The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 27: Escape


Chen Ming, who had been eavesdropping on his mobile phone, immediately showed a look of surprise on his face when he heard Zhang Jing's mouth was about 300 million yuan.

You need to know that 300 million is not a small sum. Even the current military-industrial transactions are tens of billions of orders, and the amount of 300 million can basically be regarded as a small town's fiscal revenue for a year.

I thought the tattooed man would bargain with Zhang Jing, but the tattooed man laughed loudly, "Haha! Good! 300 million is 300 million, but the place of the transaction is not here, I will notify you when the time comes."

At this time, an attendant next to the tattooed man handed a medium-sized suitcase to Zhang Jing, and then the tattooed man's men quickly unloaded the goods from the truck.

Seeing that they had begun unloading, Chen Ming put away his mobile phone and prepared to move back, but it happened that a mouse happened to pass by, and Chen Ming stepped on the mouse without paying attention.


As the rat screamed, the tattooed man, his subordinates, and Zhang Jing all looked at the place where the sound was coming from. The tattooed man suddenly looked at Zhang Jing with a fierce expression, but when he saw Zhang Jing, he also looked at Zhang Jing with the same look. When facing himself, the tattooed man immediately winked at the two attendants behind him, and said to the person who was carrying the goods, "Hurry up!"

The two men behind the tattooed man pulled out the kinetic pistols from his waist and installed the muffler. The two of them cautiously touched Chen Ming from left to right.

Chen Ming kicked the dead mouse at his feet, turned and ran towards the bar in the town, and the two approaching Chen Ming heard the "hiccup" sound of Chen Ming stepping on the snow while running. Picking up the pistol and quickly followed.

Chen Ming ran all the way and didn't care how far the two behind him were. In short, what Chen Ming wanted to do was to run to the bar and meet Jiang Kun first, so that he could survive.

The two people who were chasing after Chen Ming fired several shots at Chen Ming before they reached the central area of the town. But Chen Ming knew that these people had guns and followed them as Jiang Kun gave them. When running in a narrow place, the surrounding things will be overthrown to block the sight of the two people behind.

And Chen Ming didn't look back along the way, and when he was passing an alley, he found a scarf to hide his face, so that the two behind him could not see his face.

After chasing Chen Ming all the way, finally came to the center of the town. At this time, the two people chasing Chen Ming behind also put away their pistols and replaced them with a dagger hidden in their sleeves.

From the window of a shop, Chen Ming saw through reflection that the two were still chasing after him. Chen Ming immediately rushed into the bar where Jiang Kun had agreed to meet.

At this time, Jiang Kun, who was sitting in the bar drinking dark beer and eating peanuts, saw a man stumbled into the bar and began to withdraw the scarf around his head, but when the man pulled the scarf away, Jiang Kun I saw that the brain-dead with the same head as rice dumplings was actually Chen Ming.

Chen Ming, who was walking towards Jiang Kun, said to Jiang Kun while pulling the scarf on his head, "Hurry! We..."

Before Chen Ming finished speaking, Jiang Kun put his arms around his shoulders and said in a voice that only Chen Ming could hear, "Shut up, what happened?"

Chen Ming swallowed and replied in a low voice, "I found Zhang Jing reselling arms!"

When the words came out, Jiang Kun immediately looked at Chen Ming, but after seeing Chen Ming's firm eyes, Jiang Kun hugged Chen Ming and walked towards the back door of the bar.

As soon as he exited the back door, Jiang Kun threw the scarf in Chen Ming's hand to the trash can next to him, and then threw Chen Ming directly against the wall.

Just when Chen Ming saw that Jiang Kun's face was gradually approaching him, the back door of the bar suddenly opened. Then, from the corner of his eye, Chen Ming saw that the two people coming out of the back door were chasing him.

But Chen Ming saw that Jiang Kun did not intend to leave, and gradually pressed his face to his ear, "Keep calm! Close your eyes and stop talking!"

Chen Ming is now being slammed by Jiang Kunbi and can only do what Jiang Kun said.

After looking at the scarves in the trash can at the back door of the bar, the two looked at Chen Ming and Jiang Kun.

When they walked to Jiang Kun, one of them made an uncomfortable expression. He wanted to stretch out his hand and pat Jiang Kun's shoulder, but he took it back when he reached halfway, and asked Jiang Kun directly, "Yes. Didn't you see two people passing from here?"

Jiang Kun pressed against Chen Ming's cheek, making a kiss, and at the same time pointed his finger at the intersection.

Seeing where Jiang Kun’s finger was, the two immediately ran in the direction Jiang Kun was pointing. When they left, one of them whispered, "Fuck! Is that really disgusting!"

It has been a long time since Chen Ming was stuck on the wall by Jiang Kun, until he heard Jiang Kun say that the person had already left, Chen Ming directly sat on the ground.

Jiang Kun made a mold of his mouth with his hand, and then spit on the ground, "What you told me just now is true?"

Chen Ming took out his mobile phone and shook it before Jiang Kun's eyes, "There is a record! If you don't believe it, you can check it out for yourself!"

Jiang Kun took the phone in Chen Ming's hand. After seeing the video on Chen Ming's phone, Jiang Kun's face became difficult to look, "Although you can be used for solicitation, Zhang Jing is always with his back to the end. Yes, if he wants to deny us there is absolutely no way, and he can't kill him once, then it will be us who will die next!"

After sitting on the ground a little slower, Chen Ming felt that if he reported the matter immediately after hearing Jiang Kun’s words, if he couldn’t kill Zhang Jing, he wouldn’t care about General Li in order to survive. Will do everything possible to kill himself.

"Then what do we do now? Can't let this guy sell our things to these unidentified people?" Chen Ming looked at Jiang Kundao, who was still frowning.

Jiang Kun shook his head and said, "No, this person is Zhao Kou. He is the leader of the ghosts and snakes in the two major gangs in the west. The gang known as the eagle and ghost is the same as this gang, and the leader of the gang is called Zhao Hai. On the surface, these two gangster leaders are rivals, but in fact they are just the tops of the mountains where the two brothers stand."

I heard that the opposite is a gangster, this word only found in old movies, I heard it from Jiang Kun’s mouth for the first time, "There are really gangsters! I thought those were made up in the movies!"

Jiang Kun returned the phone to Chen Ming, pulled Chen Ming up and patted Chen Ming's shoulder and said, "You people living in the rear certainly don't know these things. If you know, the rear can be stable! "

After speaking, Jiang Kun took Chen Ming out of the back alley of the bar. After Jiang Kun confirmed that the two men were no longer in the town, Chen Ming and Jiang Kun got on a military vehicle back to the fortress.

Upon returning to the fortress, Chen Ming immediately checked the number of exoskeleton armor shipped recently. From the recent lack of numbers, excluding the last six, there were eight missing before.

Chen Ming, who returned to his residence, sat cross-legged in his arms, and looked at the door of the dormitory with a sad expression on his chin.

And Jiang Kun, who was on the side, saw Chen Ming's frowning expression, put down his heat rifle, and said to Chen Ming, who was frowning, "What's so worrying about this? Catch the thief and catch the dirty! As long as we are with them At the time of the transaction, catching Zhang Jing on the spot was finished soon!"