining with a faint light.

. . . . . .

Xiao Yueye had a dream. He knew he was dreaming, but he couldn't wake up.

In the dream, I returned to my home in my previous life. He saw a young couple hugging each other and looking up at the silver snake in the sky. The couple had happy smiles on their faces. There was a cradle beside them. Inside the basket, the cute baby was sucking his fingers.

This is a poor family, but also a happy family.

Xiao Yueye's eyes suddenly became moist. He recognized the young couple, they were his parents!

He wanted to rush over, but found that he was just a bystander, he could only watch but could not move.

The sky is getting darker and darker, electric snakes are dancing wildly, and thunder is shaking the sky. Xiao Yueye, who was still a baby, burst into tears. His mother hurriedly coaxed the child.

The rain finally came down.

My mother suddenly exclaimed, looking at a pot of flowers in the yard, and hurriedly rushed over. The husband stopped her and said with a smile: "You stay here, I will move it back for you."

The woman smiled softly, feeling extremely happy at her husband's thoughtfulness.

The husband ran into the yard in the rain and wanted to move the pot of flowers into the house. The wife thought for a while, quickly took an umbrella and rushed into the rain.

She didn't want her husband to get wet in the rain.

The wife held the umbrella, and the husband picked up the pot of flowers with a smile on his face, and the two walked home tenderly.

Xiao Yueyue appeared, and the pot of flowers was exactly the same as the unknown pot of flowers that she owned now.

At this moment, there was a thunderstorm, and a bucket-sized thunder and lightning fell from the sky, hitting the couple just right.

Smoke rose and the umbrella turned to ashes. The potted flower just fell to the ground.

The couple had turned into charcoal.

The world seemed to become silent all of a sudden.

Just the sound of a baby in pain.

Xiao Yueye had blue veins all over her body and shouted: "Dad, Mom!"

Tears flowed down uncontrollably.

The rain suddenly stopped, and the arrogant thunder and lightning disappeared.

Xiao Yueye looked at the corpses of her parents in pain, but couldn't do anything. This feeling of powerlessness made him almost collapse.

At this moment, the pot of broken flowers suddenly floated strangely in the air.

Xiao Yueyue stared at the potted flower blankly, and saw stars falling from the sky and gathering on the potted flower. The flower became blurred, and a blush surrounded the flower. Finally, the blush disappeared, and a beautiful woman in palace clothes stood pretty on the spot.

Xiao Yueye has a big mouth? What is this, flower fairy

There was a hint of sadness in the eyes of the woman in palace clothes. She waved her hand, and the ground dented, and the two corpses flew lightly to the ground. Then the land returned to its original state.

The woman flew in front of the baby. She picked up the child who had lost his parents. The child was crying loudly. She carefully tried to touch the child with her fingers, but the child grabbed her fingers and sucked her up.

The woman blushed. After a while, she looked at the room and said in a low voice: "Poor child. Your parents died to save me. I must repay this kindness. From now on, Just let me take care of you."

She seemed to have made up her mind, and with a wave of her hand, her whole appearance immediately changed.

Xiao Yueye felt dizzy because the woman's transformed image turned out to be his grandmother!

It's grandma!

how could this be

Grandma turned out to be a flower

The picture is like a movie, and it goes by quickly. After Xiao Yueye grew up, the memories of living with his grandmother were displayed in front of him one by one. ***kindness, ***hard work, ***tolerance, these are the warmest places in his heart.

The scene finally reached the scene before Xiao Yueye's death, a scene that he did not see:

The moment he was killed, both sides of the attack stopped in unison, listening to the vague sighs around them in fear.

A faint blue light lit up on his chest, it was the agate bracelet. It escapes all the laws of physics and just floats above everyone's heads. It shines brightly, strangely and magnificently, and seems to suck in people's souls.

The timid few couldn't help but tremble in their legs when they saw this scene.

The mysterious blue light slowly enveloped the alley, and everyone's figure was surrounded by it.

Quiet! All the noise of the traffic suddenly disappeared at this moment, and there was only the deep breathing of everyone around.

"Bang bang" several explosions sounded, followed by shrill screams. Several gangsters found in fear that the people around them had blood blooming on their chests for no apparent reason, and then fell to the ground dead. One after another, in just a few seconds, all the gangsters died in the same way. The entire ground was covered with bright blood, all of which swam strangely towards Brother Rong's body.

The agate bracelet also flew above Brother Rong's head, spinning gently, and the blue light enveloped Brother Rong's body. The flowing blood formed a thin thread, which swam along Brother Rong's heels to the bracelet on his head, and then disappeared.

Ruoyouruowu's sigh sounded again, and gradually turned into a low chant:

"When the fallen soul is baptized with blood, and when the blue holy light returns to God's abandoned son, the double rings of fate will overlap at that moment, the twin stars will eventually converge, and Ziwei will definitely return with the blessings of the gods!"

Xiao Yueye recognized it. This low moan was exactly the same as her grandma's voice when she was still a beautiful woman!

Xiao Yueye raised her right hand, and the pattern of the agate bracelet on her wrist suddenly glowed. After the light disappeared, Xiao Yueye's eyes widened and she touched the agate bracelet that suddenly appeared on her hand in disbelief.

This is the real thing, not a pattern!

Xiao Yueye remembered that the pattern on her wrist appeared after being grabbed by that mysterious old woman.

So, is that old woman really my grandma

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and it was pitch black, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

Suddenly, in front of Xiao Yueye's eyes, stars were dotted, and the blue light converged into a human shape.

The grandma in Xiao Yueye's impression flew up to him with a smile on her face and shouted softly: "Rong'er..."

Yes, Ronger, his nickname in his previous life.

"Grandma, are you really grandma?" Xiao Yueye burst into tears.

He hugged his grandma and kept crying, as if he was letting out all his grievances.

The kind old man patted the child's head gently, with tears shining in his eyes.

"Grandma, what is going on? Is what I saw just now real?" Xiao Yueye recovered and immediately asked her question.

The old man smiled lightly and said lovingly: "Rong'er, what you just saw is true."

She sighed, and with a wave of her hand, she transformed into the beautiful lady in palace attire just now.

"Actually, I am not a human being. I am a cultivating flower named Zilan. That day was my heavenly calamity. I was about to close my eyes and wait for death. Who knew that your parents would be there without knowing it? They saved me. However, they died. I am grateful for their kindness, and seeing that you are still young, I became your grandma and took care of you. "

Xiao Yueye felt confused. The grandmother who raised her since childhood was not a human being

Are there really gods and ghosts in this world

"But, if you are really the Flower Fairy, how could you die?" Xiao Yueye raised her doubts.

Zilan smiled softly, with a loving smile on her beautiful face: "I suffered a thunderstorm, and I have shed my mortal body and become an immortal. I have been delaying it hard, but in the end I can't compete with the power of heaven and earth. That day I Not to die, but to ascend to the fairy world. But before ascending, I suddenly figured out some secrets, so I gave you this agate bracelet and left that motto."

Xiao Yueye read out in a low voice: "When the fallen soul is baptized with blood, and when the blue holy light returns to the abandoned son of God, the double rings of fate will overlap at that moment, the twin stars will eventually converge, and Ziwei will surely lead Return with the blessings of the gods! Is this the sentence?”

Zilan laughed, feeling a little dazed: "Yes. My child, I can't say more to you. I turned into that old woman to meet you before, but I just couldn't let you go. Now I see that you are living a good life, I I feel relieved. From now on, we may never meet again, so please take good care of yourself!"

Xiao Yueye realized at this moment that her body was getting lighter and lighter, and she had almost disappeared.

He hurriedly tried to hug her, but it was in vain.

Zilan looked at him with a smile, her eyes full of smiles: "My child, seeing that you are living a good life now, I am relieved. That pot of purple orchid is my incarnation in the mortal world. If you miss me, look at it more Look at him. Take care, my child!"

"Grandma, Grandma!!" Xiao Yueye shouted and sat up suddenly.

It turned out to be a dream!

"Master, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Rourou looked at him nervously and wiped the cold sweat on Xiao Yueye's head with her handkerchief.

"It's okay, I had a strange dream." Xiao Yueye waved her hand and suddenly froze. The agate bracelet really appeared on her hand.

That's not fierce, it's true!

Xiao Yueyue turned around fiercely and looked at the flowers placed next to her. She only saw that the budding flower had fully bloomed and was swaying in the wind.

Xiao Yueyue seemed to see her grandma smiling at her in a daze.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to touch his agate bracelet and said in a dreamy voice, "Grandma..."

. . . . . .

In the twenty-eighth year of the celestial calendar, Murong Liuyun, the fourth monarch of the Murong Dynasty, passed away. No prince ascended the throne, but he left an imperial edict instructing General Song Hu to supervise the country, and Prime Minister Su Jing to lead the cabinet to govern. This situation lasted for fifteen years. In the first year of Jingrui, the sixth monarch, Murong Yeqing, came to the throne and issued an edict: "For fifteen years, the ministers have assisted in the government and the country was named Anbang. Emperor Shengzong was named the emperor and he was the father of the current emperor. The ministers were in an uproar." .


Brothel is finally over, with a eloquent and over 1.4 million words.

Looking back, Brothel has been with me for half a year. Because of this book, I got to know you, and I am really grateful.

Brothel was uploaded in April and continues till today, which makes Bu Nui feel a lot. The good and bad aspects of the brothel itself are in the past. I will continue to promote the good ones and correct the bad ones.

The new book will be uploaded soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, I will notify you in the group and on the brothel page. I hope everyone can continue to support us. If you are not angry, you will work harder and produce more exciting books.

Thanks. (Quanben Novel Network

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