The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 123: Unfinished order


After half a month of self-cultivation, Chen Ming has basically recovered, and Jiang Kunna is still in a coma even though he is out of the dangerous period.

Judging by Zhixue's biotechnology using the wizard, although Jiang Kun's body is basically normal now, it will take at least three months of self-repair for the damage he suffered to fully recover.

And to install a prosthetic limb for him, she needs to wait for her to fully recover before she can make a detailed plan and start to make a robotic arm tailored for him.

While in the hospital, Chen Ming had already decided what he would do after he was discharged.

The first thing after coming out was to provoke the Wang clan again and ask them to use the hound, a mercenary, again, so that they could justify their revenge.

And now, what can irritate Wang the most is the failure of the projects that made them invest a lot of manpower and material resources.

There are only two such projects now, one is the reformer and the other is the power armor.

The converter must be used as the last straw to crush the camel, and the power armor used to irritate Wang step by step.

Just when Chen Ming was about to find Wu Jun to see if he could get the most basic exoskeleton armor, Wu Jun entered the laboratory where Chen Ming was in a hurry, and he didn't even knock on the door.

The first time I saw Wu Jun so anxious, Chen Ming felt that it should be a very important thing, otherwise Wu Jun would not come in without knocking at the door.

As soon as Chen Ming was about to ask, Wu Jun said, "Your chance to slap Wang's face is here!"

I saw Wu Jun handing an electronic board to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming saw that the electronic version showed a scientific research commission from the military. When Chen Ming slid to the bottom, he saw that the commission had been accepted by Wang.

Seeing that the commission had been accepted by the Wang clan, Chen Ming looked at Wu Jun in a strange way, "Ang Ge, isn't this already accepted by the Wang clan? You mean we applied to the military to get a foot in. ?"

Wu Jun shook his hand and said, "No, no, no, take a closer look at the time of this commission."

Seeing Wu Jun selling Guan Zi, Chen Ming looked at the commission time on the last page.

When Chen Ming, who was still unclear on his face, saw the time on the last page, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Because two years have passed since the time of acceptance on the last page, and the deadline for this commission is one year, and the deadline is now exceeded, but no one will take over the commission, which shows that This is a piece of hot yam, so it has always been taken by Wang.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming immediately raised his head to look at Wu Jun and said, "Angel, you mean let us take over, and then finish it in a short time so that you can hit Wang's face!"

Wu Jun slapped his hands twice and said, "Russ can be taught, so that not only can we show our strength, and let those in the military notice us, but also slap Wang's face severely. Such a good thing is simply a divine help. what!"

Now that he has decided to pick up, Wu Jun will be responsible for contacting, and the problem to be solved by this entrustment depends on Chen Ming, a full-time researcher.

After Wu Jun left the laboratory, Chen Ming began to check the contents of the commission.

The above is to reduce the number of operators of vehicles, and strengthen the firepower and mobility of the vehicles, so that they can provide sufficient firepower in various environments.

From the information submitted by Wang in the entrustment, Wang tried to add artificial intelligence to various vehicles, but after adding it, although the number of people was reduced, the cost soared. At the same time, repairs after damage have become limited. Can rely on professionals to solve.

This is simply a fatal injury for an army that cannot be equipped with a large area of senior engineers. After all, if you are not careful on the battlefield, you may die, and the maintenance of artificial intelligence requires the coordination of a lot of equipment, in the environment of the battlefield. , This is basically impossible.

Later, Wang added a lot of self-maintenance components to the artificial intelligence, but in this way, not only the power and other aspects need to be improved, but also the concealment is greatly reduced.

As for increasing firepower and improving adaptability, it goes without saying. If you can't even reduce the number of personnel, just let it go. What's the use of thinking about these two

And the most important thing is that no one is willing to take over. Since no one is willing to take over, his Wang family can only continue to research and continue to invest money in this bottomless pit.

Chen Ming looked at the vehicle model that needed to be modified. This was a light tank numbered [QXTK-025]. According to Chen Ming, he was actually a modified armored vehicle.

This thing can now also be used to play against the potential of travel notes or sneak attacks on others. It is no different from looking for death.

The person who placed this order was General Lakya of the Eastern Military Region. Lakya had actually seen Chen Ming. He was a man with silver hair at the weapons exhibition that day.

Most of the eastern part where he is located is a lot of mountains, which makes it difficult for heavy weapons to advance, and the weather conditions there are also not very good, which makes heavy weapons that are inherently inconvenient and useless.

Considering this situation, Chen Ming also started to worry a little. Even if he remodeled this thing himself, it would be of little use! This increase of firepower requires heavy weapons, but once heavy weapons are applied, the image must move at a speed. When this speed comes, it will become a heavy tank!

To become a heavy tank, it is necessary to reduce the weight and increase the mobility, and to increase the mobility, it is necessary to unload the weapon. This unloading of the weapon is back to the original point!

It's no wonder that Wang hasn't made any progress on this project for so many years.

Chen Ming, who had no ideas in his mind, could only ask the hammer to see what solution the dwarf had.

At the same time, Lu Peng also hurried into Wang Ziyue's office with an electronic board, and Wang Ziyue was flirting with a blonde secretary.

Seeing Lu Peng's door, he entered without knocking. The more the prince frowned, he invited the unhappy female secretary out, and looked at Lu Peng with an unhappy expression, "What's the matter?"

Lu Peng put the electronic board in his hand on the table, pointed at it and said, "Our hot yam was picked up by Future Technology!"

Hearing Lu Peng say "hot yam" the more the prince knew what it was, but the more the prince was not nervous at all, he looked at Lu Peng with an expression of "why fuss" and said, "We can't find a solution How can he solve it with a new technology company? It's just a dream!"

Although Lu Peng also feels that future technology is impossible to complete, he still said with some worry, "Wang Shao, it is indeed reasonable to say that, but if it succeeds, isn't it just slap my door in the face?"

"Face? It's ridiculous, he won't even want to finish if we can't finish it!" The prince dialed the phone as he finished speaking.

After ten minutes of chatting, when the prince hung up the phone, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Huh! I want to face me! That person is not born yet!"