The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 36: Nuggets Town


At this time, Chen Ming realized that the snowstorm outside had stopped, so he wanted to see how long he had been in a coma from the communication device beside him.

Jiang Kun, who was pulling the fire with a wooden stick, saw Chen Ming's behavior and said, "Don't look, you have been in a coma for two days. If you can't wake up anymore today, I'm going to solve you."

When Chen Ming heard Jiang Kun suddenly say this, he immediately looked at Jiang Kun with caution, "Are you also from the Wang family?"

Jiang Kun gave Chen Ming a blank look and said, "What do you think? According to the current conditions, if you don’t wake up after two days, or you’ve crashed your brain and become a fool, or you’ve had internal bleeding. You won’t be able to live again for a few days. According to the current conditions, these two situations will directly give you a happy life. It is better than you suffer here."

Hearing Jiang Kun's answer, Chen Ming felt a little uncomfortable. Anyway, I have to wait until the rescue comes! To kill people without waking up these two days, how cold-blooded it is!

Jiang Kun, who was pulling the fire, saw that Chen Ming's face suddenly turned ugly, he laughed "haha", "haha! Just kidding, who told you to push me straight down from a three-meter-high place? ."

Facing Jiang Kun’s “retaliation” behavior, Chen Ming could only show a look of helplessness. According to the situation at the time, he only took five seconds to escape. There was no time for him to explain to him. After the explanation, they didn’t have to run. Up.

Seeing Chen Ming’s helplessness, Jiang Kun’s expression returned to calm and said, “Next time, please make it clear first, or else we jumped from such a high place in the blizzard weather before, in case we were all fainted. Then we are the real group destroyed!"

Chen Ming could only nod his head when he heard Jiang Kun's "education", when the communication device suddenly rang.

Hearing the noise, Chen Ming immediately picked up the communication device, but as soon as he turned it on, he saw a message from the Western Fortress appear on the display.

[Chen Ming, a technician of the Blackstone Group, and Changjiang Kun from the security team, suspected of smuggling arms, and a group of bandits, eagles and ghosts, attacked the Keya post. Captain Li Yuan died bravely while defending the post. Chen Ming and Jiang Kun have been confirmed to be together Died in an explosion at the outpost. 】

Chen Ming was taken aback when he saw this message. Smuggling arms? Collusion with gangsters? Isn't this all Zhang Jing did? Why do you do it yourself now? Died of an explosion? But isn't he alive and well now

Jiang Kun on the side saw Chen Ming's frown, and looked at Chen Ming expectantly, "What's the above?"

Chen Ming told Jiang Kun all what he saw. After hearing what Chen Ming said, the branch he was holding in his hand "cuckled" loudly, "Mother! It was when he was in the army." I was framed by someone, and I was framed by someone again when I came here. I must go back this time and make it clear!"

Chen Ming looked at the information on the display in his hand and said helplessly, "Go back? Go back and prepare to go to the military court! Or go back and tell those who want to kill us, we are not dead, come and kill me!"

"Then what shall we do now?" Jiang Kun said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"It's definitely impossible to go back. After all, our information has been printed with death, so we are now two living dead without identities, and in this information society, if we do not have identities, we will be unable to move forward." Chen Ming replied Tao.

Hearing Chen Ming said that they wanted them to lack an identity, Jiang Kun frowned and touched his chin, "Then we can only go to one place now."

When Chen Ming heard Jiang Kun say there was a place to go, he immediately looked at Jiang Kun Dao, "Do you have a place where you can get a new identity?"

Jiang Kun shook his head and said, "No, you need money to get a new identity, and the place I'm talking about is a place where you can stay without an identity."

When Jiang Kun talked about a place where he could stay without an identity, Chen Ming's first thought was the central area of the new world, the land of no owner.

There you don’t need an identity at all. As long as you have strength, you can survive. As for status, money, beauty, etc., it is also linked to strength.

Human lives are basically not worth much money there. Murders and robberies happen every day. If you don't carry dozens of lives on your body, you are embarrassed to say that you are in a land of no owner.

But the answer Jiang Kun gave next was not what Chen Ming thought.

"Let's go to a place called Nuggets Town. The old captain of my previous team was there. Maybe he could help us get a new identity." When Jiang Kun gave this answer, his face looked like downward. With great determination in general.

After a night of rest, Chen Ming's body has basically no major problems, except for the fractures of his arms and ribs, and there will be tingling pains from time to time. It is estimated that it will take some time to heal.

Before departure, Chen Ming used the communication equipment to send a message that only he could understand to An Lei, who was far away from Blackstone, to report that he was safe, and then headed towards Nugget Town, a hundred kilometers away from the outpost.

After two days of long journey, Chen Ming and Jiang Kun finally arrived at the Nuggets town that Jiang Kun said on the fourth day after departure.

Just like his name, Nuggets Town is a place where people who make a living by collecting pure crystals gather naturally.

On the way here, Chen Ming heard Jiang Kun say that the mines in Nugget Town are quite rich, which can be collected for at least three hundred years, but when he came here he did not see a few miners.

The miners that I saw on the street were also listless, like frosted eggplants.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Kun immediately frowned. At this time, an elderly man in his fifties, leaning on a cane, was walking out of a shop with a bag of rubbish.

Jiang Kun saw the old man ran up immediately, stopped two steps away from the old man, and gave a military salute to the old man who was putting the rubbish into the trash can. "Report, Changjiang Kun from Crow Brigade, come to visit. Xu Hao, the former captain of the Crow Brigade."

Xu Hao, who put the trash in his hands into the trash can, gave Jiang Kun a glance and said, "Come in with me! If you have anything to say, come in."

When Chen Ming saw Jiang Kunchao beckoning himself, he followed Jiang Kun into this shop called Xu Hao Repair.

As soon as I entered, I saw various maintenance and dismantling equipment in the store, and mining equipment accounted for the vast majority of these equipment.

"Just find a place to do it!" Xu Hao took out two bottles of beer from an old refrigerator, unscrewed the lid by hand, plugged in lemon, and handed it to Chen Ming and Jiang Kun.

"Let's talk about it! Did you stab at arguing with the boss again? You also said that you beat the boss again?" Xu Hao said while drinking the beer in his hand.

Jiang Kun, who took the beer, said after he was half killed in one breath, "This time he was framed as a smuggled arms and colluded with the bandits to attack the outpost."

Xu Hao, who had just turned the bottle to his mouth and drank without a sip, after hearing Jiang Kun's words, directly sprayed the beer in his mouth on Chen Ming's face.

Xu Hao touched the beer on his mouth and looked at Jiang Kun with a look of surprise, "You bastard didn't you kidding me?"

Jiang Kun said calmly, "Is there anything to lie to you, if you don't believe me, he can testify to me."