The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 113: Delivered to the door for testing


After Jiang Kun completed the defensive deployment, when only he, Chen Ming, An Lei and Du Jie were left, Jiang Kun still asked everyone's questions.

"Chen Ming, this thing doesn't use explosives to excite ammunition. Is this power reliable?"

Although Chen Ming had no bottom in his heart, he couldn't show it! In the end, Chen Ming could only bite the bullet and said, "The power is absolutely fine! You can use it with confidence, but I just use the grenade. Although I said that I can defend against a fatal injury, I have not determined the scope of this fatal injury. It’s better to sit back and relax."

This is what Chen Ming said, but Du Jie and the others were born in the army, and they have always been cautious about this new weapon. After all, this thing is still linked to his own life.

Following Jiang Kun to an ambush site, Chen Ming and their front feet just arrived, and the roar of the off-road vehicle that the bandits were riding in followed one after another.

Jiang Kun said to the intercom on his ear, "Attention everyone, after I fire the first shot, everyone uses the new weapon first. If it doesn't work, replace the old weapon immediately!"

As soon as Jiang Kun finished giving orders, two off-road vehicles appeared at the intersection.

Behind these two off-road vehicles, there are more off-road vehicles equipped with heavy weapons, but according to their appearance, it should be a coalition composed of eight bandits. This can be seen from the clothing on their vehicles. Out.

At this time Du Jie's voice sounded from the earphones, "Boss, we are going to post this time! There are a lot of valuable heads inside."

Hearing that these people offered a reward, An Lei and Chen Ming suddenly had golden light in their eyes, knowing that what they lack most now is money! In the eyes of Chen Ming and An Lei, these gangsters instantly turned into moving pockets.

With a gunshot from Barrett in Jiang Kun's hand, fifty members of the crow group were ambushing around, pulling the trigger at the same time.

In an instant, dense red dots flew out on both sides of the road, and those gangsters who were rushing forward unscrupulously were beaten into a sieve by the red dots in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that they were ambushed in front of them, the gangsters walking behind immediately stopped and opened the heavy weapons mounted on the vehicles and started shooting on both sides of the opposite road.

As there were no rocks on both sides of the road, only a little sparse vegetation, the bandit coalition did not notice the abnormality when they were shooting, and stopped attacking until the barrel was overheated.

The dust raised by the bullet machine hit the ground before it dissipated. The head of a gangster manipulating the machine gun suddenly exploded, and then a loud voice rang out.


The moment the gangster’s head exploded, all the gangsters immediately began to panic. At the same time the gangster panicked, countless red dots shot out from the dust again.

For this sudden attack, the gangsters immediately hid themselves behind the car.

Just as two gangsters were hiding behind the car thinking they were safe, a gangster saw something suddenly pierced on the face of an accomplice opposite him, and then he saw with his own eyes how a person turned into briquettes.

At this time, the group of bandits realized that the weapon on the opposite side had a strong penetrating power.

This is how the gangsters think Chen Ming, who is hiding in the dust, thinks the same way, but Chen Ming and the others do not want to rush out, but wait for the gangsters to rush in.

Under the powerful firepower of the rifle modified by Chen Ming, some gangsters still wanted to hide and fight back, but as the gangsters hiding behind the car fell down, they finally couldn't bear it and rushed out from behind the car.

However, before they rushed out, they still called the heavy weapons on the controller's car to provide cover.

Although the gangsters thought of cover, but Chen Ming has a sniper on their side!

As the sound of the sniper rifle is becoming less and less when firing, the heavy weapons erected behind the off-road vehicle are not operated with a sense of gangsters.

Liu Zhixuan, who was in charge of the sniper, looked at the scope, and no one on the heavy weapons was going up, and she said to Jiang Kun beside her boredly, "Ah! It's really boring, I only killed 20 of them this time."

Still looking at the sight without moving, Jiang Kun replied coldly, "Twenty-two."

Just as Jiang Kun finished talking here, he pulled the trigger again, "Twenty-three."

At this time, Chen Ming and others, who were hiding in the dust, killed the gangsters three meters away from them in the blink of an eye.

Until none of the gangsters could stand up, An Lei said intently, "Oh! Chen Ming, your rifle is so easy to use. Apart from being a bit heavy, I can't put it down, especially the recoil almost. No."

As soon as An Lei finished this, Du Jie grabbed Chen Ming's shoulder and said, "You are a defensive grenade that is so easy to use! We might have accounted for it if it weren't for the grenade you fired just now! "

At this time, Yinlang said with a stern face and an unhappy expression, "You are happy, and you don't know how to save one for me. I don't have a human head today!"

According to Du Jie's preliminary statistics, this bandit coalition can earn them at least 100 million.

In fact, this number could be higher, but because the firepower of the weapons made by Chen Ming was too powerful, there were a few valuable bandit leaders, and one who was beaten accidentally was completely unrecognizable, and naturally he couldn't get the bounty.

After this test, Chen Ming was quite satisfied with the weapon he modified, but the most critical fatal blow still failed to test the maximum value.

After all, the most powerful of the heavy weapons of those gangsters is the machine gun, and the bullets fired by that thing are directly bounced off by the shield, even leaving a trace on the shield.

Du Jie and the others, who were still skeptical before, have already loved the electromagnetic pulse rifle improved by Chen Ming at this time.

At present, only Liu Zhixuan and Silver Wolf's weapons have not been updated, and Silver Wolf does not seem to be in a hurry, but Liu Zhixuan has begun to formulate a soft shot against Chen Ming.

"Brother Chen, you can help me change it too! You see they all have it, what if they use that little girl to bully me?" As soon as Liu Zhixuan said this, Du Jie and the others suddenly became silent.

I don't know who said quietly, "Bullying you? It would be nice if you didn't bully us! I think the little girl is an old girl!"

Liu Zhixuan turned her head when she heard this, and saw that the place that was full before, was now empty.

"Fuck! What's wrong with my old lady!" Liu Zhixuan said flatly to Chen Ming after she shouted, "Chen Ming, please help me! As long as you help me change it, how about I send you sister's swimsuit photos? ?"

In the face of this sex, if An Lei is sitting here, it must be unintentional, but Chen Ming sitting here is completely indifferent to Liu Zhixuan's sex.

In fact, it's not that Chen Ming doesn't want to help, but he has three technological points under him now. If Liu Zhixuan is transformed, then he really only has two points left.