The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 259: Adam


Jiang Kun's mechanical arm turned on the impulse assault gun, and shot at a mechanical skeleton on his left.

The mechanical skeleton on the left raised his hand and patted, unexpectedly bounced off the beam shot by Jiang Kun.

As the beam bounced off, six 30-centimeter-long green beams appeared around the mechanical skeleton, raising his arm.

At this time, the glass of the bridge suddenly shattered, and a golden light shot out from the window, pointing directly at the mechanical skeleton.

The mechanical skeleton shakes his hand and shoots three green beams towards the golden light.


After a blast, Jinguang dissipated the smoke, a blond man with twelve pairs of white wings floating in the air behind him.

He was wearing a white gold-rimmed knight's plate armor, holding a one-meter-long golden long sword, and the ring on top of his head was a golden crown.

Seeing that the mechanical skeleton didn't solve the creature, the other three beams shot out.

The green light beam just flew out less than two meters, and two streamers, one black and one red, shot in from outside the window.

These two streams of light seemed to be conscious, and all three beams of light were destroyed by drawing a circle in the air.

Chen Ming looked at the place where these two streams of light flew back.

A man wearing a yin and yang robe was floating in the air. The two streamers just now were his two flying swords. At this time, the black and red flying swords were parked behind him.

Lu Peng looked at the two flying in the air and showed a very surprised expression, "Hey! You two are still alive!"

"Mr. Lu's words are wrong, why should we die?" said the real person in Yin Yang robe.

The angel with the golden crown on his head stopped Lu Peng with a long sword, "You dare to use our sanctuary! Today, my god, Adam, I must educate you!"

Adam's long sword pointed towards the sky, Adam's momentum suddenly increased, and a baseball-sized golden ball of light appeared above the tip of the sword.

Adam pointed the golden ball at Lu Peng, and when the golden ball suddenly disappeared and reappeared, it had already appeared on the left of Lu Peng.

Lu Peng watched the throwing of the golden ball explode especially, shrouded half of his body, shrank, and dissipated.

At this time, Lu Peng only had half of his body and half of his throne.

As soon as the smile at the corner of Adam's mouth appeared, it suddenly froze there, and the boss with his eyes open looked at Lu Peng's direction.

Lu Peng, half of his body knocked out, suddenly turned away only half of his face, and showed a weird smile at Adam.

At the place where Lu Peng was cut off, many sarcomas and wires suddenly appeared.

With the interweaving of the sarcoma and the metal thread, the part that Lu Peng lost was restored in a blink of an eye.

The shocked Adam suddenly felt a dangerous breath coming. When he was about to turn on the holy light of the body guard, he only felt a tingling behind him.

When he turned his head to look at Lu Peng, he saw two pairs of white wings in his hands.

Adam looked back and saw that there were only eleven of his twelve pairs of wings left.

A holy light was released to him, but after a few minutes, the holy light didn't come down.

"This place is completely isolated from the outside world, and your divine light cannot shine here." Lu Peng threw a pair of wings in his hand to the ground, and scratched it against the throne. The stone seat before it exploded in an instant, with a handful of top The scepter with emeralds flew out of the stone seat.

Lu Peng was about to grab the scepter, and the man wearing the yin and yang robe shot two red and white flying swords at the same time behind his back.

Lu Peng, who had just grabbed the scepter with his hand, saw two streams of light across his arm. He grabbed the scepter's arm and disconnected from the forearm joint.

When the two flying swords that cut off Lu Peng's arms circled in the air and prepared to return, Lu Peng grabbed the red sword among them.


As soon as Lu Peng pressed his hand, the red long sword was suddenly crushed. The man in the yin and yang robe immediately spewed out a mouthful of purple blood, and his face turned pale.

While dealing with the two mechanical skeletons holding scepters below, while looking at the situation in the sky, Chen Ming happened to see Lu Peng crushing the long sword.

The real person in the yin and yang Taoist robe should be the handle of the heavens, the Promise Heaven Emperor, Fu Tianhong.

His flying swords are all of the fairy weapon level, which is similar to his own armor.

Lu Peng was as relaxed as a crispy skin made of crushed caramel.

If he was caught by him, he might be torn by his hands!

When Chen Ming was distracted, a warning came from the tactical helmet.

Chen Ming, who heard the alarm, reacted and saw a green light shooting towards him.

The green light was already close at hand, and Chen Ming rolled to a donkey to the left, avoiding the green light wiping his back dangerously.

"Old Chen! What are you in a daze!" An Lei's voice sounded from the intercom.

"I'm thinking about how to deal with Lu Peng!" Chen Ming said, he made a group post of the picture he had just seen.

"I'll wipe it! This scourge is so severe now! Then we have no chance of winning!" An Lei said.

"No! As long as we cut the connection between the fortress and the behemoth below, his power should be weakened." The hammer said suddenly.

"The above two can still deal with each other for a while, we will solve these two guys quickly, and then find a way to fix the above one!" Jiang Kun finished talking about the capacitor gun on the robotic arm, and shot a blue ray to one. The mechanical skeleton retreats.

Everyone immediately took out all their efforts, what to do with the joints, the front and back flanking, the cross-eyed, the key...

Regardless of whether it was positive or negative, it was a hello to the two mechanical skeletons.

The most sinister is An Lei and Chen Ming. Everyone else has received formal combat training, except that Wu Jun is under the command of an auxiliary computer.

Both of these are good hands in fighting at school. Since the front is not good for them, they should use the yin.

The whole body of the mechanical skeletons is made of machinery, and some parts are also equipped with armor, but even so, there will still be parts of their bodies on the outside and gaps created by the connection.

Chen Ming and An Lei went through many "trials" and found that as long as they attacked these mechanical skeletons, they would definitely defend themselves against the pipes and joints outside.

With this discovery, Chen Ming and An Lei looked at each other and gave a smirk together.

Chen Ming took out two high-explosive grenades from behind, and An Lei aligned the metal tube under the armpit of a mechanical skeleton, raising the hammer and knocking it down.

The mechanical skeleton directly gave up the energy beam that had been gathered at the fingertips, and instead dissipated the energy and raised his hand to call out a green light curtain, blocking An Lei's warhammer.

When An Lei was a few centimeters away from the light curtain, the warhammer suddenly turned to hit the front door of the mechanical skeleton.

The sudden change caused An Lei's warhammer to lose its previous power, but An Lei didn't mean to increase it.

When the warhammer was less than twenty centimeters away from the mechanical skull's head, a skeletal iron hand grabbed An Lei's warhammer.

The moment the mechanical skeleton grabbed An Lei's warhammer, An Lei gave a smirk and said, "Old Chen! It's your turn!"

The mechanical skeleton immediately looked under him, and Chen Ming had already read a brick-sized thing with a timer on the connecting part of his abdomen.

When Chen Ming was about to evacuate, he happened to see the green eyes of the mechanical skeleton staring at him.

With an awkward smile at the mechanical skeleton, Chen Ming kicked the mechanical skeleton, his leg and back thrusters turned on, and he opened a distance of five meters from the iron lump in the blink of an eye.