The World’s No. 1 Den of Iniquity

Chapter 82: On the verge of breaking out


Xiao Yueye nodded. Www!Qunaben!CoM

Xiao Yueye was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect that Cheng Yue had resigned from his position when he came to teach Song Hu. It seems that there is also a lot of politics between North Korea and China involved.

Perhaps seeing Xiao Yueye's hesitation, Yun Qian said seriously: "Brother Xiaoye, my general and General Cheng Yue are good friends in the army, that's why they are like this. You don't have to think too much."

Xiao Yueye pondered for a moment and nodded and said: "When I was ten years old, Uncle Cheng came to our Hui County and took Song Hu as his disciple. A few months ago, Song Hu participated in the martial arts examination. I thought Uncle Cheng was with him. Yes, from what the general said, it doesn’t seem to be the case.”

Li Huo couldn't help but feel a lot of regret. He sighed for a while and asked some questions before he stopped talking.

"By the way, Xiaoye, what's your relationship with Cheng Yue?" Li Huo asked curiously.

"Well, Song Hu and I are brothers who grew up together. We studied and learned martial arts together, but my martial arts was taught by a master."

Li Huo was very curious for a moment: "With your skills, your master must be an expert, I wonder?"

There was a look of embarrassment on Xiao Yueye's face: "I'm sorry, General, but actually the master who taught me kung fu didn't accept me as his disciple, and he didn't allow us to tell anything about him."

Although regretful, Li Huo still smiled.

This episode brought Xiao Yueye and Li Huo a lot closer, and also made Ouyang Xiaohua more interested in Xiao Yueye's identity.

Ouyang Xiaohua said with a smile: "General, with Xiaoye's martial arts, you can rest assured."

Yungan glanced at Xiao Yueye, pursed his lips and said, "Xiaoye, in this mission, martial arts is important, but it also requires tact. Are you confident?"

Xiao Yueye thought for a while and asked: "General, can I ask a question? After so many years of gatherings, it is impossible that the court has not had a traitor, right?"

This question was asked very directly. Li Huo sighed and said: "The imperial court does have spies, but the number of people at this conference is not only small, but also all those who go are people in power from various sects. Our spies It’s not certain whether we can get in. Moreover, this time we don’t care about the content of the ‘Flying Snow Pavilion’ conference, but we are worried about taking the opportunity to cause trouble. It seems that there is someone behind the scenes.”

Wang Gang shouted on the side: "What's more, those spies are from the court. How could those *** give people to us?"

Li Huo frowned, but did not refute Wang Gang's words. He obviously meant what he said to his heart.

"But didn't the imperial court set up some kind of COSCO envoy? Logically speaking, he should know the news, right?" Xiao Yueye vaguely remembered that Gu Yao had mentioned this aspect during his lecture, but he just passed it by.

"Envoy of COSCO?" Li Huo laughed strangely, his disdain evident in his words.

Yun Qian explained on the side: "Brother Xiaoye, the original purpose of the COSCO Envoy set up by our court was to communicate with the Jianghu, and at the same time to understand the dynamics of the Jianghu. Do you know the agreement between the founding emperor and the Jianghu? The original COSCO Envoy was still very It is useful. But over the years, the world has become restless, and these COSCO envoys have become more and more useless. In the past, they were the military attachés of the DPRK. In the past ten years, they have been all corrupt officials. What's the use? So they don't even know what's going on in the world."

Xiao Yueye had heard of the agreement between the founding emperor of the Murong Dynasty and Jianghu. It is said that when the founding emperor established the country, he received help from the powerful forces in the world. Later, he was in danger several times, and it was the people in the world who saved his life. Later, after the founding emperor came to the throne, he promised that the court would not directly interfere in Jianghu affairs. For gatherings of all sizes in the arena, as well as opinions on the imperial court, you only need to speak to the envoy of COSCO.

It is not easy for a country to issue such an order. In a sense, Jianghu is the underworld. How can a country tolerate such a force under its nose? Previous generations of dynasties regarded people in the world as reckless people, like fire and water. What's more, he wrote the four characters "use of force to break the ban".

However, now that a well-educated scholar is appointed as the COSCO Ambassador, Xiao Yueye also believes that if he were a member of the martial arts sect, he would never take him seriously.

After sorting out all the powers and so on, Xiao Yueye nodded and said: "General, what do I need to do?"

Li Huo smiled gratefully and said, "It's very simple. If the person behind the scenes doesn't make any big moves, it won't be a big deal. If something goes wrong, you can secretly send a signal and my army of 100,000 people will be on standby at any time." "No, this is a flare."

Yun Qian handed Xiao Yueye something like a fire fold, and the latter took it and played with it curiously.

"Brother Xiaoye, this flare is similar to a fire bomb. Just pull it out and point your mouth towards the sky."

Now that the matter was settled, both Li Huo and Ouyang Xiaohua put aside the important matters in their minds. The five of them sat down and had a wide-ranging conversation, especially on martial arts.

"General." A young soldier ran in, saluted, and said with some embarrassment: "General, that boy is here again."

Before Xiao Yueye and Ouyang Xiaohua could realize who the "boy" the soldier was talking about was, Li Huo was already furious. He slapped the table and stood up and yelled: "What's that kid doing here? You are all shit eaters. Get me out."

"But, but, he is noisy outside and refuses to leave. It's not good for us..." The soldier looked helpless. After all, he is your nephew. If we take action, what if one day? The wind direction has changed, and I don’t know how I died.

"If you don't leave, I'll beat you away with a stick. If anything happens, I'll be responsible for it."

The soldier said yes again and again, turned around and left.

Seeing the confused expressions on the faces of Xiao Yueye and the others, Li Huo sighed and said, "Hey, I've made you laugh."

Xiao Yueye raised her eyebrows and signaled to Yungan, who shook his head and said that it was the general's family matter and it was hard for others to say anything.

When he was speechless, suddenly a thin man ran in, followed by several soldiers. The thin man in front ran into the front hall, knelt down in front of Li Huo, and kept kowtowing: "Uncle, I really like Su'e, please let me do it."

Judging from his appearance, he didn't look like he was faking it. He kowtowed for a few times, and blood was already flowing from his forehead.

Xiao Yueye and Ouyang Xiaohua looked at each other and thought, this guy was the one who wanted to cook the rice in the alley that day? I originally thought he was a swinger, but it doesn’t look like that!

No matter how the man kept crying and knocking, Li Huo remained unmoved.

"Master, please let Hua Yun get up first." A gentle voice came in urgently.

Looking closely, she saw a dignified and elegant middle-aged woman. Judging from her face, demeanor and mannerisms, she should be Lihuo's third wife.

Although General Lihuo garrisoned troops in Kuizhou and had a residence, his real general residence was still in Luolong City, the capital. Therefore, there was originally no wife in Kuizhou.

But the third lady, Mrs. Xie, was taken here because she got pregnant after Li Huo returned to the capital. Later, she gave birth to her son Li Shenghai and never went back. Her daughter Li Su'e also died because of The caretaker mother followed.

Seeing that the young man named Hua Yun's face was covered in blood, Li Huo frowned and snorted, and finally agreed.

Mrs. Xie hurriedly pulled up Hua Yun, wiped the blood from his head with a silk handkerchief, and said to Li Huo: "Master, please tell me if you have anything to say. Hua Yun is also your nephew after all. How can I talk to him if he is like this?" Sister, tell me?"

Li Huo roared: "What do you want to tell me? If it weren't for your connivance, would it be like this? Li Huayun, I will say it for the last time today, I will not marry Su'e to you. If you dare to stalk her again next time If you hit me, I will beat you to death.”

Li Huayun is also a talented person, with fair and delicate skin and extremely handsome. He also looked infatuated with Li Su'e. When he heard what Li Huo said, he puffed up his chest and said, "If I can't be with Su'e, I would rather die."

Xiao Yueye felt strange. Although Li Huayun was too handsome, he probably didn't meet General Li's criteria for choosing a son-in-law. But with General Li's character, there is no reason to treat him like a savage beast. For a man who likes his daughter so much, Li Huo's reaction is really strange.

Upon hearing Li Yunhua's words, Li Huo was furious, slapped him to the ground, pointed at him and said: "Die, get away if you want to, don't dirty my general's mansion. Li Huayun, I tell you, I will pass." I'll find someone to marry Su'e in a few days. Give up as soon as possible, and I'll put away all the trouble in your belly. Don't blame me for being rude."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Xie hurriedly said: "Master..."

"shut up!"

Li Huo's slap was quite fierce. Looking at Li Huayun's body, he could not withstand the slap. But this kid was tough. He wiped the blood from his mouth and said, "Uncle, why are you doing this? Su'e and I really love each other, why do you want to beat us up?"

He paused and then said with some difficulty, "Besides, Su'e and I have already become husband and wife..."


His words were like a fuse, igniting all the anger in Li Huo's stomach. The entire front hall was filled with his roar and his murderous aura, which made everyone unable to breathe.

Li Huo looked at Li Huayun with red eyes and said through gritted teeth: "Li Huayun, you beast, you dare to taint Su'e? I'll kill you!"

Xiao Yueye's heart moved, and her body appeared in front of Li Huayun like a ghost, gritting her teeth to block Li Huo's angry blow.

His inner strength was not as good as Li Huo's, so he took action hastily, and his blood suddenly boiled. When Li Huo reacted and withdrew his hand, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Li Huo said half annoyed, half puzzled: "Xiao Yueye, what are you doing?"

He took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out the pills made by Rou Rou and took it. After adjusting his breathing for a while, his irritability was greatly reduced. He cupped his hands towards Li Huogong and said, "General, I'm afraid that Mr. Li was just in a moment of impatience and just talking nonsense. Xiaohua, at this time, you should stand up and say a few words."

Ouyang Xiaohua walked up to him and supported him, rolling her eyes at him, as if blaming him for meddling in other people's business. She sighed and said to the furious Li Huo, "General, I think this Mr. Li is just a liar." It’s just yours.”

Li Huo frowned and said, "How do you say that? How do you know?"

Ouyang Xiaohua first helped Xiao Yueye to her position, then walked up to Li Huayun and asked, "Master Li, do you know me?"

Li Huayun looked at him, thought for a while, and shook his head.

"Then let me remind you, that day in the alley, you were full of alcohol, you dragged Miss Li away, and then you were beaten away. Do you still remember it?"

Only then did Li Huayun suddenly realize. He pointed his finger at Ouyang Xiaohua in astonishment and said, "Yes, it's you?"

"it's me."

Ouyang Xiaohua turned to Li Huo and said, "General, you understand clearly that Mr. Li did intend to have a relationship with Miss Li, but it's a pity that I messed it up."

Xiao Yueye rolled her eyes, is this your explanation? It’s just adding fuel to the fire! I want General Lihuo to hear that this guy is trying to force his own daughter, aren't you crazy? !

Sure enough, Li Huo's reaction was just as Xiao Yueye thought. He looked at Li Huayun with a cannibalistic look. The whole air became stagnant, and conflict was imminent. (Quanben Novel Website