The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 261: get away


As if receiving the order, the tyrant roared again, and the two forelimbs raised a pair of blood-red sickle-like spikes and appeared on the top of the forelimbs.

Lu Peng hadn't reacted yet, the red blade in the hands of the tyrant had already arrived in front of him.

The disc in Lu Peng's hand immediately turned, and the red blade hit the green light curtain, and the protected Lu Peng was blown into the air like a cannonball.

While flying Lu Peng, the worm arm under the tyrant's arm stretched out a structure similar to a barrel, and a dark green object shot out from it.

As soon as the beaten Lu Peng stabilized his figure, the green thing hit Lu Peng's shield.


The dark green energy instantly shattered Lu Peng's light curtain, and the sputtered energy stuck to Lu Peng's body, and signs of corrosion suddenly appeared on his metal torso.

Although Lu Peng's body was corroded, in order to prevent Chen Ming below from seeing it, he recovered his body as quickly as possible.

Even if Lu Peng wanted to hide again, Chen Ming still saw the changes in Lu Peng's body through the playback of his tactical helmet.

It seems that the green energy of the Zerg has a big image on Lu Peng's mechanical body.

Only a little bit of Zerg energy can make Lu Peng so nervous. It seems that these mechanical undead are not invincible in the world.

The tyrant who had already rushed into the bridge had already fought with Lu Peng.

Chen Ming asked An Lei and the others to go and delay for a while, so that Lu Peng didn't have time to pay attention to them.

Chen Ming grabbed Wang Yunya, who was about to rush up together, and said, "Sister-in-law, is there anything in the Zerg you control that can restrain the bastard flying in the sky?"

Wang Yunya, who had been dragged, looked a little angry when she looked at Chen Ming, but when she heard the words "sister-in-law", Wang Yunya coughed lightly, "That's it! But that is the secretion of the zerg, and it is only a tyrant. That's it."

Chen Ming glanced at the tyrant and thought, this tyrant should be a top-notch creature, and it seems that he wants to win by number is not good!

"You messy pieces! Die to me!" Lu Peng roared in the air. He combined all the weapons in his hand one by one, and the last round-headed scepter appeared in Lu Peng's hand.

The green light at the top of the scepter suddenly lit up, and a green ray shot directly at the tyrant.

The tyrant raised the pair of red double knives to block, but the double knives were as crisp as thin paper in front of the green light, and the double knives instantly broke and the green light passed through the tyrant's body.

The tyrant let out an angry howl, and the energy cannon under his armpit emits a dazzling green light, and a green energy shoots out from the barrel.

It should be that Lu Peng could not move when the green light was released, and the green energy emitted by the tyrant was in the middle of Lu Peng.

The whole body of Lu Peng who was hit began to rot, but Lu Peng still flew in the air forcibly.

Cheng Lu Peng was now in a weak state, Chen Ming and others immediately turned on all the individual heavy weapons, preparing to launch an attack on Lu Peng.

At this time, Wang Yunya rushed to the tyrant who fell on the ground, and Wang Yunya instantly connected to the place where the tyrant pierced.

The tyrant who had lost his life stood up again under Wang Yunya's control.

Chen Ming and the others fired all kinds of light at the same time, all the targets pointed at Lu Peng in the air.

The corner of Lu Peng's mouth raised and a vortex appeared in front of him, and all the light beams directed at him were absorbed by the vortex. At the same time, the speed of Lu Peng's body recovery also increased with the absorbed energy.

Upon discovering this situation, Chen Ming immediately asked everyone to stop firing, but it was too late.

Lu Peng's whole body had recovered, and Lu Peng suddenly disappeared. Chen Ming only felt an afterimage flash in front of him, and the scene in front of him quickly retreated.

Then Chen Ming felt a sharp pain coming from behind him, and felt that his five internal organs were almost shattered.

Chen Ming's mouth was sweet, and a mouthful of blood was spit out, only to see other people falling everywhere just like himself.

The armor on his body also heard a warning of damage to his chest.

Chen Ming lowered his head to see that the armor on his chest was sunken in the tissue, and saw that Chen Ming was also sweating.

This is Chen Jin who is invulnerable! This is how much strength it can hit to sink into the depression.

With Chen Ming's stunned work clothes, Lu Peng had already fought with the only remaining Wang Yunya.

It was Wu Jun who got up first, but Wu Jun seemed to have damaged his motion transmitter. Now his actions are not very convenient, but he still uses the weapons he can use to attack Lu Peng, even if it is of no use.

Chen Ming also barely supported his body, but Chen Ming did not immediately launch an attack, but carefully observed Lu Peng's every move.

Although Lu Peng's attack seemed very clever, Chen Ming always felt that two people were acting.

This is the feeling that four of the six arms behind Lu Peng's attack are vigorous and vigorous, with no extra moves, but looking at the attack of the remaining two hands, it is a bit unsatisfactory.

Just when Chen Ming was wondering, Chen Ming saw a face with closed eyes behind Lu Peng.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ming suddenly understood that Lu Peng was not alone, but a person on his body.

That is to say, as long as the second person is separated from him, then Lu Peng will not be the same as waste!

Thinking of this, Chen Ming immediately told everyone about his discovery. Now Chen Ming wants them to attract Lu Peng with all his strength, and make a detour to separate that face from Lu Peng.

"I said that would be a trap?" An Lei said with some doubts.

"Whether it is or not, there is only one way now!" After Chen Ming finished speaking, he supported his aching body and moved towards Lu Peng's back.

When other people saw Chen Ming start to move, they all held up their weapons to attract Lu Peng's attention.

Lu Peng, who was annoyed by other people, waved the scepter in front of him, and all the light emitted out of thin air dissipated.

Lu Peng suddenly rushed towards Wang Yunya who was controlling the tyrant.

Wang Yunya stabbed at Lu Peng while controlling the tyrant, and the two pairs of arms behind Lu Peng grabbed the tyrant's blade.

The remaining two hands pointed the scepter at Wang Yunya, "You bitch, die for me!"

"You take care of yourself first!" Chen Ming's voice suddenly sounded from behind Lu Peng.

Lu Peng turned his head and saw that Chen Ming was holding a dagger full of green blood in his hand, which was piercing his vest.

"Do not!"

Lu Peng cannot let go now, once let go, he will be cut off by the tyrant.

A pair of wings suddenly opened behind Lu Peng, and the wings made up of blades instantly disintegrated, and Chen Ming instantly swept across the air with a sharp blade that stretched his arms.

Lu Peng still had a second hand when he saw what he wanted, which made Chen Ming anxious.

"Give it to me!" Wu Jun's voice sounded from the left.

Chen Ming turned his head and saw that Wu Jun had come to him with his thruster on.

Chen Ming did not hesitate to throw the dagger directly. Lu Peng immediately manipulated a flying knife.

The thrown dagger fell into Wu Jun's hands. Wu Jun opened the back thruster to the maximum, and all the daggers pierced into the mask behind Lu Peng.

Lu Peng, who was pierced into the vest, began to twitch, Lu Peng's head suddenly turned 180 degrees to look at Wu Jun.

"If you want to die, I have to get a funeral too!" Lu Peng finished speaking with his four arms loosening the tyrant's blade, and grabbed Wu Jun with his backhand.