The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 44: It works well


An Lei, who had already twisted the towel in his hand into twists, rushed up when he saw Chen Ming returning home with a load, and gave Chen Ming a "warm" hug, who was already somewhat exhausted.

Originally, Chen Ming, who had gone through high-intensity work below, was already a little bit collapsed. Now An Lei came to such a "hug", Chen Ming almost went to the west without being hugged by An Lei.

Finally broke free from An Lei's embrace. At this time, a man wearing a blue miner's suit, white and white, with glasses, and a bit of flesh on his face, came to Chen Ming's face surrounded by two miners.

The man cast Chen Ming up and down with a contemptuous look. When he saw the crystal in the minecart behind Chen Ming, his eyes immediately showed a strong greed.

Seeing this look, Chen Ming suddenly frowned. The man in the blue miner's suit said to Chen Ming with a proud expression, "You mined these?"

Before Chen Ming spoke, the broken combination hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Zhu Pingzhu, mine manager, we were lucky to mine today!"

Zhu Ping squinted and cast a glance at the man with the national character face, then waved his hand and said to a secretary-like person beside him, "Confiscated this car!"

Chen Ming, An Lei, and Jiang Kun were immediately unhappy when they heard that this cart of minerals was about to be confiscated. They were digging out this with painstaking effort below. He, a mine manager, would confiscate it when he said it was confiscated. Give a suitable reason.

Just as An Lei, Chen Ming, and Jiang Kun were preparing to do it, they were dragged back by a broken combination and a miner.

Zhu Ping saw Chen Ming's three being stopped by someone, and said with a mocking smile at the corner of Chen Ming's mouth, "Huh! You went mining without a license. You were supposed to fine you 200,000, but I'm not that unreasonable." Today I thought it was your first offender, and all the crystals and equipment were confiscated!"

When Chen Ming heard that the equipment was about to be confiscated, An Lei directly picked up the detector in Chen Ming's hand and threw it to the ground. After smashing the detector to pieces, he slammed it twice with his foot.

When Zhu Ping saw An Lei's move, he could only stare at An Lei and couldn't say a word for a long time.

An Lei looked at Zhu Ping's face flushed with anger, and stomped two feet heavily on the detector, and finally slammed his feet on the chip board several times.

Seeing that things had been scrapped, Zhu Ping could only take away the crystals mined by Chen Ming and the others. When Zhu Ping left, An Lei picked up the ragged detector that he had stepped on, and shouted at Zhu Ping, "Ah! Alas! You are not. Do you want to confiscate the equipment? Here you are! Don't forget to take it away!"

But Zhu Ping ignored An Lei, and walked straight towards a two-story building.

After Chen Ming's demonstration in the mine, many miners have seen the strength of their detectors. Although the crystals were confiscated by Zhu Ping, the advertising effect has been achieved, and that car of crystals is regarded as advertising expenses.

However, after coming out of the mine, Chen Ming asked the tattered group separately and ordered a hearty barbecue at the bar.

After three cups of wine, An Lei took the lead to put his arms around the shoulders of Guozi's face and said, "Big Brother Wang Po, who is Zhu Ping today? It feels so stylish!"

Wang Po sighed, "Oh! Today, that is Zhu Ping, the mine owner in Nuggets Town. He inherited that mine from his father. Originally, his father often went to mines with us when he was there. The miners have a very good relationship, but as soon as his son, who had returned from studying in the city, took over, Nuggets Town became what it is now."

Wang Rotten, with a beard on the side, cleans the beer in his glass in one breath, throws the glass on the table with regret, wipes the beer on his mouth and said, "That is, his son, from the first When I saw us the next time, I looked high, always using this management concept and that management method. In the end, the mine became more and more chaotic, and he also brought in the square money!"

Hearing Wang Po and Zhang Lan's words, An Lei, who was carrying a beer, said with sympathy, "Fuck! Then this person is a bit too inhuman! We two college students, what do you think is the difference between us and you? Well?"

Wang Po drank the beer in his sip and said, "Oh! People are really different from people, but you still don’t go to the mines in the future. That guy is going to collect your equipment today, so I guess he’s going to take them back and mine the mines on his own. !"

As soon as Wang Po said this, two miners walked in angrily. They saw the two men sitting on the bar, and a somewhat childish man patted the table and said, "Fuck! The veins that were only mined today, That Zhu Ping sealed him up and said that he was going to install the brackets. He thought we were fools! Only after digging less than two hundred meters, what brackets should be installed!"

Next to the childish miner, a slightly older miner patted the childish miner on the shoulder and said, "Okay! It would be weird if Zhu Ping's beasts didn't do that! Tomorrow we will rent the new detector, ourselves Mining new veins! We have all the procedures, I think that Zhu Ping will dare to confiscate our mines by then!"

Hearing that someone might come to rent equipment tomorrow, Chen Ming and An Lei looked at each other, and they hurriedly returned to the repair shop after the broken group was reached.

After a while, I saw six hemp pockets in the repair room, and Xu Hao was looking for scrapped detectors in those pockets.

Seeing Chen Ming and An Lei returning in a hurry, Xu Hao raised his eyes and looked at the panting two and said, "Why, what happened again?"

Chen Ming waved his hand and said, "No, our advertisement today is very effective. I expect that many people will rent equipment tomorrow, so we may have to work overtime tonight!"

Hearing that Xu Hao had to work overtime, he straightened up, hammered his old waist and said, "This is what I went to the garbage dump to find today. I probably found fifty units. Counting the previous six, we now have five. Sixteen."

An Lei on the side suddenly raised his hand and said, "No, it's fifty-five. Today Zhu Ping is going to grab our equipment, I just dropped the equipment."

Xu Hao's brows suddenly tightened when he heard Zhu Ping coming to grab the equipment, but after An Lei said that he dropped the equipment to a pulp, Xu Hao patted An Lei's shoulder and said, "Young man, the response was good. Was Zhu Ping fast at the time? Furious?"

An Lei directly described Zhu Ping's expression at the time to Xu Hao vividly, and Xu Hao gave An Lei a thumbs up and said, "Okay! Good job! You should be more angry next time, best be angry. Kill that beast."

After a night of preparations, Chen Ming and Xu Hao finally made fifty detectors at nine o'clock the next morning, that is, before the miners started work.

After giving the stuff to An Lei, a full-time salesperson, Xu Hao and Chen Ming went back to their room to sleep.

When Chen Ming woke up and came downstairs, he was suddenly jumped off by the scene in the lobby. You must know that it is already 7 o'clock in the afternoon. According to the start time, it should be off work time, but it is still in his shop. Overcrowded.

Until An Lei said to the people who were still in line, "Everyone, the reservation for tomorrow is full, if you want to make a reservation, come early the day after tomorrow!"

When the miners heard An Lei's voice, they were full of joy on the reservation. Those who did not have the reservation began to look for the reservations to see if they could cooperate.

After all the miners had left, Chen Ming saw Jiang Kun walking in with wounds.