The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 112: Electromagnetic rifle


When he wanted to send it, Chen Ming put his hand on the electromagnetic pulse rifle in front of him.

In an instant, three options for transformation appeared in front of Chen Ming.

[DCBQ-023 electromagnetic pulse rifle, which allows the electromagnetic accelerator to always be in a state of acceleration after it is activated, which consumes a little bit of technology]

[DCBQ-023 electromagnetic pulse rifle, can add multiple electromagnetic accelerators, showing a state of acceleration one by one, consumes a little bit of technology]

[DCBQ-023 electromagnetic pulse rifle, abandon projectiles and switch to full electromagnetic compression energy weapons, which consumes a little bit of technology]

Seeing these three selections, Chen Ming felt that the current options were simply what he would give out whatever he wanted, but he didn't know if he could perform the same in other fields.

The lethality of a firearm depends on the size of the bullet, and the size of the bullet depends on the number of explosives loaded, and the number of these explosives is the key to how much kinetic energy is generated.

The general electromagnetic pulse rifle uses explosives to push the warhead, and then accelerates again to increase the kinetic energy of the warhead and increase its power.

With this first option, you can completely abandon the explosives on the bullet and continuously accelerate the bullet through electromagnetics. This will not only reduce the recoil, but also increase the rate of fire.

If more explosives are added to the warhead after hitting, then this power can rise to a higher level.

As for the third option, Chen Ming felt that it was unrealistic to use it now. He felt that when humans could use the liquid crystal, the last one would be worth considering.

Originally, I wanted to choose all one or two items, but after seeing his five-point technology point, Chen Ming gave up this idea.

With only five o'clock left, I have to figure out a way to get some new technology, otherwise when I encounter a difficult problem, if I don't have a technology point, then I will be embarrassed!

Out of the precautionary thought, Chen Ming decided to choose the first type first, so that he can launch new types of ammunition later. If he wants to buy his weapons, he must buy his bullets, otherwise your weapons will be scrap iron.

As for the ammunition, it will be troublesome for the military department. It is estimated that they manually dismantled a lot of ammunition and took the remaining gunpowder part of the warhead to do other things.

When the green lines in Chen Ming's hand were retracted, Chen Ming looked at the rectangular square in front of him, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Because the previous electromagnetic pulse rifle was like a rectangle, after all, it was still somewhat curved, but now that I have transformed it into a rectangular iron square. So Chen Ming felt for a while whether his system lacked some design features.

However, when Chen Ming picked up the electromagnetic pulse rifle in front of him, Chen Ming instantly felt that the thing was sinking a lot, and when he put it on the scale, it really weighed as much as three kilograms.

But this should be nothing to a soldier! Don’t remember that there is still armor!

Chen Ming checked the ammunition capacity of the rifle again and found that the reason for the increase in weight was the increase in ammunition capacity.

The previous ammunition capacity was 100 rounds as a magazine. Since explosives are no longer needed, two-thirds of the space can be saved, so the ammunition capacity has increased to 300 rounds per magazine.

The increase in ammunition means longer-lasting output, and longer-lasting output gives those soldiers more firepower.

Putting the electromagnetic pulse rifle in front of him aside, Chen Ming put his hand on the blasting grenade again.

[PPSL-03 Fragmentation Grenade, can use the small steel ball inside to shoot the enemy when it explodes, the explosion power is 50, the fragmentation damage is 30, the explosion can penetrate the shield within three meters of the target, it can be upgraded, and can be modified]

This time, Chen Ming's idea is best to be a defensive type, so that it can be regarded as innovation.

[PPSL-03 Fragmentation Grenade can be transformed into a one-time defense type, the expanded shield can withstand a fatal blow and consume a little bit of technology]

[PPSL-03 Fragmentation Grenade, which can be transformed into an anti-stealth grenade, which emits energy shock waves to offset the invisible spells on the body and consume a little bit of technology]

[PPSL-03 Fragmentation Grenade, which can be transformed into a fixed body grenade, which emits biological pulse waves when it explodes, temporarily paralyzing biological business functions and consuming a little bit of technology]

Seeing the latter two Chen Ming felt that although they belonged to the defensive category, he still felt that he was not as good as the first one. After all, they could withstand a fatal injury!

However, Chen Ming felt that the definition of this fatal injury had to be tested. If he understood the wrong way to use this defensive neutron cannon, it would be ridiculous if he couldn't defend himself.

Just when Chen Ming had finished transforming the grenade, the door of the laboratory was suddenly knocked open. Chen Ming turned his head and saw that An Lei was standing at the door, breathing heavily.

"What's the matter?" Chen Ming said as he handed An Lei a glass of water.

An Lei did not pick up the water handed over by Chen Ming. Instead, he picked up the one-liter kettle and dried it half in one breath. He touched the water stains on his mouth and replied, "Jiang Kun and they found that there are at least three hundred unidentified people. The person is approaching here, it looks like he should be a gangster in this area."

Hearing that gangsters came, Chen Ming did not show sadness, but excitedly said, "How long will the gangsters arrive?"

An Lei saw that Chen Ming was not worried at all, so he reached out and touched Chen Ming's forehead. After finding that there was no sign of fever, An Lei asked with a strange expression, "Chen Ming, the enemy is coming soon. How happy are you?"

Chen Ming glanced at the electromagnetic pulse rifle and defensive grenade on the workbench, "It just so happens that I'm still worried about how to test the new weapon! The experimental materials are delivered to the door by themselves!"

Only then did An Lei notice the rectangular iron square on the workbench behind Chen Ming, and the grenade that was a circle larger than usual.

An Lei who was panicked, after seeing the two new weapons, the panic on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by the same excitement as Chen Ming.

It was learned from Jiang Kun that these gangsters were unintentionally discovered, and according to their forward speed, they should launch an attack in the early morning.

Now that there are still five hours before the early morning, Chen Ming immediately asked the hammer to put down the refining test of Chenjin in his hand, and instead began to manufacture the newly transformed electromagnetic pulse rifle and shield grenades.

The rest of the people all followed Chen Ming's instructions and started to disassemble the bullets. They were all unknown to the newcomers Du Jie, Silver Wolf, Liu Zhixuan, and a member of the guards.

Only after Jiang Kun heard Chen Ming's instructions, he immediately started to dismantle the bullet without saying a word.

Seeing that the boss, Jiang Kun, had begun to do it, Du Jie and others began to disassemble the warhead in the bullet.

Finally, one hour before the early morning, the defense regiment, including Chen Ming and An Lei, were all equipped with new electromagnetic pulse rifles and defensive grenades.

However, when Du Jie and others saw the new weapon Chen Ming gave them, they all showed the same expressions as they did when they saw it for the first time.

Everyone wanted to ask what this thing is, but there are gangsters here who are preparing to sneak attack on the factory. This time is the best opportunity to test these weapons. This free test need not be used in vain.