The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 262: New journey


The moment Wu Jun was held, Chen Ming saw all the flying knives besieging him flying towards Wu Jun.

At the same time, he released Lu Peng who was holding the tyrant's sickle, and his chest was cut open like paper with a red blade.

All the flying knives pierced Wu Jun's back, and Wu Jun turned into a hedgehog in the blink of an eye.

"No!" Wang Yunya shouted. As soon as the tyrant's sickle was raised, a green light flashed on the staff in Lu Peng's hand, and a green light beam penetrated half of Wang Yunya's body.

The tyrant brought Lu Peng and Wu Jun to the ground.

Chen Ming and others immediately rushed to Wu Jun and Wang Yunya to check the situation. Lu Peng, with only half of his body left, watched Chen Ming and they kept calling this Wu Jun. Lu Peng smiled triumphantly, "You guys! Don't even want to run! They will be buried with me!"

After understanding Lu Peng's words, An Lei went up and prepared to give Lu Peng a kick, he saw Lu Peng pierce his heart, and he was able to look at everyone, "As long as my heart stops beating, it will explode here! Ha! Haha..."

Before Lu Peng laughed twice, Wang Yunya pressed Lu Peng's arm that pierced his heart, and shouted at Chen Ming, "Quick! Run!"

Chen Ming was not verbose, stood up and placed Wu Jun's body beside Wang Yunya, said "thank you" and jumped out of the window.

The others also left with unbearable expressions and left from the window.

Lu Peng, who wanted to struggle, was now held tightly by Wang Yunya because he lost his strength.

"You dead woman! You will fight me when you die!" Lu Peng said with an angry expression.

Wang Yunya glanced at Chen Ming, who had already returned to the battleship, released his grip on Lu Peng, and picked up Wu Jun, who was stabbed into a hedgehog, and said, "I am willing to go anywhere with you."

Lu Peng had an expression of fear, and after pulling out his body for a while, his head tilted and his eyes lost the brilliance.

At this time, Li Jianjun, who had lost his arms and eyes, and had a lame leg, took the head of the Northern Warfare and boarded the transport ship that came to pick him up.

Chen Ming returned to the bridge and immediately ordered to start the jump, as long as he has energy, he will keep jumping! Until he left the behemoth under him.

Su Min, who didn't know the reason, was about to speak, when an explosion sounded from below.

Su Min saw the decentralized behemoth begin to explode, and some places collapsed after the explosion, and the pyramids that attacked them also lost their green light and collapsed.

"The preparation for the jump is complete, start the jump." The mechanical soldier finished speaking, and the space in front of the battleship was distorted.

After ten consecutive jumps, Chen Ming and the others finally saw the edge of the giant battleship below, but the mechanical soldiers reported that the transformation furnace had reached its limit.

Chen Ming, who could only advance at full speed now, received another bad news.

In the center of the giant battleship below, where the giant fortress appeared before, there was a huge energy response, and it is expected that it will be in contact with the battleship in five minutes.

Just when Chen Ming was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Zero One suddenly said, "We can launch the main guns and use the thrust generated by the two energy explosions to get us out of here before the shock wave touches."

"What is the success rate of this thing?" An Lei asked suddenly.

"Ten percent" zero and one replied simply.

An Lei showed a surprised expression, and made a ten gesture in front of Chen Ming, "Chen Ming, should we think of a separate solution?"

Chen Ming closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Turn the bow of the ship, and all the main guns are charged! One shot!"

After giving the order, Chen Ming looked at An Lei and said, "I have to take a gamble this time! See if the luck I have accumulated can keep us alive!"

An Lei, who originally wanted to persuade Chen Ming, could only sigh and find a place to say, "Look at how much luck you have!"

The shock wave from the explosion soon approached the battleship. With a burst of energy from the main muzzle, the impact of the explosion propelled the warship forward for a certain distance.

But they are still several kilometers away from the safe distance.

This distance was in the blink of an eye before, but now it seems so far away.

Chen Ming smiled bitterly and looked at Su Min and said, "It seems that my luck has not kept us safe."

Su Min hugged Chen Minggang and prepared to speak. A dragon rang across the sky, and Chen Ming immediately came to the window and looked to the sky.

In the sky, a serpentine dragon burrowed out of the clouds, and he saw a huge wave of invisible energy covering the entire giant battleship.

The invisible energy shrinks rapidly, transforms into a small dot in the blink of an eye, and disappears into the air.

"This is my reward for you." A deep voice sounded in Chen Ming's heart.

Then Chen Ming looked at his chest, the previous mark disappeared immediately, and at the same time the dragon sounded in the sky again, and the sky returned to calm again.

After this time, the new government represented by the Wang group collapsed, and those who supported the Wang group all confiscated property and went to jail.

Zhang Hong did not continue the old government, but started the joint parliamentary model, and Li Jianjun became the commander-in-chief of the joint army.

The remaining temples and heaven are also included in the joint council, but their power is limited.

In an office, Zhang Hong, Chen Ming, and Li Jianjun are still three.

Zhang Hong looked at Chen Ming and said with an expression of disbelief, "Are you sure you won't stay?"

Chen Ming shook his head and said, "No, after the wedding, we are ready to leave. I will take the design and the battleship with me. It is not good for anyone to leave that thing now."

"Don't think about it?" Li Jianjun asked again, looking at Chen Ming, who had already decided.

Chen Ming waved his hand and said, "No, I have already handed over the business, and the technology has been given to you. You will not be afraid of me becoming the second Wang Clan if you stay!"

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he took out two wedding invitations from his clothes, put them on the table and pushed them in front of them, saying, "Don't forget to come when the time comes! I will be unhappy if the red envelope is missing!"

After the office door was closed, Li Jianjun smiled and said, "He really sees it thoroughly, but he has given you the end of your problems!"

Zhang Hong smiled bitterly, "Indeed, he has nothing to say about taking away, so there will be less unstable responding."

On the day of the wedding of Chen Ming and Su Min, as soon as the wedding was over, Chen Ming took Su Min to prepare for an endless space honeymoon.

"Go forward at full speed, the target star and the sea!" Chen Ming gave the order, but it was not an unsentimental idea that answered him.

"Old Chen, you have a lot of goals for the stars and the sea! Can you give me an accurate one?" An Lei said, turning his chair.

As An Lei turned the chairs, all the chairs on the bridge turned around. Chen Ming saw everyone there, and said in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

An Lei jumped out of his seat and put his arms around Chen Ming's neck and said, "Without you, I am going to find someone to steal the dog!"

After An Lei finished speaking, everyone else also gave out their reasons.

Chen Ming smiled helplessly and said, "Then go to the sea of stars together!"

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