The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 124: Embarrassed


Chen Ming had no ideas in his head. When he first came to the door of the recycling room where the hammer was located, Chen Ming saw the hammer feeding a spider.

The hammer that had just put the food just saw Chen Ming come in.

Seeing Chen Ming's arrival, the hammer took out a bottle of vodka and prepared to welcome Chen Ming's arrival.

Seeing the vodka in the hammer's hand, Chen Ming immediately waved his hand, "Master Iron, can you wait until next time? I have some questions this time I want to ask you."

When Chen Ming said this, Iron Hammer put the vodka back in his hand a little disappointingly, "Let's talk! What is it for me?"

Chen Ming said his troubles, and saw the hammer lowered his head and touched his beard. "Although we dwarves are very strong in vehicles, our technology is based on magic, which is completely different from your humans. All the way."

As the hammer said, he picked up an electronic board and drew a simple diagram for Chen Ming, "Our dwarf's habit is to directly flatten regardless of the terrain. It is impossible for you humans to do this, but I have an idea. , You can refer to how animals move."

The Hammer said that Chen Ming suddenly wanted to send it out.

Since the transformation on the basis of light tanks is an idea, then why don't we change the direction!

At this time, Chen Ming suddenly looked at the spider raised by the hammer, "Master Tie, how do you think this spider is adaptable to the terrain?"

Hearing Chen Ming's question, Iron Hammer looked at his pet spider and said, "The adaptability of spiders is quite strong! This little thing can go up regardless of the terrain, and the power of this little thing is also great. very!"

The Hammer said that Chen Ming immediately had the right idea in his heart. He made a new vehicle weapon based on the structure of the spider, using a mechanical dog as a prototype!

As soon as Chen Ming came back from here, Wu Jun and An Lei, who were in charge of handing over to the Wang clan, came back, but An Lei's face showed a look of displeasure.

Seeing An Lei's upset look, Chen Ming knew that Wang had angered An Lei again without guessing.

"His grandmother, is this Wang's brain sick? Any cat or dog can be their leader? Is their personnel department eating too much mouse shit and breaking their head!" An Lei said cursingly.

Hearing An Lei's angry look, Chen Ming didn't ask An Lei, but looked at Wu Jun and said, "Angel, what's wrong with An Lei?"

Wu Jun shook his head helplessly, "They deliberately didn't hand in the information, and then An Lei went crazy. Then they made some documents that only need one handover procedure, and it took twenty department stamps to hand over. And Some departments have taken us a long time to stamp."

As soon as Wu Jun finished talking about this, An Lei immediately said, "This is all light! Then we went to ask the military to provide them with light tanks. Guess what they gave us, a pile of scrap iron! A pile of scrapped iron! Scrap copper and rotten iron! They said that the military gave these ones. The new ones have not been shipped. These are leftovers. He can’t tell if we are idiots. Those tanks are estimated to be beaten. Useless!"

Seeing An Lei's anger getting more and more angry, he helped An Lei think about his undulating chest and said, "Okay, don't be angry anyway, I don't need that thing anyway, even if I take it back, I will use it as a scrap iron. Up."

Wu Jun's face flushed with anger and blushing. When Chen Ming said that he didn't need the light tank, An Lei and Wu Jun looked at Chen Ming with a blank face.

"You don't use that light tank as a prototype, so what are you going to study?" An Lei said with a look of doubt.

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth raised, "When I finish this, you should understand it at first glance!"

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he put his arms on the shoulders of Wu Jun and An Lei and said, "But you guys help me get some mechanical hounds back. It's best to get five or six of them, and some infantry against heavy tanks. The weapon is back."

Wu Jun and An Lei, who were already full of question marks, had more question marks on their alarm clocks when they heard what Chen Ming wanted.

Looking at Chen Ming's confident look, Wu Jun and An Lei went to help Chen Ming get five mechanical hounds and some weapons used by infantry against heavy vehicles.

After An Lei and Wu Jun left the laboratory, Chen Ming focused his gaze on the equipment in front of him.

[DBHJ-5 individual rocket launcher, which can cause damage to heavy vehicles, can be upgraded and modified]

[JXLQ-08 combat mechanical hunting dog, can effectively track, stealthily destroy the target, can be upgraded, can be modified]

[DBDR-4 single-soldier capacitor gun, charging time is ten seconds, after the charging is finished, the compressed energy will be emitted, which can machine heavy vehicles, can be upgraded, can be modified]

[DBLP-02 single-soldier continuous-fire machine gun, effective range of 800 meters, can penetrate light armor, upgradeable, and remodelable]

[Post four new technologies, get 4 technology points, and now have 14 technology points remaining]

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the technology point had returned to double digits.

When Chen Ming put his hand on a mechanical hound, Chen Ming clicked on the modification option and thought of the appearance of a spider in his heart.

Three transformation plans appeared in front of Chen Ming.

[JXLQ-08 combat mechanical hound can be transformed into a heavy weapon, which can identify the enemy by itself, and a combat hound, which consumes a little skill. 】

[JXLQ-08 combat mechanical hound can be transformed into a six-legged spider form, which can be placed on bombs and heavy weapons, and can be switched between unmanned and manned driving, which consumes a little skill. 】

[JXLQ-08 combat mechanical hound can improve the melee combat ability, increase the hound's physique and hit high-explosive bombs inside. It can be used as a mobile bomb, which consumes a little skill. 】

For the first two options, it is not bad for Chen Ming, but if equipped with heavy weapons, then there are only four mechanical hounds that retreat, and they cannot withstand the recoil caused by heavy weapons.

The two unbearable results are either being scrapped by the post-work force on the spot, or being able to withstand the recoil, but the limbs are completely scrapped and unable to move.

The hexapod is different. This one is quite stable. With two more legs, he can more effectively disperse the recoil from heavy weapons.

After choosing the direction, the green lines in Chen Ming's hands wrapped the mechanical hound in front of him. At the same time, the green lines were like tentacles and spread to another mechanical hound.

The whole process lasted for nearly five hours before it ended. When Chen Ming opened his eyes, he saw a mechanical creature about two meters tall and shaped like a spider appearing in front of Chen Ming.

Chen Ming immediately put his hand on this new gadget, and a message immediately appeared in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

[JXZZ-01 combat mechanical spider, moving at a speed of 100 meters per second, can carry one or no driver, can carry two heavy weapons or four light weapons, can adapt to any complex terrain, and can be equipped with self-destruction at the tail Bomb, can be upgraded, can be modified]