The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 79: At the beginning of the great chaos


With a slight blush on her face, Xiao Yueye forgot that she was naked and hurriedly pulled the sheets and wrapped herself up. WWw、QuAnBen-XIaoShuo、Com

Xiao Yueye's eyes lit up and he said: "Xiao San, I remember when we took a bath in the past, you had a scar on the inner side of your left thigh, right? Xiao Si also has one, where is it?"

Although he was confused as to why Xiao Yueye asked this, Xiaosan still said honestly: "Xiaosi is at the knee of his left leg."

As soon as he said this, Yansha's whole body trembled with excitement, and tears shone in her eyes.

"Xiaosan, do you still remember how you got this scar? Do you remember what happened when you were a child?"

"Well, I don't remember much about my childhood. My scar seems to have been burned by boiling water. When I was a child, well, I only remember that there was a plague in my family, and all my family and neighbors died. Xiaosi and I were killed by several It was taken away by people in the village, but later it was lost and found its way to the young master. "

Yansha took two steps forward unconsciously.

"Xiao San, I remember you said you have a sister. Can you tell me about your sister?"

The mistress is not an idiot. Seeing Yansha's excited expression and Xiao Yueye's suggestive words, he reacted immediately. He looked at Yansha tremblingly and said involuntarily: "My sister, because she was insulted, committed suicide by jumping into the river. We only found her shoes downstream. My sister loved us very much. I remember that one year during the Chinese New Year, she gave us We mended cotton clothes and took apart our own clothes.”

"Dan'er..." Yansha no longer had any doubts, she cried and hugged Xiaosan.

Dan'er, this word that had been sealed in memory for more than ten years, clearly appeared in Xiao San's mind at this time.

There is only one person in the world who can call me that, and that is my sister!

Xiaosan's tears fell involuntarily. He hugged Yansha tremblingly and couldn't even believe it: "Second sister, it's really you, is it really you?"

"It's me, Dan'er, it's me, I'm not dead."

Picking up a piece of clothing, Xiao Yueye quietly walked out of the door, giving space to the two siblings who had reunited after a long separation.

Entering the mistress's house, Xiao Yueye poured a cup of tea and looked at the patterns on the window quietly.

The fate in this world is really wonderful!

When Yansha and Xiaosan walked out calmly, it was already almost noon.

"Ms. sir, thank you. Dan'er, oh, no, mistress, I'll leave it to you from now on." Yansha reluctantly looked at her younger brother and Xiao Yueye, who had just met.

"Yan'er, don't worry, leave early and come back early."

"Second sister, you have to be careful. I will wait for you to come back."

Yansha, who had regained her original identity, no longer had to worry about it. She smiled faintly, and in a flash, she disappeared.

A faint voice came from the air:

"Ms. sir, mistress, I'll be back soon!"

"Xiao San, so you will be my brother-in-law from now on?!" Xiao Yueye said excitedly, patting Xiao San on the shoulder.

"Master, no matter what time it is, you are my master. This will never change." Xiao San said respectfully.

. . . . . .

"Miss, the spies below reported that the pretty girl has left. If she takes action herself, she will definitely succeed!" said the mysterious wet nurse.

The girl named Lanlan sat among the flowers, squinted her eyes, and said lightly: "Well, but that Xiao Yueye is really not simple. Nurse, put aside your plans for Xiao Yueye for a while, I want to think about it again. one."

The wet nurse responded, and handed out another fold from her hand and said: "This is the fold from the COSCO Envoy. The 'Feixue Pavilion' on the rivers and lakes reported to the court that on the seventh day of October, on the island in Qianshui Lake, On, the new list will be announced.”

She took it and looked at it carefully. Lanlan's eyes kept flashing with calculation. She picked a flower and put it on the tip of her nose. A cold smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Nanny, please pass this news quietly through our internal line." Spread the word. They limited the number of people and sent out the "Flying Snow Post". Remember, I want the whole world to be in chaos!"


. . . . . .

"I heard that 'Qianjimen' and 'Crouching Tiger Villa' were fighting to death!"

"Well, that's right. Not only them, but also the 'Wuliangdian', the 'Seven-Child Sect', etc., all of them are fighting."

"The Buddhist sect and the Taoist sect are all on their way, but they are sects after all. The disciples dare to shoot their posts."

"Brother, don't you know that the Seven Star Sword Sect is in chaos because of this post."

Nowadays, you can hear such talk in the streets and alleys of Kuizhou. "Feixue Pavilion" publishes the list every five years, and only 20 invitations will be issued, so now many sects are fighting for this invitation. It's a matter of life and death.

Speaking of this "Feixue Pavilion", it is indeed a strange sect. No one knows where their sect is, no one knows what they do, and no one even knows what kind of power they have. But everyone knows that what "Feixue Pavilion" said is more accurate than anything else. "Feixue Pavilion" publishes the list of heroes in the world, and only the top ten are ranked once every five years. Except for Qiu Ziyun, there are no exceptions. This is because the rankings on the master list sometimes do not change once in fifty years. Of course, once any of these ten masters reaches the master level, they will be automatically removed from the list.

Not only that, "Feixue Pavilion" will also comment on the rising stars of today's martial arts every time. As long as the people they comment on are all recognized by the entire world, they can be said to become famous overnight. Moreover, the "Flying Snow Pavilion" is very powerful. They can know the duel between the masters of the Snow Mountain, or some first-class master that the world does not know, and this eventually forms another business of the "Flying Snow Pavilion".


There is only information in the world that you cannot afford, there is never information that "Feixue Pavilion" does not know!

For example, twenty-three years ago, there was a robber who wiped out four small sects, but no one knew his whereabouts. Later, these four small sects pooled their money and used connections to find "Feixue Pavilion", and immediately learned the whereabouts of the rampant thief. Feeling the pity of these four sects, "Feixue Pavilion" told them the weakness of the big thief for free, and then they were able to take revenge.

This conference is even more exciting. Because legend has it that this time the list will be announced personally by the new Pavilion Master of "Feixue Pavilion"!

Nowadays, many sects have gathered in the area around Qianshui Lake, and many of them are here for the purpose of robbery. This time, for some unknown reason, all the sects and individuals who had received the "Flying Snow Post" were reported, so war was inevitable.

You must know that being able to participate in a conference like "Feixue Pavilion" is originally a status symbol. And every time after the conference, "Flying Snow Pavilion" will put out several treasures for auction, all of which are rare in the world and extremely precious. Such as elixirs, martial arts secrets, or information, etc.

"Mistress, where is Qianshui Lake?" Xiao Yueye asked, sitting near the window on the second floor of the inn.

"Master, Qianshui Lake is at the junction of Kuizhou and Nanzhou. It is said to be thousands of miles in scope and endless as far as the eye can see. There is a small island in the lake, and this time the meeting of 'Feixue Pavilion' was held there."

There have been obviously a lot more soldiers and horses in Kuizhou City in recent days. Because of this, although there are a lot of rumors from the outside world, the city is still very peaceful.

Playing with the tea cup in his hand, Xiao Yueye did not focus on the cup. Through his observations over the past few days, he found that things were not simple. Take the exposure of the sect that received the post this time. It caused turmoil in the entire world, and how many people died as a result!

"Master, Master?"

Xiao Yueye was stunned, then smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

The mistress said in a serious tone: "Master, something seems to be very wrong this time. I have a feeling that chaos is about to begin."

Xiao Yueye nodded, with a hint of solemnity on her face: "Yes, there seems to be a black hand behind the scenes, with the purpose of causing chaos in the world. It seems that by the time the conference begins, almost everyone will be dead. Well, Counting the days, it’s almost half a month, right?”

"Yes, young master, shall we?" Xiao San showed a stern look on his face and made a gesture.

Xiao Yueye understood what he meant. It happened to be a party, how could she not attend? With the martial arts skills of the two of them, it is not difficult to win a "Flying Snow Sticker" from a relatively inferior sect.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Yueye said with a smile: "In ten days, almost all the sects will arrive in the town near Qianshui Lake. It won't be too late for us to wait for the opportunity."

Suddenly a loud voice shouted: "Ah, Xiaoye, you are here! Make it easy for me to find you!"

Looking closely, Xiao Yueye couldn't help but feel funny when she saw the familiar sly smile. It turned out to be Ouyang Xiaohua.

When this guy saw Xiao Yueye here, his face almost burst into laughter. He ran over and sat on the edge unceremoniously. He picked up the pastries on the table and got up late, as if he had been hungry for a long time.

A flash occurred in Xiao Yueye's mind, and she asked in astonishment: "Xiaohua, you haven't used up the thousand taels, have you?"

Ouyang Xiaohua opened her eyes wide, suddenly hugged Xiao Yueye, patted his back fiercely and said: "Brother, my parents gave birth to me, and they know me Xiaoye! Look at me, brother, I haven't eaten for a whole day. Something.”

Xiao Yueye pushed him away and said in a funny tone: "Xiaohua, you are too good at spending money, right? One thousand taels is enough for an ordinary family to live for several lifetimes, but you spent it all in just ten days."

In the blink of an eye, Ouyang Xiaohua swept away all the cakes on the table and looked at Xiao Yueye with an innocent look in her eyes.

Pushing his face away with a slap, Xiao Yueye said angrily: "You can use this trick to trick girls, don't pretend like this from me."

Pretending to be pitiful or innocent, who can compare to the naturally cute and baby-faced Su Jing. Xiao Yueye has been playing with that guy since childhood, and has always been immune to this trick.

Ouyang Xiaohua had no choice but to lick the pastry foam on her fingers pitifully and pour a pot of tea into her stomach before settling the matter.

Looking at him coldly, Xiao Yueye said with a smile: "Okay, the show is over. Tell me, what do you want?"

Ouyang Xiaohua's face became serious, and she exuded a unique aura of being a fast-tracker, which made all the people around her with their ears pricked up and watching the theater tremble in their hearts.

"Xiao Ye, do you know what happened at the 'Flying Snow Pavilion' this time? Gatherings in the political arena have always been a taboo of the imperial court. This time I want to go to General Lihuo's residence."

Xiao Yueyeye guessed that this was also the case. People in the martial arts world were essentially equivalent to the underworld in their previous lives. How could a country tolerate this? The purpose of our government to establish the official position of COSCO Envoy is to monitor the activities of the world.

"Is there any big move by the imperial court?"

Shaking his head, Ouyang Xiaohua said: "Wrong, the court will not take any action, but it must control the situation. This time, I went to the General's Mansion for the same purpose. However, I hope you and I can go together."


"Yes, this is a good opportunity for you, an opportunity to deal with official circles. Don't you want to open a brothel? Without official power, it is a very difficult thing."

Looking at Ouyang Xiaohua's clear eyes, Xiao Yueye was suddenly moved in her heart. Of course he knows how rare this opportunity is. With the third boss of the Six Doors pulling the strings, it is almost certain that this relationship has been established. This will save him a lot of energy in the future! Let's just say it's fine now. Bian Sai once clearly wrote in a letter that if he had the ability to poach the four sisters, they would be more than happy to do so.

What Bian Sai said is actually very clear. In this city of Kuizhou, political relations are entangled, and these four women are also a balance point between the various forces. If he takes action rashly, I am afraid he will die without knowing what is going on. .

But if he could establish some relationship with General Lihuo, it would be of great help to him.

Looking at Ouyang Xiaohua gratefully, Xiao Yueye was about to say something, but everything died in her stomach.

Because Ouyang Xiaohua looked at Xiao Yueye, and suddenly came up to him with a smile, rubbed her hands and said, "Xiaoye, how are you, brother, take care of you? In view of this matter, why don't you lend me some more silver?"

Xiao Yueye looked depressed after kicking an unscrupulous person to the ground.

However, General Lihuo. . . . . . .

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At the beginning of a new week, Bu Nu will update in the early morning. Actually, I want to rush to the list. I hope everyone will support me. Because Bu Nu has no website recommendations this week.

Recommend a friend’s book, The Legend of Gods and Demons from a Chinese Studio. This guy is very fierce, he recoded the book (Quanben Novel Network