The World’s Tech Giants

Chapter 47: The beginning of the competition


Fang Qian sitting in the car was still calculating at night. How to make Wu Jun happy when he suddenly heard Wu Jun say to call Chen Ming and the others, suddenly the cigarette in Fang Qian’s hand fell on his own. On the crotch.

Wu Jun saw that Fang Qian's crotch was lit, and he didn't see Fang Qian's actions. Wu Jun said playfully, "Boss Fang, what are you thinking about?"

After being confused by Wu Jun’s words just now, he realized that his crotch was burning. He quickly picked up a glass of red wine next to him and poured it on his crotch, but the red wine was poured on it just to make the fire burn more violently. Finally, Wu Jun used a fire extinguisher to give Fang Qian an emergency fire, and then he hugged Fang Qian's crotch.

Only the square of the bear shorts was burned, and he looked at Wu Jun with an embarrassed expression, "That handsome man, I am the most powerful equipment manufacturer in Nuggets Town. You bring a new small company. If you compete with me and spread it out, your peers will say that I am bullying the small!"

Wu Jun shrugged and said with a helpless expression, "No way! This decision is not made by me. The above requires every technology company in Nuggets Town, listen to every company! They must participate in this project. Competition, so I just follow the instructions above."

After Wu Jun saw that Fang Qian didn't believe it, he threw a document to Fang Qiandao, "If you don't believe it, just look at it for yourself!"

When Fang Qian finished reading the documents Wu Jun handed him, he was completely confused, because the agreement stated that whoever can mine Nuggets Town’s mining volume to 3 million tons of pure crystals per year will be considered as a bid. Up!

But anyone who is familiar with the history of Nuggets Town knows that even at the peak of Nuggets Town, it can only reach one million tons a year, so this goal is simply a gamble for the other side's money.

While Fang Qian was looking at the document in the car, Chen Ming, An Lei, Xu Hao, and Jiang Kun were also looking at the same document.

In the face of such a requirement to more than double the output, based on the current equipment and output of Nugget Town, this is really difficult to achieve.

First of all, from the equipment, the large excavators here will only be used unless they find a large crystal mine, and the portable excavating equipment they usually use can only dig up to 300 meters. The ore mined is calculated based on the amount of Chen Ming that day. It looks like 1.5 tons.

And this is the mining rate that they can only achieve when they found a large number of crystal mines. According to the previous estimation of Broken Brothers, they are about 50 kilometers away from the main vein. If you want to dig it back, then count the safety done in the mine. It takes at least three years to complete the installation.

But Wu Jun’s investigation only lasted one month, that is, he and Fang Qian had to make the estimated value of the mine output reach three million tons per year within one month.

Faced with the problem of how to increase the mining volume, Chen Ming decided to consult the broken brothers and the old miners in the mine. Only by asking them is the fastest way to find the problem.

Just when Chen Ming and the others were about to go to the bar to find the tattered brother, the car suddenly stopped in front of the shop, and it was Wang Wu and his two younger brothers who got out of the car.

When Jiang Kun saw Wang Wu coming, he immediately went up to the guy to fight. But Chen Ming stopped him, "Wait, let's see what they are going to do."

As soon as Wang Wu came in, he handed over an invitation letter, "Mr. Fang invites you to have dinner with Mr. Wu. Please Chen Ming and An Lei to follow us to Mr. Fang's manor."

Facing this invitation, An Lei leaned into Chen Ming's ear and said, "Do you think that this is a banquet that the square money used in the name of Brother Wu to invite us to go?"

Chen Ming actually disagrees with An Lei's saying that this is a Hongmen Banquet. First of all, Chen Ming and others have seen Fang Qian's move today. It is obvious that Fang Qian was in charge of Wu Jun, and Fang Qian didn't deal with them. At that time, I would definitely not invite them to meet Wu Jun together.

Now that Fang Qian invited them to meet Wu Jun together, it could only be Wu Jun's request.

Chen Ming leaned into An Lei's ear and said, "I think Brother Wu should have asked us to go, but you still let Jiang Kun follow from a distance, just in case."

An Lei nodded and whispered to Jiang Kun for a while, and stuffed a tracker into Jiang Kun's hand.

When Chen Ming and An Lei boarded the car parked outside the door and drove three hundred meters away, Jiang Kun borrowed Xu Hao's pickup truck and followed Chen Ming and An Lei's car at a distance.

While Jiang Kun, who had been following him, was also driving in the car, he turned on the receiver of the tracker, and saw a red dot on the display of the tracker continuously flashing on it.

When the car drove to the edge of Nugget Town, Wang Wujiang handed two black cloth headgear to Chen Ming and An Lei, "Take this with you."

An Lei saw the headgear handed over, and immediately looked at Wang Wudao vigilantly, "What are you going to do! Do you want to kidnap us?"

Wang Wu said helplessly, "Mr. Fang likes the sense of mystery and everyone who goes there should bring this."

Seeing Wang Wu's helpless expression, Chen Ming and An Lei also put on headgear.

Along the way, Chen Ming and An Lei only felt that the road was bumpy, but there was no turning movement, which means that the car has been walking in a straight line.

When An Lei's ass was about to be turned into eight petals, the car finally stopped.

When the headgear was taken off, An Lei rushed out of the car first, grabbed a stone pillar and started to vomit.

An Lei spit on this side while cursing, "You wicked money, vomit... Use this method, vomit... Toss your thunder, vomit... I won't eat your house upright today, vomit... I'm mine. Lord is not surnamed Lei!"

Chen Ming, who was also a little uncomfortable, patted An Lei, who was already vomiting, and the two followed Wang Wu into the European-style manor in front of him.

After passing through a labyrinth surrounded by vegetation, Chen Ming and An Lei saw that what they saw in front of them was not the big villa they had imagined, but a Chinese-style house.

Facing this violating building, Chen Ming and An Lei couldn't help but three black lines appeared on their heads.

At this time, after Wang Wu made a please gesture to Chen Ming and An Lei, Chen Ming and An Lei entered the large house.

After bypassing the front entrance of the mansion, Fang Qian and Wu Jun were sitting at a large rotating table, and in the middle of the large table was a hot pot with a diameter of two meters for cooking meat.

Wu Jun, who was sitting directly opposite the hallway, when he saw Chen Ming and An Lei coming, he stretched out his hand to face Chen Ming and An Lei and waved, "You two have finally arrived. It seems that Boss Fang's face is still quite big. Well!"

Originally seeing Chen Ming was like seeing an enemy's square money, but at this time he showed extreme enthusiasm, and proactively reached out to shake hands with Chen Ming.

Chen Ming didn’t see out here, and after directly holding Fang Qian’s hand, he said as a junior, “Boss Fang, I’ve been admiring for a long time. I’ve been here for so long, and I’ve been busy with business. Time to pay a visit, you, a big businessman on the'benefit' side, are really sins and sins!"