The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 125: Spider robot


Chen Ming nodded with satisfaction when seeing the information in front of him.

Among them, the military needs to be able to adapt to various terrains and reduce the requirements of the driver. This thing can achieve it, and the speed of this thing is not low, but I don't know what it will look like after being equipped with weapons.

Since Chen Ming has only one person, these weapons installation tasks can only be done by himself, but fortunately, when Yu Lei was tossed about, this kind of thing has not been done less and now it is not very strenuous to do it.

After using the robotic arm to load two heavy weapons, Chen Ming did not see any sinking of the spider in front of him.

In order to test the actual running speed of this thing, Chen Ming drove the big spider out of the laboratory and came to a clearing in the factory.

Du Jie and Liu Zhixuan who happened to be patrolling, saw Chen Ming driving a big spider-like thing, Liu Zhixuan immediately showed the appearance of a curious baby, came to Chen Ming’s spider mech and said, "Little handsome guy, you are what?"

When Chen Ming saw Liu Zhixuan coming, he jumped off the mechanical spider and said to Liu Zhixuan, who looked like a curious baby, "Liu Zhixuan or you come to drive, I just want to test the speed of this thing."

Du Jie, who was preparing to come over, and the three patrolling team members, when they heard Chen Ming asked Liu Zhixuan to drive, the four of them suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning, and began to shake their heads constantly at Chen Ming.

Seeing Du Jie and the others shaking their heads, while Chen Ming was still wondering what they were going to do, they saw Liu Zhixuan already sitting on the mechanical spider.

Seeing Liu Zhixuan already sitting in the driving seat, Du Jie and the other three team members immediately withdrew without a trace.

Seeing Du Jie walking in such a hurry and Chen Ming was still wondering what was going on, Liu Zhixuan suddenly asked, "I said this thing is not strong? And are there any restrictions on you?"

After hearing Liu Zhixuan's question, Chen Ming, who was still wondering about Du Jie's actions, looked back at Liu Zhixuan and said, "It must be strong. As for can drive as fast as you can."

Just after hearing what Chen Ming said, Chen Ming felt a strong wind blowing in front of him, and then Chen Ming could only see the dust in the sky, constantly rising in the open space.

Just when a small whirlwind was about to appear in the open space, Chen Ming heard Liu Zhixuan suddenly shouting, "It's cool! The speeding king Liu Zhixuan is about to start performing now!"

Just when Chen Ming heard Liu Zhixuan's words, Chen Ming saw the mechanical spider driven by Liu Zhixuan, suddenly rushing towards him.

Facing this scene, Chen Ming immediately rolled and avoided a donkey next to him. As soon as Chen Ming looked up, he saw the mechanical spider driven by Liu Zhixuan doing a backflip in the air.

Just when Chen Ming was getting ready, he saw the mechanical spider driven by Liu Zhixuan was falling downstairs, but the more Chen Ming looked at it, the more he felt wrong. Why did this place seem to be moving toward his own home

As the distance approached, Chen Ming became more affirmed that he wanted to send, because the shadow produced when he fell was always under his feet, there was no intention to leave at all, so Chen Ming would be sure of his feelings.

As the shadow area under his feet gradually increased, Chen Ming immediately swooped and rolled with two donkeys, and there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the place where he was before.


When the dust after landing has not cleared, Chen Ming just got up and a spider leg slid against the tip of his nose.

Faced with such a thrilling scene, Chen Ming understood why when he wanted Liu Zhixuan to test drive, Du Jie and the three team members would shake their heads like a rattle. It was to remind himself that Liu Zhixuan was a road. Don't let him sit on it!

But now it is too late. I guess it is basically impossible to tell Liu Zhixuan to stop. He can only stop when Liu Zhixuan runs out of energy.

At this moment, the sound of mechanical movement suddenly stopped, and then Chen Ming heard Liu Zhixuan's unpleasant voice, "Move! Move! Why don't you move anymore? Isn't old enough?"

As the raised dust dissipated, Chen Ming saw Liu Zhixuan violently operating on the mechanical spider, and when he drove over, it was a brand-new mechanical spider, which now looked like an old machine that had been battle-tested.

Seeing Liu Zhixuan finally stopped, Chen Ming looked at his watch. From the time Liu Zhixuan sat up to the energy exhaustion and stopped, the whole process has lasted a total of fifteen minutes. That is to say, like this kind of high-speed movement, the original energy is only It can last for fifteen seconds, not counting the energy weapons assumed to be on the mechanical spider.

However, from the point of view of the load, this mechanical spider road meets the requirements of the military.

But this battery life is a bit worrying! According to the energy reserve of the mechanical spider that I made, this thing can be played for at most forty-five minutes on the battlefield, and it will consume more than the conversion. Then this thing will become a mobile fort. , And it is the kind that can only be used once.

At this time, Liu Zhixuan jumped off the mechanical spider with an expression of intent, and said to Chen Ming, who was looking at the mechanical spider in thought, "I said, why don’t you run out of energy so quickly, you can’t add another transformation furnace. Or battery?"

Liu Zhixuan's casual complaint gave Chen Ming new ideas. correct! Why don't you add one more energy point! The cost of installing a reformer is a bit too high, so we can install cheap batteries! And this battery can also be used as a bomb in times of crisis.

This not only improves the endurance of the mechanical spider, but also makes the battery more worthwhile! This is simply a bargain!

After giving Liu Zhixuan a hug, Chen Ming returned to the laboratory with the mechanical spider that had recovered some power on the table, leaving Liu Zhixuan who was unknown, standing there.

After returning to the laboratory, Chen Ming immediately put his hand on the mechanical spider, and then three modification options appeared in front of Chen Ming's eyes.

【JXZZ-01 combat mechanical spider, the high-energy bomb mounted at the end can be converted into an energy battery, which consumes a little skill】

[JXZZ-01 combat mechanical spider, you can install a spare conversion furnace on the mechanical spider, which can be used as a backup energy source or explosion point of the self-destruct device, and it consumes a little skill]

[JXZZ-01 combat mechanical spider can increase the leg strength of the mechanical spider, and add an energy shield to the leg to defend against infantry strikes. It consumes a little bit of skill]

Chen Ming, who had originally seen the first option, saw that the system gave his two options later, and suddenly Chen Ming had the urge to buy.

Because of the latter two selections, Chen Ming thinks this is simply icing on the cake! Although the addition of a converter will increase the cost, the additional converter allows the mechanical spider to replace an important unit of the opponent in a crisis. It is simply a very cost-effective business! So Chen Ming didn't care about the skill points, so he chose the latter two together.

When the green lines in Chen Ming's hand returned to his hands, An Lei suddenly rushed into the laboratory out of breath, "Chen, Chen Ming, there are, there are new, new discoveries, yes, someone is spying on us!"