The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 18: gang war


When Chen Ming saw An Lei appear, and just about to ask An Lei where to go, he saw An Lei directly grabbed the Coke bottle on the table and threw it towards him.

Out of cooperating with An Lei for so many years, while An Lei was doing this action, Chen Ming saw the drink bottle thrown at him when he turned sideways, and hit the yellow hair's face that had just been stunned by him.

Su Min, who had just come out of the toilet, saw three people lying on the ground lying around Chen Ming and An Lei.

"What's going on?" Su Min just finished asking, a man wearing jeans and a leather jacket carrying a stool rushed towards Chen Ming.

Chen Ming dodges the stool that the man is swinging sideways, and hit the man's left armpit with a punch, and while taking the man back two steps, Chen Ming hit the man directly with an uppercut. Flew up and fell on a table.

"I don't know, it should be your suitor who came to take care of me!" Chen Ming kicked a man who was about to attack him and fell to the ground with a kick.

When Chen Ming said this, Su Min, who was still a little worried about Chen Ming, suddenly turned particularly ugly. Just when Su Min was about to take something out of his bag, Su Min saw Chen Ming suddenly grabbing his hand and following. He moved towards An Lei, who opened the way with a chair in front, and moved towards the gate of the mall.

When they came outside the department store building, those people were still chasing after him, as if they didn't mean to let Chen Ming go.

At this time, a roar of the engine came from Chen Ming's left side. As soon as Chen Ming turned his head, he saw a black off-road vehicle rushing out from the left, knocking out two punks who wanted to block the road with their bodies on the spot.

The black off-road vehicle suddenly flicked and stopped in front of Chen Ming at a distance of three meters.

When the car door opened, Chen Ming saw a girl with a baby face and a cute look beckoning to him, motioning to get in the car quickly.

Seeing the girl beckoning to herself, and when Chen Ming was still hesitant to get on, she saw Wu Jun poking his head out of the car window and shouting, "What are you doing there in a daze! Get in the car!"

Seeing that it was Wu Jun driving the car, Chen Ming and Su Min immediately got into the back seat. An Lei threw the stool forward and forced them back from the gangsters who were about to surround him, and then took the seat of the co-pilot.

As soon as people arrived at Qi Wujun and stepped on the accelerator to the end, the gangsters heard the sound of the accelerator and gave way to Chen Ming and the others.

The off-road vehicle driven by Wu Jun rushed a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. When the punks were about to chase, they were stopped by the man in the plaid suit before, "Don't chase, Miss is on it, you go and take the injured person. go."

With the corner of his mouth raised, the man in the plaid suit sent Chen Ming holding Su Min in the mall and all the videos of their resistance to Wang Ziyue.

Chen Ming, who was sitting in the car, looked at the rear window and was relieved to see that those people were not chasing him.

Wu Jun, who was driving, glanced at Chen Ming from the rearview mirror and said, "I said you two can really fight, so you have suffered a little bit of injury to so many people."

An Lei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said proudly, "That is! At the school, we were the number one person in the school! Those little gangsters had to call out Lord Chen and Lord Lei when they saw me."

Chen Ming, who was sitting in the back row, saw that An Lei was about to talk about that glorious history again, so he hurriedly turned away from the subject, "Who are the people I said chasing us?"

The innocent girl sitting beside Su Min suddenly said, "Those are my brother's men!"

Hearing the little girl say this, everyone in the car except Wu Jun, who was driving, looked at this innocent girl with surprise.

Su Min first spoke, "That's your brother's hand, then you are the little princess Wang Yunya of the Wang family?"

Wang Yunya blinked her big eyes and said with a serious expression, "Then you are the Su Min that my brother has been dreaming about?"

When Wang Yunya finished saying this, Su Min immediately looked at Wu Jundao who was driving, "Wu Jun..."

As soon as Su Min called out Wu Jun’s name, Wu Jun interrupted Su Min’s words and said, “Miss Su, don’t be so nervous. I didn’t reveal Blackstone’s secrets. I’m not a commercial spy, and you should You know the Wang family best! Their Wang family is notoriously patriarchal. Like Wang Yunya, when she gets married, she can take a little share."

"Then you married her, do you want to stay in Blackstone?" Su Min said with a serious expression.

Wang Yunya directly took off her cheeks with her hands and said, "My marriage with Junjun is settled, we will go to the dwarf and the elves to open a Chinese restaurant, make food every day, and see how nice the scenery is! Do you think it is Junjun? "

"You see the answer has come out, so don't worry about it, Miss." Wu Jun said while driving.

Chen Ming, who had returned to the third institute, took a bath and put some medicine on himself. When he was about to go back to his small warehouse to rest, he saw Su Min standing at the door of the warehouse with a beer in her hand.

Seeing Su Min still holding wine at the door of his warehouse, Chen Ming asked with a look of confusion, "Ms. Su, what's the matter with you?"

Su Min looked directly at Chen Ming and said, "Can you let me go to your room and drink some wine with me?"

Faced with the girl's proactive invitation, Chen Ming didn't know whether to refuse or agree, Su Min suddenly said, "Since you didn't deny it, then I think you agree."

Su Min walked straight into the warehouse where Chen Ming was after speaking, and Chen Ming, who had just recovered from the door, could only sigh helplessly and followed Su Min into the warehouse.

Su Min came in without restraint, sat directly on the mattress Chen Ming had placed on the floor, opened a can of beer and started drinking.

It was the first time that Chen Ming saw such a proactive girl, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Su Min, who finished a can of beer in one breath, showed a satisfied expression, and pulled Chen Ming, who was standing there stupidly, to the fuck.

As soon as Chen Ming sat down, Su Min leaned in front of Chen Ming and said with a serious expression, "Do you like me?"

Hearing Su Min's sudden question like this, coupled with Su Min being so close again, Chen Ming's heart almost came out of his throat at this time.

"This, that, I..." Chen Ming hesitated for a long time without giving Su Min an answer.

Su Min picked up a coin from the table and said to Chen Ming, "You agree on the positive side, and I don't agree with you saying no on the negative side."

After Chen Ming heard this, he always felt that when there was something wrong, Su Min had already bounced the silver coin.

Seeing the silver coins spinning in the air, Chen Ming felt as if time had stopped.


The silver coin was slapped in his hand by Su Min. When Su Min took his hand away, only the reverse side of the silver coin was facing up.

Seeing that Chen Ming was about to speak, Su Min said, "Okay! According to the agreement just now, I don't allow you not to agree to be my boyfriend!"

Only then did Chen Ming react. What Su Min meant when he said the pros and cons just now, the feeling is that he has no right to refuse regardless of the pros and cons!