The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 251: Airborne strike


As soon as Lu Peng and Xia Ha arrived at the institute, they boarded an elevator behind the hidden door.

"Mr. Lu, the test can be officially completed today. I didn't expect you..." Halfway through Xia Ha's words, Lu Peng raised his hand to stop Xia Ha.

"I want to succeed this time, and I don't want to obey the mechanical undead anymore." As Lu Peng spoke, the elevator also reached the sixth floor.

When the elevator opened in a huge space, hundreds of researchers were busy nervously, they did not notice anyone coming.

In the very center of this space, there is a mass of flesh about a hundred meters high, resembling a chrysalis, emitting a faint green light.

Various metal pipes are also connected to this chrysalis. At the end of these pipes is a dormant cabin, and Wang Yunya lies in the cabin.

At this time, green cracks appeared on Wang Yunya's whole body. Before, part of the human skin began to transform into a carapace, and part of it was covered by a kind of mucus.

"How about the synchronization?" Lu Peng looked at Wang Yunya in the dormant warehouse.

"He is the most suitable host I have ever seen, and now she is gradually evolving to a new species, and soon he will be able to control the Titan Zerg." Xia Ha said excitedly.

At this time, the alarm suddenly occurred in the laboratory, and Lu Peng frowned and looked at Xia Ha.

Xia Ha is also blinded. This is the hinterland of the new government. How could anyone want to invade here

"Kill the intruder right away, I don't want anyone to ruin my plan." Lu Peng said to Xia Ha in a cold voice.

The super battleship flying above the laboratory, at the moment when the optical camouflage was removed, all the artillery on board except the main gun fired towards the ground.

The sudden attack caused most of the anti-aircraft guns on the ground to be killed before they had time to attack.

The three of Chen Ming, who had already put on their armors, and zero and one, took the upper airborne together, shot out from below the battleship into a meteor, and fell towards the ground.


After the sound of a heavy object landing, the hatch opened, Chen Ming and An Lei, and the two of them came out of the empty head first.

"It's damn scary, I almost fell apart when I landed just now." An Lei complained.

At this time, a reinforced soldier suddenly appeared behind An Lei, and Chen Ming immediately raised his gun to the head of the reinforced soldier and started shooting.

The red light beam passed over An Lei's head, all hitting the head of the strengthened soldier, and the metal helmet was instantly beaten into a honeycomb.

An Lei, who originally wanted to blame Chen Ming, heard the sound of the ground coming from behind. He turned around and saw a hardened soldier with a battered head lying behind him.

Before An Lei spoke, Chen Ming said, "You don't need to thank you, so he took up his gun and moved towards the laboratory."

Along the way, the mechanical soldiers and the strengthened soldiers were on the same level. At this time, Chen Ming and the three of them came to the laboratory building with a single machine.

Directly rushing in from the front door, Chen Ming saw two five meters tall in this research institute, wearing heavy gray armor, holding a long-handled kinetic knife in hand, strengthening the soldiers standing at the door of an elevator.

"What to do?" An Lei asked.

Before they could answer, the two gray armor strengthened soldiers suddenly moved. They took out explosive guns from behind, held the guns with one hand at Chen Ming and they started shooting.

When Chen Ming heard the gunshots, they immediately evaded behind the pillar.

"Da da da… "

Under the intensive gunfire, the polymer material on the load-bearing column, under the strong continuous shooting of the shells, the debris continued to fly from the column.

Chen Ming, who was trying to find a way, suddenly heard the sound of the charging gun.

"Om! Boom!"

Chen Ming immediately fell forward. At the moment Chen Ming was lying on the ground, most of the load-bearing pillar he had hidden before had been blown up.

Just when Chen Ming was about to get up, he suddenly felt that there was danger on the top of his head, and Chen Ming immediately wanted to roll twice on the left side in a row.

When he stopped his rolling body, he saw a long-handled kinetic knife inserted there where he was before.

The kinetic knife of mine is the gray armor strengthened soldier who fired the rechargeable gun before.

As soon as Chen Ming got ready, the enhanced gray armor drew out the kinetic knife that cut on the ground, and slashed at Chen Ming again.

"Da da da… "

A dense red light beam hit the gray armored knight.

This made the gray armor knight had to stop his movements, cover his head with his arms, and pull out a blasting gun from behind, shooting at the place where the beam came.

With zero and one firing at the gray armor strengthened soldiers, Jiang Kun seized the opportunity to drag Chen Ming directly behind a bunker.

Putting down Chen Ming Jiangkun raised his gun and aimed at the back of the gray armor strengthened soldier, something like a tactical backpack, shooting out a dense beam of light.

The gray-armored reinforced soldier who was fighting with zero and zero suddenly staggered, stepped forward several steps, and almost fell to the ground.

Chen Ming, who was hiding behind the bunker, looked at another gray-armored knight.

I saw him standing there, thinking something very sincerely in his mouth, but he didn't mean to support another gray armor strengthened soldier.

Since you are entrusted with a big brother, then I will just take this opportunity to kill one at a time, otherwise it will be a little troublesome if the face becomes two together.

Chen Ming raised his gun and adjusted it to single-shot charging mode. At the moment Chen Ming pulled the trigger, a red light spot appeared in front of the barrel of the gun.

A red light beam shot out from Chen Ming, and this light directly penetrated the gray armor knight's chest plate.

The part behind the gray armor strengthened soldier connected to the tactical backpack suddenly spewed out of gas.

Then the smashed tactical backpack fell on the ground.

The gray armor strengthened soldiers directly gave up to block the red light from zero and one, but exposed their back to firepower.

The gray armor strengthened soldier walked forward two steps, and suddenly jumped up flat, the long-handled kinetic knife in his hand was held high against Chen Ming and it was cut down.

Chen Ming immediately raised his gun and fired, but the red beam hit the gray armor strengthened soldier, leaving only a shallow burnt mark.


There was a sudden violent explosion on the left side of the enhanced soldiers flying in the air, which caused the gray armor enhanced soldiers who had nowhere to stand directly to be blown out.

At this time, the gray-armored reinforced soldier who had not been moving, did not know where he took out a three-hole heavy artillery, and started shooting at Chen Ming's side.

Where the three-hole heavy artillery passed, even if it was a three-person load-bearing column, after the shelling, the other side could be seen through the bullet holes.

Fortunately, Chen Ming had a shield. When he saw that his shield was starting to decrease, Chen Ming immediately changed to lie down.

As soon as the bombed strengthened soldier got ready, a mechanical hand was pressed on the gray armored strengthened soldier's face.

When the gray armor strengthened soldier holding his head raised his hand to grab the machine and forced his master Jiang Kun, the mana furnace on Jiang Kun's mechanical arm immediately ran at full power, and the mechanical arm also became a particle cannon.


A purple light shot from Jiang Kun's mechanical arm, and the purple light instantly flooded the gray armor strengthened soldier's head.

When the purple light dissipated, the gray armor strengthened soldier had fallen to the ground, and part of his head had been scorched.

The remaining reinforced soldier immediately retreated to the elevator entrance. At this moment, the ground suddenly began to violently complete the building, and a crack suddenly appeared on the ground.