The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 32: Attack the outpost


When Chen Ming and Jiang Kun followed Li Yuan, who had already been gearing up, to the armory at the outpost, Chen Ming felt that they had come to the wrong place!

We have all the weapons and equipment of what age here. Although the model of the weapon is lower than what he saw in the fortress, it can be seen from the maintenance of these things that these things are often maintained.

"Let's take a look! Although the weapons here are a bit old, they are still well maintained." Li Yuan took out a gunpowder-activated pistol from a box. "This 0.41 caliber desert gun The eagle is my favorite pistol. Unfortunately, I don’t have a chance to shoot. I can only shoot a few shots while hunting."

But Jiang Kun on the side picked up a pistol with a drum and said, "No! I think only sustained output is the most important thing! Once your bullet is finished before others, then you can only become The living target of others!"

Seeing the two soldiers holding two gunpowder trigger guns and looking intoxicated there, Chen Ming didn't understand. Isn't energy weapons not good for them in the eyes of these two men? Why do they all look at those things that are already antique, one by one, look like they can't put it down.


An explosion suddenly sounded, and the shock of the explosion caused Chen Ming and the three of them standing in the armory to be staggered.

Li Yuan, who was the first to stabilize his figure, cursed directly, "Grandma's legs! Are these people gangsters? How can they have such powerful weapons?"

Chen Ming, who was holding the box on the side, vomited the dust from his mouth, "Their equipment was smuggled out of the fortress and sold to them quietly."

As soon as Chen Ming finished speaking, a group of soldiers came to the armory to get equipment. Li Yuan directly grabbed the soldier and asked, "What's the situation outside?"

The gray-headed soldier wiped the black gray from his face and said, "Yes, it's a field gun. They are attacking the city wall with a field gun!"

Hearing the three words "field artillery", Chen Ming felt that he suddenly passed through? Why do people here like to use old antiques

Li Yuan and Jiang Kun suddenly showed golden light in their eyes when they heard "Field Cannon", but they soon realized that it was not time for excitement.

When Li Yuan commanded the soldiers to carry equipment, Jiang Kun directly put on an exoskeleton armor, and loaded himself with an ammunition box containing 50,000 high-energy blasting rounds, as well as a five-hole machine gun and four-round combo. The rocket launcher came out of the armory first.

Chen Ming also hurriedly put on exoskeleton armor. When choosing weapons, Chen Ming directly chose an automatic rifle with a melee chainsaw, as well as a kinetic knife and explosion-proof shield and followed.

When Chen Ming came out of the armory, he saw the metal gate that was ten meters long and six meters high and one meter thick. At this time, a large hole with a diameter of three meters had already been broken. There are countless mechanical hounds marching towards the big hole.

However, the mechanical hounds did not rush in too much under the effective defense of the soldiers at the outpost, but these mechanical hounds were originally used for hunting, and their speed was quite fast, and the soldiers on guard also increased to the number of mechanical hounds. At the age of fifty, they began to slip through the net.

Chen Ming, who had just come out of the armory, happened to ran into a mechanical hound that had slipped through the net. Just as Chen Ming was about to shoot, he suddenly saw a flashing red dot on the abdomen of these mechanical hounds.

For the video that An Lei had seen to show himself when he was experimenting with a mechanical hound, I did not see that flashing red dot on the mechanical hound.

Just when Chen Ming wondered what it was, the mechanical hound that slipped through the net suddenly rushed towards Chen Ming, and when the mechanical hound came one meter away from Chen Ming, Chen Ming finally saw clearly that it was. what.

It is a homemade bomb that connects five blasting grenades to a signal receiver! Chen Ming has only seen this kind of bomb in the movie, and it is the first time he has seen it today.

As the hound approached, Chen Ming saw the flashing red dots on the receiver more and more frequently. Under this circumstance, Chen Ming immediately transferred all the energy from his body to the plasma shield and blocked the explosion-proof shield in front of him. .


The mechanical hound suddenly exploded when it was fifty centimeters away from Chen Ming. The moment the shock wave generated by the explosion hits the energy shield, the energy shield completely collapsed after being supported for a few seconds, but because Chen Ming was too close , The remaining shock wave slammed Chen Ming against the concrete wall three meters behind him.

Although the flame produced by the explosion was blocked by the energy shield, the lethality of the blasting grenade did not depend on his explosion, but on the steel balls inside and the fragments on the outer shell.

Fortunately, Chen Ming brought the explosion-proof shield and transferred all the energy to the shield, which blocked most of the steel balls and shrapnel, but after all, the explosion distance was too close, and the explosion-proof shield was scrapped on the spot. The shield pierced Chen Ming's leg and shoulder respectively.

At this time, Li Yuan, who came out of the outpost, saw Chen Ming lying there holding the scrapped explosion-proof shield, and in front of him was a black mark from the explosion.

Li Yuan hurriedly called the medical soldiers to come up to check on Chen Ming's situation, but before Li Yuan said what he said, the bandits rushed in through the hole like locusts.

Looking at the equipment on these gangsters, they are basically the most advanced weapons. Even the exoskeleton armor is the latest type of fortress. This made Chen Ming’s previous story of selling fortress weapons privately, and I still didn’t believe it. Li Yuan, after seeing it with his own eyes, believed that this matter was true.

But even so, these gangsters are also desperate desperadoes. Although they are afraid of being stupid, they are too stupid to fear desperate, but in front of Li Yuan, these desperadoes cannot be said to be desperate.

I saw Li Yuan wearing an old-fashioned exoskeleton armor, holding up two howitzers connected to the back ammunition box, and hitting a grenade against a hound who was not carrying a bomb.

When the gangster saw a grenade flying towards him with a surprised look, his excited expression instantly solidified, and the gangster was swallowed by the flames of the grenade explosion in the next second.

At this time, Chen Ming, who was awakened by the pain in his legs and arms, threw away the explosion-proof shield covering his body, first glanced at his arm, and saw that the fragments were only half pierced into the flesh and did not enter completely. Chen Ming proceeded. He pulled out the fragments abruptly, and used the wound adhesive on the armor to give himself an emergency treatment.

Chen Ming initially thought it would not be too painful for this action of not using anesthetics and pulling out a single piece, but when he did it, Chen Ming decided that he would resolutely stop doing such heart-wrenching things in the future.

As soon as Chen Ming had taken care of the wound, he picked up the rifle next to him, and saw a bald man with a height of two meters and two powered battle axes behind his back, coming in from the hole that was blown up.

Following him in was a woman wearing a cloak, holding two submachine guns and a heavy sniper rifle on his back, and a man crouching and holding two pistols with daggers in front of them.