The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 24: Framed


After this sudden attack by Zhang Jing, Chen Ming asked Jiang Kun to train himself, and Jiang Kun taught Chen Ming a lot of close combat skills.

After this "training", Zhang Jing conducted this special "training" several times, but after that time Chen Ming was also prepared, plus Chen Ming started physical training, Zhang Jing's plan never succeeded. .

Seeing that training could no longer threaten Chen Ming, Zhang Jing called Wang Tao, the squad leader of the maintenance team.

As soon as Wang Tao came to Zhang Jing's office, Zhang Jing put a thermal pistol on the table.

When Wang Tao saw the pistol on the table, he was taken aback. Zhang Jing pointed to the pistol on the table and said, "You find a chance to put it in Chen Ming's dormitory. By the way, you can also understand your personal grievances towards Chen Ming. ."

After Zhang Jing said that, after a treacherous smile appeared at the corner of Wang Tao's mouth, he picked up the pistol on the table and put it in his clothes.

As more exoskeleton armors were sent to the fortress one after another, Chen Ming was busy until late at night. During this period, Su Min visited Chen Ming once.

However, there are too many exoskeleton armors that need to be debugged. They wanted to have lunch together, but Chen Ming went to work again after halfway through.

That day, Chen Ming still participated in the morning exercise as usual in the morning, and after that, he began to assemble and debug the exoskeleton armor.

But as soon as Chen Ming finished his exercise, he saw the gate of the warehouse planned to be used by himself. At this time, it was already surrounded by water, and all the people around were from the former fortress maintenance team.

When Chen Ming walked to the front, he discovered that under the leadership of their squad leader Wang Tao, the five security team members, including Jiang Kun, who were guarding the warehouse, were in a state of tension.

Chen Ming, the temporary person in charge, hurriedly squeezed into the crowd and stood in front of Jiang Kun, "I said Squad Leader Wang, we worked together very happily before, so why did you suddenly make such an accident today?"

When Wang Tao saw that Chen Ming winked at the person beside him, he looked at Chen Ming and said, "Why don't you let us in here!"

When Wang Tao asked Chen Ming this way, it was a bit bored. The fortress here was specially granted to Blackstone's warehouse, and this order was issued to every soldier. Today, Wang Tao felt like he was fine looking for trouble when he said that.

Chen Ming squinted his eyes and scanned the people led by Wang Tao. All these people were the pillars of the maintenance team. Before Chen Ming and the others came, they were the sweet pastry in the fortress.

The various locomotives, weapons and communication equipment in the fortress all depend on these maintenance personnel to operate normally, but Chen Ming and others who are engaged in scientific research come to Chen Ming and others to solve most of the maintenance problems. .

Several times when Wang Tao was repairing the equipment, he could not find the cause for several hours, and the fortress was anxious to use it. Someone found Chen Ming who happened to be passing by, and Chen Ming quickly used his golden finger It took only five minutes before and after troubleshooting to get the device back to normal.

Since then, Chen Ming has become the person who replaced Wang Tao, and there are still many maintenance crews like Wang Tao.

The soldiers who have always regarded glory as their lives are like depriving them of their lives. This is also the fuse that caused Wang Tao to hate Chen Ming.

Coupled with the performance of the exoskeleton armor before, the first thing people in the fortress think of when they want to repair things is not the maintenance team, but the group of zero-hour soldiers like Chen Ming.

Chen Ming looked at Wang Tao who was dissatisfied, "Your skills are not good, so you should upgrade your skills. What are you doing here to trouble me? Also, this is the fortress specially approved for us, and you don't have the right to enter. "

Wang Tao sneered, "Huh! Didn't you just kill a real person! What's so great, which of us has not killed one or two alien races, if this fortress didn't have the contributions of us, how could you? Such a comfortable environment in the back!"

Chen Ming took a deep breath and looked at Wang Tao, "Then tell me! How can this matter be solved?"

Wang Tao glanced at the warehouse behind Chen Ming, and the corner of his mouth raised his mouth, "Let’s do it! Let’s use the man’s method, you use your exoskeleton armor, and we use our old guys to see who gets on the ground first. ,what do you think."

Originally, what Chen Ming thought was what Wang Tao would choose for the technical competition. Who knew that Wang Tao actually chose a martial arts battle, which made Chen Ming a bit boring for a while.

In fact, what Chen Ming didn't know was that when these maintenance personnel were out, apart from repairing vehicles or armors, they were also squad fighters when they encountered enemies.

At this time Jiang Kun's voice sounded in Chen Ming's ears, "You must promise him. This is the rule in the barracks. All grievances and grievances are resolved with fists. In the end, no matter who wins and who wins, no one can hold grudges."

Hearing this rule, Chen Ming looked at Jiang Kun incredulously. Seeing Jiang Kun's affirmative expression, Chen Ming could only sigh, "Okay!"

When Chen Ming agreed, the five maintenance crews lifted one [RC-013 Combat Exoskeleton Armor] from the crowd.

This kind of old-fashioned armor can't be compared with Chen Ming's armor at all, but Chen Ming doesn't care if he is bullying or not after everyone says so.

When Chen Ming was wearing exoskeleton armor, Jiang Kun said to Chen Ming, "You have to be careful, don't think they are maintenance personnel, their combat skills are not worse than ordinary soldiers."

Chen Ming nodded and walked into the arena dedicated to fighting.

While the two were in place, a blue energy barrier also rose up around the venue, covering Chen Ming and Wang Tao inside.

In order not to be led by the nose, Chen Ming took a step forward and punched Wang Tao tentatively.

Facing Chen Ming's attack, Wang Tao raised his arms, and while Chen Ming's fist was under his crotch, he pushed his shoulder to Chen Ming's chest with his sideways and the previous step.

After being knocked back two steps, Chen Ming stabilized his figure and stepped forward again, raising his right leg and kicking it towards Wang Tao's left arm.

The corner of Wang Tao's mouth raised, and he kicked Chen Ming towards his own foot and hugged Chen Ming. When he was about to punch Chen Ming in the leg, Chen Ming lifted one and the other back while Wang Tao made a punch, and kicked Wang. Surging chest.

After Wang Tao was kicked by Chen Ming's kick three steps first, but the inertia was too great, Wang Tao didn't stabilize his figure, and directly sat down on the ground.

Wang Tao, who fell on the ground, started from the ground with a carp, and raised his fist at Chen Ming as a fierce attack.

Facing Wang Tao's rainstorm-like fist, Chen Ming could only defend against Wang Tao's attack with his arms in front of him, and waited for the opportunity to fight back when Wang Tao stopped.

After all, Wang Tao’s armor is an old model, and its energy supply is completely incomparable with Chen Ming’s armor. White steam has already risen from the reformer behind Wang Tao, and the temperature of the reformer on Chen Ming’s side is slightly hotter. .

And while Wang Tao was cooling the reformer, it was time for Chen Ming to fight back.

Chen Ming adjusted the energy on the transforming furnace to the point where he could destroy the armor with a single punch, and hit Wang Tao, who was in a defensive posture, with a blue punch.